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Describe your ideal girlfriend?

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

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Describe your ideal girlfriend?
thats a guy
This girl is beautiful, plz, tell me where she is live, for i am desire speak with her
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A tomboy who would rather sit in and watch TV than be treated to an expensive dinner.

Looking like this would be welcome too.
agreed, in fact I'd rather have a tomboy with something in her head and a good sense of humor than a stupid but "socialy beautiful" bitch

>pls tell me where she live so I can stalk her on fb and fap
a balrog of morgoth
The one I have now, 10/10

>jet black hair
>pale smooth skin
>D or C cups
>leaves me alone for extended periods of time
>doesnt say dumb shit around friends and family
>loves to give blowjobs and anal
>bakes shit like cup cakes and cakes
>has a job
Xenia Onatopp
>into guys
>preferably doesnt hate me
>preferably has no dick (not even feminine)
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great tits
blonde hair
loves to cook and clean
angel in public, devil in the bedroom
sissy cock
>about 5' tall
>tits D or below
>virgin, but those are fuckin unicorns so as long as she hasnt slept around a lot i'm fine
>not crazy
>shares some of my interests, but has her own
>educated, has her own job, and doesnt rely on/expect me to pay their bills
>younger than me
>never fucked or dated a black guy
Dumb, thick, and in the kitchen
Chained naked body begging for more cock. From all who enter
Problem with this is such a girl wouldnt want YOU
My ideal girlfriend is a real girlfriend
>>not crazy

> virgins are unicorns
> doesn't acknowledge that not-crazies are horses with conjoined twins in the middle of their heads that are, in fact, tiny unicorns
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Someone who love me.
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pretty much
When I see girls like that, I always wonder if they're aware of themselves?
I mean, she has huge tits and isn't too shy to flaunt them, but her face and her smile don't match the slut-personality.
So his she unaware of how she's presenting herself? And if she's aware, what does she think of the fact that literally every boy wants to fuck her?
I had a friend like her once and she said that she never notices when guys stare at her rack and she also said she doesn't think that anyone would like to fuck her.

breathing....or not breathing. i'm not picky
this thread makes me sad and think how alone i m
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>Same ethnicity as me
>About the same age or a bit younger
>Good looking
>Low maintenance and little to no make-up
>At least master's degree in any field of natural sciences (students also acceptable)
>Doesn't watch TV or listen to radio
>Doesn't like any other kind of commercial spoon-fed entertainment either
>Doesn't smoke, drink or use drugs
>Plays some instrument
>Interested in history and mythology
>Plays games occasionally
>Likes roughly the same music, movies and shows as I do
>Rides a motorcycle or at least likes/accepts them
>Accepts, likes or shoots guns
>Conservative right-wing nationalist
>Likes to be in nature
>Likes animals (and dogs over cats)
>Likes cooking

I think that's a good starting point. More requirements can be set, when candidates show up.

Maybe she doesn't sit around obsessing over what other people are thinking? Or she just likes her tits. I like my cock, and would flaunt it about it society wouldn't reject me for it.

Good for her.
A girl who loves dictators.
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>Doesn't talk much.
>Hates going out.
>I do my things, she does hers, often together.
>usually horny, doesn't like taking the initiative, but kind of hints at it at times.
>looks: 6+/10
>We both know we would like nothing more than to just sit through every weekend cuddled up watching a movie or playing some game.

>when candidates show up

This is how you can tell a dude will kiss the first girl's ass that even looks at him twice.
>Maybe she doesn't sit around obsessing over what other people are thinking?

You really think women are capable of that?
Well, lucky for you there are plenty of women just like that.
You may have to settle 4-5/10 though.
>when candidates show up
You'll be alone forever anon
>not fat
>uglier than me so she doesn't cheat
>knows that we are only together because we can't get anything better
>alcoholic, like me
>dead inside, like me

I would describe her as gay
>Doesn't smoke, drink or use drugs
boring as nigga
OP cos she's beautiful and probably takes it up the ass
>Not a manatee
>Not a nigress
>Around my age or a bit older
>Not an SJW
>Don't mind crazy so long as she's loyal
>Never fucked a nigger
>Nice to look at

That's pretty much it.
>I like my cock

I kek'd, but then I realised that I like my own cock as well, even if he is small. weird
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...I guess the problem is that we'd never find each other. And if we did.. neither would know, nor have the balls to make a move.

That's it.
someone real
might work out for you, but only if it is a feminine penis
typical /b/ response:


kys, you fuckin robots
A control freak bitch, in such a sense that she does improve our lives.
If theres anything worth liking, its your own dick. It makes you feel good when you tug it
at this point she just needs to be alive
Apparently you aren't.
Isn't that how it works? :^)

Actually I've turned down all girls thus far.

Possible but I'm such an unique snowflake that it's hard to find anyone that's even remotely likeable in any serious way. And because having a girlfriends isn't a very high priority for me, I'm content with my situation. Sometimes it's a bit lonely but that's fine too.

I'd say the same about anyone, who smokes, drinks or uses drugs. It tells that the person doesn't have any content in his/her life and has to artificially fill the void.
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implying this isn't reproducible outside the confines of /b/
they're just clowns anyway
except nobody answered something even remotely close. you might want to leave
someone who wont leave me when i tell them i love them and she says that we should just be friends ;_;
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>i am desire speak with her
>5'2 to 5'4
>Short brunette hair similar to OP's pic.
>Pale skin
>Likes anime but just like any other genre
>Likes videogames and wants to play together
>Breasts from size D to A
>Loves to just be together

already too high expectations
no need to take the first bidder when you can pick and choose...

also no need for someone else when you're content and they don't offer improvement/benefit to your life
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like this
Nice trips, I would rather have a person who has had sex b4 because if you find a virgin it is because they are lying or they are not worth it. Most awesome women are awesome because they have been with someone that has opened them up to be into more things than just makeup tutorials and nail art.
I rate it:

Offensive content
Sexual Themes

High enough rating yet?
One that exists and actually likes me would be a good start
calm down with a vagina, and you could fuck a quite passable trap, anon
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Basically Emma Watson without feminist bullshit
>Share some interests, but not all
>At least a common knowledge of video games and anime
>Willing to try new things
>6/10 or lower so other men don't look at her
>B-C tits
>Dresses conservatively

im a huge fag
Emma Watson before she opened her mouth for shit that was all just a fantasy.
>inb4 10 y/o Emma
In order of importance more or less
>playful and tomboyish but still feminine
>nice to everyone
>pretty face, young looking
>pretty eyes
>skinny but not anorexic
>nice legs
>short hair that is feminine in pattern, or medium hair that is messy
>any height above 4'9
>decent tits

But here's the real dealmaker/breaker
>not materialistic, will love me for myself and not my worldly success and social standing

So, never gonna happen, ever.
go to jihad land where they all come pre-wrapped so you don't need to worry about eye-rapists
>Brown eyes (most important)
>long hair with any colour that is not ginger
>shorter or around 180 cm
>smile like a god
>big tits and ass
>kind of fit
>not stupid
>pussy don't smell of sea food
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>somebody I can empathize with
>somebody that can empathize with me
>doesn't look like a monster and is female

This is literally all I need
actually god tier taste

It looks like you're having a casting for a girlfriend, and also being so narrow minded is likely to decrease your chances of ever having anyone showing their interest...
>nice to everyone
so a slut, huh
>Thin - Sightly chubby
>Likes vidya
>Likes skating or longboarding
>Short hair or very long hair
>Thai, white, or Latino
>Tom boy
>Likes talking about philoshy and space
>is VERY much in love with me
>Clingy as fuck
>Flat chested (If chubby then D cup)
>No father
>Very homey mother who likes me and makes me food and likes me in their house
>No older siblings
>Has a part time job (So I don't have to pay for literally everything, but she's not at work all the time)
youre pretty much desperate for anything legitimately female arent you
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Pls to tell i dont no how to computa
>one that really loves me and doesnt make me puke when i look ar her
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i don t now maybe alive or real ?
So basically a fag.
holy shit you should date a graveyard then
Yes,but with a vagina
woah, easy man, that kinda woman doesn't exist
I'm not a woman, so why should I worry about what others think of me?
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Pretty much how I think. Every time I've said no to someone, it seems that I've dodged a bullet but I guess the good ones don't just show up and have to be found. One girl was actually very nice and we were good friends but she turned out to be lesbian years after. She became really distant after what happened and the friendship was over, so nowadays I'm very confused, what I should have said, because both ways it would have ended badly.

I'm not having a casting. I'm not even looking for a girlfriend. Me being "narrow minded" only saves me from relationships I don't want. If I find the girl of my dreams, fine. If not, that's fine too.
But not both.
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>older than me
>Enjoys kinky sex and frequently initiates sex
>Athletic and will come to the gym with me
>Enjoys being outdoors, camping, hiking, kayaking, etc
>Equally enjoys staying indoors and playing Vidya
>Not a fucking lunatic
>Good conversationalist
>Has a face that doesn't make me throw up
>Literally doesn't exist
My ex gf fit most of my criteria, except she was fat and crazy.
A girl with huge tits that rapes school kids
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>up to b cup
>blonde hair
>nice personality
if she cook delicious meals, all of the above is irrelevant.
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And she was also clingy asf. That was kind of the deal breaker. Pic related
Anyone know who this girl is? Seen her once on Motherless deepthroating a banana, but couldn't find the video later.
who is this?
that isn't really fat, if you compare it to most landwhales. but since you are a /fit/fag you prol have higher standards
Looks like Giezer with tits.
> doesn't watch TV.
> likes roughly the same music, movies and shows I watch.
Nigga what?

lel first trips in my life :O
dubs speak the truth
> or is redhead
Other than that are you me?
>Pessimistic tendencies, so I don't have to pretend to be a "glass half-full" type around her
>There when we need each other, but understands when I need space
>Any type of attractive, I'm not picky

>Would eye rape your girlfriend
hello newfriend :^) have a nice time around here
what did you say?
In 10 yr old emma before
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>smooth white skin, no spider veins
>short black or neon colored hair
>blue eyes
>small tits, a or b cup
>button nipples
>cute little nose
>straight white teeth
>little waist with big hips
>little feet
>enjoys doing drugs like cocaine and weed
>votes for Trump
>doesn't overreact about every little fucking thing
>gives me my space when I want it
>likes giving blowjobs and anal
>sex drive to match mine
>infertile so I can cum inside whenever I want without fear
>enjoys high intensity ddlg sex
>smokes cigarettes regularly (holy fuck I love a girl that smokes)

I think that's all. I have a gf right now but we fight almost every day and it fucking sucks. Pussy is good, but not worth the incessant nagging.
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>you can only watch movies and shows on television
>Lots of tattoos and piercings
>has a lot of inherited money so we can both live together without having to work ever
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heres a picture of what i consider to be the perfect gf/woman
But will murder you
>shorter than 5'3
>less than 100 pounds
>is a positive person
>fucked up humor
>tight pussy
>same age or slightly younger
>will do stupid shit without planning a lot
What the fuck are you talking about you sperg
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>this body
not that new just not posting as frequently
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>Toned-thick, not fat
>White, or half-white asian/latina. No blacks or sand people
>Long, lush, sexy hair
>Big doe eyes, apple cheeks and dick sucking lips
>Big fat tiddays that bounce and swing and flop all over the place, but nipples still point forwards for dat braless.
>Is mostly domestic but still likes to go /out/ and have adventures with me
>Works, but nothing so crazy or stressful that it takes away from home life
>Sub and kinky in bed. Calls me daddy, wears a leash, likes getting slapped/spanked, very noisy and vocal, etc
>Has a functioning brain, fact-checks before she gets mad at things in the news, forms her own opinions, is curious and inquisitive
>Laughs at my lame jokes and has the same silly, childish sense of humor that I do

My actual gf is pretty close to this actually, though she's a walking stress ball and can be kind of a reactive, overly-sensitive bitch sometimes. Not so much with me, but mundane shit that most people can either see through or ignore (like politics/news) she gets all worked up and it's annoying. "OMG babe can you believe what *insert troll celebrity* said?? THATS SUCH FUCKING BULLSHIT I CANT BELIEVE ANYONE EVEN LISTENS TO HIM OMG WHY IS HE STILL EVEN AROUND BLAH BLAH BLAH"

Her home life went to shit during her early teen years, we (me and her family) think that's what made her into this stress/anger machine, I got pretty fucking mad and really ripped into her one night and it finally sank in that she's just making everyone else miserable when she does this so now she's starting to talk to therapists, hopefully it will get better.
skinny redhead with frekles that like to drink.
Good chance she killed her boyfriend
and what makes you say that
God-tier taste my dude
>inb4 fag
yeah okay whatever

>Loves to cook
>Hates everyone but me
That's retarded logic man.
>nice to everyone
just means she, like me, wants everyone to be free to be happy, more or less
I wouldn't be able to stand someone who was held back by feelings of obligations or duty to society. That doesn't mean she wants to fuck everyone.
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TV as in the preprogrammed box of garbage that sits in the middle of most living rooms and dictates the lives of many with schedules and pollutes minds with commercials and horrible programs. Sure, there are some good shows but those can be seen elsewhere any time and without adds.
>Moderately smart or more
>Somewhat conscious about her body
>Not fat
> older than me
> pale with red, black or dyed hair OR asian
> short
> small waist
> borderline alcoholic
> smokes (cigs not weed)
> 6+10
> not depressed but kind of melancholy
> likes to talk about why this world is fucked
> similar taste in music
> respects that i need time alone and she needs time to herself aswell
> high sex drive
> likes to switch between dom and sub
>pays half the bills
>cooks delicious noms
>spends the rest of the time either doing what I'm doing or leaving me the fuck alone
well given the fact that all woman will cheat if given the opportunity, the only way to avoid it is an ugly or shut-in gf. I know I am exaggerating, but there is some truth in it

Everything my girlfriend is now, without the attitude. 9/10 fucks great.
My ex.
pretty good taste

if she pays half the bills you have to do half the housework. considered that?
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My ex....
but why?
>if she pays half the bills you have to do half the housework. considered that?
My ideal girlfriend wouldn't see things that way and that's what the OP was asking for. Considered that?

Tits or GTFO.
And that's why I said she could never actually exist. It's sad because I basically want someone like me, but female and with feminine traits like liking cute things and shit.

But I guess it's impossible for women to be like this. I don't get it but I do know you're right. Basically what I want is something that can't actually exist in the real world.

I might be a waifufag if it weren't for the fact that not even fictional girls are a good as what I want. I prefer still art of cute girls that I can interpret how I want to pretty much everyone elses interpretation of girls, real or fake.
sounds about right ... I mean we were speaking about a fictional, perfect gf ...

>at least 3/10
>non smoker
>BMI below 33
>non blonde
>blue eyes
>plays card games with me
>always there to help you out in dire situations
>also a powerfull dragon summoned from ancient egypt to destroy your enemys
So 3/10 virgin > 8/10 used ?
This nigga gets it, we do half the work don't be a jew
>shorter than me, ideally 5'4-5'6
>dark hair
>C breasts, small aerola
>squat bum
>lighter than 130 lbs
>pretty eyes
>white or latino
>Not American and not super foreign

>free thinking
>goal oriented

>High powered profession that she finds rewarding, or business owner.
;-;7 I salute you anon

Not a vapid empty headed whore
fair enough. not a chick tho, I just believe in the classic system where the man pays and the woman keeps the house going
>pretty face
>small, perky tits
>into fashion
>gainfully employed
she loves me and we play vidya together
>tfw no vidya playing gf
>okay with dating an alcoholic
my current girlfriend

>Be anon.
>Be out on weekly excursion from the basement to check the mail
>A 9/10 girl happens to be running by on a jog with her dog, Fido.
>She's training for the bianual harvard marathon, where she's studying to be Biologist
>They get to talking, and she seems interested
>Says she's never had a boyfriend because they don't understand her conservative values and her refusal to watch TV or radio (despite her deep passion for the exact same shows that anon loves, because that's not contradictory as fuck, right?)
>Says that she just wishes she could find a guy that loves motorcycles, league of legends, zues the thunder god, and taking filtered instagram pictures of the random shit in anon's room.
>Anon is amazed. He never, in all his life met a girl like this.
>The conversation has been going on for hours now, and finally turns to music
>"So what music do you like anon?"
>Anon likes only linkin park and green day, but he can play wonderwall on his guitar.
>"Oh my god that's so cool Anon! You can play the guitar? I've always wanted to learn an instrument!"

>"You fucking what?"
>"Oh I've just always wanted to learn! ...I just never had the chance growing up..."
>Anon punches her in the face in a full on nerd rage
>Anon storms off to his basement, narrowly dodging the bullet.
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My god.

an 1/10 virgin is better than a 10/10 used goods.

because the virgin one is a female, the used one is a slut - except when you're the only one who ever used her.
my dream girl is a girl with a vagina
Do you know this girl cause that looks like a girl I went to middle school with?
i know a girl exactly like that.
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10/10 would read again
i smoke and women smoking can look very seductive idk
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Jesus you are pathetic
More of her?
Kek I'm an alcoholic but I've learned from experience that women who are alcoholics fucking suck. Men who can drink heavily are gods but the women are just psycho.

For the love all all things hawt, source?
That's a perfectly reasonable standard though
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Average weight. Neither skinny nor fat.
Fairly muscular. Not bulging or anything, but strong.
White with any hair color
Has very good vision. Don't care what color the eyes are
Good sized breasts
Attractive face

Buisness oriented
>11 years old
>Cooks like a chef
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Lords Army300.jpg
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yes, virginity is fundamental.

I don't want to plow a girl who has been already fucked by other dicks than mine
As long as she's healthy, physically and mentally, and is honest with me all the time about whatever is on her mind, I'd be cool with whatever shit she puts me through. Just don't want to play games all the time and pretend I'm someone I'm not to have her interest and her affection.
At this point I just want a girlfriend who's a total slut. My current girlfriend of 8 years is such a bore. I love her but I'm getting tired of doing the same thing in bed everynight. Fuck I would even be happy if she cuck'ed me now.
thats it
>angel in public, devil in the bedroom
im so sick of this trope.
tumblr ruined it for me
It's the same with my wife, I've asked her to sit on my fave to eat her out, bit she's only done it once, Everytime I want to do a 69 she doesn't want to, like bitch you getting your pussy eaten out so I aint the only one getting pleasure
Face* my bad.
fucking kek
He doesn't like the idea of you staring into her brown eye.
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The amount of virgins in this thread is off the fucking charts.
I would fuck him in the ass
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ffs leave kittens alone newperson
a girl that would not give a fuck
That's a chick
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1. I don't have a basement.
2. I check mail daily.
3. Harvard isn't where I live.
4. You can watch shows on the internet. There's this thing called Netflix for example. Not sure if you have heard of it.
5. League of Legends and other MOBAs are cancer.
6. You spelled Zeus wrong and I'm more interested in Balto-Finnic mythology at the moment.
7. Instagram combines two things I dislike: Lomography and social media.
8. I don't listen to nu metal or punk rock and can't play Wonderwall, because I have never heard it or tried playing it. You guessed my instrument right though.
9. I'm not that strict about my preferences.
Good attempt still. 6/10
But that doesn't bother me though, but I could see your point.
>aryan (and really pale. Like, 'lived her entire life above the arctic circle')
>northern/eastern european accent
>thin, not neccesarily athletic
>just as possesive as I am
>can keep secrets
>good work ethic

Probably more, but good enough for now
Black short hairs
Thick eyebrows
A not that long nose
Slightly big cheeks
Dark eyes
Basically Unique facial features
Milky white skin
Solid abs

Dresses simply (blue and black t-shirt, jeans or men shorts)

Calm but feminine voice
Not skinny, not fat, but a fat ass and considerable breasts

Is not a total bitch, genuinely love you and would die for you (if only :^) ), highly smart (like a genius), empathic, rich as fuck, have a dark sense of humor, know how to cook
>fit but not muscular
>d-cups that won't sag till her 50s
>perky ass but not huge
>submissive sexually
>feisty otherwise
>likes 3somes with women, likes hunting them with me
>gets off on pleasing me
>into facials and anal
>likes drinking/drugs, coke, acid, molly, don't care about weed lol.
>likes sexy clothes and costumes
>knows how to dance and twerk
>can deepthroat
> smart
> outgoing, secure, well liked
> funny but doesn't try too hard
> brunette, tan, Mediterranean/middle eastern looks
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Basically like Ramona, but not a slut and preferably East Asian.
My fucking sides are in orbit.
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my ex
Cute face, nice tits, feminine penis, small waist, fat ass.


>after posting this anon goes back to hitting on the middle aged woman working at Shaws with 9 cats and one tit so he can lose his virginity.
you're a fucking retard.

I never really gave it much thought. I went from not giving a fuck to having a gf within the span of a couple months. 7 years in September.

Should I pop the question, /b/?
this. and add not bitchy.
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>9 cats
Curly blonde hair.

Blue eyes.

Periclean white skin.

Leo or Libra woman.

Wait, thats describing the woman I already have.
no it's not you cunt slut. IT'S a transgender.
No. Do NOT get married. It's a racket.
once the insurance papers are signed
that's a dude. you people are fucked haha
Alive is entirely optional
I am much better!
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I try
Honestly same
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Looks permanently 16.
Takes it up the butt.

How is it a racket?
Rich loves to smoke green big booty 34 c boobs black or Mexican or just tanned. About about 7 or 10 years younger than me. Loves to suck cock and take it up the ass and is fixed so I can cum in her pussy. And is totally submissive. Whore at home and a lady in public.
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There is no Shaws here and no, I'm not going to hit on anyone for now and I'm going to hold on to some sort of standards. For some reason everyone here assumes that not having a girlfriend is like being unable to breath or dying of hunger, when in reality it's much less dramatic. It's not dramatic at all.
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I'd happily get married to my girl
Oh no I'm sorry I offended the sjw of /b/ go cry bully some other place.
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you're probably a piece of shit with this world view, but there are plenty of women that, not unlike plenty of men, enjoy spending time at home saving money and being comfy.
>any race but black (exeption: light skinned black)
>shorter than me
>similar interests
>virgin prefered
>smooth skin
>can cook somethings
>real memer
>no penis
Add nice ass
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That drops off pretty fast after age 18. You might win powerball but most likely not. Prepare for disappointed
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you wish faggot
kittens a prime gal
female singsing would be my bae.
Look wise, i'd have:
>Short brunette
>around my high 5"7-5"10
>Tits and ass would be nice, but aren't required
>Preferably white, but I can roll with any other race

Personality/interest wise would be
>Nice sense of humor
>plays an instrument (i play drums)
>sociable, optimistic

And thats about all I can think of. All in all, similar sense of humor and personality would be essentials for a good partner for me
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>born female
>identifies as female
>genitals in-tact
sad that in 2016 you have to specify this.
other than that:
>big ass
>big tits
>puts up with all my shit
>helps me grow as a person
>has a job
>laughs at my jokes
>makes me laugh with her jokes
>share a few hobbies
>good tasting pussy
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true. great personality, outgoing and cute as fuck.
anyone with standers low enough to fuck me.
>blue eyes
>long legs
>small tits
>can take a joke
>gives me a lot of aryan master race kids
>Can give cuddles
>Doesn't leave me after 1 week of dating
>Preferably real
ya man look at those udders!
Aweeee anon!
You need to graduate high school before you worry about finding a decent girl.
>enjoys high intensity ddlg sex

- this. finally an anon with taste. high pain tolerance too
Preferably alive, but not a deal breaker if not,
i know her she goes to my school
whos dat ?
In university at the moment. Fifth year starting in a few weeks.
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The short hair one
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>daddy issues
>reliant on me for mental stability
>likes doing whatever I want
>no other friends
>sad that in 2016 you have to specify this.

y do u want a broken girl anon?
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You guys need to think big.

Comes from a billionaire family and has recently inherited all their money

Happily agrees to a prenup in which I am guaranteed a hefty portion of her assets, regardless of the outcome of our relationship

Is hopelessly and irrationally in love with me

Sees it as her duty to service me at any time or place I deem necessary, but isn't jealous if I choose someone else's company for any length of time

Has a large network of friends and actively recruits women for me to stud and knock up because she thinks I'm an amazing genetic masterpiece who should have as many offspring as possible

Bonus would be if she looked something like this.
sounds nice, but too high maintanance
I'm a broken man
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Who is she?
tons of girls like that in my schools anime club
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>Like pic related but not with the obvious eyebrows

>No loose pussy
>Gotta be pink
>Literally any race but shitskins
>Bonus points if they're bi
>Even more bonus points if they're willing to try drugs with me and travel to cities
>They're not a detached person
>Easy to talk to and always has something interesting to say
>Only in my dreams
About 5'1-5'2
Jet black hair or Red head
No boy pussy allowed
Nice thighs
Video-game player
Not a social butterfly but not socially retarded
Not a feminist and can get and laugh at fucked up shit with me
Into kinky shit
Person with a master's in a natural science here:

You'll never find a right wing nationalist with a master's or higher in the natural sciences.

Education leads to liberalism.
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nope thats fat alright
Too bad there is no such person here that I have seen.
>5' or shorter
>C-DD tits, doesn't flaunt unless it's too me
>pale, white girls are the best
>hates daddy, loves cock
>ddlg interests or bdsm
>same age or older
>likes any genre, metal is top though
>not cringey
>clingy is nice just not personal space clingy
>loves shitty CGI horror movies
>good humor

Exes fit this but left for some cracker that fucked her over and begged for me back

>inb4 nigger
Not nigger fyi
I doubt that. I'm studying engineering and the only liberals here are studying environmental engineering.
Blue eyes , dark hair , skin pale as snow , pink lips , pink nails , big boobs , big butt , a little bit chubby , cute/baby face , not taller than 160 cm , loyal , overly attached , funny , shy , only likes me doesn't talk with other guys , submissive , virgin even better kisslesswhen I met her , femine as much as could in posture and dressing but not so that she spends whole days doing stupid shit woman do like shopping , probably into fantasy stuff especially vidya , animu and books , cuddly , often horny , would do anything for me , shares alot of my interests and wants to learn about all the others , normal family , no shaddy history , doesn't drown in her depression , has a strong goal but would change it for me , that's probably it
oh yeah and a bit younger than me
>hates daddy, loves cock
sounds like a girl who would cheat on you for sure
Feminine penis
I just started class today and I've already seen a really nice girl. What do I do?
Nothing. If she's interested in you, she'll come to you. Focus on what's important now: your grades.
>doesn't get the reference

Cock as in one, not multiple, specifically included that

Tongue punch her fartbox
fuck and cute high pitched voice

Is that kat?

She definitely goes to Cornerstone Christian School in Antioch CA I've recognized like every single background school setting she's been in

> Great Ass
> Probably Asian
> Skinny
> 8/10+
> Intelligent
> Motivated/Independent/Ambitious
> Likes to fuck but selective
> Has interests and hobbies besides material shit and doesn't care that I have interests besides her.
> Healthy relationship with her dad
> Doesn't take herself too seriously

I like that kind of stuff but realistically I've found you can only get about 3/4 of it in a relationship. I usually prioritise looks over mental health.
Very true.
and desperate to marry and live together whole life

Okay dad. Nigger, I'd flunk out of college if it meant having a girl.

That mentality you described would never actually work in the real world.
You sound like a fat manlet lol.
A grill who isn't a nigger or kike
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>I'd flunk out of college if it meant having a girl.
And I'm the 'nigger' here? Stop caring about women; they'll always be around, and they'll always be as useless as they have been. Focus on what's important and get your ass out of that school with a degree.
DO NOT DO THIS. this guys a pussy
go for it anon. you need to approach her first. talk to her everyday if you can. small talk for the most part them she will get used to seeing/talking to you everyday. then casually ask her out to lunch or some shit. not a full on date but just something small. at this point she knows you like her like that. then a few day later ask her on the big date. all up to how she feels about you at this point.
your standards are far too high i hit up the cemetary weekly

In the end a happy life is all I desire. I've been a lonely fuck my entire life, and I'm been striving to make a difference.

Besides, I wouldn't flunk a single class anyways.

Holy fuck you idiot, where do you think you are. This is 4chan you dumb cunt not the fucking agora; this is a place of degeneracy, and lunacy.

You'd be better off watching keeping up with the kardashians. For someone who obviously thinks of themselves as a bit of a philosopher prince you're underestimating the value of popular culture.

Go hang up your fucking fedora and go outside.
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No, don't do THIS.>>700708139

Especially if you're paying for college/uni, you need to focus on your grades. That woman won't give a flying fuck about you, and while you're pining over her, she's finishing up and getting her degree.

>happy life
Then focus on your grades so you can finish up on time. Women will still be there when you graduate; they're not going anywhere.

Besides, trust me: she's likely not even thinking about you.
Intelligent, medium length to long hair, similar taste in music, loves talking and cuddling.

>5. League of Legends and other MOBAs are cancer.
>6. You spelled Zeus wrong and I'm more interested in Balto-Finnic mythology at the moment.

The only video games and mythology for an enlightened memer such as yourself; Minecraft and some vaguely Norse shit.
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Anyone who would want me.
just because you a fucking cuck and you let the girl of your dreams go because your a fucking pussy dose not mean you should tell people to not go for it. stop hiding behind the "I only focused on my grades" thing you keep telling yourself to keep yourself from accepting the fact that your Cowardice is the reason you are alone.
My ideal woman already left me. But she was nowhere near the ideal gf. She was just a gorgeous woman. But what a bitch. The beautiful thing is that she wants me back. But I hate her guts. Which somehow has only make her want me back more. She cheats on whoever she dates with me. Dumb whore
>big tits (but not too big)
>my age or a little order
>respects me
>likes to party
>gets on well with my friends
>kinky and likes to experiment in bed
>same tastes as me
>is happy to watch me play games or watch movies I like
>her name is Emma
>I threw her away over three years ago for a cheap fuck because she annoyed me
>i have never forgiven myself and I will never forget her
>i teared up trying this
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Bitch brain.jpg
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>using cuck as an insult unironically
>girl of your dreams
m8, I've stopped giving a fuck about women ever since I learned their true nature. I'm not telling OP to go through life as an asexual monk, but I am telling him that he's at an integral, opportune time in his college career (first day of any semester) and overall life (college itself) and should use it to his advantage...NOT to focus on some bitch who will just fuck him over in the long run and not reciprocate the same affection he thinks he feels for her. You men..boys, really, let your lives be controlled by the "golden vagina," only to get your asses handed to you, then come on /b/ and bitch about some qt3.14 who couldn't care less about you. if you ask me, you're the real 'cuck' if you think women matter in a man's life.

The strong man doesn't need a woman to validate himself. Don't be a bitch's bitch.
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>pale skin
>green eyes
>brown hair
>a few freckles
>cute face in general
>likes doing funny stupid shit like spitting out hotel windows and watching the spit land on people's heads
>just fun in general
>but also likes to stay in and watch tv and cuddle
>likes traveling (but who doesn't tbh)
>good fashion sense
>thats pretty much it tbh fam

>tfw some pleb talks about Zeus
>tfw he doesn't mention the obviously superior Ukko


> Good taste in media.
> Stylish
There's much more on 4chan than just degeneracy and lunacy, although they are a major part of it. Sadly.
I don't think I'm anything, it's everyone else, who try to label me. And some popular culture is good, most is bad. Worse than worst of 4chan even, so I'm not going to waste my time on it.

Don't start with the enlightenment thing. And anything Finnish isn't related to anything Norse.

These people think that Finns are Scandinavian. Don't expect too much from them.
I'm still getting a "I hate all women because they think I'm a weird fucking mook" vibe from you. All i'm telling OP is she might not be THE ONE but the only way to find out is to try. and that strong man thing was fucking lame... you should work on that one. but fuck it we will agree to disagree.
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