People on /b/, what's on your mind? Be honest, talk to me.
Me and my best friend hung out recently and all I could think about was how she told me she wouldn't love me the way I love her.
Man, I got to be picking up this K. All I do is drink and smoke herb until I fall asleep. K is the only thing that makes me feel good. I can empathize with the ground more than I can with others.
I feel lost and either like i need a woman to fuck or fuck me roughly- alternatively just hug me and jist tell me things are going to be okay. Thats kinda how i feel
I know that feel, anon.
Pic unrelated. dumping random shit
Asked a under age girl to show tits to me and she told on me. now im the biggest sex offender on my wifes side of family.
Post your religion, get roasted
Reformed Christian
this whole bored is corrupted by waifuism and must be purged !
Waifu claiming thread.
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
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still here
Claim elsa
Miho claimed
Kongou, desu~
Hunger Games
>OP's a faggot edition
36 get in here
Little Tank
Fear the Neard
Uncle Adolf
Trap/CD thread? Pic is me!
Very cute.
nice manface fag
Could I hear your voice?
Thanks to you too!
Oh, wait, you're Isabel?
Dick rate thread !
Would handjob/10
rate anons, anyone from NY?
good size
very sexy curve
nice pink coloration
distinct glans, frenulum
small testes
overly tight sac
7/0 very nice
Would also handjob/10
YLYL thread: hilarious edition
give me gif's/webm's, please
Howdy good Sir.
New Duval street thread, get in here
Anon pls deliver
Where da people goin there at?
creep shot thread
God tier drummers thread. I'll start. Chris Adler, Lamb of God.
Tim Alexander, Primus
Danny Carey, Tool
Great choice
Hell yea
Matt Halpern, Periphery.
ITT: We post girls we know and others say what they would do with them
how would you fuck her?
Pics you said you wouldn't share II
This is actually III
it's okay, you are forgiven
Guess who just turned 18?
Guess who wasn't yet 18 when this picture was taken?
nope, she took it today and posted it on instagram and tumblr.
totally legal.
post all you have anon pls
I'm thinking Arbys
Hey /b/, I've gotten a little bored with normal masturbation, I need something to make it more fun and interesting, any suggestions?
Have you tried masturbating while pretending to ignore the hallucinatory spiders that are in the corners of your vision? It can be exciting!
What do I need to smoke to find them?
Put your flashlight in the ass and guib yourself a handjob.
Have you tried going on /d/
What kind of flashlight?
Regrettably, my mother passed away after a short illness several years ago.
I recently discovered a trove of old nudes, but I am unsure of whether it would be good to release them. On the one hand, I want to respect her memory, but on the other hand, releasing them would bring joy to many.
So I'm leaving the decision up to fate, and if someone gets 89, I'll go ahead and dump them.
post em
Please god and let her be hot
dump that shit boi
New Asian Thread
more of the whore in the middle
don't know who that is
but heres more
Anybody on the thread? OP, you here?
Self loathing, I love it.
To the point where I want to die.
Get fucked weeb
Tell me more. Why do you want to do that?
Faces of /b/ thread, let's do this
You that NV dude?
not underage
OPs brother
Kolbi desu here.
The situation is still escalating.
Land whale is spam calling me
Continued from >>696917636 and whatever one I made after that, you fags have 404'd 2 threads. Somebody post the screencaps
Will post everything up until now so you guys can see what's happening
Prove it