requesting feet
gotchu fam
thanks anon, it's people like you that make the world livable
You know the drill, mortals. Ask me your questions of the future and they will be answered. My time here tonight is limited, however, so repeated questions, questions not of the future, and any such foolery will not be answered.
Will papa trump win the election?
yes, but he will not serve two consecutive terms
Will he finish his first?
yes, Hillary, however, is impeached two months into her presidency, which happens after trump's term
Will we go to war with russia? If so will we win?
cute girls with slightly chubby tummies
Her uncle's face
Very nice
Draw Thread
>Take or give request
>Interact or roleplay with others
>Threadly reminder that you can always git more gud
>Don't be afraid to try a request yourself
>New Drawfriends are ALWAYS desired
TOOLS: (MediaBang Paint, Freeware) (Krita, Freeware) (Firealpaca, Freeware)
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>When are you free?
most of the time, i'm usually only busy on monday-wednesday or when i'm cramming for exams, which also happens on monday-wednesday.
Requesting lewds of this girl
You should get them all in one place and take a picture of them all
Show us them stacks!
requesting jonbenet ramsey flipping the bird , taking requests atm but only 2 probably i suck
When did someone intelligent start making these threads again.
I have terminal cancer and I'm post to hear people complain and argue with each other, this is the cure to my cancer.
/b/ I fucking hate everything.
Have you ever tried your hardest for three consecutive years only to be laugh at, used, and replaced?
>Age 16, diagnosed with cancer
>things really suck
>throw up daily
>hair falls out in patches
>used to be 9/10
>now 0/10
>don't go to school
>people quit talking to me
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i want my retainer back
Look up Furious Pete on Youtube.
Watch/read his story. (Anorexia, Cancer)
Get inspired.
Get in the gym.
Make your life worth something again.
She looks sweet. She's wearing a Free! Anime backpack.
>Start talking to her
>find out we have a lot in common
>ask to take her home one day
>I drive a sweet ass 240sx
>do mad skidz with her in the car
>she loves it
>maybe things aren't so bad
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>I come home one day and get a message
>from her
> "You know you mean the world to me, Brandon"
>I'm not brandon
>"oops wrong person haha"
>pretend not to notice
>find out Brandon is her Ex
>they still "hang out" every once in...
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roll boys
I got the dumpy one, like, the last 5 times I rolled...
Give me get
Psst... Quads opens the suitcase...
Throw it in a lake instead.
My quads shall keep it closed.
nothing but young butts
Okay /b, how fucked am I?
>be me married to a solid 8 for 9 years with a 5 year old son.
> the wife pussy got dryer than tumbleweed stuffed with cotton.
> be me account manager with a big territory and getting constant looks.
> one account I have is about 60 miles away and i visit one time every other month.
> girl working at account, we'll call her sharon
>maybe a 7 but always
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Furry territory!
Kill her dude. ASAP
I mean... if she wanted to tell your wife she wouldve by now wouldnt she? has she made any threats or anything like that?
get some lube for your wife and hunker down.
dude it sounds like she just wants to secure the d.
way i see it your only way of keeping the situation under control is prolly gunna be to keep the affair going.
Dick rate Thead 1/10
That disgusting spot near you right thigh
The school district in my city is holding a poll to rename an elementary school. You guys know what to do.
We need a link
General Robert E. Lee Elementary School for kids that can't read good
Fuck sorry guys I thought I included a link.
Old as fuck kys OP
Count to 5 for nudes
kill your self you Fucking 14 year old kid, go back to 9gog u fucking jew whore
no fuck you post them you cunt
1 2 3 4 5
post webm`s that make your dick diamonds.
doesnt even really have to be porn
that's some slick animation, is this from the new bfg movie?
thats a human being in a real life geographical location
Love the gay version of this
ayyy it's raining here
about time
I just don't see how this is attractive. Well, I can see how is attractive; but it never turned me on. Maybe I haven't seen the really good straight furry shit.
I've tried...
Wallpapaer thread: God Tier Mode
Bumping with danks
Brandon's steam giveaway has begun.
Rules: steam id and name of the game you want
Game can only be $70-less
Just one more thing.
> You must get quads
got proof you are legit?
Ranibow Six Siege
Can there be dubs?
I do these things every two weeks
High school girls in bikinis
16 yo
Gf want more?
pics you shouldn't share thread. also, moar?
Does anyone have anymore of her? I think the OP at the time said her name was Kayla Anderson or something? Anyone know her?
I only have a few of her and want to know if anyone has any of her fucking or anything? Any nudes out there?
anyone have jenn chal from bayshore ny? ive seen her on here before and NEED more
Waifu claiming thread.
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
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>mfw this thread
mandatory uta claim
Someone pick a weapon type for me to use in Skyrim
10/10 faces thread
here btw
Two sentence horror stories.
The door slowly creaked open. I began to scream.
That's fucking garbage.
There was a faggot. His name was OP.
My waitress come to the table.
She was old.
November 8th. Hillary Clinton wins.
Faggots. Faggots everywhere.