Loli bread.
Lenny bread
Lets see anons, count to 5. Number 3 will get Dark Souls 2: SotFS.
Rules: Link Steam, No griefing
No timestamps can be shown I'm afraid; The camera lens is broken.
>Now give me my fucking games.
>everybody posts three immediately.
6 nigger.
op is a faggot
check em
At LEAST three
rate my gf /b/
if you are white dude, than you are ok bro
7.5/10 i do really like her smile though
Hunger Games: first 24 get in
Dog with Eyebrows
German Panzer Division
Hockey Lemmy
The Spanish Inquisition
Buzz Lightyear
Hey /b/ this cat keeps on coming to my house and sitting outside. Should I help it or something?
light it on fire
It's a cat, it would run away before I could catch it.
>buy small bag of cat treats
>make new friend
Don't forget to post pics of your new cat on Saturday.
then give it some warm milk and befriend it. then set it on fire
This. Love this cat
Waifu claiming thread. Version 5.05
>Back to me
The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>deus vult
>insult other waifus
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!
Syndra claimed.
Fastest waifu on no legs claimed
Obligatory claim.
Gotta go with mint, loved it ever since childhood. Caramel? Good taste, love it.
Nice man, hope you can win more money in the future.
>Pasta and noodles
Fucking hungry as all hell now.
Sanya Claimed
Watch and learn
7's thread?
Name our band?
That's really shit
The Spunk Dumpsters
The itchy trigger finger niggaz
The daddy issues
Can we get a racist thread going?
dirty niggers
Is Zootopia actually worth the watch?
Its way different than what the trailer portrayed.
That doesn't answer the question even slightly dumbass
i enjoyed it. the social commentary and racial analogy is pretty good with prey/predators. Doesnt extend to gays and interracial stuff which would be funny. Bunny fox half breeds would be pretty fucked up in Zootopia 2
Zootopia: Made for furries, by furries
Rate my gf /b/
ugly skin
Better than nothing I suppose
Go watch some porn better.
Sup /b/ ask me anything
How the fuck are you so ugly.
Im not
You look a bit like the guy from Oz - you know, the one who killed and ate his parents.
Playstation behind you. What game are you playing?
have you still not fucked off? i took a two month break because of seeing your retarded ugly face every day... and i come back and this is the first fucking thing i see.
paint your fucking brains across the ceiling, now.
Roll trips and I will tell you where "it" is. hehehe...
Not again
Anyone know the addresses of pedophiles ? I wanna kill someone for the hell of it.
What's your address?
Bump I wanna murder without many c9nsewuences
Tell me yours baby
Bump boii
WEBM bellow yours happens to your gf or wife. Good luck fags.
who is dat
idk tbh
Faces of /b/
You're all neckbeards so I don't expect much.
The ceiling light is killing me.
guys dont be harsh
what the fuck is wrong with your arm, a fucking boy cutting himself? How about you just slice your throat emo fag
I put it up my ass on occasion
R8 me /b/
ITT: anons checking my dubs.
absolute top zozzle
Yeah, no check these
check em
het is aan
post the individual pics. Every one of those girls is so fucking hot
zo dan, niet verkeerd. wie is dit? meer?
wie is welke?
Ask a suicidally depressed psychologist anything.
Mobile edition, so don't mind my spelling
Why dont you stop making these threads?
Why? Do they hurt you in some way?
Suck it up nancy.
Have ever considered joining EvE Online?
At least, you'll find a lovely family for which you would farm and grind isk.
im sorry your boyfriend has a little penis.
I prefer to make games than yo play them