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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>699816833 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 143
Thread images: 132
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Muppo (5).jpg
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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!
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Kyouko (5).jpg
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Miho claimed
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Reporting for duty!
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The hell is that?
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Namine claim
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Oh my~ what a lewd cutie~

It's apparently some condition or something.
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A thing. It womt harm you as long as you're kind to it

Where is rin from? Cause i might as well watch that idol show too. already added idolm@ster to the list

And friends?
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Makes more sense heh. Like the name though, aside from the main unit μ's, Maki id in her own called BiBi

Cheeky Smug, you have nothing on me :^)

Ah remember when that aired, didn't get around to it. That outfit though. For the most part yeah thanks. Enjoy yourself till then man. Just exercise, not doing it competitive here. 2fast4me.
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Saber claim quick
Rip her. Oh well at least they're nice outfits

>Back to league
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>Rattle rattle
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Muppo (6).jpg
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That's Muppo.
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Lost his motivation in talking.
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She is mine!
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Nope. Nobody. About to go wrap my car around a pole just to unload it.
It's idolm@ster,but it's idolm@ster Cinderella girls, to be more specific
That's true, I suppose~
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Hi Miho.
Uhh... Ok.
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>Plays with hair
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pokemon go.jpg
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Nico nico Nii~
Don't forget Nico Nii!
Because I Nico need you!
Hachikuji-fag reporting in
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Cute art.png
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Really? What the fuck?

Damn :^(

Indeed that outift. Gotcha fam. Speaking of fast, you saw the men's 400m?

Would you consider some of us jere firends?

Oh so its a sub group like they have in love live?
Also hachikuji claimed, obviously
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Goingto go take a shower. Be back shortly.
I don't know why but it frightens me.
Hello Little nico
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Niiico! I crashed my bike and the engine exploded! My knee and arm are all fucked up now!

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Muppo (11).png
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Pokemon Go? More like Pokemon Gofuckyourself
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Kind of im not on to much. But i aint got a way to pay anyone back.

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Looks like I'll stop the Pokémon hunt short this evening due to low battery. Are you guys having a good day so far?
Wrong thread buddy. Back to /vp/with you.
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Hello everyone
>no life
>Juvia Claimed
>happy to be here
Might be my last claim of the night
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For Yui (6).png
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More along the lines of a second season with a sub-title
Grace Parra is sexy
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I have yet to play it. Kind of a shit night.
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Perks of being the chillest :^)

It sure is something. Nope, but I saw the 100m. Usain strikes again. What was the 400m like?

How's the night going?
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Fantastic claim.

What happened to hand-kun?
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Yes sir. More of a good night though

We get it dude. But youre always welcome to come back



Told ya you were the chillest. Not me :^)

Fastest was 48sec WITH hurdles

You're the coldest
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best idol ship 47.jpg
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Heya Shinoa! How are ya?

Ouch.. that sucks. I heard you also had to miss out on seeing Iowa because of his mommy

Pretty good! :) no complaints here. what about you love?
I'm here, how's it going

>watching cowboy bebop for the first time
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*insert spoiler here*
Doing fine as usual. How's class?
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Yui (9).jpg
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Hey Yuuki, how have you been?
He's in a better place now.
Absolutely devilish.
Pretty good still playing league
I love that image
OMG SPIKE DIES!!!!!!1010101111
Why can't I claim a 3D girl?
I'm pretty good, just relaxing and listening to my friend rant about dark souls.
Shinoa-anon is mai waifu
Rem has the best doujins.
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Sorry, just 3 points that should be known.
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You Know Gasai (9).gif
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Half way done with 61th mirai nikki rewatch
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That's a given in your case.

Might as well use it for something :^)

>With hurdles
Wew lad. Now imagine that without hurdles, a low 40 probably. Record is 43 at the moment. Amazing feats man.

Always nice to hear. Doing good, still relaxing.

>the first time
Have fun.
Thank you. Cute alter saber is great, too~
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Hand-Kun left the threads, anon.

I hope they'll update it soon in some way or another.

Something you acomplish today?

Good luck with your battles.

>Watching Future Diary 61 times.
Are you alright, Yuno?
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Yui (3).jpg
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>listening to my friend rant about dark souls.
While watching Cowboy Bebop?
Because I know you're better than that.
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who the fuck is this?
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Wasn't it 60 last thread?

I'm really liking it so far, loving the music and setting
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I like you alot

3 points?

Use it for good :^)

Right? Jesus christ my 400m time was 1:42

Oh :(

Getting cuts in water by trash trying to clean a drain at work. You?
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Well, I say listening, but he's texting me about his struggles.
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Now it's a tonberry!?
Still don't know what pomf means.
Hi Laura.
I'm ok. Slept too late. Wayyy too late.
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You Know Gasai (258).jpg
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Jesus christ, do you want to put away those behemoths before you squish someone?

PERFECTLY fine, what makes you think I'm not?

Oh no that was my just randomly shouted how many times in total I've watched, not the current
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>sneaking noises
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>Cat pose
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The lurking Shinoa.png
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Those are some of the things that made it such a great watch. Nice all around.

What other way could I? :^)

Were you walking?
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who is it?
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Looks like someone needs to git gud, though I can't say anything, never playing Dark Souls.
Some fresh OC right here

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>put what away

>more sneaking

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Hows your night?
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Ouch. I've just been relaxing today, I'm about to watch Hardcore Henry when I get back home.

How would you like it if I inflicted pain upon you to wake you up?
>Charges canon.

Who in their right mind watches something that many times?
>You won't like it if I do the math.

>Roll for master.
Gotcha. My friend is about to give up on DaS2 by the way. I steered him the right direction, so we'll see how he fares.

On episode 2 now, the animation for this show is great considering it was made in 1998

He was trying to go to the wrong place at the start and got super upset. I showed him where to go lol
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You Know Gasai (29).jpg
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Hahah! You don't even have an ass!
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Just woke up, really.
Need to get food and stuff.
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>my butt is fine thank you
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You don't have to roll ;^)
Long i should really be going to bed. But im to awake for that.
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best idol ship 59.jpg
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It wasn't TOO bad but you know school is school :(

You gonna stay up with me? :) cmonn.. please?
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I can't find her name....
even on her pics on the iqdb and google.
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You Know Gasai (19).png
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It's my favorite animu though

NAH he's fucked before he even realized it
He sounds like you're typical dudebroish, I know this pothead that bangwagons shit and when bloodborne came out, me and a bro was playing and he asked about it.. I told him its gonna be hard but just had a stoner laugh, bought it.. hes still in the starting level to this day

Excuse me while I save this for um.. closer examination..
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Rapey smug.png
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The bad but we don't do bad :^)

That was timed in rotc. I was jogging with friends and didn't feel lile trying. I honestly believe im around the minute mark. Maybe lower if i do the last 100m sprint

No more sneaking you say?~

Meh its work y'know? Hardcore Henry?

Someone is just jealous~

Didn't sound like it went how you expected :/
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>Yeager strike witches


> <3
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Do these count?
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He plays a lot of RPGs and shooters (like The Witcher, Far Cry, Elder Scrolls, etc.) but he's never played a souls game. He said "Don't get me wrong, for some reason i really am enjoying it but DAMN, it's just infuriating"

I convinced him to try DaS1 since it doesn't have that health loss mechanic.
File: Witchery_Chart.jpg (331 KB, 1000x961) Image search: [Google]
331 KB, 1000x961
ok, thanks.

I actually JUST got Strike Witches from last pic, but was not sure who she was in the chart.

Thanks, again
>pic related. chart
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>Boob attack!
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Where is she from anyways?
I require more butts

That's the spirit of the game though
Souls 1 has a health loss mechanic but its works differently
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I honestly don't know the reason. All I know was I was ditched.

>Finally got a chance to put peroxide on it
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>Everybody walk the 300,000 foot Lostess Cow
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Lost Ness*
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[metabooru] (2).gif
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I've only had the health loss mechanic from a curse, is there another way?
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Cute blushing.jpg
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This >>699832524 is my butt. Go ask your ship, hotaru for butts
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You Know Gasai (13).gif
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No that's it

Are those other buns??

Hotaru is dead, gimme a new ship you fucking donut
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>only for you <3

>not yours
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A pioneer for its time. Each episode had such a intriguing plot as well.

It's a tempting offer, no promises though cutie. We'll see.

Not at all :^)

Ah ok, fair enough. Whenever something was timed I always felt like trying, get the best I can get. A minute flat is sweet though. The last 100 isn't one of the resting 100m so yeah it's doable, you got that.

Last time I was timed, think it was 1:04.
You get back here, Shizuru! I won't stop chasing you until you're fully awake!

Eh, I'm bored.

20 and 1/3rd days you've wasted watching Future Diary. I don't even know what to say...

Yeah. The first person concept caught me off guard at first, but it would've been better to see in the theaters.
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i like the lewdness of this thread
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Tats is RIP
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You Know Gasai (11).jpg
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Everyone's butts belong to me!~

I got 1483h into Destiny
Calculate that
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Not kill, he still lurks from what I've seen.

Will probably pop out if you call his name during the day.
>Eh I'm bored
So what are you going to do~
>Tfw ingrown toenail twice before
>Peroxide to clean the wound
I'm with you there
Its not my tats. Thats another.
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What have they done to the artsyle of berserk!? Im extremely dissapointed
>mfw the animation is awful, like REALLY awful
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Man, screw curses. I got cursed for so long before I figured out you could buy an item from that lady in undead burg to remove it lol

So there isn't like an overarching plot, it's just sort of episodic?
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>says the ass less

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You sure?
You're talking about the /mu/ dude from Greece, right?
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You Know Gasai (18).png
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Took everyone a while to figured that out lol

Uhh huh..
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Know the feeling. Was like that yesterday. That's why i wound up sleeping too much.
I'm up, i'm up. Be nice.
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Yes. But i dont see there name sync when they post.
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Go hit on other waifus and not ny bun

Only for me <3

Very good :^)

Hell yeah dude. Friends at rotc needed the push since they were new and weren't used to running. So i pushed then a bit. I think my fastest mile time was 6:06. Its sad since i can only get to 6:30 average

Oh so its a film?

Tats must be busy with school work

Haven't seen it yet
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>Erica has a cuter ass then you
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best idol ship 62.jpg
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Nope.. not at all.. it was pretty rough..

Yeah thats what he said his parents said he couldnt go. and owww... i hope itll feel better after love..

Im gonna take that as a yes then hehe yay all nighter!!
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You Know Gasai (20).jpg
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Put ya hoe on a leash then nigga

>Literally who
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Im sorry to hear
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I thought the only way to remove curses was from the priest in New Londo Ruins, so I spent a while trying to get to him on half health lol

>dat panty shot
Thread replies: 143
Thread images: 132

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