Cheetah kizzes
Gay cheetah kizzes obvi
I sense that I wasted today
I'm petting your tail
The best kind
First time doing this
Re roll faggot
Goddammit roll
I really need these fresh dubs
someone just stole my toilet seat, wtf?
I'mma fuck you til you love me, faggot
Hey /b/ i found these bottles of a controlled substance in my refrigirator and was wondering if anyone could identify them
I think it might be ketamine but im not sure
I think they were originally medicine for my dog
If anyone can id them ill drink some
Def Ketamine. My dog had the same bottle after his surgery. Looks old as shit though, you might have to drink a lot to get any effect.
If you take a sip I can tell you for sure what it is.
methadone. it says it on the bottle.
im 99% sure its methadone
Drunk/passed out abuse thread!
stop loli
bump, also nice dubs
Are you guys doing cool shit in here ?
Ariana Grande bread
Let's get some pics goin of this goddess
sideboob yum
>19 years old boy
>cant Make The girl you like become your friend
>Every crush I have had just hates me after 3 weeks of knowing me
>Last time I had a girlfriend was 4 years ago
>Im not fat
>Im not mean with people
>I have midle long straight clean hair almost to The neck
>Im not jealous and let girls do what they want without
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Don't try to hard man.
Show dick pic, we'll see why.
Do you constantly ask if everything is OK after you've established a conversation?
You're probably just an obnoxious faggot. It's your personality.
>tfw I used to do this and more a few years ago
Man, I was fucking pathetic. Glad I improved.
Hunger Games thread!
First 24 gets in!
Alex Mason
Duke Nukem
Hank Scorpio
Jason Hudson
Post pictures to get Cum Tributed (cummed on) and do some requests yourself. Everyone contribute for a good thread.
PIC RELATED - I will fulfill a few requests so post the pics you want cummed on.
Omg llease please
yes pls
ITT we take and witness double digits.
not sure if getting trips when calling for dubs is a win or a fail so pee porn
those are trips mane
loli needs to halt. please quit life you pedos.
>being this much of a faggot
What's your go to game while tripping /b/?
>Dead Space 2
i dont take acid enough to play video games on it
go outside faggot
true that, but if one is just melting inside
well then i'd say smash 64 all day
Why waste a trip on vidya? Go hug some sheep niggah.
Share your funniest, favorite, or most unsettling images.
This picture makes me feel some kinda way and i'm not sure if i like it.
ma'am, you forgot your purse!
from platoon. this scene disturbed me. /cumplication/?from=vbwn
Just found this video. My wife's sister is in it. Guess which one.
> trips instant reveal
I dont care.... But i am curious, so... Rolling
Why don't famous celebrities come here to 4chan for AMA's? Why do they flock to reddit?
because you pollute 4chan with your OP faggotness
Because 4chan is for degenerates like us.
Im a celebrity. Ask me anything
Whats it like being a cuck?
What's it like using the gayest buzzword on 4chan?
trips reveals the meme i made
get rolling. faggots.
pic not related
fuk ye roll
bump + roll = boll
Uwe Boll
Meh, only dubs. Another time.
Hunger games simulator thread. Post who you want to be in the game.
Smug Machiavelli
tiny garge
Would drinking 3~6dl of vodka before taping a plastic bag on my head and passing out be a viable suicide? Not for attention but for dying.
and by drinking I mean chugging it in a few seconds
No there's many reasons why It wont work. There's legal and less messy ways available if you were going to. (not that I agree)
Whats up man? Whats your story?
Let's find out. Do it and stream it. We'll observe results.
Why wouldn't it work? Also I'm not looking for a more legal way, isn't suicide illegal in many countries anyway?
Jeez, wait till I found out if it works.
Sluts you know
Dubs Names Gun.
trips gets the gun
Nigger dick
I'm gay
I want that gun m8
5 Inches Deep
just in case:
yassssss bitch
my prediction: OP will fail