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Let's impose justice

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 293
Thread images: 63
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Let's impose justice
yup lets do it
Reporting in
Someone post the overall info and progress we got until now!
Some info
>his: /kane.millsaps
>mother: /amy.millsaps.9
Id like sauce for sound pls
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That poor kid was 12 years old? What the fuck!
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Awaiting orders
This nigger is going places....
like prison. stupid ape

nigga's gonna nig.
>suckerpunching with brass nuckles,
being a pussy is strong on this one
reporting in
spam his mother and family like here
see this
>he is 18 now
>hitting a kid in the head with brass knuckles
That can kill someone
Anon, attack his house from the south when the moon is low and bring bananas.
He's facing trail next August
>tfw his mother's poor and single parent of 4
>tfw all his money comes from peddling small amounts of weed
>tfw this nigger won't make bail or his parents happy
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Don't open the fucking box again
Hell yea it can
yeah, or fuck them up for good, especially it's a 12 year old skinny boy...
> boo hooo
I wanna find sauce for kid he hit.. i bet his face was fucked up
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is he going to die?
iPhones can't play webm's you dopey fuckstick

>you should know that considering you're using one
"Millsaps hit the victim for “running his mouth saying he was an MMA [Mixed Martial Arts] Fighter and he could beat him up,” the affidavit reads."
He's 12 and the victim, you'll probably never know his name
I'm fucking happy. He entered a plead of not guilty even though the police have this video. He's going to spend the next 20 years sandwiched between a wall and a neonazi.
Damn, just checked some background

Millsaps said he attacked the victim because he was “running his mouth saying he was an MMA [Mixed Martial Arts] Fighter and he could beat him up,” however, the witness who recorded the incident told investigators that the victim “did not even see Millsaps coming and did not know he was going to be hit.”
The victim, who was knocked unconscious, reportedly had his cheek punctured, suffered a bruise on his eye, a cut on his neck and numerous broken teeth.
“When he woke up he thought he had gravel in his mouth but it was pieces of his teeth,” according to the affidavit.
Millsaps is set to appear in court on August 2nd. He told police, “he found the brass knuckles at his apartment complex and after the incident he threw them in the dumpster.”
For years, the media has played down the racial aspect of black-on-white violent crime by calling it “the knockout game.”
here is the video
Can't play webm
Screencap frames from the video and send them instead
This is why I hate all black ppl.
Holy shit hahahaha this is the pasta for days.
>whats the kids name that he hit
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>nigger acting like a typical nigger
Gee, what a surprise.
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nahhh just link her to one of the pages we were on
Double dubs never lie
one can only hope anon
We are Anonymous, and we do not forgive. We are void of human restraints, such as pity and mercy. All those who break this pact will be eliminated without hesitation. Those who perform reckless actions or wish to harm the Anonymous will be eliminated without hesitation. Failure is not tolerated. Enemies of the Anonymous include anyone who is not an Anonymous. Our enemies are to be eliminated swiftly and without incident. Anonymous must work as one. No Anonymous knows everything. Betrayal of Anonymous is both impossible and unaccepted. Manipulation of the weak and innocent is an Anonymous specialty. Once a victim is no longer commodious, they are to be eliminated. REPRODUCE. REPRODUCE. REPRODUCE. No man-made or natural occurrence can harm the Anonymous. Under no circumstances are Anonymous human. We are above humans and mortality. Anonymous are not to partake in meaningless tasks. Those who do are to be either reformed or eliminated. We are legion, for we are many. Anonymous is everywhere at all times. All have the potential to be Anonymous until they choose not to. Anonymous has no weakness or flaw(except dogs and counting to 10) Laws of Nature and Man cannot restrain the Anonymous. Anonymous is one. Feuding and argument amongst the Anonymous is both impossible and unaccepted. Anonymous is in control at all times. Anonymous has no identity. Anonymous cannot be contained by mere restraints. Anonymous are all equal. No one is more or less important than Anonymous. Anonymous must obey the Code. Those who do not are to be reformed or eliminated. Anonymous worships nothing. Anonymous cares for nothing but Anonymous. (Note: although part of the Code, Anonymous has occasionally disregarded this rule) Humanity is the virus; Anonymous is the cure. We are Anonymous, and we do not forgive.

Leave the mom alone, she already knows all about it. If there's harassment there might be a lighter sentence, if we wanna fuck this nigger we have to leave her alone.
Moot is that you
if she suffers he suffers
Thats the important thing, anon
good point anon
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heck yeah James
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OP keep us posted. If the nigger doesn't get punished to the full extent of the law, come back and tell us about it. I'll make sure his life becomes a living hell. No loans. No jobs. No passport. It's easier than you think.
What should we do to annoy him ? You guys know how to hack facebooks
Update: Kane's already done a year for drug charges
>Hes fucked as fuck
How would you do it?
Are you in the army or something?
There has to be something we can do, is there a email attached to the fb, we can use it find a kik or something
No, but I know a thing or two about social engineering. I can "kill" him online. That means it'll be really difficult for him to prove his alive to access medical records, take out loans, renew a drivers license, rent things in his name, get jobs, etc. It can take years to sort that shit out.
beware of his band
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ooohh here we goh
Please explain how you do it, that's interesting
What a bunch of fags.
I'm fuming watching this. Someone please fuck this piece of shit up. Tl:dr whole thread. Anything happened yet?
Please tell me more about it. It's interesting.
I'd rather not go to federal prison after you use my instructions to fuck people over. There was a defcon talk about it. Take a look:
hurr-durr im a tough guy with metal knuckles

>oh no, not my asshole!!!!

bet he doesnt even have to push to shit anymore
he is already known by policefags
>>695537918 see >>695538023
THere is no federalfags in my country anyway
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why not to try to find his student infos ?
This is why I never cry when nigger blood hits the floor due to cops removing these shit stains from the planet
im tooooo weak. kekekekekeke
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what is wrong with his fingers?
>He's in custody
>He's done a year in jail already
>He's facing 20 years
>He's pleaded not guilty, meaning he can't get a plea bargain
>He's probably going to jail for longer than he's been alive
>He'll never reproduce
It's a good day
das gansta blud!
but heh dindu nuffin
he waz a gud boiii
His gf (or exgf)
Here is a video of them
>2 niggers and a wetback walk into a park..
u mad dubs?
i don't believe that shit unless see a legit article, nigger
idk dude, maybe the white dude said something racest 2 him
What does that mean? I don't know Canadian laws.
proceed, I insist
like sk8 to fast
she was in this too or not..?
Niggers like 4 feet tall.

Nigger I'm the opposite of a nigger
Sorry Nypa this is stupid and not 4chan why of doing things. All of you faggots get out of this website this not for you. Also this seems like a /pol stunt
shes a coalburner, she deserves anything she gets.
Well that skull is cracked for sure.
they're black, duh
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They are all the same
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His phone number is on his Twitter
get off this website and never come back cunt
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In apologizing to the victim’s family, the suspect’s mother told Fox16 that her son “deals with mental issues and recently spent a year and a half at the juvenile detention center for fighting.” She also described him as “not a bad kid” and “as sweet as can be.”

>1.5 years in juvie for fighting
>as sweet as can be
oh, ok then, reggin...
me too
dude... you are in the wrong board

We gotta fuck that niggerdicksuckers life too, actually
Fuck off nigger.
A typical dindunuffin
It was a fair fight until the white guy started winning.
What a bunch of faggots.
When you have a prior conviction, which Kane does, you often get a harsher statement.

Fucking nail their dicks to tree stumps and leave them there
A bunch of pussies
>hurr hurr
>whitie iz winnin
>bettur go make dis a dirty fight
Fuck niggers. Kill them all.
I remember 4chan we used to raid and toast feminnazis, fat girls, fags on YouTube. Animal abusers and girls or guys that gave too much info. When did we ever go after people because of violence that happened years ago. All you fags that follow this fag op. Go back to /pol

Funny thing is you know those chicks got wet for the nigger. Probably fucked him before and after.
NiggerLogic v3.2 x86 for Windows 95, Me, 98, XP
shes hot
Nigger detected.

Seriously, being this much inferior lets you sleep any well at night, monkey?
samefag pls go
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i hate niggers
I just like ruining everyone's life
>5915143329 Phone
They should have been drowned them in those toilets.
Tis is not "Violence" or "Rekt", nigger, this is a "Nigger", which 4chan hates as much as those
> feminnazis, fat girls, fags on YouTube. Animal abusers and girls or guys that gave too much info

So, fuck off, nigger, stop protecting your kin
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Not really we hated Muslim's fags and feminnazis. This nigger hate comes only during summer.

His sister
Apparently believes in #BlackLivesMatter
go back to 9gag
>so what info do we have on him so far ?
And? I'm a old ass fag and I'm telling you summer fags fuck off /b

Reporting in
Shut up 4chanaboo, search for some YLYL or Trap thread, or start a new one

nice hes about to get rekt
mom isn't even a nigger - obviously she still applies nigger logic
check her facebook
Social engineering fag here again.

If you want to call his number anonymously without it being traced back to you, follow these steps:
>get phone running android 4.4 or later
>turn on airplane mode or remove the sim card but connect to wifi
>download talkatone and install it (it's on google play)
>make trash email account
>sign up with trash email and make unlimited free calls/texts over wifi
>wipe app data and cache in settings when done
>make new trash email and repeat as many times as you like
Protip: the numbers it offers by default will have your area code on them. Use the option to choose a different area code.
bump ba bump
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That's even more worst if she's a coal burner or someshit, dude...
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n i g g a
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Take it to /pol/

Also be sure to mention "praise kek" in your post. They seem to like that
> No loans. No jobs. No passport
So no different than an average nigger
Good job anon
Dumb cunt
>implying niggers don't take out a billion and one loans
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Buttmad nigger.
i get some Spanish answering machine

Somenigger needs a permaban...
They take out payday loans. They cant get approved for real ones. Thats why the sell so much drugs to pay them off.
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I second this.
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what should i say to his mom?
it's whats on his twitter
pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /pol/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /pol/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /pol/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /po/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /pol/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /pol/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /pol/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /pol/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /po/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /pol/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /pol/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /pol/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /po/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /pollpol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /pol/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /pol/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /pol/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /po/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /pol/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /pol/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /pol/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /pol/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /po/pol go

He's a nigger, he's already not getting any loans, a job, or ever have enough money to travel
Leave her alone dude, you might get him a lower sentence if you do anything which makes them seem like they've gotten any shit for what they did.
        ▒█▀▀█ ░█▀▀█ ▒█▀▀█ ▒█░▄▀   ▀▀█▀▀ ▒█▀▀▀█   ▒█▀▀█ ▒█▀▀▀ ▒█▀▀▄ ▒█▀▀▄ ▀█▀ ▀▀█▀▀
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how did you even find this shit out?
Daily reminder that /pol/ is a containment board for the culture of societal distrust that used to pervade all boards on 4chan. Fucking newfags pretending like 4chan vets aren't all politically incorrect
>▒█▀▀█ ░█▀▀█ ▒█▀▀█ ▒█░▄▀   ▀▀█▀▀ ▒█▀▀▀█   ▒█▀▀█ ▒█▀▀▀ ▒█▀▀▄ ▒█▀▀▄ ▀█▀ ▀▀█▀▀
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>        ▒█▄▄█ ▒█░▒█ ▒█▄▄█ ▒█░▒█   ░▒█░░ ▒█▄▄▄█   ▒█░▒█ ▒█▄▄▄ ▒█▄▄▀ ▒█▄▄▀ ▄█▄ ░▒█░░
I've got contacts.
Powerful people.
Stay aside.
Nice, but she will probably just block you
How can 1 person even avoid this situation, this webms make me feel so helpless sometimes.
sure thing famalam
don't cut yourself with those edges pls
Welfare isn't a loan anon, you don't pay that back.
No finance will give a loan to someone with no income, hence niggers don't get loans
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Sadly, for now
What a nigger. I mean, I've seen niggers, but that's up there as the niggerest.
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2016-07-20 10_15_59.png
2 MB, 1694x914
where are this guys eyes?
so you a haxor? D:
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Screenshot (13).png
491 KB, 1344x756
hey looks like a cool guy
The links had already been posted
no, he just knows how to copy/paste
Send webm to someone at Marriott International, facebook page says his mom works there. Should've raised her kid better.
Do not get involved son, this war is not with you.
He looks like a nigger and you look like a bernie supporter.
sry :(((( Dont haxor me dough D:
Mine does but I can't post pictures from it
Im getting fb for this shit
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You are playing with fire.
then burn me faggot, come on, do it

>Implying you can do shit

Fuck, you are the cringiest
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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
well memed
dew it fgt
danked 4 u 2
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> but...but he is a good boy...with dreams and future, he is not danger...

>fuck withe people, fuck your discrimination and racism, BLM..!!! BLM!!!!
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Bet you 5 bucks she works here
you can already tell this kid is going to get a life sentence one day for doing some stupid wannabe thug shit
He's already getting 20 and you know he's going to do something dumb in jail and get kill or charged.

/pol/ is everywhere, you can't stop it. There is no stopping it. Just prepare yourself to act accordingly when moonman visits your house with a length of rope and a smile.
Still, would be nice to see bad parenting punished as well.
God damn that kid is fucking stupid. Those brass knuckles turned a school yard fight into 4 years in the joint for felony assault with a deadly weapon and he didn't even need them to beat up a little kid.
Try 20. First degree assault with a prior conviction nigga.
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If the nigs didn't nog, maybe they wouldn't be such a hoot to shoot.
God dammed faggots. Keep this shit going. It's not like anything better is on the shitty page
He's gonna try to get away with as much as possible claiming mental illness. We should try to do something instead of letting the police handle it
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2016-07-07 16_03_46-XFINITY TV.png
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>If the nigs didn't nog, maybe they wouldn't be such a hoot to shoot.
dubs speaks truth
Kek, imagine him explaining to other inmates what he did

>"uhh ye i beat up a 12yo with his back toward me using brass knuckles"
>"dang he a real G, we gotta watch out fo this fool"
That's why you keep your head on a swivel around those wacky colords, ya dingus.

and the funny part, he will get victimized like a hero and a "good boy", wen some cop shoot him for pretend to be a thug, and BLM will be say him. HERO some day.
it's a nignog. that "stupid" is redundant.
Any fucking faggot who wears pants like that deserves to get clocked with brass knuckles
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>What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Somebody PLEASE create PokeNigger Go, so we can hunt down niggers using our phones, catch them, and throw them in jail.

our streets will be safer, we'll get some exercise, and we'll have fun that the whole family can enjoy!
His trial isn't even until August 2017 and everyone already knows about it. The articles are almost a month old and he's still in police custody.

Literally what the fuck is this thread even for?
Trips gets this going
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what the fuck is this bullshit gif?
Finding out where his mom works so we can get her fired
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Typical niggardly behaviour
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Perfect timing.
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its quit w
what a pussy nigger.

She's not going to get fired over something her employer, and no doubt the entire community where she lives already knows about.

"Hey, your son did a stupid thing at age 16! You're fired!"

That's not how it works. I've literally never had a job that punished people for having retarded kids.

Uncle of nog
white trash nigger bitch
>Being charged with a crime now means you're going to get the maximum sentence

Do any of you retarded faggots have an actual source that he's getting 20 years or is this just typical /pol/ jacking their rage boner over shit that could happen but won't.
No duh, but bombarding an employer with scat porn referring to one of their employees won't do any good
Jesus that faggot pisses me off.
That's why we gotta do something. Lawers gonna go for mental illness
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Tfw this nigger won't have this on his record when he turns 18 cause he's still a minor
Since he is black and the kid hit beat up was white that's probably what will happen.
I digg the file name.
Erry nigger is literally the same. This is why black Lives don't matter.
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his girlfriend, maybe?
Download VLC dipshit. I jack off to porn in the bathroom all the time on my iPhone

Harassing his mother and her employer online is only going to give him a stronger case. Internet "outrage" isn't a remotely new thing and every lawyer knows how to use it to their advantage.

Other uncle of nog


His girlfriend
WHAT DOES HE KEEP POINTING AT i cant see anytinhg!
pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /pol/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /pol/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /pol/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /po/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /pol/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /pol/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /pol/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /pol/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /po/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /pol/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /pol/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /pol/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /po/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /pollpol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /pol/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /pol/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /pol/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /po/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /pol/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /pol/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /pol/pol go back to /pol /pol go back to /po/pol go back to /poll/pol go back to /pol/pol go
Why is that kid standing there with his back turned on a spic wearing brass knuckles? Don't you useless millennial shitbags teach your kids how to survive?
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looks like mama got a few mugshots too.
10/10 would shoot on sight
No. That's racist.
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My fucking sides
>useless millennial shitbags
you answered your own question
>tag this mugshot
This is what the internet was made for?
wat ?!
>street fights should be fair!
What are you, 12?
The mudsharks always look the same.

Ah well. One less trashy white generation to worry about.
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no but the victim was
Fucking niggers.

His moms a real winner.

>Works at Marriott International
>Worked at Sonic Drive-In
>Former slave lol at Being mom to four kids
>Studied at Van Buren High School
>Went to Van Buren Senior High School
?Lives in Conway, Arkansas
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514 KB, 1334x619
ITT: SJW'S disguised as white power vigilantes.

I kekked in my boipanties.
So /pol/ is the new /b/? Good to know.
send dik pic fagget
held his own pretty well though
that's as successful as she gets.
will to bet she also buys weed from her son.
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she fucked a nigger tho, absolute trash
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there is a tongue out in pretty much every photo

>what the fuck is wrong with them
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mom's been busy
wtf? are you retarded?
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>theft by receiving fucr

tc . com / anal master 69

no spaces
get in here fags
When I was that kid's age, you could commit mass murder and the worst the pigs could do was juvie until 21.
Oh, the good olddays!
Kid never had much of a chance. They are like sponges, they are very impressionable. It takes an exceptional kid to not be those things.
Theft, domestic battery, fail to appear, fail to comply

This bitch failed to appear so many times she's now considered a felon
This fucking white faggot deserved it for not exercising his 2nd Amendment right. Essentially he begged for it for not carrying.

This would not have happened to me or my fellow ammosexuals.

This kid should be given a fucking medal and some solid gold brass gold knuckles.

I fapped.
niggas in jail how is he going to reply on fb
but are you black
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Not good enough
Hang him
The little Dindu looks kinda like Muhammed Ali in the face.
Kimberly Millsaps

Tina Hoang

Monte Bair

Amy Millsaps

some family members
"I kicked this white dude's ass. He was talkin' shit so I dropped him."

Aka: he'll lie.
oh shit
what a shit mother it is sad that the kid had nobody that hasn't been to prison to look up to
But some jobs will fire you for bad press. Or for having 12 yo assholes call your workplace over and over again.

At will employment cuts both ways.
>attacking a 12 year old kid from the back with brass knuckles
Why are niggers such backstabbing bitches? Do they have no honor at all?
I think it be more like

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Mom's in jail as we speak
Hi anon, you must be new to life.
Kek this isn't skyrim
> Why is my assailant not honoring the Marquis of Queensbury rules? Has he no honor?
You kids crack me up
*Dark Souls
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>Pic very much related
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