I lost my veigar folder so for now it's kennen
tristana best yordle
can't handle the bandle
what kind of streams?
damn, I need to know
veigar > kennen
but LoL is shit so it's whatever
touches butt
some warcraft 3 streams
You! This thread just got even better c:
New trap thread
has any one hear ever actually fucked a trans bitch if so what was it like
oh boy, it's me!
New beta / cringe thread
same guy
Jesus christ man...
new ylyl thread
Epic meemay
What age did you guys lose your virginity?
Never too late lads!
14 - good friends cousin...
Right on the floor in her basement, with 3 or 4 people sleeping in the same room
Never did
>when did I lose virginity
>never seen a vagina
>mfw mf is a f
Waifu claiming thread
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
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Whats she from? I'll try to help you out.
I try so hard not to tilt but i just cant help it
How are you this fast? it drives me bonkers.
you are sachi right?
thats what i got from name calling
>sachi is a bully
see you later then, have a good one
still here
feet you wanna smell thread
Feels thread /b/
My gf cheated on me and I've been filling the void with slutty girls and alcohol. I've never had so much pussy on demand but I'm still just as miserable as when i found out. What do?
Tell us about the cheating anon. I'm here to listen
Drink a gallon of 100 proof vodka and take 5,000 mg of tylenol. You won't feel any pain after that.
A guy she worked with. They went to the bar after work one night and one of my friends saw her kissing him and holding his hand. I always knew she'd do it, she's that kind of girl but i fell for her anyway
There's so many girls out there anon, and chances are, you'll find someone better. I know that's hard to accept right now, but you know it's true.
Why take 5000 mg of Tylenol when you can take 1691 mg of Aleve?
chubby or big titis
This girl
One of those girls who wear thier pants all the way up towards her boobs
10/10 albums
He was a genius at 19 and wrote this... One of the best
In the time my internet was fucking around it has become the 10th here in britland so this is a bit off.
will do requests with dubs
Dubs for spread ass
Haha this guy beat me too it so I'll help him roll
Would you look at that!
Better spread it wide for us then, ScotChan <3
nice lingerie. better view?
Spread your pussy
Newfag GTFO
meanwhile at op's house
WTF is happening here?
You're the one with this saved tho...
UK thread time!
Milton Keynes signing in
Nottingham checking in
Derby here faggots
spiritual home of the roundabout
Oldham unfortunatly
Southampton reporting for duty.
Drawthread: Ghost in the woodshed edition.
How's it going? Toss me some requests!
Maybe another froppy pic?
Requesting Captain Rukia doing something cute/cool with a Combusken
Miss, do I look like the ki da guy who hangs around "friendly" people
It's my birthday, all I have is my cats. No one else. Pls at least pretend you care.
Happy birthday op. How old and where from?
I'm here for the birthday party yo. Also, don't discount cats cats are great and fuzzy
happy birthday, anon
Happy birthday dude. Hope you have a good one
fb fap
This is your regular reminder that the brain damaged corrupt criminal Hillary can't be trusted. Brought to you by history. History, many of us were alive and watched these constant scandals unfold.
http://www.mrctv.org/blog/10-scanda ls-involving-hillary-clinton-you-ma y-have-forgotten
Main course:
Criminal? What crimes has she been convicted of in a court of law?
Not OP but if a seriel killer isn't convicted, he is not a criminal? That's probably one of the most retarder things I've ever heard. A criminal is someone who breaks the law whether they are convicted in court or not
>used a personal email server to send emails that were non-state secrets
>branded a criminal despite no evidence of sending classified info
>worse than hitler
nice try bruh's. the irony of the century is that now all those dickpublicans who called her Satan the last 20 years are climbing over themselves to vote for her and distance themselves from the truly evil / corrupt candidate Trumph.
um, no a criminal is someone who is found guilty of a crime. that is literally the dictionary definition of criminality.
> no evidence
Agree 100%. Now if we just had those 30k missing emails. There are reasons Govt servers aren't allowed to be set up at your house for a reason. Fucking idiot.
moar of this slut
you're awesome
still waiting for OP
Anyone looking for more Taylor in last thread here?
Guy from last thread who was posting this girl here?
New thread Boxxy/Catie
Forever Queen
Does anyone have the original picture of this with only Boxxy? Kek
scientifically illiterate, shows huge lack of critical thinking and planning skills, all around not very intelligent and more of a showman than a thinker and a leader, only redeeming trait is he's willing to call islam out on it's bullshit, beyond that he's pretty much a moron
Compulsive liar, will say anything to get elected, a money laundering, fraudulent criminal and leftist authoritarian snake
Why can't the US get a good president for once??? When did you last
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Truman was the last good president.
As a foreigner who's not that interested in politics I have to say Obama, Clinton season 1, and even George fucking Bush were not that bad. Everyone seems to hate on Bush and Obama especially, but from an outside point of view they seem to have lead your country fairly ok. I have a feeling Trump or Clinton season 2 would both do a lot worse.
would vote for clinton any day
we've had retard in the past and we've survived them. we'll survive whatever hillary has planned in 2017.
It's easy to spot an corrupt, illogical asshole without the skill of critical thinking.
>they support socalism/democracy
>they have friends with big money
>they believe in keynesian economics