i'm gonna need a big ol boober please
Is Kai still around?
Milk needs to sex with that sick anon edition...
still takin requests
Post pics of girls and other anons rate and say how they'd fuck them. PT2
PT4 at least....
someone mentioned she was hot in last thread
There will never be any quads in this thread
I agree.
I disagree
s/fur wynot
coming in hot
I wanna be inside a shark grills belly
Continuation from last thread.
Hey femanons, come cam and we'll give you attention.
If you're on a phone install puffin browser to cam
Rules: don't cap and be nice to the people on cam
hey op wanna see my wallpapers?
ITT we post girls we've posted here before, and anons comment if they've saved
I never save these pics. I just wait for some anon to post this thread, and see my favorite pics again.
Any redheads?
I save all of them. Every one I've ever seen. I jack off to my collection frequently.
6 MORE DAYS until Bernie wins another delegate heavy rust belt state! C'mon fellow buckeyes, show your support!
Ohio is a fucking shithole.
So what? Hard to find a state that isn't a shithole in one way or another in this country
>muh country is shit
Reddit pls go and leave us alone with our traps and get threads
doubt it. they eat up "moderates" like Kasich and Clinton.
Waifu claiming thread.
Claim your waifu and discuss.
Obligatory claim.
FlamieLover2445 here~
Looks like two threads were made
s/fur cont.
>kill yourselves
Maybe after I'm done eating ass.
Still in thread?
Of course! >>673101011
Lets take a /b/ vote
Vermin Supreme 2016
YLYL thread
Dude you forgot to censor the mirror stupid
ITT: ask the all-knowing deer anything
Would most qts in my age group want me to approach?
Will I get the job?
Yes or no fam
How about the one I'm interviewing for tomorrow?
nice trips lord
Post pics of girls and other anons rate and say how they'd fuck them.
facefuck her until she begged me to cum in her throat
I'd start by slapping that dumb look off her face and making her take my cock between those lips
outlaw thread
BattleStations Thread. Go
nice xbox faget
do those dishes you lazy fuck
not bad
theyve been done since the photo was taken, and have since stacked back up again
Be Me, Very Interested in Martial Arts
5 Star Yelp all the good reviews
Krav Maga LA, sounds legit jpg
Its not, the Sensei is bad and worst of all a jew, all about the money, condescending and a show off and literally a psycho,and he also bangs the students, the longer I stayed the longer you realize this
Don't know how he stays in business he since he is horrible at it, I hear he has a rich father or brother that bails him out when he needs help.
But Yelp reviews still 5 stars? Hear that he as ppls help him corrupt the system so he stays at 5 stars
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You do know that Krav Maga is an Israeli fighting system, right? I mean it's the hand to hand combat system they teach in the Israeli army. Still shocked that the sensei is Jewish?
with what? a months worth of a dying mmo? just fucking leave. Its not that hard. Learn another martial art, like Ju Juitsu or Boxing.
Hear ye, hear ye!
What is your place in the kingdom of /b/
Battlemage get.
Not what I had in mind, but not bad.
Like, litteraly the shittiest one.
celeb fap thread
is that kylie and kendall
PokeBox Now?
Come on Trainers
Oh boy
Describes 4chan an image
My submission