Tomorrow comes today.
You know the rules. if your name is called, it's time to sleep.
I'll start, Joe. It's time for bed.
Go to bed, Mason.
Go to bed,[Insert your name here]
Its bed time, Andrew
Donald, Shia, Mark, Chris, Steve, Bill, Neil, Taylor, Samuel, Morgan.
Go the fuck to sleep.
I just fucking woke up, it is 11am
Start posting faggot
I love herm cock
H fur when?
Waifu Claim Thread
>House of Smut edition
The rules are simple:
>Claim your waifu/husbando. Or don't. Shit post anonymously w/e
>Discuss stuff
>Be gay, who cares. You're a fucking faggot anyway
>Get mad.
>Get REALLY mad
>Shit post. Just do it.
Most important: Show me your genitals
Fucking do it you piece of shit
I love you Spike
>early bake
>intensely plows Hanako's anus, cumming 13 times
ITT: 10/10s only.
If you post a woman who is less that physical perfection you have to anhero live on cam.
What site will you use to stream it then?
I won't have to because I have great taste.
Looks like you loose OP
Fuuuck, who's she?
do they have to be nude?
The Return Of Clean
Shillary Cunton
a pair of headphones
Big Boss
Immortal KAT
>buying pokecoins
If you're not a fucking retard, you can get free here:
happy hacking, /b/
Is this real?....
i can confirm this
hope this doesn't get fixed
hooly shit hooly shit It just fucking worked
Big tits bread
Feet thread
pokecoins for the poorfags:
Mexithread: Novias/Exs/Amigas de fb
Me quiero coger a la novia de un amigo. Pic relacionada
pic olvidada
Ni pusiste nada wey
es una diosa.
It is now 1:38am.
I am a part of an organization that specializes in influence. You could say I'm in marketing or public relations. However, this would be an understatement. We have assets in media conglomerates, governments, social media, and many other indrustries (defense, tech, energy, and especially banking).
While we are, on the surface, an investment and public relations organization, we are, in actuality, a organization specializing in what we describe as "global influence".
We are as close as you can get to what conspiracy theorists
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What is your "goal"? What/who started the organization and how does it make money?
I'll bite your bait, op
In what way are you the closest organization to the Illuminati, and how to you achieve/maintain the influence you claim?
How did you become involved with this business and why are you answering our questions at this specific time?
Seeing as how ive already traced your ip tell me why I shouldn't send someone to come rob you
When is China going to invade the US
The goal is world peace and security.
Money is irrelevant. Resources on our level are about power, not money. It is better to be the advisor to a rich man than it is to be a rich man.
Is he died for reals?
What will he use to count now?!
Waifu claiming thread:
New rules edition.
>fuk n shit.
>Reserved place in hell.
>yada yada.
>Rattle rattle.
>claim waifu.
>Buy a daki of your waifu.
>No ERP or banned by mods.
>Cory is the best waifu, no debating this.
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Claiming best girlie.
>Fuck it staying up for one more thread edition
Claiming, is is cool for me to reply to things in an older thread? or is that a no-no?
>that pic
your waifu seems like a pretty serious detective when donuts are involved ha. And im not the biggest slice of life fan, but ill check it out! :P
you can sing? that's cool! I bet you put all the guys in a trance
Goodnight. It's been fun.
Yozora claimed.
Still y'all
Ylyl thread /b/. m8
>went to my college's incoming student orientation
>they gathered us all for some sort of "intro to campus social scene"
>it was a consent class
>a consent class before we were even officially students yet
>me and my new friend make the best of a bad situation and routinely whisper sarcastic commentary to each other about it to make it more bearable
>eventually the stuff
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>I stay calm and wait until the presentation is over
>I go up to the presenter, politely thank them for the presentation, and ask if it would be alright for me to give some constructive feedback
>the presenter was actually super excited, saying that feedback would be incredibly valuable
>I reiterate a "thanks" for the presentation, but mention that certain lines were unnecessarily antagonistic
>we discuss this for...
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You did good op
For once, OP is not a faggot
Whenever there's a stupid lecture I just ignore the whole thing and think about walnuts.
Well thanks, I just hope it doesn't come back to bite me in the ass
brace yourselves for more rioting, protesting and cop killings....
Gee, increasingly more black innocent people are getting its pbscene for people to get more and more angry
does not excuse rioting or revenge killings
News flash:
Everyone's getting shot. Doesn't matter what race they are. Media only chooses to cover when the blacks get shot so the #BLM hate group can attack more police.
Honestly I wouldn't give a shit
Fuck the police.
Maybe I'll go down and see Kathleen.
So this is like bowling and not Vietnam?
Rules are a figment of our imagination; Ideas upon which the majority have agreed would benefit them
Kathleen is uggo
Say hi to my nigga harambe if you do
I wanna be inside a shark grills belly
New Games thread
First 48 get in, 49th get season logo
I got this.
Big Boss
Daddy Keem
Agent Hitler