What does /b/ Think of this. If she actually gets convicted (which she won't), this is a huge compromise on First Amendment Rights and half of /b/ would be fucked for telling someone to kill themselves.
On a scale of 1-10, how much of a faggot is the prosecutor?
1, because it's not up to a prosecutor whether or not someone goes on trial.
this isn't about free speech. the case rides on the fact that he was going to walk away from the suicide attempt, and she told him to go back and finish it. This is a causal link that no amount of "kill urself fagt" could ever compare to in a court of law.
She should burn in hell, First Amendment rights doesn't protect you from convincing someone to kill themselves any more than the Second Amendment right protect you from committing a shooting spree and being able to walk free
>this is a huge compromise on First Amendment Rights and
no, that bitch literally fucked that guy over psychologically and she antagonized him relentlessly telling him to kill himself pretending it would be a double suicide over the phone, and then tried to cover it up to make it look like he killed himself out of nowhere.
>half of /b/ would be fucked...
she should have told him anonymously like we do, then they wouldn't even know what she did.
if i tell someone to fuck himself and he does, did i literally rape him?
if the guy is a bitch enough to do it over some dumb girl, it's his fault, not hers.
I remember that story. That was evil as fuck.
But still, verbally or by means of text, does convincing someone to kill themselves really grant involuntary manslaughter?
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
I couldn't give less shit about this bitch. If you've asked someone to "kys" on 4chan seriously, and not as sarcasm or satire. You should go and search help for your autism.
You, like most Americans, could do to spend a little time learning what your rights REALLY are.
It's always funny how many Americans think that' "freedom of speech" somehow means the freedom to just say whatever you want to whoever you want.
Eh. If someone could convince him to kill himself, he was going to eventually anyway. I don't think it's her fault.
depends on how much psychological pressure you put on him and the state he was in.
otherwise the whore needs to be gunned down she's a fucking socio
Shill detected. How much did they pay you to help deteriorate the core of our nation?
Please listen to how retarded you sound. Youre comparing a shooting spree with someone talking and then the person kills themselves? This is pure SJW feefees got hurt and I'm gonna cry to the gubment bullshit.
According to these Normie newfags, yes, you did. Their words not mine.
At the every least it's depraved indifference... But since she encouraged it, I can see some sort of manslaughter.
kill yourself faggot
Shes a cunt. I hope her they give her the fucking chair. RIDE THE LIGHTNING YOU HEARTLESS WHORE!!!
Do it first, bitch.
She's a horrible person and civil suit has merit but not criminal
So you're saying, that you believe it's possible to rape someone without laying a finger on them? Kill yourself faggot.
>Inb4 you go cry wahhhwahhh he killed me!
Nigger SJW fuck Jew shill fuck you go die in hell to death fuck youuu
>"somehow means the freedom to just say whatever you want to whoever you want"
Thats exactly what it means, If the involuntary manslaughter law is abridging freedom of speech, then it is unconstitutional.
Holy mother of samefag, batman
I see the shill-jew army is out in full force tonight.
There's a difference between a random anon on the interkeks telling some other random anon to kill themselves and someone personally close to another person manipulating them over a long period of time trying to convince them to kill themselves.
OP should kill himself tbqh.
Yes.. that's exactly what it means you stinky eurocuck. Now go back to cleaning Ahmed's jizz out of your boyfriend's asshole.
sorry to disappoint, I'm not samefagging, there's just a lot of people who disagree with your stupidity
I also never said it was rape, don't know where you're getting that from. But if you convince someone to kill themselves, then you're going to be prosecuted, simple as that
She looks like she has a nice vagina.
Would enjoy looking at, maybe pounding it for a little bit.
Do you also think Charles Manson was expressing his right to free speech? Faggot. You can't yell fire in a theater either.
It's not a compromise on the first amendment. If you use something protected under one amendment to violate a different law then it doesn't matter.
You have the right to a gun but you can't legally murder random people. You have freedom of speech but it's still illegal to threaten someones life through your speech. In much the same way you can't manipulate someone who is depressed to commit suicide.
>It's always funny how many Americans think that' "freedom of speech" somehow means the freedom to just say whatever you want to whoever you want.
Uh,yeah that actually is what it means. Wouldn't expect you to understand though you're probBly from some shitty country where you can get sued if you look at your neighbors dog wrong .
we are not talking about physical rape but a mental rape. if he has some kind of personality disorder or health problem and you knew of that and took advantage then yes you pretty much manipulating him into raping himself
She's too hot to go to jail
So if I told someone to quit drug rehab and say drugs are good for them, and they die of a drug overdose, it's my fault? Pretty sure they were already fucked and so was that kid that took his own life.
>too hot
wtf, are we looking at the same picture?
Nice inspect element edit.
Can't wait till Trump kicks your filthy Jews nigger ass back across the Atlantic. TRUMP TRIMP TRUMP TRIMP
Lol no just no
You're a fucking retard. For multiple reasons, do you think you get points for how many buzz words you can use
You think that gives you credibility?
Also you seem to be unable to see causel links.
She literally repeatedly over months tried to get him to kill himself. It's not she said it once off handed lt and the guy did it.
She did something that led to his death.
The guy you seem to think is a "shill" correctly pointed out the similarities to killing someone with a gun. In both instances the act of an individual Leeds to the death of another.
Learn to think critically you piece of shit
I love the look in her face. Total disdain for the people trying to fuck her, complete lack of remorse, loves the attention, knows she dun goof'd.
No...it doesn't you stupid
Milenial. In high school, when you get there, they'll teach you the stupid analogy about shouting fire in a crowded theater. The constitution doesn't allow someone to violate the rights of another especially life and liberty
Just like Casey Anthony.
I wish the immigrants to this site weren't such soft, shill faggots. Back in my day we used to convince people to kill themselves and then watch them do it live.
nobody on 4chan would care if the sexes were reversed
Exactly, I was trying to put that into words. You can just tell by looking at her what a cunt she is.
Anyone who kills themselves over a series of sounds they hear probably gonna die anyway.
She should be release, she didn't do anything illegal, and he shouldn't have been such a fucking pussy.
I mean /b/ defending a guy who got bullied by some cunt? You must either be from deddit or a total Normie, gtfo back to geddit and then kys thanks.
Found the dumb fuck who knows literally nothing about how the law works.
i think that you should kill yourself
I like her. She's an evil slut, and it's great.
Yo if you can't be your own fucking person then Darwin that shit. We don't need that shit in the gene pool
>This is pure SJW feefees got hurt and I'm gonna cry to the gubment bullshit.
Sounds like someone needs a nap.
> deteriorate the core of our nation?
How does that make you feel?
Prosecutors don't decide whether trials go forward. District attorneys and grand juries do, dumbasses
Yes.. Seen the other pictures of her dickbag
>so soft
i don't care if the faggot killed himself or not but the fact she made him do it is bad and she is a threat to our society
>comparing 4chan to real life
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
So clearly you're born AFTER 2004, so what's your generation's name?
lmao im a faggot
Since when did /b/ turn into pussies and care about "depression". If someone takes their own life from "depression", it obviously wasn't worth living.
I have to be from Reddit because I have an actual understanding of law? The cunt manipulated him and used psychological pressure to force him to take his life, do you even have an understanding of the facts related to the case?
The guy was a weak willed bitch and anyway we are all dying in the grand scheme of things.
None of that changes what she did is illegal and she is a sociopath
The sites been taken over by tryhard SJw Normie's from geddit
Like this specimen over here. He thinks he's here to valiantly defend justice or something. Lmao goes full out with some carefully constructed argument you know he sweated his pits writing up
Make him choke on a shit covered cactus for me. Kristen.
Made him do it? No one forced his fucking hand you pussy
>So you're saying, that you believe it's possible to rape someone without laying a finger on them? Kill yourself faggot.
Psychological abuse is a powerful tactic, it's the only tactic that gives your kind any power here. You'd know if you were any good at it that yes, you could manipulate a person into fucking themselves for your own amusement. Is that rape? I hope so.
I think this is hot. I mean I'm in femdom relationship and I'm very submissive so if my GF would told to me to commit suicide I would be both excited and terryfied.
This is just the first big case where the aggravator has been caught, don't act act like this is the first of its kind, wish we could just brush of the weak willed suicidal degenerates like decades past.
if dubs everyone in this thread kys
There may be precedent. I seem to remember some preacher got time for encouraging one of his flock to kill abortion doctors way back in the 70s
Born after 2004 because I called you a milenial? Way to avoid the substance of my argument and go full cry baby bitch ad hominem
No, you have to be from reading because:
Don't worry, this site doesn't have usernames or karma points, you can say what you want.
It wasn't though. It was months of manipulation and coercion by a sociopath
That's not comparable to the case at all.
>comparing a fetish to a emotionally weak state
Naw man if you read the texts it was pretty bad. He told her he was gunna do it then told her he changed his mind and she was basically like
>You promised me you would
>You can't break promises to me
Basically total manipulation that was pretty fucked up.
I did that once over the phone. I was 16 and she was 13. It was pretty fucked up
Nah. He actually thought she was helping him. At first he was just crying for help, like "Oh I'm going to kill myself, life is pain" sort of pity party. Then she basically manipulated him into actually doing it. He even came to his senses and backed out of it 2 or 3 times. Even saying that he was going to seek help. She told him not to. She literally walked him back to suicide after he came to his senses multiple times.
She wanted to have a friend that committed suicide so that people would feel bad for her, and give her attention. No fucking joke. Look this shit up and read the texts they were sending. She is a super cunt. And that guy is a faggot for being so easily manipulated. But that doesn't change the fact that she pretty much talked someone with severe mental issues into killing themselves. And she did it for her own personal gain. I hope she suffers the same fate.
>So if I told someone to quit drug rehab and say drugs are good for them, and they die of a drug overdose, it's my fault?
If your convinced a diagnosed psychotic to quit taking his medication and he starts hearing voices and kills someone there might be an argument for 3rd degree manslaughter. Both the victim and the psychotic could probably file charges against you and that's what you'd deserve for playing armchair psychiatrist.
Fuck precedent the chick doesn't deserve time cause some dude wanted to cop out and she said fuck it I don't wanna deal with your shit
...that is what the court case is trying to decide, way to go on missing the point
There's a difference between a stranger telling someone to kill themselves and a person close to you telling you to do so.
An impersonal thing like that means nothing.
But from someone you know, or who's opinion you care about its different.
She should fully be prosecuted and charged for encouraging his suicide because she had influence over him.
If you think hat was well constructed or that anyone should have to "try"
Just to make a point like that you must be like 12 years old
The texts where pretty fucked up, I'll agree with that, but does her estimated sentence fit the crime? She didn't even accidentally kill him nor actually kill him.
You're an idiot were debating the point you cuck. You agree this is horse shit too
She should maybe be raped but no jail time. I thought what she did was cute hehe :^)
Bystander in this debate, looking in.
What the fuck is a "shill"? Is it some buzz word to refer to nancies?
There is little difference here from what Manson did. Manson himself didn't kill anyone, just talked others to do it for him. Why is he guilty and she isn't.
It's called phone sex. Don't feel too bad about it.
if shit was in reverse the dude should get convicted so, why she wouldn't?
Not everyone who disagrees with you is same fag you idiot
So many white knights here calling others SJWs, what irony. But seriously if this was the other way around do you think it'd get the (lack of) media coverage it received? No, if a man had repeatedly texted a woman and told her to kill herself it'd be all over the place with SJWs and feminazis jumping on to bandwagon to shame the guy and calling all men murderers. But because she can pull a few tears and that dumb expression she gets a lesser punishment. This is not a violation of my first amendment it is justice (still not an SJW fgt) pure and simple. This is another one of the guaranteed replies threads so i congratulate OP on being a faggot. Kill yourself now. Just do it, now OP you have nothing left to live for daddy left you and now mommy is with her fuckbuddies raking in the prostitution money.
>do you even google bro
Is this any different then assisted suicide?
Did anyone who's defending this bitch actually read the transcripts? At first I thought this was a ridiculous case until someone posted the transcripts in another thread a few months back. She manipulated him hardcore because she wanted to get sympathy from people
>Boo hoo poor me my bf died.
Nice advocating for thought-crime, pre-crime.
>Is that rape? I hope so.
This has got to be bait.
Nice job completely debasing real rape victims who have had their bodies physically violated.
When did b get invaded by all these puppets.
A shill typically refers to someone who's trying to fool you into buying something. At this point in time, it's just become another 4chan buzzword like fuck, completely devoid of actual meaning
No there shouldn't you fucking mong
White Knight not the same thing as sjw
>no there shouldn't
What point of my post are you referring to?
It's not like he left a note saying "I killed myself cause of you babe". So there could have been other sources of stress, she shouldn't have to take all the blame. What if another girl was texting him the exact same thing and he deleted the texts, not likely, but she wouldn't have to deal with shit.
sets a precedent for telling someone to kill themself....
>Can't wait till Trump kicks your filthy Jews nigger ass back across the Atlantic.
Deep down I want to believe all Trump supporters are like this, a vast sea of impotent rage and ignorance. Trump isn't as much like Hitler as American are like post-WWI Germans: No one to blame for the state you're in but yourselves and everything you do only makes it worse.
Piss poor analogy.
Well, that girl has a potential of being a cruel domme
Exactly. When you read the title of the story, you think "Oh, some faggot killed himself because 4chan said so. Oh well."
But if you actually read the texts... It's some disgusting shit. She was most likely his only friend. And she wanted him to die so she could have attention. She is a fucking horrible cunt.
I mean, I've had a lot of phone sex but this was different. The girl had a boyfriend and didn't want to do anything, but I intimidated her and told her I'd show up and rape her if she didn't masturbate on the phone with me.
Psychological manipulation can harm people just as much as physical assault. However, someone online saying kys is not equivalent because it wont have that level of impact. Even if you tell someone to kill themselves here or in an online game, anyone can see that there are other causes that were far more major contributors than that. Here however, it was psychological abuse. Comparing the two is like comparing poking and impalement. Its ridiculous.
Also, fuck you people saying he's a faggot for being "weak willed". There' callousness, and then there's being a titanic prick to convince yourself that you're some tough badass that has no feelings or a hint of weakness.
>inb4 "SJW"
Sure, im an sjw for knowing basic psychology. Piss off
A shill is someone who is paid by a company/government to pretend to be a regular person supporting an idea/product and not revealing their oppinion was bought
are you really that retarded? holy shit man I feel bad for you
Didn't say it was well constructed, faggot. Just that it was carefully constructed. You could tell he put time into it. That doesn't mean I think it was good.
Learn reading comprehension before you try to school someone you nimrod.
He's recently out of depression clinics and family thought outlook was good, she convinced him to think about suicide after he was over it, and he committed suicide, not far off.
Who cares
>wish we could just brush of the weak willed suicidal degenerates like decades past.
in that case /b/ would not exist.
>Munchausen syndrome by proxy?
>knowing basic psychology
that's actually pretty hard to be done by people with such small IQ tbh
Assisted suicide is helping someone who wants to end their life do to terminal illness and be out of pain
This was a sociopath who convinced someone NOT to get help and talked them
Into killing them selves for the jollies
bissy buh sis uh bissy biss biss bissy buh sis uh bissy biss biss bissy buh sis uh bissy biss biss bissy buh sis uh bissy biss biss bissy buh sis uh bissy biss biss bissy buh sis uh bissy biss biss bissy buh sis uh bissy biss biss bissy buh sis uh bissy biss biss bissy buh sis uh bissy biss biss conspiring all the conspiracies.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8qTS14ajtc&feature=youtu.be
Youre not a SJW, just a massive faggot. I hope you get a "Titanic" prick in your ass and it eats the orange chicken in everywhere, fag.
Don't act like she was the main reason he committed suicide, not even a bullied kid with downs would thinks thats logical, he was thinking about it before she even got in the mix.
Isn't psychological abuse or something like that?
I don't know about laws dude.
Lmao. That's pretty bad. Honestly. But still not rape... It's forced phone sex? I guess? Idk. I don't think you can rape yourself though. If you were holding her at gun point maybe... I've talked too many girls into doing this. So I'm desensitized to it. If she really didn't want to do it,she would of snitched on you. And if she hasn't reported it... Then fuck it.
You're a god damn retard who doesn't know the facts of the case. Go away
Idaf what any nigger or cracker says this shouldn't even be brought to court. Complete bullshit if you're a fucking idiot and you kill yourself because someone told you to then yes you deserve to die. Idc if it was his fucking wife of 30 years or some stranger. Ohhh she manipulated him so who cares if he's not strong willed enough then I'm glad he died
First person to get dubs after this post will get bullied by the rest of the thread until they kill themselves.
No, the decision to end his life was entirely his.
Was she a piece of shit? Yes
Is she a terrible person? Yes
Is she a criminal? No, she didn't kill anybody
Fact remains, she manipulated him into something he might not have done otherwise. This is typically not grounds for charges, unless someone is wronged. In this case, someone died. While you have the freedom to say as you please, if what you say leads to the harm of someone else, You are to blame. If you are scared of the outcome of this trial, maybe you should be. Weak ass keyboard warrior
Except it wasn't, it's not like i edited it, I'm just arguing with you and you're failing by using ad hom instead of supporting yor argument.
>Hey this waste of life ended his own pathetic life
>oh his parents are pissed
>turns out his gf was emotionally abusive
>lets ruin her life too
>even though our sons life was pathetic anyway and as parents we failed him too.
Just the parents shifting the blame onto the gf.
Put very well!
Lots of people faggot
She wasn't very smart. Like, I convinced her I was a demon and I'd literally appear outside her window even though we didn't live in the same state. It's weird. Got off on the power trip, even though, in hindsight, it was pretty fucking retarded
Highly doubt "manipulated" is a proper wording.
Anyone who takes "kill yourself" literally and does it probably wanted to do it anyway.
Plus his parents could not have been very hospitable if it even got to that point.
>I'm glad he died
why would you even care for some random faggot? as i said earlier she has to be gunned down simply because such a person is dangerous
You havnt read the transcripts...there is a reason she is on trial.
Neither did manson
> Nice advocating for thought-crime, pre-crime.
Way to miss the point entirely and misinterpret the most basic concepts of George Orwell and Philip K Dick's work.
>Nice job completely debasing real rape victims who have had their bodies physically violated.
Nice (irrelevant) deferment tactic, we weren't talking about victims of physical abuse but now who's the SJW?
You've not read shit, disregarded
>implying a faggot like yourself isn't the same as him
Listen dude. I totally agree with you. She is a disgusting human being, and he wouldn't of killed himself without her prodding him. And I do have sympathy for him. I've felt that alone before. But you know what? He's also a raging faggot. If you let some girl talk you into suicide like that... You're a faggot. She used the most basic manipulation tactics, and he did it. If he weren't so much of a faggot, he'd still be alive right now. That's a fucking fact.
Is she a huge cunt? Yes. Is his death her fault. Yeah. Do I feel sorry for the guy? Absolutely. Is the guy a massive faggot? He most certainly is. He's a sad pathetic faggot that killed himself because a girl he wanted to be with told him to. She knew what she was doing, and he was too fucking stupid to understand.
>wouldn't of
Opinion discarded.
Well except there are a lot of laws in the u.s that relate to these kinds of things, it's why she is on trial, and depending on how it goes she may very well be a criminal. Also frankly the first two yes's are enough for me to want to see her convicted
she didn't give a fuck and quite frankly neither do I. You should also kill youself. Guilty as charged.
Go read the transcript.
Imagine the most important person in your life. Someone who's opinion you value.
Then imagine that person telling you that you should kill yourself, that it are worthless.
For a person that may have had nobody else that is huge, it's is devastating.
Manson is just in prison because everyone in America faced that he was evil. Honestly he was a pure manipulative genius and should be in jail, but at the same time he shouldn't.
>didn't read transcript
Opinion disregarded
I'm going to kill myself now. I hope you can live with that on your conscience.
Samefagging and far too many posts for me to give a shit about reading aside, it is a felony (here at least) to actively encourage someone to commit suicide. Not like "kill urself fgt" but when the person is actually on the verge and you're telling them to go through with it.
You libtards wouldn't even be complaining if she never actually literally said to kill himself.
How many court cases have you defended or shared an opinion over the suicide of someone who had an emotionally abusive SO.?
Oh right you never have.
You're dumb childish libtards.
Also, he committed some of the murders himself.
But he really should
Fuck.. just read them too.. it really is something.. she is pushing and pushing while saying he is hte love of her life.. she is some hardcore sociapath!
Please find me the conviction reports of murder, and when you can't, please don't come back.
...what do OTHER cases of anything have to do with the fact people who aren't aware of the facts of THIS case are weighing in and then are being told
To inform themselves
Yes, he should, because Americans in society have judged him to be pure evil, and they want him gone. Legally he never committed murder.
>No, she didn't kill anybody
Legally she did. The precedent was set when Charles Manson was sentenced to die. I'm not advocating for his incarceration, the prison system is shit. I'm just pointing out that he's doing life for not killing anyone. I don't see a difference here.
If Charlie can rot in prison then so can she. That's the law.
>implying half of /b/, if not 4chan, doesn't deserve jail.
this is different from random faggots from 4chan telling people to kill themselves.
like someone else said the dude started deciding he wasn't gonna do it and she convinced him to go ahead and do it, also he was invested in her emotionally so it would be easier for her to convince him, if 4chan faggots tell someone to kill themselves it's generally water off a duck's back
I can absolutely image that. Because I've fucking been there. I've had points in my life where I felt all alone, and I reached out to people, and was ignored. I've been in his shoes. But to not have the awareness to realize what she was doing is just fucking sad. And that's the difference. If that were me... I would see through that shit in a second. But he was too much of a faggot.
I don't understand why you can't see what I'm saying. I feel for the guy. I truly do. But he killed himself because a girl he loved told him to. That's the definition of a faggot.
Never even used ad hominem you dumbass.
You don't even know how to properly claim ad hominem.
It's not ad hominem if your mental retardation is relevant to the debate, in this case it is,since it completely impedes your capacity to form viable arguments.
this, and the world doesn't need people like her in it, they should use her for medical experimentation or just incinerate her
I'd kill most of you uneducated, ignorant, can't form a good argument, buzz word using faggots if I could.
Not because I feel that strongly that's just how garbage most of you are.
You are wrong to believe that.Not all Trump supporters are like that idiot.
That bitch should kill herself.
HAHA this is what libtards say when they throw eggs at women
>but but it's not assault because she had an opposing opinion of mine!
tell them both to go kill themselves
and his kids]
soft pussy fragile shit kicking pandering schizo fuck society fuck you man up fucking losers get offended by a fucking FLOWER a FLOWER NAh MAN CANNABIS WILL KILLYOu (LITERALLY DOES THE OPPOSITE)
You faggots are forgetting that Mass. doesn't have a law against verbally assisting someone in suicide, and thats exactly what she did. No law, No Crime.
Having someone ignore you is very different from having someone actively telling you to kill yourself.
Especially someone you care very much about.
And when you're somebody dealing with depression a person like that is extremely harmful.
Kill yourself, faggot.
I made a valid point, you ONLY insulted me. That's ad hom you ignorant sack of syphilis infected donkey dicks
I feel you man. Been there done that. It's like the fucking darkness takes over you and you feel like nothing but even when I was there it never influenced my rational mind
I think this is what they named "call to action" has not much to do with free speech. I mean telling someone to do something bad is infact illegal isnt it? Or in this case pushing him
Yes they are
and if you struck him, is it even a him? you go to court.abstentiawhateverman.
Stop trying to distance yourself from us. I can get from your Cathy writing style you've written a quarter of the posts in this thread.
You're just as guilty as any one of us.
>B-b-b-but I just stop in every now and then to laugh at the retards and jerk off to dick rate threads. I'm better than you people!
Typical mentality of a jew shill geddit-tard.
>No law, No Crime.
gravities a law faggot
not murdering someone is a matter of opinion
Stop smoking weed and maybe you can figure out how to use a keyboard
June 29, 2014:
Carter: 'But the mental hospital would help you. I know you don't think it would but I'm telling you, if you give them a chance, they can save your life'
Carter: 'Part of me wants you to try something and fail just so you can get help'
Roy: 'It doesn't help. trust me'
Carter: 'So what are you gonna do then? Keep being all talk and no action and everyday go thru saying how badly you wanna kill yourself? Or are you gonna try to get better?'
Roy: 'I can't get better I already made my decision.'
July 7, 2014:
Roy: 'if you were in my position. honestly what would you do'
Carter: 'I would get help. That's just me tho. When I have a serious problem like that, my first instinct is to get help because I know I can't do it on my own'
Roy: 'Well it's too late I already gave up.'
Between July 6, 2014 and July 12, 2014:
Carter: 'Always smile, and yeah, you have to just do it. You have everything you need. There is no way you can fail. Tonight is the night. It's now or never.'
Carter: '(D)on't be scared. You already made this decision and if you don't do it tonight you're gonna be thinking about it all the time and stuff all the rest of your life and be miserable.
You're finally going to be happy in heaven. No more pain. No more bad thoughts and worries. You'll be free.'
Carter: 'I just want to make sure you're being serious. Like I know you are, but I don't know. You always say you're gonna do it, but you never do. I just want to make sure tonight is the real thing.'
Carter: 'When are you gonna do it? Stop ignoring the question'
Carter: 'You can't keep living this way. You just need to do it like you did the last time and not think about it and just do it, babe. You can't keep doing this every day.
Roy: 'I do want to but I'm like freaking for my family I guess. I don't know.'
Carter: 'Conrad, I told you I'll take care of them. Everyone will take care of them to make sure they won't be alone and people will help them get through it.
Nah Im in no way distancing myself. I was just commenting based of of that other post that the majority of users here are shit.
Also yea I've posted a lot in this thread. I'm bored at work and have nothing better to do then use my phone to scream into the void like the rest of you.
Also fuck you dick rate threads are stupid
Also I don't use reddit. That's another insult Used by people who would go on the list
To be honnest, I would fuck up her life for the hell of it. Any white knight around can suck my dick and get out of my /b/.
Jailporn is best porn now go fuck yourself.
I'm not him, but does it really matter? I mean his point still stands dosen't it?
you mean like smashing your passive aggressive (first sign of schizophrenic) ass into a pulp with it?
i know a girl--she's back in now, for 2 1/2 years on a drug charge--who spent the age of 19-29 in prison for second degree murder. she was at a party and her boyfriend shot some girl who died. she might get some time.
>That bitch should kill herself.
What if that was her plan all along? Be the world's most hated American for her fifteen minutes of fame and then off herself leaving a scathing suicide not about how the SJWs are worse than Hitler.
It's not your /b you stupid shithead. It doesn't conform to your ideals and it doesn't want you. You aren't part of a special club or an insider. You are not a special or unique snowflake. Go die,
Of natural causes or an unavoidable axcident
No you stupid stoner that's still not how to use it
She looks adorable as fuck. Would date her.
I understand why he did it. If a girl like her asks something, theres no way anyone would say no to her.
Shes so cute. Ive fapped to her few times.
Nope. I was one of the peeps that condemned that biatch. I think Trump is a better candidate, that will bring back order to America. Still, it's possible he's a con, but we'll see.
I can't wait Tonald Drump is made an admin and build a fucking wall between /b/ and tumblr
That's exactly my point. I may not of had someone I care about telling me to kill myself, but I've been to dark places in my life. But I never lost my rationality. Well... Not to the point of killing myself anyways. I would of still seen through this person's shit.
You have to be a faggot to fall for the shit she was saying. You have to be. "You told me you were going to kill yourself. You have to do it. You wouldn't lie to me, would you :(" paraphrasing here, but it was that kind of shit.
Look you fucking faggots, it's one thing for random fucking people or bullies to tell you to kill yourself, but this cunt was his fucking girlfriend.
She obviously has more fucking influence on him and that's the fucking point. A random fucking faggot saying "kys" online isn't gonna have the same effect as someone this fucking close to you actually CONVINCING YOU.
Can't you idiots understand the difference?
My ex was gonna kill herself. I fucking called her parents and stopped that shit. Now after some time in therapy she's just fucking fine. But if I were to actually push her to suicide, the one fucking person she told she was ending her life, I had the power to push her to that point, just like this bitch. Just imagine how much power she had over him.
And that's exactly the point. It's not just what you say. It's the strength and influence of your words.
what i meant here was that if you are the same then there is no point in insulting him. it's like insulting your own weakness and admitting you would do the same . never said anything about the argument i was just pointing out that it's stupid to criticize people who can be like you. like seeing what you are weak at and doing nothing about it
Can't wait for Trump to extend my white privilege so I can be set for the next 4-8 years.
>She looks adorable as fuck.
>If a girl like her asks something, theres no way anyone would say no
>Shes so cute
Go yell "Fire" in a crowded theater or "bomb" on an airplane and see how far your freedum of speech goes. it doesn't, the 1st doesn't protect, hatespeech, nor does it protect any speech that could cause a reasonable public panic.
Said wall wouldn't effect me or how much of a faggot you are
It does protect hate speech.
And is her use of speech either Hate speech or a public panic?I didn't think so.
...it literally according to US law does not.
>Go yell "Fire" in a crowded theater or "bomb" on an airplane
so fucking primed right now
I hate summer
Generation X you faggot, the generation who made /b/ worth something only to have it trashed by you newfags. lurk more faggot
It's the 3rd option; criminal negligence causing death.
From what i read thoigh it was briefly in the state of Massachusetts there is no law against assisted suicide
do a flip, faggot
But what she did broke no crimes in Massachusetts.
What kind of idiot would actually think freedom of speech should protect someone who encouraged another person to kill him or herself?
Amerifats are so retarded, you've got too much fat in your brain
Went, I've been here longer then most. Only actuall faggots think that matters
depends on how much you can control your shit and how much you care about that person who told you what to do. i swear i wanted to kill the fucking cunt that ignored me but he never knew where was. still good friends and im happy i never did stupid shit to him while i was in that mental state
thats one ugly bitch
...the brain is made of fat, ignorant non American trying to make a snarky remark only to reveal your own ignorance
i can say nigger, fuck, if you are born with a penis you are male, an then would be no triggering.
if i would say that in your free country i would probably get killed by a nigger, raped by a trap, and then sued
>There is fat in the brain
>Therefore the brain is made of fat
>Calling someone ignorant because of your logical fallacy
You liberal faggots who honestly think texting someone anything you want is not protected free speech are fucking insane.
Its blatantly obvious and really shouldn't even go to trial. Supreme court would rule this is free speech 100/100 times, its plain as day
The brain is 60% fat
Also an incorrect fact doesn't equal a logical fallacy you stupid fuck
is that so in the US?
Where I live - the police, when there is any basis for criminal case, usually gathers materials on the case and observing prosecutor may request additional info (like extra testimony). When there is enough proof for a charge the case is sent one level up.
After the leading prosecutor thinks he has enough proof he may initiate criminal charges (sorry, not English, these terms probably are way off) and the person may be prosecuted.
And the prosecutors bureau is the one that leads the criminal procedure and starts the court procedure.
Prosecutor also delivers proof to the court and must prove person's fault beyond reasonable doubt.
the court only follows the court procedure and cannot arbitrary decide whether they'll take up the case. The court has the powers to end the case when the prosecution cannot deliver proof, cannot deliver proof in terms or where agreement between the prosecutor and the accused party is reached (can happen only concerning small scale criminal activity)
Does anyone remember the old guy who got 3-4 kids to kill themselves like I think. He even provided rope and shit but he convinced all of them and he only got 6 months in prison I have no idea how this eclipses that but I guess you faggots are going to tell me
It is a logical fallacy to claim the brain is made of fat because there is fat in it. But americans probably don't get that, thanks to your shitty education system.
Okay for example if person A texts another person death threats on a continuous basis they could be arrested for harassment, freedom of speech doesn't allow you to cause harm to another, hate speech, threats and "fire in a theater" thos stuff are all illegal.
From Canada, actually. I could be wrong; you seem to know more about this than I do.
he used it as a metaphor to insult americuns you faggot not as a scientifically proven fact
Like yours is any better? Again you fail to understand what a logical fallacy is.
Despite the fact that this is shitty situation,
I'd argue she is innocent - after all one would need proof, that it was exactly her message, that encouraged her bf to kill himself.
Unless she was in a position to threten the guy somehow (physically, financially), her suggestions may as well be read as written out of anger/ sarcasm etc.
So it all will come down whether her suggestion played a major role in his suicide and none will be able to prove that, since the main victim is dead.
Reading a message would leave a miniscule mental imprint on a person and you will never be able to prove it was exactly this and not something else, that tipped the guy over the edge. Maybe he saw a black cat that morning and that was it. Maybe he treated all her messages before that as a joke and was more worried about his job and that's why he made a suicide.
One small note from his doctor or relatives that he had a suicidal personality will also grant complete immunity to the girl.
Please enlighten me with your science, idiot
You claimed the brain was made out of fat, while there is only 60% of fat when you take away the +70 % of water. That is like the definition of a logical fallacy.
There is A is in B, thus B is entirely made of A. Turns out that's not true, you're full of shit
Have you read the texts? The points you're making seem to suggest you havnt
use a psychologist to determine what her personality is?
I never said entirely, but feel free to misrepresent my argument I don't really care
Here is how it probably went down...
Dude was a total emo. He some how had a hot girlfriend...
He was suicidal, and depressed because you know... being an able bodied white teenager, and having a hot girlfriend is such a rough life.
He would go on, and on and on... nagging to his girlfriend complaining about everything... being a whiny little cry baby bitch.
Boo fucking hoo...
At first she seemed to be sympathetic to his plight... She took pity on him. She wanted him to get help.
Time continues to roll on, and he don't want to get help.
He keeps being a whiny bitch, complaining about every damn thing.
Eventually here patience runs out.
She is like you keep saying your gonna kill yourself, but you take no action.
Do it, or quit whining.
He does it...
Now she is in some shit because this dude actually killed himself when she was calling his bluff...
That was implicit in your post. I said americunts got TOO MUCH fat in their brain, and you said "lol XD the brain is made of fat you dumb europorr". Well yes, and you've still got too much of it
No in the US this is pretty clear cut. Its an opinion, and freedom to express opinions is protected. So if I express my opinion that I think you should kill yourself today, its completely fine.
Have you ever heard of the westboro baptist church?
the first amendment doesn't mean you can just say whatever the fuck you want
this was for
But I shouldn't bother you on 4th of july, your fatty brain probably can't deal with the questioning of the supremacy of the american democracy. USA! USA! USA!
>being this retarded
she could of easily told him she doesn't like him rather than being so coldblooded
Except that's not how I said it, must be the faggot cultural lens you view things through since you're from a (now) Muslim part of the world.
You're basically saying cars are not made of metal it trees are not made of wood because there are small percentages of other things. When the next closest level of ingredient in a thing is below 10% but the largest is itself
Over half, it's made of that thing. To argue otherwise makes you a faggot
But negligent homicide is a crime. And not only did she spur him on, she had an opportunity to stop it, and did not. Itll be up to a jury, they exist because of the grey areas. And this is a grey area (as far a law is concerned, as far as human decency is concerned, shes a psychopath bitch)
>she could of easily told him she doesn't like him rather than being so coldblooded
When a girl literally tells you to "kill yourself"... Do you think she is very fond of you? If he is too stupid to realize that, then that's on him...
Dude gets a Darwin award for sure.
Sure but they're just being loud. She manipulated him and because of her someone is dead, the amendments don't protect someone from infringing on the rights of another, like I said Warner namely life and liberty
60% of 25% is not a big pourcentage though. Using your argument I should rather say the brain is made of water
Though I tend to believe your brain is made of air
her face looks like a cats ass hole
You're brain is made of shit.
this is just one more reason to not go outside
7/10. That was a pretty shitty thing to do, but she's not responsible for his actions, he is.
Defense: I thought he was being a whiny little pussy like always and I was tired of dealing with it
No jury in the world would convict. There are people who would vote to convict, yes, but they're all too busy being faggots and killing themselves to go to jury duty
A huge faggot. She's really really really really sorry.
Where does 25% come from, 60% of the mass of the brain is fatty tissue, yes fat is mostly water but so what? You're basically saying humans don't use muscle to hold up their skeleton they use water.
i would never say to someone who i know or dont to kill themselve. you don't know his mental state or how much impact your words will have on them. it's coldblooded but if you know that they will effect him somehow and you still say to kill him/herself then imo you're a fucking sociopath. nothing more nothing less
>probably get killed for saying words
Actually you probably wouldnt. Does your only idea of the real world come from television and the internet? Most people would ignore the crazy jackass spouting that shit, and avoid you, because most people are normal. Most people even when offended, dont Kill, Rape, and Sue.
There is 75% of water in the brain. Thus 25% of other materials. 60 % of these other materials is actually fat. There is 15 % of fat in the brain, you can hardly say the brain is made of fat
absolutely impossible to prove anyone is dead because they read some texts
And you haven't killed yourself yet why?
Yeah, if it werent for all her "hey you going to do it, hey you doing it, hey when are you going to do it, just do it, promise me youll do it right now, do it, have you done it, ok well do it after your walk, promise you youll do it right away, just do it"
Bitch should be a Nike spokesperson.
You're a fucking retard where are you even getting your numbers? Are you going if the commonly held fact that humans are 70% water and just going from there? There is not water just sloshing inside of you like a balloon. You clearly aren't informed, no it's not "15%" it's 60. That's what we call a fact
>Bitch should be a Nike spokesperson.
you kek me good sir have a nice day :DDDDD
no, dumbass.
>because of her someone is dead
No, he is responsible for killing himself. She did not kill him. We are all responsible for our own actions, not other people, not the government, not your teacher at school, not your girlfriend.
ABC Always Be Closing
She eventually made the sale
He's still alive, so no, he isn't the same, lol!
Lrn2Google and lrn2biology dumbshit. Your brain couln't work if it were 100% dry with only fat
>And many others
she went a bit further tho, she didn't just say kill yourself. she pretend to be his friend and encouraged his mental illness. she is responsible for his death so she will face some punishment but it will likely be some weak ass 2 years house arrest and banned from using a phone for a year or something really weak
Replace suicide with kill for Allah, is it still free speech? And if not why not?
>We are all responsible for our own actions
then it's her fault to send him those messages and making him suicide
because he is too obsessed with staying in his basement than to find a gf who would tell him to kys lmao
since people NORMALLY do not kill themselves because of few bits of text, the court will do NOTHING.
I guarntee you.
The guy was a suicidal bitch and he, at the very worst, will be proven to be mentally unstable.
Did I ever say dry or imply such? Nope. But good job because the second article you just posted even says the brain is "AT LEAST" 60% fat.
it is not forbidden to be cold-blooded.
There is no obligation to be nice to everyone.
you faggot.
You can coerce someone to the point of making that decision tho.
Hence the word manipulation is used.
People make their own decisions, but when someone trusts another the thought processes can become erratic, especially if they are already in a fragile mental state.
It's like someone finding a physically addicted alcoholic and then feeding them more booze, then telling them they need to stop, but when they do you tell them it's fine, they should keep drinking. The outcome will most likely them drinking again.
>she pretend to be his friend
Not illegal, people do this all the time everyday all over the world
>encouraged his mental illness
Not very nice, but once again people do this all the time all over the world, both intentionally and accidently
She didn't make him suicide, he chose to do that, and its not illegal to send messages
At any time he could have just blocked her and went on with his life like anyone else would do, instead he chose to kill himself like a fag. She did nothing wrong
being heartless can get you jail time https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depraved-heart_murder
yes, she may be charged with bugging him, but not his death.
A NORMAL person would block her.
Criminal law revolves around what a normal person does and that a normal person's normal life should not be disturbed.
A person with the capacity to encourage and convince their significant other to end their own life is a danger to society. This should not be about punishment, but about the safety of the public- people with mental illnesses who she could target in future, or just the general public because she's a sick fuck who could literally do anything with America's insane gun laws.
omg you're fucking retarded, typical americunt.
Even if 100 % of the dry matter in your brain were fat, that would still make no more than 25 % of the brain since 75 % is water.
I don't know what you don't get about that, it's plain and simple. Is it the math, the biology or just the words you don't get?
the next few pages describe the prosecutors abilities.
Well said, the cunt deserves to get assfucked by a bunch of lesbian inmates.
This shit is already illegal in most civilized countries.
what an ugly ass down syndrome cunt
I hope she fucking goddamn dies.
and TV ads for cake can cause fat people to go buy and eat things that might kill them. But it is still their choice.
You're an idiot, there are so many laws protecting he mentally ill it's blow you away
Two things completely fucking different. You are a dumbass.
We really need nuuds for this one
>not illegal to send messages
when there is a threat addressed to the president of USA then it's illegal but when you tell someone to kill him/herself is not. because americunts are stupid as fuck and there is no law prohibiting it doesn't mean it's right to be done so. also there is human morale which cannot be ignored
yes, you can IF the person is somehow dependant on your words or decision - financually, by martial status, physically.
they were literally just fuckbuddies. That puts no obligation on neither.
She at most can be accused of bullying him, when this dumbass wouldn't block her.
>Carter: 'Always smile, and yeah, you have to just do it. You have everything you need. There is no way you can fail. Tonight is the night. It's now or never.'
>Carter: '(D)on't be scared. You already made this decision and if you don't do it tonight you're gonna be thinking about it all the time and stuff all the rest of your life and be miserable. You're finally going to be happy in heaven. No more pain. No more bad thoughts and worries. You'll be free.'
>Carter: 'I just want to make sure you're being serious. Like I know you are, but I don't know. You always say you're gonna do it, but you never do. I just want to make sure tonight is the real thing.'
That's not being cold-blooded, that's pushing someone to kill himself
Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3670166/Court-OKs-trial-girl-texted-boyfriend-urging-suicide.html#ixzz4DRL0IK6G
She was a bit more vile than most people, and really sold the "kill yourself" to the guy...
However where is the line drawn?
If I text someone "go play in traffic", and they go do so am I responsible for there death?
If I tell someone "go drink a bottle of bleach"... and they do it, am I responsible for there death?
If I tell someone "go juggle chainsaws pussy" and they do it... chop there own head clean off... is that on me?
Of course not, people who kill them self or responsible for it, and nobody else is.
What if you just say mean or upsetting things to a guy, and he kills himself?
If she said to him "I don't love you anymore. You are pathetic. I have been fucking some other guy behind your back. You are a lose. I can't stand you.r" to him... This very well could have pushed him to kill himself... However at no point did she encourage him to do so. I see a guy being more likely to kill himself from a text like this one, even though it doesn't say to do so than the "just do it" she was saying to him...
Free Speech is at risk here. There are ways to urge a person to kill them self without actually saying "kill yourself"
Do you realise you come a cross as a 14 year old?
That guy was a fucking faggot and ms. Grotesque forehead a fucking mental case. I don't give a shit about either of these morons.
Well if you weren't busy linking quora and looked at a scientific article
Maybe you'd understand. That 75% of water includes the water that is in fat, 60 percent of the brains mass by weight is fat, there isn't a part that is only dry and the rest is a water balloon, you're the one who seems to not understand biology
this doesn't change the fact she played with his mentality
what if it's an unclean chop tho?
That is completely different. Tv ads are indirectly promoting a product. Not feeding an alcoholic booze or telling someone to end their life on a personal level.
At the end of the day she is a major factor in this guy's death.
>75% of water includes the water that is in fat
>Citation needed
I provided sources, please provide yours
yeah.. it related to literal attempts to kill someone unwillingly.
Like making a feeble jumping rope on the side of the building and convincing your little bro to jump.
probably this or a similar rule applies to situations of inaction where for example you observe a situation that requires help, but you don't act. Like a kid barely swimming to shore in shallow water and starts drowning.
He gets ashore and gets in shock from water and dies.
Basically your inaction caused harm, though you could have easily helped him.
The guys a fucking retard. Don't argue with stupid people. You can't win.
im starting to think they are samefag trying to start a new argument in the thread
hmh.. her ultimate fail was to continue talking to him so expressively.
go kill yourself, anon.
honestly I would happily beat this retarded face with my fists
You didn't provided sources you linked someone asking a question and another random person answering. For fuck sake the second link you posted says what I am saying.
But here you go faggot
There ya go, a lot more scholarly sources then the stupid bullshit you posted. Second link even explains the 70% water is mostly in the blood that flows through the brain.
I'd fuck her
So laying out all the tools and words encouragement for someone that is known to self harm not cold hearted. Look I'm for free and unpopular speech but not speech that incites willful harm of other. If I said I'll give $100 to kill someone would you get charged with murder?
it's like telling you'll hire an assassin and i think you can get sued over that. not sure though
None of these articles state the 75 % of water includes the water that is in fat. Actually the second article says there is 60 % of fat in brain TISSUES, not in the brain itself
Point made, you're retarded
Free speech always ends when a corpse is involved.
Are you saying the blood in your brain is
More your brain then the brain TISSUE itself, do you know what tissue is? Jesus Christ google the composition of fat. You didn't prove your point at all
The water in the brain is just as much part of the brain as the 25% of dry matter. Is the criteria really "is it liquid or not"?
>first amendment rights
fuck off, you dont know shit. if you have some people over for dinner and one of them starts yelling nigger this kikes that transsexuals are genetically superior bullshit you kick them the fuck out.
first amendment has fucking NOTHING to do with what you say when its not related to the government. if someone who ISNT the goverment ( this girl ) tells you to do or not do something on ( someones property, who isnt the government ) what the FUCK does it have to do with free speech
what the fuck is free speech to you, what do you define it as in your imaginary in your head definition.
what the fuck are you cunts even talking about the only response to this sub-human is blind rage
what part of the human brain is not tissue
just curious what you actually think
No but that same blood that makes up
The majority of the 70% water also
Flows through the rest of your body so it's not "the brain"
It comes down to this, you said 15% of the brain is fat because you took 60 % of "the remaining 30" which is wrong.