Furr hurr durr
Well someone did get quads in the last thread and I am a man of my word... time to dump!
Pictures you really shouldn't share but you still share because you're a sick fuck
volume 88
Why not
I really shouldn't though
Some ass for you OP
Rate my glutes boys :*
Your glutes arent on show, fuck off.
^ this. Show glutes, or gtfo
Are you 12?
You obviously don't know where the glutes are.
on point. !
good sir you are the kind of woman i eat viagra to dominate sexsualy.
Why suck in OP? It's obvious when you look at the flabs hanging over the sides of your bra
Dick rate bread.
The jew dominated courts have requested the death penalty for one of humanity's greatest heroes.
Let them know that if Dylann dies, he will be avenged manyfold in the blood of negroids.
No. Also, you're a tool.
Dude looks like a huge faggot. kys OP
No cringe bread? How about some cringe bread. Ill start.
Would appreciate some OC
I want to emotionally damage that girl for real. She is such a basic bitch soapboxing.
R34 Thread
loli /bread cause im feeling like it
No cringe thread, but many fags threads... my god that's the ultimate cringe. Since when /b/ went that fag ?
Go cringe thread go (I have some OC) !
Who is this semen demon?
Pocket Sized Vampire Pandah obiously ?
>Fuck McDonald's/fastfood
This plate of food was 7.62 cents and is a hundred times better the anything thing in the McDonald's menu. Its from a burger place in Tacoma, WA. Nuff said
Nobody fucking eats McDonald's anymore faggot
crinkle cut fries?
could you be more of a faggot?
McDonalds is shit, but so is that. enjoy your Mountain Dew chump.
>Tacoma, WA
ooh, what restaraunt? I wanna try that.
Feels thread
Utilize the balls that were given to you and man the fuck up, pussy.
kill yourself
Feel threads should be made only for loved ones. You don't really love her.
Not everyone is some tough unloving and unloved pos like you.
Consider this: Fuck you.
Don't you do it too?
Kill yourself
So basically I'm hiring an Internet assassin
This girl (account in picture) is calling out this girl (the girl in the picture) for having sex with her boyfriend. It has like 11k likes. I feel bad for the girl in the photo.
I have found the girl who posted it's mother, (Lindsey Pedlar on Facebook, her profile picture is of 'reward my fitness' but only have my own private Facebook account and don't want to use that to message the girls mother letting her know her daughter is a bitch
If anyone can do it for me and prove it I will
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This mothers Facebook. I feel we can do something for the greater good today.
OP can't inb4
Fucking white knight trash
Don't be like this B. We can solve injustices in the world here.
How original of you. OP already said all that shit gtfo fag
I agree op let's fuck this entitled bitch up
is the most obviously manufactured hipster bullshit I've ever had the misfortune to hear.
No u
So I take it that you like vaporwave?
'Oh look I slowed down the soundtrack for twin peaks'
'I'm an artist'
God-Tier Porn web-m thread!
>>686008242 hot dude
holy shayte
fb fap 3
Biggest slut i've ever met
post that instagram username.
I could fap to this.
/b/attle Wizards
Start rolling faggots
Wizard powers fuckin go!
Ayyy funny meme newfags
Cmon Hobo wizard
femboy butt
fucking hot....hard at my desk...should I touch myself?
Erm, this thread is a bit gay u guise
Get in here faggots
all the kekkles his stream is shit
here come dat boiii
I hope you know that you're underrated as a drawfag, can I have your robot standing on a huge mountain holding a kick ass huge war axe
what did you say?
good first post
/r/ Moss sleeping on the ground/cave floor.
http://imgur.com/a/k6HGL - More refs can be found here.
Instagram fap thread
ig name?