Feels thread
The ifunny watermark is sad enough
Hey guy, I know this thread is probably going to 404 before I finish, but that's okay. I just need to let it out I guess. I'll help try to keep the thread bumped or whatever.
I recently got kicked out of the Air force. It's funny because it was my own damn fault. I got pissed off at my dorm chief and had a nervous breakdown during BMT. It fucking sucks because that was my one chance to better myself. I've never been able to succeed at any of the goals I set for myself, essentially, I've always been a failure. And once again, I failed. I was a coward, a pathetic loser who gave up. I already despise myself for doing some fucked up shit I'd rather not talk about, and now my life is essentially over. I'm really not sure what...
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what is BMT?
Surprise exam. The test is out of 99. Your last two digits is your score, good luck.
Brock Turner
> 20 mins of action for six months of hard time in a special non violent facility is too steep and should of just let him go ?
> Did the judge make the right call ?
> Is it the girls fault for being too drunk and letting herself be a whore deserved being thrown behind a dumpster ?
> Did the judge really give Brock Turner father a high five after court ?
> Did the judge play this off race
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he's probably not going to do it again. blackies will 9/10 re-offend and need to be punished much harder. dats why mah nigga
>he didnt even rape her that badly
kill yourself OP you rape apologist
I so it's ok to rape correct and throw behind a dumpster fuck it.
You have to be the ultimate form of beta if it takes a broad passing out for you to get laid
loli bread
Sure is early to be starting a loli thread.
But not a shot a
Hope this isn't too obnoxious of an entry image. I have similar ones.
Hey fellas.
Just found out about g2a! And since, I want to do something good for a fellow retard, roll trips and you will get any fucking game/package on g2a below 100$ for free! Good luck guys!
if trips, instead buy food for the nearest animal shelter.
I live in a small town in Norway, and there are no animal shelters here. So, that´s a request I can´t do.
join this for identification I am Xeno
Bait roll
Cringe thread
Starting with some OC
Raise hell and eat cornbread.
yee yee
*pig squeal*
Friends you'd fuck continued
What do you think of her
anon who was postin gthis red head here? hope you can post more of her
Californians do the right thing and cast your vote for Bernie. Hillart is evil and Trump is insane Bernie is the only guy looking out for the common man. Don't be an idiot and feel the Bern!
i voted for him an hour ago
Alright /b/
Time for a cuck thread
Post pics of girls and anons say what they'd do to them.
Reply only to replies to keep it going
Lets Go!
I'd make her play soccer.
punch her in the throat so she cant breathe and throat fuck her brutally
rip that bra off and sniff it and lick it, then stuff down her throat so when i fuck her people cant hear her moan
school girls you want to fuck
His a sexy guy, I love the way he eats his food
Can anyone make a legitimate, complaint about Trump? It's always fucking idiots saying "hurr durr he's a racist and/or a sexist" without backing up their accusations, or they just call Trump supporters idiots and don't explain why.
no they can't and they know it.
Foreign policy economic policy
No elaboration? wew
Yeah, no matter what the topic is, they can't make a legitimate complaint.
He's capitalist scum. Ez
Waifu claiming thread.
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
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Claimed, hey all
I might even laugh at points
the power outages are bad enough without the internet disconnecting for several minutes afterwards
Yeah Zarya is a beast when offensive and my 2nd most played, just afet
fb fap thread
More of her!
I want to bury my face in her tits
So fucking sexy
>greentext thread
>bestof /b/
Post pics share storys! Give me a good laugh faggots!
No one?
Or something like that
This is a great animation. Kitty/10
How does /b/ deal with depression....
Drugs. Specifically pain pills.
i don't...
Intracranial injection of lead
i drink alot and pick up alot of ugly chicks. no lower than 3/10s
Post your gf. Only new and original material!
here's mine
Oooh, very sexy! Nice boobs.
If true.... very cute!
Chubby thread
more of her ?
My gf. trying to convince her to put on some more weight...
Kik iGlitterQueen she's an annoying little cunt who always types in caps
Srsly guys she's retarded
i'll text her in a minute OP, will post what i do. just typing this so thread doesn't 404