Waifu thread
The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu/husbando
>Make sure OP has the rules, evidently the most important rule
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!
>old man fister claimed
>of course, it's an infinite hug <3
>tight hugs
Oh really? Sorry, I didn't know. I won't do it again
Yup! I'm try to be here as much as I can. I love it here
Wha? I'm on almost every day?...
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everything is a lie
Kud claim
I miss everyone when they're gone. I literally dreamed about a thread with no image limit last night where everyone I know so far was on.
Off by one
Flippy axe claimed
You're a nice anon Prinz I'll let it slide B)
Cock tribute thread
Taking request
Post your OC and people you know.
The best quality might get a cum tribute. We'll see
Cock her
Same girl! Please!
if you could make any rule for cute girls at school in order to satisfy your fetish, what would it be, and what's the punishment for not following it?
bonus points for having different punishments for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd offenses, pics preferred
how the fuck a rule in school will be able to satisfy any of my fetish ? i'm not a teacher, i haven't set foot in a school for years
underage b&
All students, female or otherwise, are to fight in the Korean People's Army and support True Korea.
1st violation: You are executed with a machine gun. Your immediate family is put in a Political Prison.
2nd violation: Execution with a flamethrower. And also a machine gun. Kim's favorite method. Your immediate family and THEIR immediate family are imprisoned.
3rd violation: Execution with a mortar while you're set on fire, and gunned down by all machine gun-wielding soldiers in the country. Your entire family is put in prison, along with all subsequent generations.
Someone wanted something about feet in the last thread? I can do that, if that person is here and can remind me.
Or just in general, I actually like writing this shit because i'm so fucking autistic.
Robots and automation are replacing humans at shit tier jobs like cashiers and fast food, how fucked are you?
first job category to be phased out will be driving, not cashiers and fast food, and that is hardly shit-tier. Not that those shitty jobs won't be close behind.
>that feel when have to select "I am not a robot"
I'm going to be making robots to replace humans.
> dull
> dirty
> dangerous
pick one or more and a robot is ideal to replace a human.
is that an outfit, paint, photoshop, or some combination of the three?
did you say,...fucked?
sex robots....
Why can't someone once refer to me as their best friend. Feels thread.
Guys, my best friend here is acting like a faggot, don't mind them,.. Who happen to be my best friend.
at least you tried. thanks anon
Bro it's not because they don't call you "their best friend" that you must feel like shit, people you know probably appreciate many of your qualities. Don't hate yourself for a thing like that.
>not 5
>wanting to have a best friend
you know how i feel then.
Should I eat cheetos, go buy a frosty or kill myself?
dubs decides
I'll livestream either way
kill it'self
>Train until you can suck your own dick.
>Send the picture to mike.
>"Sorry you have to put up with her Mike."
Honestly, no one has ever said
"I regret getting that Frosty"
So that's a safe bet.
Just forced my sister to fuck me, and I got it on vid, /b/:
pic related
Is this real?....
i'd do just about anything for porn lol i'm a total weirdo who loves to cum. def. fapping to this fucking vid
id like a number 69 with a side order of ops porn
oh my
Daily Mostly Enjoyable Berserk Thread.
Come one, come all, and come read a few chapters with us.
It's not porn, but it's still pretty good.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBR YS92RBWI
Links to read Berserk online:
Links to Berserk torrent:
It's a manga that's been running for 20+ years now, and it's pretty incredible. One of the things that's most interesting about it, is that the author has basically reinvented himself in his style several times throughout the series, while still keeping it true to its roots. During the first 10 volumes (referred to collectively as the "Golden Age" arc), it's basically gritty 80s style manga of purely dark medieval warfare, becoming borderlined historical fiction. but in volumes 11-12+ literally hell opens up and pours itself onto earth evil...
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Which MILF would you want to spend a night with? Dubs you get 2 of them!
Trips and I post nudes of the MILF of your choice!
Yellow shirt. Red Trump hair is second. I want the one on the right to watch though.
You don't have nudes...go away faggot!
>Red Trump hair is second
Fucking Hilarious, I knew it instantly!!!
4 and 5 mmm. give nudes of 4
So b. I have been raped by another man and i can't talk to anyone that i know. Lets talk about it.
So does this make me a fag? Sadly, im being serious
if you were raped u arent a fag. sorry to hear this happened 2 u. :(
Thank you for that. No matter what i think im going to feel like this for a while. Maybe forever. I hope not.
Was it cosby?
How'd it happen?
Bow before the might of the reptilian army /b/. HISS!!!!!1!!!!1
it's funny seeing images of me pop up.
started on the chan, i'll end on the chan.
Ok who told this 13 year old to go to 4chan?
Post pic with timestamp fag
You make my anus bleed
I love you leafy you cute bitch
Go to pictureswap, post what you get!
No one is uploading...
why are people still racist?
Because naggers still alive
Because niggers are destroying all of our cities and governments.
Because coloreds wont move back to their home planet of africa.
Then white americans should move back to europe
Because niggers....
>Dan "On her feet I must skeet" Schneider
Zoey 101
>Dan "She's a fighter" Schneider
>Dan "Deep inside her" Schneider
>Dan "the Candy Man" Schneider
That's all I got. Bumparoo.
what kind of scripts would dan have written if he was allowed to air anything?
> Dan "beat my meat with your feet" Schneider
today is my birthday...I'm 26 and haven't done jack shit with my life. who's with me in this boat?
Loserfag reporting in. 23 and have spent almost my entire adult life I'm prison, never held a job longer than 3 months, and drink 2 pints of vodka a day.
awe man bummer for sure!
You still got time. Pic related?
totally related. it's me realizing how lame I am
Yeah but shit might get a bit better tomorrow as I have my first job interview in 7 months. If I'm not hired I might as well resort to burglary and robbery. Can't continue mooching and bumming around. Gotta have my own money.
Any Ideas for a good homemade dildo?
A dozen condoms wrapped around three unsharpened pencils.
A knife with lemon juice as lube
Chefs knife, fam.
Why is she so perfect?
she just is
alright /b/. I've got a story.
>me a few years ago
>some fat chick in our class
>she's a feminist genderfluid whatever
>lets call her shopping cart
>one day in class we're doing one of those jeopardy review games
>teacher decides to split the class boys and girls
>"shopping cart
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The thrilling two parter continues
>few days later, everyone has heard of the rape accusations
>apparently she's claimed she's been raped by several "grown men"
>no one believes her.
>some guy is "triggering" her by tapping her on the shoulders a few times, cuts her off in the hallway
>"THAT IS IT" the blubber beast yells, everyone in hallway stops and stares
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Honestly, I'd be fine if we lived in a society that let us just drag people like this out back and shoot them.
The evolution of humankind wouldn't suffer one bit if people this fucking stupid weren't allowed to continue to pollute the gene pool.
tell the guy in back that I love him and he is my hero
i hope she killed herself. this is one of those things thats wrong with the world.
She rejoined her fellow whales in the ocean
My name is Ted Trapp from Cincinnati, Ohio and I recently commented in an article by "Fusion" magazine regarding a hunger strike at San Francisco State University citing that their cause to build support for the ethnic studies program was a joke. I was met with nothing but blatant liberal bias and slander when I am just a humble guy trying to go to work and drink tequila on weekends.
I was told that I could find support here as well as like minded individuals.
jesus christ, tell me that's not her cervix almost protruding from her vagina
which Seth Macfarlane mom would you
Is the left one there just for diversities sake?
Middle tho
Lois obv.
>that time Franny pissed herself
My boner got so boner it kinda hurt