s i t o n m y f a c e
Get rolling faggots
need a buttered 62 in my life rn
hoping for bagel
Drawthread 卐+trump=new klan and nazi party
Requesting Poof cumming a sticky load on oppai-loli Goldie Goldenglow's large tits. Bonus points if Goldie say something like, "Are my boobies too much for you:3?
Requesting this thing in pic being trinkets pet
hi hi, one request please?
You strange dog headed cunt. Fucking autism for days.
>go full retard
>cry when shit happens because you're a full retard
What are you retarded?
If your story checks out op: haha! Opfer.
Did I really do anything that retarded?
Yeah you did, retard.
lol as if you got charged for that. What a backwords country you live in. For real though you are kind of a creep, thats definitely secret diary stuff not web blog stuff.
Your mother will die in her sleep tonight if you don't reply to this post.
sick bastard
kill yourself
How does this even happen?
Hey guy fuck you
Waifu claiming thread.
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
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i want to cuddle with miku under a blanket
I don't know
FB fap still going 2
whoever like her, you still around?
my little sister
> american elections have ended
> everyone sayin who they support
answer like you think and let's see where you really stand
https://www.politicalcompass.org/te st
>post results
>here is mine
shameless self bump
heres mine although it may not be fully accurate since i had a hard time understanding some questions. english is not my native language.
so im in the red. what does this mean?
you're a commie
>Full time college student, majoring in Physics
>Work part time for $1 above minimum wage to help pay for school.
>Don't smoke weed.
I would have voted for Bernie but I voted 3rd party party because I didn't like either candidate and don't like the 2 party system.
>supporting any form of government
Pics you shouldn't share cont...
willing to dump pics and give name
Trips and I'll do anything except killing myself.
100% deliver guaranteed.
Fuck a dog in the ass
Op here.. Ye but ur mom keeps rejecting me.
Suck your dad
wheres your swastika tattoo
What does /b/ think of my new bra
It's on your tits.
I can't make a solid judgement until I see your tits.
looks cheap
looks like it has it's work cut out for it
you almost did it right femanon. Now lets see them
Timestamp doesn't line up with the minutes of the actual time. Suspecting shitpost
Let's get a trap thread going. You fuckers know what to do.
yesss! do any of you know where I can find more of her? she was iin here yesterday.
Alright i just ripped some guy off on Craigslist and now hes outside my house trying to kill me what do?
let him end your suffering
Wtf you sell him /b/tard?
Kill him first or seduce him. Easy peasy
If from country that didnt put a man on the moon call the police and wait 45 mins for them to show up
if you're going to be a jew atleast trade fair
Do I take her back b?
Take her back OP.
But seriously, don't take her back. She should have realized what she had before it all went to shit.
post girls, anons guess how many dicks they've taken and their favorite position
start with her
ten at least, doggy
how many at the same time?
if i had to guess,4?
Person who gets closest with the number of people gets a nude
Marry fuck kill
fuck left, marry middle, kill right
Marry left, fuck middle, kill myself.
No, no and all 3
haven't i seen the middle one with a dick in her... mouth? eye? something? she seems familiar
Dubs decides.
>do you think this is a game!
made me laugh, you have my attention.
Say: 'My erectile dysfunction prevents me from getting hard, but I can put something else hard into you, like my foot'
Just get the pics and post here.
Turn down your volume faggot
If dubs roll for >>711705462 but keep us updated
i would fuck your mom
hitler did nothing wrong
g/fur thread?
the fuck?
Deutschfaden Nachtedition
1. Windows, Linux oder MacOS?
2. Zuviele Musel im Land?
3. Mögt ihr auch den Winter nicht?
4. Was hört ihr gerade?
und natürlich DEUS VULT
>1. Windows, Linux oder MacOS?
nutze alle 3
>2. Zuviele Musel im Land?
sowas wie zu wenig gibt es nicht
>3. Mögt ihr auch den Winter nicht?
nordmänner lieben den winter
>4. Was hört ihr gerade?
Haben wir schon längst eine IS-Armee im Land?
>1. Windows, Linux oder MacOS?
Windows, aber derbe!
>2. Zuviele Musel im Land?
Weiß ich nicht, ich wohne im Dorf
>3. Mögt ihr auch den Winter nicht?
Ich liebe den Winter!
>4. Was hört ihr gerade?
>1. Windows, Linux oder MacOS?
Nutze alle drei inklusive freeBSD
>2. Zuviele Musel im Land?
>3. Mögt ihr auch den Winter nicht?
Ich hasse den winter^^
>4. Was hört ihr gerade?
Kansas carry on my wayward son
they see me