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When was America 'Great'?

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When was America 'Great'?

when wasnt it? shit troll
1945, fag. 2-time champions.
When we used every part of the buffalo.
1950's and early 60's.
pre 1990.
most likely that time we helped defend or de-occupy your country.
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I'm being serious here, pal. Try to do the same.

Jim Crow era
before niggers had rights

After the new deal when rich fags paid higher taxes and there was a strong, large middle class. Then it got shitty when they started cutting taxes for rich fags, raise taxes on the middle and working classes and and cut education spending. It's been down hill ever since.
So never, got it. Kek.

When it got obscenely rich playing both sides of WW2 before joining the party late.
As always.
keep voting for democrat shill. your life will surely improve just like it did with obama, r-right?

hello there newfriend :^)

1. Genocide.
2. Colonize.
3. Slave labor.
4. Immigrant wage slavery.

Just the start, but the rest is also shit and disgusting.
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before they unchained the niggers
so then you were the problem starters we were putting down, even better for your argument.
When there was no niggers
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Before the sjw's started whining and getting offended by EVERYTHING, before the fag parades and before the nigger chimp outs.

>Before whites were guilt tripped into feeling inferior and responsible for all racism on the earth.
America has never been great
1776. Also when niggers were slaves
European and Asian countries literally invented all of those things dipshit.
I hear the sixties were pretty golden.

Back when white people didn't have to worry about being white.
Back when we dident pander to whiny little bitches
Back when as a nation we held religion in high regard
Back when we had a strong and thriving middle class
it purely a matter of perception, most people tend gloss over the ugly details of every time period...really this sort of nationalistic pride that borderlines arrogant, foolish and willingly ignorant does a great disservice to the future of humanity, but let's be honest the people who give a shit in the general sense not extremist notions are far outnumbered by people who either don't give a shit or have a limited spectrum of reality.
When it was under british rule
who let their dad on here?
Before you were born.
It was the most powerful and respected county for awhile. So there's that.
Neither that, there's not much America could take from my country or they're not interested yet.
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Tag team champions, and they didn't tag in until the opponent was on his heels.
I think you're confusin them with the British empire
America was best at it.
oh nvm I thought you mattered, you are just sad and lonely. moving on from this thread then.

For the record this election we are stuck in is a fucking joke all around. Bernie wasn't bad but too many people want to see the first woman president before they move on and she a democrat....
1776 - 1955
As soon as the hippy movement and civil rights movements demanded the Government pay them for imagined inequalities of opportunity because of the reality of unequal outcomes and we gave birth to the welfare nation where 51 million abortions in 40 years is considered a good thing and we need more of them, where single mothers are hailed as goddesses and where doing anything exceptional is treated like a pathology.
wow ok,

1. Genocide, Germany takes the cake, who have we tried to genocide?
2. Colonization, England and Spain
3. yeah we won there most recently but I don't take pride in that.
4. who the fuck hasn't taken advantage of people trapped in a bad situation see #2
In the 60s and 70s before automation and globalization really affected us, things were pretty sweet. You could work at a pizza place and go buy a house.

But neither Dyin Hillary nor the God Emperor can reverse automation or outsourcing
I'm alright, my country isn't great either but it's chill and life is pretty good. I'm asking about America though. You seem to be proud but can't answer seriously for some reason. America has taken part in some (many) wars which helped some countries while some others got fucked, is that your whole point on what makes America great?
I'd assume we got rid of a bigger percentage of the worlds Native Americans than Nazi Germany did of getting rid of the worlds jews.
1942-1969. Duh.
America was great in the 80s and 90s.

or maybe it just felt that way because I was a child until 1997.
when faglords like this use to cower saying nothing under the protective shadow of American's greatness.
The USA is literally the only country that ever colonized, genocided, enslaved, or used cheap immigrant labor in the history of earth.

The USA invented all four of those things. Until the USA was founded human beings were all nice to each other all the time. There was never war or famine. It was truly a paradise.
To be fair, there were a LOT more jews in the world than Native Americans

No taxation without representation!!!
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Were you born this stupid or did you have to work at it?
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It's great right now. Stay mad shill. Fucking faggot.
Were you born this stupid, or do you just have trouble understanding sarcasm?
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>stuff that happened at least 100 years ago

Yeahrrr, America be bad and suit yo
OP is probably like "muh wealth redistribution. I cunt work muh whey up in da wurld." Quit being a nigger OP.
In not American nor care about Trump, it's a legit question you fucking idiot.
See though I get that the Native Americans weren't imperialist or anything but they were as down to fight as we were. I don't understand when men who believed in conquest become monsters instead of being revered. Most of the greats we know of from all over the world were known for being great warriors or conquerors. Alexander the Great, Napoleon, and Attila the Hun for instance.
I answered your legit question.
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1776 through 1959
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If you guys let fucking Trump become president he's gonna fuck with your country in more ways that you could ever imagine

Don't know your history too well huh.

Only know the "American" version.

Tell me how you won World War 1, when nobody won it.
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.... hold on are you a trump supporter? You got the secret password Pepe the frog so you must be.

So why is Trump's slogan wrong?

You mean the Russians?
and then again, briefly, in 1969 when we won the Space Race
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Pre1970s in major cities and mid1970s most everywhere else. Immigration SJWs in power found ways of making themselves rich and self-satisfied by relaxing border controls and flooding the country with people of color (but not for anyone else) I was there. If you don't believe me, look at dated photos of 20th century American history with people in them. You will see the difference yourself. Multiculturalism is artificial and the globalist agenda has been at work for decades. Only now is it going for the big money using technology and international trade agreements and the middle class being abandoned
Dear America,

Why has your country been at war for 222 years out of your 239 years existance?

There is an answer, I wonder if any Americunts actually know it.
America was great twice:

Revolution until the Civil War
After Reconstruction until the early 1960s.
Because we kept it to your miserable shores.
When? Before all the faggot hippies and the "Peace" and "Love" bullshit. If it wasn't for those bastards ruining my state, I'm 100% positive California would be as wild as fucking Texas. We're the Wild, Wild West for crying out loud! Fuck hippie liberal scum. They made feminism and made faggots mainstream. America was great before them.
russians are just shitty players and they should fucking learn to last-hit their mobs if they want actual credit for blindly slinging millions of lives at Germany and Friends

Not really lol, you know that the president is only one man, yes? We need Republican Congress back in power after the liberals have been fucking it up, there's less and less Bible-thumpers and more and more alt-right neo-nazis, so it's an all around improvement.
When Darren Young was Straight.
Every culture and country ever has done this.

WW1 was a shameful conflict for all parties involved, not just America.

Remember that time we beat the bad guys in WW2 though? That was cool.
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this guy gets it
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Everything belongs to America
u/InterimFatGuy648d, 8h
Then everything belong to America. People often ask me what it means to be an American. I tell 'em it's triumph. Triumph. Triumph when we nuke our enemies. Triumph when our flag flutters in the wind on the moon. Triumph when we peer down from the moon and laugh heartily at Russia. Triumph when we depose one dictator after another. Triumph when we break into the homes of terrorist kingpins on the other side of Earth and shoot them in the face. Triumph when we use flying robots to bomb other terrorists in Afghanistan. Triumph when we were the main reason the Nazis were defeated in WWII. Triumph when we freed Europe twice. Triumph. Triumph. Triumph. But it's not just the the big things, see? It's the way I can set up lawn chairs at my friends house on the Texas Rio Grande and share a toast to freedom while watching Mexicans charge into gunfire to enter my country. It's the way an Italian cabbie sits up straight and floors the gas when he hears my accent. It's seeing the wide eyes and bead of sweat running down the forehead of a German customs agent when he opens my passport. It's the way a French waiter hangs his head when I refuse the wine and ask for Coke instead, in English knowing full well he understands me (and that they have it). The way an Aussie blushes and leans into the urinal next to me in the bathroom, or the scowl that meets my smirk when I tip an English waiter in US dollars covered with Washington's face. The way small mobs of Canadian school children follow me from a distance to see what a free man looks like, or how heads timidly rise and women gather when my accent stops the music in the clubs of Amsterdam. Triumph. Every bit of it, triumph. That's what it means to be an American.
I honestly believe that it was American Military Might and our industrial capacity that won WWII, but to be fair, Russia was the "hard place" to our "rock" that the Axis Powers found themselves stuck between.

Even your sentence didn't make sense.

Try again.

Maybe you can tell me about the time at the start of the 20th Century when American Forces using torture killed 300k Filipino civilians to try and find the rebels who wanted independence?

Oh wait thats right.... the US government deemed that not worthy of teaching in School.
When did I say "When we won world war 1 for you."?

keywords here are "helped, defend, and de-occupy".
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because our culture is unsustainable and based on burning the candle at both ends while simultaneously trying to evolve the candle into some sort of bioluminescent CO2 eating fuel source, this while sacrificing weaker governments to the fire gods in the hopes that our military industrial complex will float the country along just a few more years until I die

It was the Russian push that lasted years that finally got the Germans on the back foot.

They managed to single handedly take out a nice percentage of the Germans to make the final push much easier.

Plus the fact a homeless guy who was dressed up as an officer with fake documents on him, confused the Germans to move troops away from France to allow the landings.

You should learn your history more kid.
why would we care about filipino citizens?
>wind on the moon
wrong, faggot. kys.
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Ever colonized, ever? please leave this thread you have no place here....

You mean when you joined in at the end when the majority of the work was already done.

And even then you fucked it up on the Landings, more Americans died on the landings due to inexperience and bad orders than anywhere else.
sauce on gun? i think its an mg 1942, but not sure.

Because you were at war with them.

See you don't even remember your own history. How very sad.
Was anon wrong though?


He wasn't.That is exactly what happened.And if you hadn't been fucking with Japan and their shipping in the Pacific, then they would have left you alone and you would have sat it completely out.

Because like you folks said then "it wasn't your problem"
it was a combined effort, faggot. Russians just got invaded and had shit to prove. US only actually gave two shits after pearl harbor. before that we were just being american as fuck, supplying war shit to geographically less fortunate countries
It even says coppypasta at the top, fucking retard.
That night I fucked your mom.
Love, Dad.
i get your sarc, but there are probably a lot of people who actually believe this.
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>When was America 'Great'?
1788 - 2016 (and hopefully for years to come)

1788 because that's the year the Constitution was ratified. America has always been a work in progress, but we've been a great country ever since the Constitution and it's first ten amendments were signed into law and established a government that, among other things, shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

But there's no guarantee that America will be great after 2016 - right now we even have a candidate for President who thinks we should prohibit the free exercise of the Muslim religion, that the freedom of the press should be abridged by expanding libel laws, has encouraged violence at otherwise peaceable assemblies, and suggested abridging the speech of certain parts of the internet.
Wind is moving gasses. Rocket motors, such as the ascent motor in the lunar module, expell gasses.

So yes, the flaf of the United States of America DID flutter in the "breeze" of our triumphant return to lunar orbit, briefly. NASA has the video
I'm not american dipshit

Like I said Americans have obviously been taught the pro-American version of history.

America did little in Europe during WW2 when they finally entered the fray, sure they supplied people at times, but that is nothing.

And I know it was combined, hence why I mentioned the Allied fake officer with fake documents also.

Damn you yanks can't even read.
No I realize, I mean why would I care, you say it like it's so terrible but they're only filipinos.
Before Europeans invaded and slaughtered the true Americans.

Then why did you respond with the word "we" to my post about Americans.

I think you are trying to pretend you ain't American because you just found out a terrible truth about your country.

Your words say it all, you're ignorant.

You don't get involved in foreign affairs at a whim, Jesus Christ, we learned that after icing Suddham Hussein, almost the same scenario came up with Assad.

America is the most powerful military on Earth, and don't you forget it, but you can't wave your military cock around without pissing off other countries.

Also the lack of the German's speaking out about what was actually going on with Jews and non-nazis contributed to it. Do I have to show you a map of where America is in relation to say, England, Poland, or France?
Every moment before you were born.
there was no such thing yet and wouldn't have been if it didn't happen dipshit.
I'm american and I was taught we ate shit and that russia was based, but that teacher was a marxist so it was pretty slanted.

that wasn't me asshat
When we kicked the Brits asses and sent them packing back across the ocean?
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>When White Christian land-owning MEN made all the rules.
>We could just shoot an asshole and pretty much get away with it.
>There was literally jobs everywhere.
>Life was tough. Eating/Surviving was an accomplishment.
>Shit paper? For pussies.
>Mass genocide of indigenous people.
Ah.... The "Gilded Age"
>Tips Fedora

Not true.

America is almost nearing German-levels of self-ridicule nowadays, getting this idea hammered into them that they're somehow to blame for all the past slavery and imperialism.
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drink more rubbing alcohol "running with tree"
I don't think I've personally made any significant impact on America, tbh. Just like you.

every day was "you owned slaves, hate yourself" "we bombed japan. hate yourself" "we were sexist, hate yourself"

The point is this, Americans are so fond of using the "nan king" excuse about Japan, but when faced with the fact their country were just as bad they seize up.

The other point is to show the real America the one hidden from it's citizens.

To this day Americans think the 2 different nukes used on Japan was to save lives from an Invasion. And also that Agent Orange used on Vietcong and Vietnamese has not caused birth defects that conveniently started at the tail end of the Vietnam war and continues today.

It was America that caused 9/11 by trying to control oil resources in the middle east, training mujahideen to fight Russians who later became the Taliban and fighters for Al'Qaeda. While Khomeini seized power in Iran they stopped the cheap oil deal and gave the US a chance to pay a respectable price but greedy USA wanted the old price, so instead paid up to $1 trn to Saddam to fight Iran.

Which in turn failed to remove Khomeini and then the rest is history. And to this day the US Government lies about everything to continue the large contracts for stealth fighters that will never be used. Corporates having big pay days yearly.

And don't even get me started on the National Debt that Americans have no clue about, and somehow they think the GDP = America's wealth. It is fucking laughable.

You need a tin foil hat kidfag. Because your American Overseers have trained you well.
Dude just stop what do you mean at times? The States were constantly sending weapons, ammo, and supplies from day one of England and France declaring war. For fucks sake England used a M4 Sherman tank we let them modify with a bigger gun called the Firefly. and English tank crews loved that tank so damn much. How ever I'm American but I give mad respect to Russia for holding there own front and not only holding but pushing to Berlin.
HAAAAAA I bet nobody said that after we dropped them NUKES.

try harder, faggot.

>how's that for American history, bitch
before whitey showed up
just the beginning, too lazy to add more. if you understand history you can supply the rest.
lol wtf? who said america invented any of those things? you crazy man.

The nukes were justified, end millions of lives instead of billions.

No one defends Agent Orange, veterans died because of its effects.

We aren't responsible for 9/11, fuck off.
Before the Skinhead Nazi losers decided they needed to start screaming "reverse racism when they realized they couldn't make it even when they were in charge of everything. Try not tattooing swastikas on your foreheads and batheing once a year or so though in most cases it still won't help because stupidity doesn't scrub off.

check your sources mate. estimates for native american populations go into the millions.
7 million is the upper estimate. far more native americans killed than jews, moron.
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I use no excuse for japan, shit was hilarious we bombed them into social retards. we are not taught it was to save lives, we are taught it was horrid.
we ARE taught about the effects of agent orange actually
everyone knows that

jesus you aren't even american based on previous comments, we are taught all of this

we are taught this as well

anyone you run into who doesn't know this shit just didn't pay attention in school, the school teaches it you monumental faggot

Native Americans did 9/11.
Acknowledging history is acknowledging history.
No need to feel bad. It's there, or it isn't.
No need to defend, or attack self. Everything is plain.
Fuck this election my country is stuck in, all of it. having said that what do you want us to do about it? the favored few know how much money our country is in debt, but the majority of people on this forum had nothing to do with it if any. politicians of ours aren't browsing this like oh shit that's a good point isn't it. Other countries need to stop thinking we are so mindless while they sit over on there side of the sea because the majority of us who do think for themselves cant make as big of an impact.


Non-americans criticizing our education system without actually knowing what's taught, hilarious.
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America was great before it went insane.

Before secure borders were "racism".
Before financial success was "evil".
Before faggots were "normal".
Before self defense was "murder".
Before "government" and "Mommy" were synonyms.
Before children were "Special Snowflakes".
Before men and women were treated the same.
Before niggers were.....well, I guess they're still niggers.
>American Forces using torture killed 300k Filipino civilians
Nothing of value was lost
Obamacare saved my life, i'm pretty stoked about it.
Implying your life didn't get noticeably better = no one's did
in the late 1700's, there was a series of wars called the Barbary wars.

The US built up a great naval force, mostly for coastal protection. But when certain muslim nations, like Tripoli, demanded tribute plus 10% commission annually to prevent attacks on "sinners" in accordance with the laws of their prophet, Thomas Jefferson refused.

American and British fleets were being raided by muslim pirates. Jefferson sent the marines to fight against these Musselmen, freed the American prisoners, and stopped this nonsense of paying a mafia to not burn down the business.

That's when america was great, when it was not founded on the christian religion.
>right now we even have a candidate for President who thinks we should prohibit the free exercise of the Muslim religion
So someone wants to staunch cancer and its a bad thing
Fuck off cuck
what country are you from and what makes you ask the question? If you're from a country that is taking in refugees, I would have to ask the same thing you're asking about america about your own country.
Sarcasm is difficult to convey through text alone.
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America didn't use nuclear weapons until the second world war . Also bonus fact in the first world war an important battle (vimmy ridge)
was won by the Canadian army after both Britain and America have tried more than once
america being the only country to ever do genocide? Have you not taken a look at any of the superpowers throughout history?

1. Billions? Are you that fucking deluded.

2. Good.

3. You should look up what Reagan did and the consequencies it had. It is no coincidence that Islamic Extremism against the west happened at the same time. Also you need to read the declassified CIA documents about what the US did with Saddam and how they gave him Biological weapons.

As for not responsible, yes you were, after the failed Iraq-Iran war, the Bin Laden family had their Son Osama leave due to it, the Bin Laden family still deals with the Bush family to this day, but Osama went to Afghanistan to fight alongside the American trained Mujihadeen that was trained originally to fight the Russians, but now against Americans.

Saddam tried to invade Kuwait and this forced America to take action, and that riled up Osama more, and in the end Al'Qaeda was formed and those Mujihadeen became the Taliban.

Actions and Consequencies, your country in it's lust for oil caused 9/11. Again the declassified documents are out there, one reason why the US and UK lied about Iraq having WMDs after 9/11 because those documents were about to be released and they didn't want people to notice that the US gave Saddam chemical weapons.

But hey you want to keep on believing your Media go for it, in the end your country is fucked economically, doesn't matter who gets in Trump or Clinton the congress and CEOs will continue to rape American for it's money.
I have a comment: religion isn't everything, and it can cause problems if fanatics practice it.
It wasn't America under british rule.
Who in the actual fuck cares, like fucking who? Hush tiny America.
>this is what an overworked CTR shill looks like
Nigga, dont you think people voting for him know his positions and that you are inventing bullshit he never said? You sound like a homosexual because your logic shows mental illness, check yourself to be sure
To be fair we took care of some shit that was our own shit in world war 2. I didn't see anyone else helping with Japan.
sputnick was in 57 sorry anon russia started it off
Still waiting for an American to talk about the National Debt and what it is, and why their GDP is in their eyes America's wealth.

I need a good laugh.
who said it was the only country to commit genocide? wtf? lol.
I mean. Don't single a country out if you won't list all of them that have done it. Same with slave labor, and america isn't the last to have slave labor. or slaves in general. The middle east still has them, africa still has them. We weren't the most brutal when it came to slaves either. The french in the west indies were pretty cruel to slaves.
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I congratulate you on creating the new 'there is nothing wrong with being jewish' sarcastic punchline
Curiosity on what Americans think was the period of time where America 'used to be great', according to that slogan. I'd say my country is just alright.
Just pointing out that we do our best to not only learn history of our own country but the countries around us that have affected our history ya know that whole multi-cultural stick we got going on . Oh and Canada is the second largest country in the world it's just less populated .... and not as heavy
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before some dude had a dream. I kid.
No not really all that much lost.
Also germany: killed 6 million jews and possibly some others basically through slave labor. America doesn't take the cake on either of those things. Russia under Stalin killed even more people, albeit more indiscriminately, but I'm sure it would count as genocide toward several different groups.
We should of just picked the damn cotton ourselfs.
Debt is hard for some people to understand.

Debt is money owed right? We all know that. But debt can be sold in the marketplace because it has time-value.

In time, the debt will be valuable.

It is expected that it will be paid eventually.

A mortgage gets an insurance policy against it, because that insurance policy is a bet that the debt won't be paid. The premiums cover the bet. The homeowner pays the premiums until a certain loan-to-value ratio is met. Poor people deal with this all the time.

Selling debt is part of working with money in the marketplace.

America has an astounding debt. We owe money to lots of other countries. But, other countries owe lots of money to us, the debt has value and can be sold, and if the debt were to be paid off by whatever means, then some markets would collapse because the pressure to move money in relation to that debt would disappear.

* This is a rough summary, so don't take it as gospel, but those are the cliffs of the cliffs.
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Of course I can't credit it entirely to the Americans. But we kicked Britain's fucking ass in the Battle of New Orleans, 1815.

The defense had 13 killed
30 wounded
19 missing
Total: 62

The British had 285 killed
1,265 wounded
484 captured
Total: 2,034

We had about 3,000 soldiers the British had about 15,000. We had civilian volunteers, Chocktaw Warriors, and Andrew Jackson coordinating with fucking French pirates.

Suck my Louisiana dick, Brits.
Early sixties
We were hard af up until the cold war ended
What country is it though? I'd say maybe the area of time between the end of WW2 up to about the early 90s. Haven't been as great since, but still not bad. Living in america is still probably better than living in most other countries, you can bring up what the government has done to other countries all you want, if the quality of life is better overall, then the country is, to myself anyway, greater than a country with a lower quality of life.
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basically this
>When every drug was coke with alcohol
>When killing an asshole in the street in a draw contest was applauded
>Before "Where the white wymn at?"
>Paid Shill detected.
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Can I just point out that we hate our obese country man as much as you do, we fucking do. What would other countries have to talk about if a bunch of our own plebian country men weren't fat asses. Find a more interesting topic please, fucking please.
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i recognize that and you're right. i categorize things, and the thread asked when was America great, and i think in its history, it never was. the items in that post were just about the genesis of this country. i'm too lazy to post more. i suppose my troll post is about equalizing America with any/every other country. it's not great. it's normal. and nowadays it's behind in social funding to its population, relative to most other first world countries of Europe. it's behind in a multitude of other measures, and always has been. like any other country its subject to being #1 or within the top 10, of any measure, in certain years. but it's not great in general. i'd be swayed by neutral statistics/documents demonstrating that it's great, in certain time periods, or in general, but the data i'm aware of doesn't support that.
Nigel Farage > Okie DOKIE Obama
We're great because if we want to, we can fucking demolish other countries and we kick ass militarily.
I understand where Mr. Eastwood is coming from, but he's an actor who plays tough guys in movies. I wanna punch liberals in the head as much as he does, but he can't really act like he's the toughest in town, or well he can, actually but that's the point I'm trying to make is he can act tough.

I knew it would happen.

You are wrong.

Your national debt is the money taken out via loans to pay for all your emergency services, schooling, policing, etc basically the promises made.

That is what your National Debt is, it is nothing to do with money owed to other countries or what they owe you.

The hint is in the name "national"

The taxes from workers are then supposed to go towards it, but unfortunately America has this dumb ass idea about giving most of the taxes back to people.

So now the National Debt is so high that you cannot afford to keep it low and the interest alone is forcing it up.

Your GDP, unlike what most Americans think, is money earned by companies not by America, and is taxed at 10.5% at the moment however like i said before America is fucking stupid and gives most of it back in rebates.

Again fucking stupid, every year they give about $1.5 trn back in rebates. Plus they spend 650bn a year on military contracts for shit never going to be used, when China and Russia are next in spending amounts of 150bn. So 500bn wasted when it could be used on the citizens of the US to actually maybe spend money on the slums they forget to spend on.
are you saying it's good veterans died from agent orange?
Then no country is great with that argument and anyone saying otherwise is only trying to get under someone's skin. Which make sense, doubting a country's greatness always sounds like saying its bad or pathetic. I maintain that the quality of life in america is still better than a majority of other countries.

Lmfao, classic revisionist history. BTW, were you too busy sucking your intro to government professor's dick to notice the amount of our current national budget goes to New Deal programs? Literal cancer.
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The last great president.
This is where im guessing the sweet spot was.
Die faggot
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And we can fucking kick ass >>704104382
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Pick pretty much any point on the graph prior to now.
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I mean yeah but it seems being a warmongering country makes it not great. Its not something someone can deny that life in america is decent, even for middle class people as long as they don't act stupidly.
The federal reserve is a bad idea and Andrew Jackson had the right idea.
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literally all of those things have been happening since the dawn of civilization

America has only been around for ~250 years
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Basically this
Fun fact: Slavery was outlawed first in the USA
Meh, you could but you won't. You're big fat pussies nowadays.
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Fucking inflation fags.

You do realize it doesn't fucking matter that a dollar is worth less today if everybody has more dollars in general.

No real wealth was lost, all that happened is your precious paper is worth less now.
Who is

Alexander the Great
>go be a pussy on tumblr where you belong
I also agree. Racism isn't our fault or a "white invention" its existed since the invention of race, far before america was a thing.
What? No it makes us super great! Yeah whatever with politics, when we need to we can fuck shit up and cause major societal changes. And I'm not even talking just about fighting.

But don't be a wimp,

Just remember, we kicked britains fucking ass TWICE. Britain was a strong fucking country.
Sometime when they dropped nukes on japan.
Just wait till we get some more crazy people in office ;3
>didn't pay attention in economics class
Holy shit you really don't know what inflation causes do you?
Go back to school you need to redo your education you fucking aspie.
anyone who says that life in other countries is better because it isn't america is.
neh breh we just print maor moneiz
The pound is lessening in value as well. Also people act as though the dollar doesn't wipe the floor with any other currency. Its still better than a lot of them.
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Nice, I sense no delusions here. Though there are countries greater than America, relative to my list of 4, and to other values of measurements. And living standards are high in America.
Holy shit what are you even trying to say.
I knew you were retarded but at least give me a comprehensive senetence
Since declaration of independence to 9-11. Ausfag.
Back when that nigger slaved

This is something they have to teach Americans that their GDP is not wealth for the US, it is profits for companies nothing more.
I feel like Trump won't do anything crazy like that, he'll just say dumb shit every once in a while.
I'm all for pride for my country, but saying a country is greater than another has to encompass all aspects. America's army is hard to surpass. The military funding alone is ridiculously high. If a country can't protect the quality of life it has, then it can't say its truly "great". I do realize that a country won't get invaded by another if its army isn't that great in this day and age. It just doesn't happen that way anymore, imperialism is more or less outdated or just not practiced.

Look what Reagan did...

Trump is Reagan 2.0, a face the Republicans want to control to suck America dry.
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That argument is only practical when the other candidate won't do the same thing, but she will.
I'm not talking about trump. Hillary's master plan to invade Russia and start WW3.
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segregation. btw having to drink out of different water fountains wasn't horrific oppression.
>Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.
4 (You) anon. Dont try 2 hard.
>wind on the moon
I'll stop you right there, baby boy
Yeah we took your land you drunk, native piece of shit, get over it. We give you places to live. No taxes to pay. You get FREE money from the tribe you live with, and you just spend it on booze and cause problems. Its high time we take that money and your land again, make you pay the taxes every other citizen pays, and force you to make the money you have. If you're a nigger, then shut up and get me a drink BOY.
Hitler would genocide those skinhead morons.
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Is spades a racial term?
And everyone in my extended family pays more for medical now...

your point?
Right before the civil war when we had slaves
>canadia doesn't have an army
>just maple syrup

>2/10 made me chuckle
I agree, everything has gone to shit
Other than being the world's biggest economy and strongest military? Back to back world champs
obvious bait was obvious

>back to 9fag
Nice, I like your response, thanks. I agree. Refreshingly lucid. I sense no bullshit or misunderstanding. The whole valuation of a country will be different for each individual's set of criteria, and different sets will yield different hierarchies of 'greatness.'
Based TJ
>Here's an anecdote

Your extended family is getting fucked because the insurance companies are fucking them.

I'm paying $300/mo for a $1500 deductible full coverage plan.

I don't know the difference. Because before the ACA I was ineligible for any and all insurance.

The insurance companies are using loopholes to make people like YOU think the old system is better.

It is not.
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Yes. An old one but still don't use it wink wink
I mean, we don't need to be mean to faggots, but i agree that financial success isn't evil inherently, and kids are not special snowflakes and self defense is in fact nothing but self defense, and I don't understand why border control is racist if the border control is for just that: border control.
I mean we can talk pleasantly without any sarcasm or you can fuck off.
towards who though?
Black people.
the system was always designed to fail
Oh. You learn something new every day.
Its a distinct possibility
Shillary < Teflon Don
Great doesn't mean "nice". Inh the context of nations, it means powerful and influential.
You're welcome
and when was that?
Majority of the 20th century. It's a massive shithole now though. It's gonna take more than electing a competent leader to fix this country.
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