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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 200
Thread images: 151
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I wanna be inside a shark grills belly
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Where is that anon whom I was lyric-battling last night ?
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octamous leashed maid.jpg
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I am back from work, and this is now my intro image.

cobi isn't here, but you just got lucky, and mousguy has arrived.
Anyone else gonna post?
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fox in training.gif
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animation dump
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Guess you'll do for the time being then
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fox swishers.gif
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Jacque rock.1.webm
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Kitty gets cream.1.webm
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fair warning friend, when it comes to puns and hair metal I can't get enuff.
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kitty titties.gif
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>st a Reply]
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Knot nobs.1.webm
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Totally forgot my purpose on here for a brief momment
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pimp walk.gif
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snuggle bunny.gif
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Speech Check.1.webm
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I should really be asleep.
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the best part of waking up.gif
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I'm afraid my fur kink might be dying, post the hottest stuff you got
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aryan woof.png
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I thought you weren't going to post music, and I was headed for a heartbreak.
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this is now a spiderman thread
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I'm not really bright at making puns. As for the latter, I'm more multifaceted on my genres but I goddamn do stick to my folk metal
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charlies in the bushes.jpg
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go to bed silly.
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Oh come on buddy, I may be a heartbreaker but I wouldn't leave a fellow victim without a taste of good music
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about to get triggered.png
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gonna dump my favs for ya man
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doesn't look like it
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i got you
I did.
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csgo cuddle.jpg
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I was worried I would be all alone in the night...
just me and all of these anons
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long and strong.jpg
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did ya sleep well? Also that is a pretty dog, glad you got her.
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Metal gear lupus.png
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thank you
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But if you fool yourself, then you will make me happy :)
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panther III.jpg
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Pol starts an S-fur bread.jpg
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rela armed.jpg
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Hey man, as long as you stay my hope will keep on burning like a flame
No. I went to bed about 4 hours ago. Maybe slept 45 min before roommate came in and woke me up.
Then she left and I've been awake since.
Did you guys talk?
Gifs and webms are the best
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> Implying l/fur is s/fur
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No, her bf was here too, they were working on her miata motor.
She came in to show me the rod bearings.
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Makes me happy to know that anon, but now that I think about it You and I pace along the grass
And think of what we had
Ambivalent and young
We're probably just dumb
One could have a penis or both could have a penis. Your choice.
So now I'm in bed naked with two sexy German girls waiting for pokemans to show up.
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he wishes both have a penis, no vagina, no breasts, wide shoulders, rippling muscular arms and legs.
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Sounds like fun.
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all by myself....jpg
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they sure are.

I realized that it's not love that left you standing, it's not love that left you cold,
Only a mistake
Fuck off snailkin.
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what a coincidence so am I! only ones polish.
It's a decent way to spend a night.

Herm on female or herm on herm both fall under h/fur.
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atom bomb baby.png
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well that sucks.

kek, you old dog. All I have to keep my company is a sleeping fox.
does this thread suffer from alien infiltration?
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I bet. I wish I could do the same.
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>believing him
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Baby,but you know it's all fairy tales,
A heavy heart like a bag of nails Stand up! Show your face,
Another victim of the cold embrace.
You're probably just as happy as I am.
>not believing him
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nigguh, lurk moah.
You can.
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>Not believing me.

I lold a lil.
Get to know me better.
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Unfortunately, I really don't think I can. For one, I don't have the money. And the house I live in is too small and cluttered, and the two cats I have are both cunts that can't even get along with each other. Adding another animal into the mix would be further chaos.
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if you ever provided conclusive proof in a past thread I was not in sure, otherwise...
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Keep sfur safe H.jpg
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Mamas pack their lunches, kiddies back their guns
Wishing it will go away, but nothing's getting done
A shot heard 'round the world, when a mother's baby dies
We the people, point our fingers, blame and wonder why
Face it and fight or turn high tail and run
'Til it comes back again just like the rising sun
Say they do all they can, it's just another lie
The answer's plain to see, nobody wants to try

We have an sheepdog protecting us tonight with a pig.
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Daily reminder not to believe in yourself, but to believe in me, who believes in you!
You guys are messed up for having fantasy about Fur...that disturbing
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fox is just peachy.jpg
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She's exchausted, i'm headed to bed at about 4 somethin.
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I believe in my self
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Then make a change.
Get money. Live somewhere else..
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I'm trying, but life has been pretty fucking crazy for me. I don't think I'll be able to move out any time soon.
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war makes me a diamonds.png
1 MB, 750x1125
>trips confirm
If someone gets in your way, crush em!
I've posted the one girl many times in the past.
And I've posted several times today the new girl who moved in with us today.
I got her because the first girl need someone to play with besides me.
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[heavy breathing]
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clean getaway.jpg
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I have also posted my proof multiple times. So, to all anons questing the count, luhk moa.
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Mah nigga.

post hands pics
Maybe not soon, but thinking about making the change is the first step.
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well if others can confirm good on you, I only come on at night and have been out most of this evening due to pokameme go.

guess i'm one to talk when it comes to not believing shit on 4chan considering I once spent an hour posting pictures and email logs proving what I said about what I do was legit.
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have cool, will travel.png
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Indentured to the damages, Manotick, and finishing school.
This song makes him want to dance
Got to dance now, on the street you grew up on
This song makes him want to dance
Like hips are attached to his tongue in a toaster.
i'm not going too don't worry

I might in a ylyl thread but not here.
Everything I say is true.
I'm too old to start lieing.
Seems fairly pointless.
Hell, a lot of people don't like me because of how open and honest I am.
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That's true. I guess I'll get there eventually.

>tfw I was the original one that posted that
I am proud of myself. I still think Rust In Peace is the greatest metal album ever.
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I remember one thread when I was talking with an anon about one of my aerospace projects and another anon did what I did so I started posting pictures with time stamps until he got mad and left because he couldn't recover his argument.
Yes you will.
You and everyone else can do anything in life.
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If I ever find the motivation anyway. And right now I have none.
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Take my humble offering of one of the best solo dragon pics ever.
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I really don't remember saving gore like that. I'm surprised at how much I have.
Oh yeah.
You really need ns.
I don't think you would have questioned me if you had it.
I'm always here, you just don't realize who I am.
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ive gone this long without it.
That can be difficult.
I've been there too.
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Get. Namesync.

Hopefully this medication will start helping soon. Maybe then I'll finally be able to do something with my life.
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Can someone start an h/fur? ty ty
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I dig a lot of dave's earlier work, regardless of how "well" he sings. I actually like the gravel-throat way that he sings. Makes it more intense. Also Hangar 18 and polaris are two of my favorite songs to jam to.

He knows every dance;
Preprogrammed romance
When he looks at you,
I'm watching, too, through his video eyes.

He was made to play the part;
He's no ordinary man.
He was made to break your heart;
He's the Automatic Man.
You have...
But it really opens up a whole new world when you know you are taking to the same person you talked to yesterday, or last month, just by seeing them.

You cunt seem to be here to remain completely anon. You wouldn't open with sgb ask the time of you did.
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I have absolutely no addoons for 4chan and function just fine. I have my intro and can generally recognize people base don posting, ns would make it easier but I really don't care, maybe latter.
You can.
Open the catalog and select the start thread option.
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Is anyone else's furry folder so huge that it's impossible to organize? Mine would take literally days of work.
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do it already.png
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HK fur? don't have enough edits.
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I agree. His vocals were unique, I quite liked them. Have you hear their latest album yet? I legitimately think it's their best album since Countdown to Extinction. Their new guitarist blends so well with Mustaine's style.
But you didn't recognize me.
You still might not know who I am.
Especially since I didn't post either of my 2 intros
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>alien infiltration

this close to declaring war on Ceres anon
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Mutual sight, mutual sound
Mutual struggle, for shared ground
It's safe to say, they'll try to take from me
I'm just another one for them to break down

Steeped in denial, the daily grind
Dream of a world for me and my kind
It's safe in the alternate reality
So stick your standards where the sun doesn't shine

They're for themselves, it doesn't matter what they say
Promise the world then take it from you anyway
They'll break you down, making your vision fade away
It's time to go, get outta my space

Alrite my homeslice, I need to hit the pillow or else I'll be as dope as fucking Kurt Cobain at one of his wife's concerts

See ya tomorrow, maybe if I don't die
Why would I even try to organize?
What's the point?
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fine, link to a ns addon download and i'll see if its worth it.
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Dystopia is great. I haven't had time to do a full listen yet tho.

HK fur is an h/fur combat plan anon. We take the H and make it into guns, thus making it s/fur material.

Never do more than I, I really need
My mind is racing, but my body's in the lead
Tonight's the night, I'm gonna push it to the limit
I live all of my years in a single minute

Fill my eyes with that double vision
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black cat.jpg
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Black cat is already here spider, why you hatin?
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You definitely should listen to the whole thing when you get the chance. Some people like to shit on it because of Dave's political views, but that's precisely why I like it. His more conservative views are very refreshing amongst so many liberal metal bands nowadays.
Wow, any more like this? Perfect !
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2 MB, 1200x1198
I don't have any fire pokemans.
That sucks.
I want growlithe. And the sexy fire horse ones..
Dave is great. I can't help but enjoy his conspiracy songs. The crazy adds flavor.
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>dat pic
Yeah, same.
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I hear her voice in the morning shower
See her waiting from the water tower
See her falling through the fog in the mirror
See her waving from a painted island
I just don't feel okay without her near me
Keep on clutching onto life so dearly
It filters into me through every pore
The haunting light under the bedroom door

man fuck furfaggotry in general but fuck yeah saw them live a couple months ago and the song they played from it was dope megadeth is fucking awesome
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Hell yeah motherfucker. Megadeth kicks ass. I've never seen them live though, or ever been to any concert. I'd love to see them.
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i'm not enjoying this layout and I can't seem to change it, anyway to like, just have ns but use the default page layout?
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Um. I really don't even know what the non 4x looks like any more..
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dave insane.jpg
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(dons tinfoil tophat)
Disengage their minds, sabotage their health
Promote sex and war and violence in the kindergartens
Blame the parents and teachers; it's their fault, "Annuit Coeptis"
Attack the church dynamic, attack the family
Keep the public undisciplined 'til nothing left is sacred and
The "have-not's" get hooked and have to go to the "have's" just to cop a fix
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I just wanted ns not all this other bullshit if I can't get rid of it i'm ditching the whole thing.
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wakfu teaser.png
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yeah when i saw them i was tripping balls at a rock festival. which, whew. lol.

def would not recommend trying that if you enjoy masturbating to illustrated anthropomorphic pornography. you should definitely get out and go to a concert and smoke some weed and talk to a girl or something though.

i had fun tho. also saw slayer on a dose at bonnaroo last year, that was pretty dope.

anyway continue ur fapping
I really need to get more balls tomorrow. Some of these pokemans are being a bitch too catch.
I'd say stick to it for a while. I got used to it, and like the functionality of X better now, such as the google and iqdb buttons to search for an image's source right next to the image.
I absolutely hate this layout and I have 0 interest using any of the other features.

this is just obtrusive and annoying to me, if this is the price to pay for ns i'm not using it.
It's really not that bad once you get used to it.
I would recommend giving it a couple of nights, then if you still don't like it you can toss it.
s/fur..... posts lesbians.
I'm not commanding you to use it anon. if you hate it so much then don't use it, but like neo said, give it a few night test run, and see if you really hate it so fucking much.
I would never have called it obtrusive...

Did you install 4chanx or apchan?
Personally I can't stand apchan.
You seem to not know what s/fur means.
It doesn't mean acts that are straight as performed by the characters.
It means art that appeals to straight males.
That would include lesbian stuff because straight males fund that appealing.
Yes you caught me.
I'm on my phone and I don't proof read to make sure what my phone thinks I said is really what I wanted to say.
Must really suck to be me.
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