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ITT: we make broad assumptions about each others lives based

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 271
Thread images: 103
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ITT: we make broad assumptions about each others lives based on hand pics

do your worst faggots
You have a 3 pack of katanas.
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Your hand looks like you shoved nail clippers up your ass, got them stuck in there, reached inside your asshole to retreive them, couldn't get them and then didn't wash his shit infested hands for 3 weeks.
Angsty teen.
You are a seriously dirty motherfucker.

Can someone dox this pigpen from that receipt on the desk there?
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Fuck it

it's a katana, wakizashi and tanto you scrub

just jealous i get to work with my hands all day and stay fit
You eat poorly and make a lot of poor life decisions.
Are you the german coder dude, who hasnt bathed in years?
You work a hard labor job in the sun.

You chill in the livingroom most of the time.

too busy jerking off to traps to trim your nails
diabeetus like that cat gif
Surprisingly accurate.
You probably play bass in some fucking awful "21 Pilots wannabes" band, kys.

You care enough to put a bandaid on what's probably a very superficial cut on your index finger, but not enough to wear socks around the house like >>691017186 nor clip your nails on the reg. Dry calloused skin, thick wrists, I'm gonna guess you're blue collar something or other.
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you're a fat, lazy bastard
oh wait, you said assumptions
every single hand you ever touched in your life....has held/jacked off a dick ^_^ and...most guys don't wash so...kinda makes you want to go wash? :P


post pic of gay pants
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Scruffy twat, get a wash & sort them toes out .. ewwww ..
Unemployed teen living at home, still in school, uses memes outside of the internet, listens to rap and dubstep.

You have an iPhone 5
Under age b&
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Shit at Photoshop

lives with parents, hasn't seen the sun yet this summer
>stay fit
>fat americuck hands
You're shit at photoshop.
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Be honest
You're bad at photoshop.
You post get threads with christian bale pics, post bananas and the zootopia girl.
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at least change the fucking filename when you troll you stuff faggot
I see that fucking RDA you meming fuck.
>be OP
>be 42
>live in mother's basement next to laundry room
>favorite meal Dinty Moore beef stew and Pasta Roni
>had one girlfriend four years ago
>she was blind
>she enjoyed listening to Food Network shows
>left me for guy in neighborhood with Downs Syndrome
>took it pretty hard
>started having sex with my mom on the washer
>got her prego
>nine months later she gives birth to my son/brother
>started major addiction to Cool ranch Doritos
>can't get enough
>start sucking cock for Doritos
>fix cars for doritos
>start repairing my own Toyota Sedan
>drive my mom and son/brother to park
>leave them there
>come home to celebrate by getting on 4chan
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a guy that doesn't shower. I'm a fucking aircraft mechanic and my hands are clean at the moment because I take fucking showers. Also you're fat as fuck.
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Automotive bulb - receipt - car keys - Grease stained hands (They look washed, but not scrubbed clean, like you haven't finished yet)
What was wrong with your car?
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>all these fat / stunted hands

You cant make this shit up

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Pic I took at work yesterday

the hands of a 13yo minecraft player
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Bonus points if u guess what movie im watching
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Try me.
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Before you say anything I'm actually a nice guy
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And back, for your viewing pleasure.
Palm reader heaven
I'm guessing chimney cleaner and child molester
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I've heard of bigfoot but never Bighand!!
You spend an abnormal amount of time in fear of Bill Murray blasting you with a proton pack at the end of the movie.
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married man who's wife tells him to quit playing video games nonstop
i get the vibe that you live with yout grandparents, long fingers are good for gay sex tho.
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please be gentle.
You work at a car dealership
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Let me hear your opinions
>ayy lmao
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My hands are in
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> le filéname
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watch out u better stop he man
His hands are so far, it's probably sill wrong
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I feel you have the hand of a dead meme from 2012
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OPs hand is fucking disgusting
lol nice watch.
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Better pic

Ausfag going on the parking ticket and atm reciept

probably work some shit tier job like a boilermaker going on the filthy fat hands

seriously, clean your fucking surroundings.
i would love to fuck her....shes a lil girly and have her dance ontop of me =-)
you wear a ring because you not so secretly wish you were a woman.
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Fuckin fell on my bike today.
You have great rubbing hands for rubbing my butt cheeks ;)
Your house is so filthy, you had to find a corner to take the pic in so we didn't see how disgusting you are.
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Hi. He wouldnt hold still.

you're a tire changer
You a a fat an disgusting neckbeard and you mother did not raise you properly. Go on a fucking diet and clean up your fucking room.
Shit fashion sense or you work with acids.
Clumsy with knives of you pick your fingers judging by your longer than average nails. Haven't had sex in a while or are not a gentleman because a gentleman cuts his nails before engaging in foreplay.
You're white and probably not old enough to be here.
You go to Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.
Bigger guy. You have a decent job to afford that keyboard
You're 12 and wondering what this is.
You're white and live with upper-middle class parents.
>Late 20's Early 30's. You have a dog.
Get off the fucking internet grandpa.
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I'm interested to see what is said about me
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i make the assumption you're an under 21 faggot.

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Because of this thread, hands now look very strange to me.

is that a jaguar with p90s?

you're alright
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Can see you also live in tasmania (kek) and drive an unregistered sliver 1999 toyota camry
show us his wiener.
His hand could really stroke something on me :)
it sure is summer
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oh shit nigger yours definitely do

i think that hair gave me vertigo
>Bigger guy. You have a decent job to afford that keyboard

Not bad, luckily not weight that makes me big haha. Gym 7 days a week and work in construction
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>ITT: we make broad assumptions about each others lives based on hand pics

This motherfucker is Indian
>Michael J. Fox browses /b/ confirmed
You're a fat mechanic.
Stop trying to fuck your hand.
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Rate me
small penis.
i mean just look at those fingers

i'd try to put my dick in it
You brag about your CoD skills to your friends.
what a faggy ring
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You are male, around 50-60yo and have a skin condition, most probably dermatomyositis which could be associated to cancer.
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sausage fingered neckbeard
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I wanna know what ya'll niggas think

incoming assumptions
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Thank you, my wife picked it out
Vintage modified jazzmaster with Seymour Duncan single coils.
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why you in a bathroom?

>Index and ring finger at the same height

Girly as fuck
the has to be the worst wedding ring ive seen in my life
Takin a shit.
Just gonna go lay back in bed now. Feelin like someone fucked me up with a shovel
Underrated post
fast typer.jpg
>Clumsy with knives of you pick your fingers judging by your longer than average nails. Haven't had sex in a while or are not a gentleman because a gentleman cuts his nails before engaging in foreplay.
Not a knife or picking my fingers, just got a popped blister after taking batting practice for a couple of hours. It's been a while since I've been able to. Good guesses though.
You should probably get some stitches in that
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Tell me tales
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I'm curious what's gonna happen
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Have fun internet
What no fuckin assumptions about me and my moth buddy?
Can't wear it at work, and i'm always at work so I wear it occasionally around the house to make her smile. Not really about the look, more about the thought anon, but I see what your saying.
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No bueno
>24k gold watch
>useless gold finger bands

So I'm guessing you're either a very rich Saudi Arabian, a successful drug dealer, or a douchebag that spends way too much on stupid shit. Or a combination of all three.

Either way, you're still a faggot.
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Assume away.
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You're an ausfag, you drive a Toyota sedan, you buy chocolate milk from Aldi and either take an interest in working on cars or work in the mechanic industry

Also your name is probably Colin
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17, chronic masturbator, listens to My Chemical Romance.
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be nice gais
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no assumptions ?
License: EF145D
Vehicle: Toyota Sedan
State: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania?
Pic is too dark to tell... Are you a nigger?
that bong water is disgusting
>be you
>22yo male
>nervous type (fingernails brah)
> low test
>girly face
>kind of overweight
>femenine dick
>looking to trap
>kill urself
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A wife and waifu are two different things, faggot.
Someone put a tampon in your vase
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Here you go.
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Close, but this is the truth;

>Chronic masturbator
>Does NOT listen to My chemical romance
You work at a science museum with a bug habitat
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i got memed by /g/
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Sorry I'm late guys. Assume away
you work with your hands a lot, maybe a mechanic of some sort. and bite your nails. pretty fucking gross man

or yo're an edgelord that plled your nails all the way off and doesn't wash his hands

lmao whoops
Could tell you were under 20 man, those hands are definitely not accustomed to hard work.
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huge disappointment to parents, still thinks letting everyone you smoke weed is cool
First native american I've seen here
Nice one. where's your hand faggot
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Nothing for daddy?
Probably in his fathers ass.
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just a hand.jpg
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Hey guys! XDD
Where do you get that from lol
The funny thing about that is I'm a livestock farmer and I work with the animals every day. I do quite a bit of labor but my hands remain smooth as hell
tits or gtfo
Nailed it the first time. Really difficult thing to stop doing.

Found him dead up on top of a cable tray
you're a penis cleverly disguised as a hand
Actualy I never bring it up in conversations just wanted to be edgy
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Ahh you do that kinda work. Nothing wrong with that at all, I would have if I could.
I was in construction and eventually a machine shop for a bit.
Hooray for degenerative diseases
jesus skeletor
you've never used your hands for anything other than jacking off, eating, and typing.
Too many I would assume there isn't much difference if you really need someone to be there for you, and something to dump your love unto, I don't think I could love something that can't be real though, but I see where a person would need that connection.
You live under a bridge and don't like people walking on it
The red hue that the hand emits
do you have 70 terabytes of porn?
I was pretty close XD
you wear gloves? i'm a lobster fisherman, my hands are like silk because i'm wearing rubber gloves all day that may or may not be soaked in sweat, seawater, and rotten herring juice
Christ you are stupid
Enjoys spending his time in "happy" clubs while cowering in the corner of a stall while your ex boyfriend comes in with a grudge.
House looks comfy af. moar ?
Is construction a shitty gig? I like to do hands-on work but I want something that I'll enjoy.
I'll give you a 2.5/8 on that
i used to do it before i started working on a lobster boat. having your hands stewing in rotten fish all day is an effective deterrent
A nigger
nice thinkpad nigga
that a T400?
Sometimes I wear gloves, not all that often though. Normally only when I'm cleaning up the barns or if I'm dealing with sheep and stuff giving birth.
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Ok, hit me
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Native americans arent even fucking red, they are basically tall mexicans
You will die before 50.
It's the lighting.

At least 50% French and German combined lol
I absolutely loved it. Best job I ever had. Worked with a small contractor building houses. I learned so much from 15-19 that its still insane.
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It's wine
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when I fucked up my hand
>that's not your dick
Loveless marriage
Lives in.Wisconsin
Partly daego, possible greek
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my jew hand.jpg
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I happen to like herring...
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2016-06-22 19.54.43.jpg
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Sweet, I feel like I should get involved with that, there's always construction going on in the city near me
You're a teenager because only a kid would buy a Razer board.
Do you hack Facebook accounts

Cut your fucking nails.
you won't after it's been brewing in its own juices for 2 weeks

You're 22 y/o still living at home either jobless or part time. Mother and Father pay for your things.

Your cleanliness is below normal levels and your keyboard is secondhand.
judge me faggots
Theres gonna be that one neckbeard like "I'm extracting all of your fingerprints so that I can rob a bank hehehehehehehehehe"
>That Walmart wedding ring
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Roast me
holy shit how old are you?
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Mixed fag here
shoulda seen that coming, faggot
IM sure working on a boat is good money? Ive been working as a tech for 19yrs. I want to teach. but anything different that pays well and is cool would be better than this atm.
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Do your worst /b/
Impatient macfag/10
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2016-06-22 19.58.26.jpg
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high five me /b/
About 75% of the pics are of bloated hands. Fucking fat fucking pigs.
im 23 in school part time job job and bought my own keyboard close though
pretty accurate about the impatient part.. i guess it shows.
Gives bad handjobs
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ive also been falsely banned for cp three times

transitioning, wants to be pretty lady but still won't clean nails
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My /b/rother :D

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skelington ik
You've never even spoken to a girl
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Clean your nails. Otherwise, 10/10, would suck.
depends on the boat honestly, im making $150 a day but taxes aren't taken out so i get fucked at the end of the year. and for the work, that pay is pretty shit.

i'm seriously considering going on one of the big offshore boats, making like 4 grand a week, but being out for a week at a time
I want to put your fingers inside of me.
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Yeah dude my hand is fucking weird
Why the fuck are you watching Daria?
Hello satan
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Yeah. I can make more than that in a day with taxes out,.. What exatctly do you have to do on a big offshore boat? diesel work? and I can only imagine the scale
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Hi there

underage midget
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>Emigrated to USA about 10 yrs ago.
>Cost a small fortune to move here, get papers, buy her ring, get married etc. (Had to live off savings for 5 months because not legal)
>No money for nice ring at end of it all
>We're set now, but I work with hands and would fuck up a nice ring anyway
>44 yrs old. Work with solvents and shit, takes a toll on hand I guess
middle aged gorilla, gets shot frequently when small children fall into his exhibit.
newfags don't even check dubs
i'd be doing pretty much the same thing, catching lobsters. it would actually probably be a bit easier, i'd probably haul/set about 500 traps a day and band lobsters, but i wouldn't have to worry about filling the bags up with bait between sets
does anyone have short thumbs?
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2016-06-22 20.12.38.jpg
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here u go.
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Thread replies: 271
Thread images: 103

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