go ahead,....tell me why not.
Fat with bad hair and a shirt tie.
i fantasize about him taking over the country in a coup d'etat and becoming our dictator
we need to get the ovens going time to purge the country
media kikes
nigger riot movement
the allah invasion
cartel spics
all of them need to roast, i dont discriminate... and if and when he takes control I'll be first in line to start rounding people up onto train cars
Even his VP thinks Trump shouldn't be running.
How do you swallow your own cum and enjoy it? After I orgasm I tend to not want to anymore.
Also, roll / fap roulette thread.
You can shoot right into your mouth, leg over head method. That's the easiest to swallow.
With practice it gets easier. I used to be disgusted, now I don't mind but it's not amazing. Maybe one day it'll be tasty after I cum.
Other people ruin orgasm so they stay horny but get some cum out, others cum and then save it for later. I've tried saving it for later a few times and that was always gross to me, they cum changes quick. I've ruined orgasm but that is hard for me...
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thanks, yeah i've been shooting into my mouth and now kind of used to it, but, it's not like i'm begging for it like I am before I cum.
Waifu claiming thread.
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
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That pic.
hehe i like you
I am just me but still fun
>justice rains from above
>probably last claim
Post your homeland's music
So is that going to be your intro or something?
Kik thread, you know what to do
Now is when someone posts wins from those girls on that list that one guy posts. Specifically Jessieinparadise and ayygurlll. Someone has them.
bump for ayygurlll wins
YRYL thread
Let's go guys
Is this reality?
I sure hope not
Thanks for posting OP. It was pretty much the only reason I turned on my TV to watch the olympics. Can't contribute because I have none but I will keep this thread alive by bumping.
the pic below yours is you're new steam profile pic
Pics you said you wouldn't share
holy shit moar
So who's starting a new ITT: We Get Banned?
>pic not related
I love these threads.
What happened to the last thread?
New Friday Night Celeb Thread
she is painfully boring
this young woman is very pretty
I'm horny, keep with the Jlaw?
What would you do thread. Post pics of your girlfriend and others post what they would do.
'Fuck yourself
paranoid raccoon
but why
i love trash pandas
Florida Thread
321 reporting in
727 what's up
i lived in the 561 for awhile
hated fl
Friday Night Celeb Thread - anything goes
Anything, OP?
Someone was posting madi last thread :)
She looks like a treat.
If your post ends in 5, your wish will be granted
You know what i want...
All the niggers die
please kill me... end my suffering..
Looks like your wish won't be granted.
Shiiiiiit son!!!
Waifu claiming thread.
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
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Lemon poppy? kek
I mean, lemon garlic chicken is usually how my family makes it, but yeah its some gud shit.
>I miss my family but I can never return to my hometown.
>Hell even they moved outta there after what happened.
Penny Claim.
Saber claim
Oh you're Syndra anon
>Dense as fuck :^)
>Syndra is a fun champ though tbh
Pretty much, yeah. Some really cool guys have come and gone too, unfortunately.
I have enough problems following who is who that I'm not likely to pick up on anything more complex
/r/ing again for some cute fox pictures
Want to thank the based anon who's been posting a bunch
Favorite pics you've saved from other anons
No OC edition
Anti-YLYL thread.
Post the least funny shit you've got.
you forgot to add the muslims that are raping the euro girls
I'd take em all wtf op is 12