Alright I'm really curious, are there actually retards on /b/ that like Hillary?
i'll be voting for her later in ny
Better than Trump.
I eagerly await your poorly worded responses, Trump supporters.
agreed. we need a woman president. toxic masculinity has destroyed this country. a female's touch would definitely get us back on track.
fb fap 2
imgur com/a/IsadR
celeb fap part 3
lewd feet edition
>starts the thread with the picture I usually finish to
good job anon
In all honesty, I'm starting to get tired of this shit. I'm willing to help, but I can't do that if people are not willing to accept the help I'm offering.
i wish i was in the cal zone
I gotta build my severely lacking collection
Give me more Spiderman!!!!!!!!
Couldn't you just lurk on gelbooru or sankaku?
New Poke Box Thread 2 need verizion
Requests Welcome.
Feminine equine pokeman ass please
ayy lmao
/wg/ blows camel dicks
>post your favorite desktop wallpapers.
If we get enough lurkers and posters I'll post my folder with over two thousand wallpapers in it for download.
Very cool!
Go to
Tag your interests as "tumblr" and "feminism"
Say "Hi, this is Dan" whenever you meet someone
Post results here
I don't get this meme.
Someone dissert.
Lack of rekt bread saddens me.
Post a picture that has never been on the internet before.
This is my OC reaction pic. Been waiting for a good time to use this
I think this qualifies
Asian thread, guys!
Waifu claiming thread.
>Fruitive Edition!
The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu/husbando
>post pics of your waifu
>stay healthy
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>canned peach is good but strawberries are better
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
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Rumia claimed
i...can't say right now....
im not gonna eat your pie!!!!!
Obligatory claim
>I don't like sand
in the rain, Im glad I don't get colds easy.. ((will be going soon guys))
Kyouko claimed.
R34 continue
Trap Thread, boys
damn i want to be her
Cuck thread Pt II. Post a pic of your wife/gf/crush/relative and anons say how they'd fuck them. Sister on left
tit fuck then bust all over her face and ruin her makeup
I'd rip that dress off and fuck her mouth until she gags, then take her from behind and creampie her.
Poke Box Thread
Requests Welcome. Gotta fill up my arcanine and xerneas folder.
Ey its beem like two hours
Didn't see one of these.
Who's on your mind, /b/?
big booty bitches
For a long time, her name was almudena.
Then it faded. Now the name case is empty as fuck. And nobody filled it.
Faces of /b/ thread!
>Post, rate or chill!
whatup brohan?
ya looking good happy.
hard to not be when youre straight chillin' in the free world. howve you been my man
can i get a rate?
Kill yourself you fuck nugget
Hey /b/,
Well I really really need some spare money for some of my bills I've gotten this month that I can't pay. I'm just in a really bad situation so as a last resort I've decided to sell dirty skype shows and pictures. I know its just the internet and there's lots of porn available online so I don't expect much. I'm just short about $50 and at this point I'm getting really desperate.
I know I'm probably just gonna be blasted with hate I just don't really have any other options (beyond becoming a legit hooker).
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How can boobs like these not get a response?
it's a fucking scam it's a fake webcam feed
kek its fake anon
or you do a strip show for me and I'll give you $50
>being this autistic
fb fap threat