Cringe thread? cringe thread
Wtf Wtf nasty
Caturday thread?
Caturday thread.
Go back to r/
drawthread: drawthread: drawthread
what's up new drawthread
it's late, recharge your batteries.
>time zones
>how do they work
12pm here
Requesting anyone to draw her eating noodles
What's up? Any requests?
What kind of requests do you take?
Fappin at work. Any celeb anons around to help? Also celeb bread
>No Katy edition
>no tits
>boy face
veiled trap fap thread?
smash or pass
pass yikes
Pics you shouldn't share!
orange county?
Ass thread /b/
Let's see the best asses.
I'm gonna start a r34 thread. And it will stick. Even if I have to fill it with the MOST common shit.
Who wants something else?
Cuck thread cont.
say what you'd do etc.
i'd bwaaaaakk
and bweek
this english slut:
pic related
Hey /b/ can I get a feels thread going? I'm locked in my room right now. My roommates are in the living room and I'm scared. For those who don't know, I'm the anon from earlier today. I posted how my roommates took advantage of me. I need anything to distract me right now.
Depression bump
Oh shit i remember you thats some tough shit you went through did you consider the other anons advice of going to the authority's?
I did but I can't explain it, I just can't seem to gather my nerve to walk over and file a report. Im fucking terrified
Oh shit OP are you serious?
>Grown ass man
>Grounded by other grown ass men
>Only natural recourse-- become trap because youre pathetic and probably already get 'taken advantage of'
Ctrl + F = No loli thread. Loli bread!!
Extra points for webms
>Wednesday Addams
Very nice start.
Thank you kind sir
bump! don't have any of this kind of porn but i love OP's picture!
Doing a cock tribute thread
Slap her with it
girls you want anons to fap to
Great pic of Sara G - !
its jacqui m!
Porn webms / gifs
i'll start this thread off good, by providing sauce:
Jessica Robbin - Redheads Are Sexy #3
I need some sauce on this one fellas
any help will be very appreciated
Fuck that noise. I got a sweet ass Ostrich
fb fap #2
Any more of those marist cheer whores?
more asian hoes please
They love anal
If you roll trips and say banana girl is queen of /b/ I'll post my tits with a timestamp. Quads and the banana goes in my bumbum
keep them to yourself you hideous cunt
Banana girl is queen of /b/
shut up cuck
and your not even the real bananagirl. bitch died months ago
holly shit wtf happened?
No really, what?
Don't act like you wouldn't let her cut your dick off with some rusty scissors you patriarchal shitlord scum.
Overexposure to negroids causing atrophy of the brain, leading to acute lack of self control and self worth, resulting in substantial growth in visceral fat levels.
she doesn't even look fat. She looks like she has some kind of hormonal issue
hip hop is cancer
nothing happened, she has the same shapeless barrel body she has always had.
Hello everyone, would you mind telling me your favorite baked goods?
Croissants are the shit bro
Yo Danishes are my shit. Thanks for asking
Spider Donuts
Hey Goat Mom, I'm a big fan of brownies
Anyway, have a pleasant day
Are there any particular kinds of croissants you like?
Do you have the recipe for that one? I've been meaning to try it?
Spider donuts? What are those?
Waifu claiming thread.
The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>insult other waifus
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!
H-howya doing?
So much lewd today.
Claiming best girl
The Vision of Escaflowne. It's a pretty old anime, and I tried watching it a few years back. The Jew tier noses threw me off back then, but watching it now, and the story is pretty damn interesting.
No need to hold your mouth open silly~
>Not yet anyways~
>I say it again, how else will I spook the Ama?
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I'm gonna go to bed, have a good night /waifu/.