just sold my inventory from cs:go
using the money to buy someone any game on steam.
>put steam id ITT
>trips only.
What's your budget anon?
Thanks for the chance.
slim_shakes and what is a trip
too bad I never get trips http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198032911750
Sexuality Thread?
>Kinsey Score
This is probably the gayest thread I've ever seen. Ty OP, ty.
>Probably a 3
>I don't care for full out gay stuff, but if porn goes down a more bisexual route I'm still game. If the opportunity arose I feel like I would enjoy having a bi threesome.
>Please apply pressure to the neck area until last breath is lost.
What's there to explain Girls are great Guys are great.
>Internet made me gay
>not durst
/r/ kitty on the left doing what the kitty on the right is doing (omit pineapple).
and I request some butts pls
taking 1 non furry anime draw request
What is your experience with Hispanic chicks?
rip your dick off if you fuck them over
She kept asking me for money. Admittedly, I kept giving it to her. After the first time I told her no, she stopped talking to me.
Just don't do it
Same fucking pic, same fucking thread.
married one... she cheated
on a side note, they don't actually taste spicy, which I sortof expected
ITT: we live up to the 'random' name.
Post the most random, bizzare or strange picture you have in your folders.
4Chan's grandmother has come to visit!
Be on your best behavior Anon!
Post girls snapchats I'll snapchat them dick pics and post responses
heidzzzzzz bit tits and hot
post a pic with the names /b/ros
Picture below yours is your new steam profile pic.
yall know the drill faggots.
Also will take 69 and 42
Well, Trips, Dubs or a specific Number, explain Faggot...
Also "And it better stay that way, Bitch"
"sorry new phone, who dis?"
rolling for this
Cringe bread
Feels thread
Drink your sorrows away with some fellow anons
Fuck yeah woman i like flirts with my best friend besides me anymore when i introduced her to my group.
Fuck women
cheers anon, the store here opens in 1h45m then ill get some hanky banister because im a brokefag and drink the weekend away
why are you drinking
I'm sorry bro, what a bitch. If it makes you feel any better my fiance just left me for her ex after lying to me saying there was nothing going on for the last 3 weeks (they were still friends)
right now my girlfriend is having an existential crisis and lashing out at everyone/thing
Because I'm broke, I keep a lie to my family because I'm afraid of disappointing them but they are so proud of me I cant bare to let them down, no one knows I tried to kill myself last year only me, my pride keeps me from seeking help from my family.
RichFags please Rocket League is 11.99 and i'm too poor http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/ 76561198296476792/
http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198298093360/wishlist help out as well
Begging for The Black Mesa (AKA HalfLife Remake). I thank you in advance if you choose me to gift me.
any anime game or dark souls 2
Get a job
Someone can give me terraria? Its only $5 plz
847 here
lets do it
post what was in that other small thread i missed it
anyone have allison b from jacksonville?
815 rock falls here
Short hair thread. Continued from
Might I also add please no fighting? I want this folder fucking filled.
We would all like things, anon...
Actually, fair's fair, she is kind of cute, except that her hair looks like dried axe shampoo.
And again, if I was going to fuck someone who looked like that, I would rather just fuck a twink and be done with it.
im actually in this photo in the back
Its def a dude, you can see the shadow from the facial hair coming in lmao
Waifu claiming thread.
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Hamakaze claimed
Aya claimed.
Not too long. Just came one day after one of my threads and it seemed nice here.
>and can someone tell me how to fucking play Stellaris? The in-game tutorials didn't help me at all.
Smuggles is being mean again.
QOTT: Why do you guys hate me so much?
>Cheshire Cat claimed
get rolling
Pls no pancake tits
rolling, everyone gets the boat whore
I'll roll 2 that
Ill rip off my toenail if someone gets trips
Why do i odly want this
Give timestamp
Also roll
anyone have thread:
post who you want more of
one recent
ITT: Post your secrets
I have a mini massager that I'm currently using on my clit as a vibrator
I am a middle school teacher on summer break right now. Throughout this summer I am and will be going out with one of my female students. Before this past school year ended, she gave me a blowjob. You're the only one that knows, /b/.
Also, /b/ saved my life.
I used to break into this girls locker in highschool to sniff her gym clothes after class.
I'm a virgin. I'm travelling next month and I'm hoping to lose my v-card.
I secretly hate nigras