Wat u packin'?
Not mouth cancer.
Grizz Wintergreen long cut.
I usually go punches because I'm trying to cut back, but tis was all the gas station had... so fuck it.
oxyracetam and aniracetam
Well it's a lot cleaner than smoking....
Ur mom's azz. you faggot.
you look like a stupid inbreed when you chew.
go die in a fire.
MBTI thread. Been trying to determine my type for a while, and I'm between INFP and INTP mostly. Compare/contrast, /b/?
Shits gay as fuck
INTJ checking in.
i flip between infj and intj, mainly intj though
Kill yourself
How'd you figure out your type for sure? Between online tests and cognitive functions, I can't seem to narrow it down for long!
lets play a game: dubs has to post bare ass with timestamp
ill roll first
Do it OP.
How the fuck
I didn't abandon just give me a sec
Now trips, so full body shot
well fuck what do I do now
It's time for a Skinner thread.
Y'all niggas want some of these steamed hams?
Did I make it in time?
it's silhouette night
Skinner, where does all that smoke come from?
Skinner! Are you paying to watch me fuck your mom or ain't you?
Odds fap. Evens sleep.
I just want to fap man
gonna fap anyway
Left, Middle or Right?
Presuming theyre all at or above 18:Left, right, middle
Right all nite.
r, l, m
Alright, been in a relationship with my current gf for about a month now.
Shits going great.
Sex is good and I see her as often as I want.
Now I got this other girl who I had previously gone on 2 dates with now wants to fuck on the side.
I'm about to see her tomorrow night. No one will find out, it's just inner problems.
Should I do it or no?
No. Don't be one of those unfaithful faggots.
Break up with your girlfriend if you're serious about fucking this other woman. Men don't cheat on the woman who cares about him; that's something boys do. It's selfish and pathetic; either ignore this other woman, or dump the girlfriend before you get with the new one.
Seriously though. The fact that you even have to ask about this pathetic shit makes me thing your current girlfriend can do a whole lot better. Grow up.
heres something most of the /b/ people never think about in all these cukcold or bullshit should i fuck around threads, remember 1 simple thing evolution centered ourselves around multiplying and never being with 1 woman to long, but guess what we evolved have better understanding of how it works now, so ur real choices are, be an evolved human being with intellect and pic 1 girl who's both attractive and natural body order don't offend you and ur good, or be an unevolved fucking nigger and do whatever u want and die knowing you were worthless to the next generation.
You sound like a wizard
But nah OP, don't do it, not worth the chance of losing all the sex you want just so you can say you've fucked one more girl
Go for it. You live only once.
â–² â–²
DAMN. This is the first time I actually lost.
>  ▲
>â–² â–²
Feels thread
let's do it
post the image source greentext
Still waiting for return
roast me /b/
Choose choose bro the train to home is coming? Do I get on or stay off?
you've already roasted your self
Underage b&
I'd smash
Go home you Hispaniola scum
So I tried to break up with my boyfriend but he started sobbing so I told him "we can work it out together" but to be completely honest I really just want to break up with him he's a S-class fuckboy and can bearly do anything right.Also I've been cheating on him.What should I do /b?
Pic not related.
PIc not related because you don't look nearly as good.
You've clearly never seen me.
Word. Dubs speaks truth. OP is a troll.
Post them up then. Oh and timestamp
Cringe thread. Starting off with some OC
I don't consider this cringe bruh, at least they're trying, if it was some shitty tracing or copying then that's different
It's not the technical artistic ability we're cringing about, it is the autistic content of the drawings...
not cringe, this is coming from someone who voted for trump
Dubs names my articuno
This what we got over in Utah. Enjoy Gents.
Same girl, want more?
Hey I'm from Utah, got any more?
You have any from utah?
These all the same chick, just to clarify.
Would you fuck her? How?
yes and like a slut
With my benis
I'll answer on behalf of all 4chan.
Yes, and unsatisfactory.
fucking virgin
Yes, pretty face, smooth curvy body. Nice tits.
>10/10 would fill that pussy with my seed
That nose..... What does it mean?
Same as what that forehead says
>tries to shame Trump supporter for white privilege
>fucking has AIDS
ITT we act like civilized human beings. Roll trips we go ape shit. Dubs reset.
Hows everyone this evening?
Hello how is everyone doing?
I'm doing well this fine evening, how are you gentlemen?
In good
Hello faggot how was your day?
Clementine thread
One can dream.
aww at least she's trying her best
then dont look at this thread retard
Being mean to fat midget animals thread
Dubs names my articuno
Let's play!! Fap or Nap!!!
Get in here and ro faggots!
Odds fap
Evens sleep
Dubs edge twice and don't cum
Trips no fap for 3 days
And quads fap 4 times without stopping!
You faggots will argue over anything
>Coke zero v diet coke
Coke Zero has zero coke in it therefore Diet Coke wins
Normal coke.
I... Uh... You're not wrong. Good debate.
diet coke tastes better