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|Der Ewige Fluffy|
Texas Thread /b/itches
Anybody from Texas on /b/ right now??
512 reporting in
956 reporting in
817 southside holding it down
Any 210
My girlfriend just told me she's late on her period, i'm 18 years old and can't support a kid in any way. She said she will not get an abortion if shes preggo, wtf do i do???
Kill her.
Tell her you faked the orgasm
Tequilla and stairs
Coat Hanger
Thought about it, theres no way.
immunities have no effect.
fuck off nigger
Lets get a cuck thread anyone you want anons will say how they would fuck them
be detailed and post a reply with every pic niggers!
i want to stroke my cock while they both watch and stroke my nuts. id grab the blonds head and cum in her mouth and watch them two make-out with my warm cum in their mouths and watch it get smeared on their OPs anon
This isn't even beta, this is gamma and beyond.
Please realise what you're doing. You're opening a thread with the topic "post anyone you want". "Anyone you want". Literally. As if there's anything special to knowing (pretty) girls. And more so, you request other anons to comment on what they'd do to the girls, which is cuck-ish, but you're not a proper cuck, since you're not in a relationship with the girls. This is so shameful, I can't even begin...
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but its hot
the last 2 digits of your post decides the age of the next woman you fuck
win get 00
rolling. Come on baby!
drugged girls cont
some slut on molly
If she´s on molly, isn´t she chewing your dick to death?
You get to fuck one celebrity, who is it?
Nicole Kidman
Monica Bellucci 10 years ago.
Tania raymonde.
I wouldn't hesitate in the slightest, to dirty up my Aryan bloodline with this jewish goddess.
porn webm thread
only post the ones you came to
go to hell
fucking end yourself
piss off
Waifu claiming thread.
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
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Kyouko claimed.
PLS DON'T BAN OP M000000000000000DZ
Hey guys I'm back
Turns out my phone still sucks
Drawthread: Inquisition
>dss choker
>Quick! Jump in the water!
Why would I j... OW damned mosquitoes!
Mosquitoes the size of HORSES!
... oh...
OH bugger and damnation...
Finally, now we can put some clothes on her
How is everyone doing today? Taking requests!
Bonus points for anything ass
fuck you all
Finally! Anyone wanna post some francine and Lois and people?
Does anyone have any stuff like this/ Where the girl is drugged, drunk or sleeping or something? Find it really hot but struggling to find any.
"Wake Up Becoming A Girl/Guy" thread, go! Femanons, your roll image is coming up in the next post...
What would you do in your final moments of masculinity/femininity? I'd probably fire up my camera and record the entire thing....while jacking off one last time, of course!
Femanons, here is your roll image. Who/What would you fuck first? Your best friend/girlfriend, or the first random male/female you meet? Have fun, and please let us know how you would enjoy your new dick!
rolling for jesus.
Quads and I'll stick this drain snake into my urethra.
Looks fun
Its Simple.
You get Dubs You get another page of this uncensored delicious hentai!
>inb4 it has been already uploaded somewhere else and I will post full link to source
thats not the point of the game stupid! the point is to get dubs and fap at the same time!
The only way to get this manga is to get by rolling Dubs.
There is not other way! (unless you like to pay me in $$$ and Ass)
Thread Theme: [roll trips to unlock]
First roll?
Are you 13 years old, still using >inb4
Because you think it will justify how big of a faggot you are?
For every post calling OP a faggot, i will post the pages.
Roll. Quints guy. Trips guy. Last Extra Page Dubs guy. I'm almost a saint by now
After caturday some doggosunday fags!!
Doggo anger
Sea doggo
Your dog needs either more exercise or a diet or both, OP. It's not fair to let a dog get fat, especially a northern breed like that.
Waifu claiming thread.
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
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Shiro claimed.
Don't be like this, it's not like I'm rolling for something immoral like lewds of your waifu.
>>698394518 #
Oh no dude its cool lol. Its also been a long ass time since you've been in chat
>>698395133 #
Kek agreed
>>698395251 #
>>698395300 #
>>698395575 #
I want to be 5'10 tbh
>comes to 4chan
>no ylyl