Celeb Waifu Claim Thread. Mine is the qt 3.14 in the pic
alrighty im gonna sleep now
have a good one all
ITT: we post music we like and other anons grade it on a scale of 1/10. ill start.
1/10 would not listen to again
nice an oldie but goody
Dubs decide
Show me her tits
hey lemme see ur tits bitch ass fagot
Dubs again
Show me those TT's BB
Best Episodes of Star Trek.
We've seen the worst /b/, now what're the best?
TNG - The Measure of a Man
Darmok and Jalad
Voyager - Endgame, parts I & II
The one where Trip gets pregnant. Haha, I love his crazy antics!
I am unfamiliar with this. I haven't seen like 90% of ENT.
The one with Jared Leto.
You Save You Lose
Girls you've fucked. Post em
Pic related.
of course
Pics you want shared thread
Lemme see them titties.
No nudes sorry
bitch in the back trying so hard to be cute
DID YOU ALL hear what happened? also rekt thread
Islam is the religion of peace. Take your photoshop back to you Trump rally!
nanny's apparent beheading of a 4-year-old girl
Religion of peace. Yep.
Super Nanny
new trap thread?
what happens next
It. It happens next.
you have my interest
too bad she's chinese otherwise she'd be hot
like this, plx
Where do I buy those
sorry, don't like this
reverse search on the image brought me to pintrest.. thats a trail for ya
posting one hand one handed
I got mine from yandy.
Shota/loli thread!!!!!
Thoes are fur not a loli or a Shota haha OP's a Faggot!!!! New Fag!!!
Come in, argue, post shotas, have fun.
Chubby thread from
Even after all the killings you guys still support gun sales in America?? Wtf if wrong with you guys
We need our guns
let them get as many guns as they want man
there is no better way to kill those amerifats without warfare and jetfuel
It's about what 15 people on 320 million people? Seriously are you dumb?
The second amendment is bullshit until I can legally own weaponized plutonium, anthrax, and deliriants.
Lets say you 100% ban guns, how would you get all guns from the people? That won't cause major issues.
CONTINUED Post a girl you've posted before and anons say whether they've fapped to her before or saved her.
has anyone fapped to or saved this pic?
Post classics
loli thread
Posting because fuck spiderman.
God-Tier Underground Rap Artists
>Must create quality content
>Quality Content is a must
>Not mainstream/"NOT ON THE RADIO"
I'll start first, $uicideboy$
>Consistent bangers
>Unique style
>Great bars
>Relevant with youth
So... loud mouth niggers that don't get paid?
$uicideboy$ are white, idiot.
>implying underground rappers don't make money
You're autistic
Night lovell
G59 in general is fantastic.
Yea he's dope as fuck, lacks bars in some of his tracks. Definantly in my top 10 tho
I couldn't agree more
Nigger hate thread.
These fucking monkeys are abominations. Fuck every last one of you.
> muh blacklivesmatter
> muh chimpin out
> muh ruining war memorials lulz fight the power
The most racist vile disgusting people I have ever met. Fuck you. Show me you're still around /b/ give me a nigger hate thread
>cuck detected
My trips outdo your dubs, nigger.
say that to my face and not online fucker. and see what happens
What a nigger...
Faces of /b/, post your pic ITT.
sleepy as fuck man
I'm a supreme gentle man
Can't be safe for your mom to drive and take your picture.