Show us your friends who you have nudes of!
I don't get the deal with the bow tattoos, but whores always have them.
19 y/o cumslut
no FB fap thread?
FB fap v1
Streaming Nightcrawler
Watch it with /b/ at
Bump, nice movie
Bump, get in here b
Hilloli thread.
Calling all drawfags, calling all drawfags
The great Loli Marathon of 2016 continues
Level 165
>All images from threads and archive links (1-140) rK0_hR3qVSWtLaVlyVVFVTkU
( Add a .com at the end of to get the link working )
>Last thread
liberals are sheep. they're controlled via confirmation bias, virtue signaling, doublethink, etc.
they think with their hearts, not their minds. agreeing with every other liberal makes them feel good.
Why do conservatives embrace Christianity, which is just as violent and bat shit crazy as Islam? Ignorant hypocrite fuck heads.
That describes Republicans exactly.
Christianity and Islam simply can't be compared. You'll go to shit silly lengths to do just that though.
> ring the crusades
Yeah, that time Christians got sick and tired of 700 years of Islamic invasion, and kicked their sand nigger asses about.
Just stop it already.
Why do edgy faggots pretend to know everything?
Republicans live in a complete fantasy where wealthy people pay taxes and doctors aren't vampires
pet thread!
show off your pets.
this is my guinea pig. his name is Terry.
My doggo : cherry
that lil guys justs stares into your soul man. Even with the hay he just keeps staring deep at you. emotionless
I don't have any pets. I'm bumping because I like your guinea piggy.
Last one reached its limit
xek dat
Grand Slam Chinese Man.
dubs dubs
>meme magic is real
trump will win
is it bad I know the mana cost of that card and what it does off the top of my head?
i wish
The great Loli Marathon of 2016 continues
Level 164
>All images from threads and archive links (1-140) rK0_hR3qVSWtLaVlyVVFVTkU
( Add a .com at the end of to get the link working )
>Last thread
who pass here
Most mind bending saves from b
so you can fuck a ballsack??!?! Fuck, what has happened to the world?
holy fuck
A vote for Trump is a vote for a draft.
A vote for Trump is a vote for the daft.
And you're fucking stupid, probably gay, plus I did your mom.
Trump is the worst word you can call a white person.
Its equal to nigger and kike.
What's wrong with a draft?
Your generation needs some hardship so you stop bitching about small, inconsequential, social issues.
Not stupid.
Not gay.
Mind if I fuck your mom? We'll have ourselves a good old mom swap.
Look at this cracker ass cracker whore thinks she can pander to get the black vote shit im voting for Trump at least he tells it like it is shit.
>Dat punctuation
do you even know where to vote?
that's not miracle whip
She has carried hot sauce in her purse since bill was in office. It used to be joked about a bit.
What's one life lesson that you learned the hard way?
All Love Fades.
If you build a wood pile, put big logs on the bottom, and small ones on the top.
Around blacks never relax
>Even if it's someone's paid job to help and guide you, do NOT place all of your trust in them. Think for yourself and do what you know is right regardless of whatever stream of bullshit they're feeding you.
Never underestimate the power of a retard
new new celeb thread
Try cropping next time.
Daisy bro!
>going through catalog
>no fluffy thread
Nigger you what?
General fluffy thread; hugbox, weirdbox, and abuse all welcome!
My favorite box
post your fap roulette pics and roll
Trap/Trans/Sissy thread :3
Small penis please? :3
Blimey, that was a lot of cum