Shark week shark ass
I wanna be inside a shark grills belly
holy fuck yes this is an event I could get behind
Benjin Stark was animated by the night king with one purpose only.
Bring Bran to the wall.
Bran has been touched by the night king and where ever he goes he nullifies the ancient protection magic (as was illustrated with blood raven).
Now the seals will be lifted and the night king can enter Westeros.
Thx Bran!
when was bran touched by the night king? cant even rememebr
In a vision before he got the old tree guy and children of the forest killed. He is grabved on the arm and marked.
"Hold the Door" episode.
Remember all em undeads crashing in? like 3 episodes ago?
In the vision... that's why there were chased out...
Did you even watch?
when he was walking throug the undead army after hold the door
Sluts you know
ur mum
Trap thread, last one died.
both look really cute, more?
cds allowed?
Hey /b/, can you eat a whole pizza? (medium sized, 14")
Just wondering if I'm a fat ass or not, because I can eat a whole pizza with no problems, while some people might pass out after the third slice.
How much pizza can you eat?
yea, easy .. im 6'3 195
i've been doing it for years
no i can barely eat 3 full sized slices anymore. 5'10" 150 pounds.
I used to be able to do that when i was like 15, but now that i'm 25.. it aint happening
Watching your weight or something?
I CAN but I wouldn't really want to, I'd probably be satisfied after 3 slices, then eat another 1 or 2 and save the rest for later, however if I were CHALLENGED to eat the whole thing i could.
I'm talking about the big actual pizzeria pizzas btw not the shitty small pizza chain pizzas
14inch pizza?I don't fuck with anything under 18 faggot,but at 18inches I go ALLLLLL the way
Fuck man any of them
More of these
Kendall Jenner
Chloe grace moretz
Michelle Keegan
Sophie Turner
Laura Prepon
Eva Green
At least post the template guy.
okay, let's see some poorfagging ongoing.
Steam thead, summer sales hobos rejoign, and start rolling for TES5: Skyrim
Triple Get
Can u give me pls my steam PevRuzer
ez 4 me
Poor fag here, would be sweet to get Steam: kamiloxter
wtf does this mean
Waifu claiming thread
Previous: >>692104519
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>This is not /b/, this is /mai/
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>3D is almost always
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>claiming yume
No, its an Etsy pic. I do want one though.
Yes, they are adequately staffed. Just another cafe in the group is down a person to give him time off. So my other kitchen guy went over there and Im staying where I am.
>this is mine though
What up
Rory-sama claimed
Best type moon claimed.
i seek money and attention
Get paid pupper
get paid pupper
Get them duckets puppet.
Pics you shouldn't share
cont from >>692090548
how the fuck did she get up there?
this fucktard playing nemo with a spartian helmet and the girl riding his back.... wtf
Keep em coming
that fucking surround sound system
You love, you lose.
New thread. Let's go!
God Tier Cringe Thread
Dont mind me just enjoying the thread
Kein morgendlicher Deutschlandfaden? Morgendlicher Deutschlandfaden!
>Habt ihr schon mal Lotto gespielt? Wenn ja, wieviel gewonnen?
>Wie oft geht ihr zum Friseur und wieviel zahlt ihr für einen soliden Schnitt?
>Macht ihr regelmäßig Sport? Wenn ja welchen?
>Wer wird eurer Meinung nach der/die nächste/r Präsident/in der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika?
>>Habt ihr schon mal Lotto gespielt? Wenn ja, wieviel gewonnen?
>>Wie oft geht ihr zum Friseur und wieviel zahlt ihr für einen soliden Schnitt?
alle 2 monate 10 euro
>>Macht ihr regelmäßig Sport? Wenn ja welchen?
ich radel viel
>>Wer wird eurer Meinung nach der/die nächste/r Präsident/in der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika?
vermutlich jemand völlig ungeeignetes
Ja, als Kind. Gar nichts
Der gepflegte Mann geht alle 4 Wochen. Das letzte mal 4€ in Tschechien
Nein das habe ich nicht nötig
Ich mag beide nicht. Wahrscheinlich wirds Hilary
>Habt ihr schon mal Lotto gespielt? Wenn ja, wieviel gewonnen?
Ja. ~ 150€
>Wie oft geht ihr zum Friseur und wieviel zahlt ihr für einen soliden Schnitt?
Immer wenn es mal wieder nötig ist. Meistens 20€
>Macht ihr regelmäßig Sport? Wenn ja welchen?
>Wer wird eurer Meinung nach der/die nächste/r Präsident/in der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika?
Donald Trump
>>Habt ihr schon mal Lotto gespielt? Wenn ja, wieviel gewonnen?
Hab schon gespielt. Immer nur Kleckerbeträge gewonnen.
>>Wie oft geht ihr zum Friseur und wieviel zahlt ihr für einen soliden Schnitt?
>>Macht ihr regelmäßig Sport? Wenn ja welchen?
>>Wer wird eurer Meinung nach der/die nächste/r Präsident/in der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika?
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Der Jude hat Trump genauso in seinen gierigen Händen wir Hillary
>wake up at noon
>30 year old NEET
>had accident in sleep which I rolled around in
>grab cum-towel off nightstand and do my best wipe mess from my folds of fat
>tummy gurgles loudly, so hungry
>plop out of bed, navigate through shit jugs and piss bottles in my room
>waddle downstairs to check GBP board
>wait a minute to catch
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>/r9k/ pls go
You made me feel less bad about my own life for a few moments.
I think you mean >>>/r9k/
Is that an actual game?!?!
Steam Summersale thread!
We post our wishlist, the kind rich men of /b/ may buy it
http://steamcommunity.com/id/Jaca66 6/wishlist
Is there any richfag who will help ex-richfag this summer? I'm going to work from July but right now i'm broke af. Will be glad for any game
Would love to get a gift of Fallout New Vegas
It's a single player game, torrent it
Please rish feg get me no mans sky will succ.
Spookmeister ?
Anything is appreciated, thanks
Chubby thread
Unpopular opinions thread.
Last one 404'd.
Getting brought to America as slaves is hands down the greatest thing to ever happen to black people. I'm dead serious. In fact, I'm basing this with a conversation I had recently with an African man who pointed out to me that American blacks have lives most people in sub-Saharan Africa could only dream of having but take it completely for granted. Had their ancestors simply stayed in western Africa, they'd be living lives like that of the average villager in western African countries--little to no medicine, limited electricity, limited education and in many cases,...
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All the Half Life game and counter strike games are garbage. Overall bad and morons support it; even at the time of release
What is a good game in your opinion?
Although turned to garbage in recent years BF2/2142 had its goodness. (First older game to pop into my head)
people that get sad that we kill animals are faggots
does an alligator cry and start a coalition when he sees another alligator snag a gazelle by its throat and drag it underwater? No.
no rekt thread? rekt thread!
I don't even know where the fuck to begin... Why do people like you find dead bodies something to joke about? You think because you get to sit in your warm homes on a computer that you can just joke about horrible things like this? What the actual fuck is wrong with you guys? This is very fucked up, yet crazy assfucks like you are posting dead things like it's nothing. Sick fucks, doing this shit does fucking nothing. So you want to come on an imageboard to be an asshole about things like this? Let me...
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Bodies made for sex