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/b/ I fucking hate everything. Have you ever tried your hardest

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 301
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/b/ I fucking hate everything.

Have you ever tried your hardest for three consecutive years only to be laugh at, used, and replaced?

>Age 16, diagnosed with cancer
>things really suck
>throw up daily
>hair falls out in patches
>used to be 9/10
>now 0/10
>don't go to school
>people quit talking to me
>only two good friends
>slowly spiral into depression
>Age 17, 1/4 of back tissue removed
>look in mirror after surgery to see two tubes emerging from my back
>one tube blood
>the other of spinal fluids
>spend four months connected to a vacuum
>do nothing but watch anime
>and think of different suicide scenarios
>days get bleaker
>can't shower due to back
>I smell
>I can't eat
>I'm 6'0 and 93 pounds
>I love drifting though
>Use cancer sympathy
>get 240sx
>Senior year

End Chemo

>Meet girl. (Cont)
i want my retainer back
Look up Furious Pete on Youtube.
Watch/read his story. (Anorexia, Cancer)
Get inspired.
Get in the gym.
Make your life worth something again.
She looks sweet. She's wearing a Free! Anime backpack.
>Start talking to her
>find out we have a lot in common
>ask to take her home one day
>I drive a sweet ass 240sx
>do mad skidz with her in the car
>she loves it
>maybe things aren't so bad
>one day go to party together
>get mad drunk
>hair is coming back again
>im feeling good
>she pulls me outside
"Wanna cig?"
>sure why not
>smoke a cig for the first time

Shitty idea

Fast forward three months

>we are fucking on the daily
>I love this girl
>Do everything for her
>she took away my depression
>we talk all the time about moving to florida
>I want to open up my own performance shop
>life is great
>We argue sometimes but its over dumb stuff
>I come home one day and get a message
>from her
> "You know you mean the world to me, Brandon"
>I'm not brandon
>"oops wrong person haha"
>pretend not to notice
>find out Brandon is her Ex
>they still "hang out" every once in a while
>she didn't tell me
>"you aren't going to be controlling over me"
>I let it slide
>yeah I'm a beta
Or at least used to be

>things get worse and worse
>I fuck her harder and harder
>we fight more and more
>she says hurtful things every time
>blames me for making her say it
>starts making fun of my cancer
>calling me disgusting etc
>don't know how to feel
> break up 90 times in the course of six months
Things will be okay anon, half the battle of life is outlook. I know things seem bleak but if you remain positive, positive things will happen to you.

You went through hell, and I'm sorry to hear it, I hope things get better for you soon.

t. Manlet with a massive widows peak and few friends. Also I'm adopted and my sister and dad are transgender
>finally decide enough is enough
>break up with her for good
>she shows me her "new" boyfriend that night
>he's been fucking her for months
>him and another dude
>and another dude
>aaaand another dude

I'm crushed.

Start crying uncontrollably

>Punch shit
>Cut myself
>Everything sucks
>Get super edgy
>look in the mirror and look at my back
>hollow and deformed
>I'm disgusting
>get pissed off and grab my keys
>drift everywhere
>speed everywhere
>hope a cop sees me so I can run
>fuck it, right?

Also get away from that dumbster slut as fast as possible
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Dude this story has been hilarious so far, hurry up
Fast forward two months

>school is almost out
>get into fights with everyone
>used to be "cancer kid"
>now I'm just some asshole
>fuck you
>I'm clear headed for the most part
>not too close to anyone but my two friends during chemo
>I would die for them
>still pissed off abut everything
>online friend suggests we move to florida
>other online friend lives in Orlando
>think about my dream of a car shop
>think how much it would piss her off if I did it
>fuck it, right?

>Once school ends, pack my shit and go
>Parents refuse to help
>nobody likes this idea

Leaving my two friends was the hardest shit I have ever done
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Guys I gotta type the rest of this. Bump the thread pls
Alright every minute or so I got you
bump for cancer returning
Bumping thread, do yourself a favor and beat her next time OP you can and will get away with it with the proper information on hand.
>Get to Florida
>its fuckin lit boi
>I reinvent myself
>I'm a cool ass nigga now
>people here think my cancer back looks cool
>confidence of a god
>talk to any bitch without spaghetti
>bitches love cancer
>party my ass off
>friend who lives here traps
>do mad drugs
>LSD opens my mind to new horizons
>mushrooms open my soul to feelings again

Fuck. Rent is due soon

>rush to find job
>no luck
>the real world sucks
>I go everywhere
>make a good ass resume
>no luck
>no luck
"Apply online"
"Apply online"
"Apply online"
>I apply online
>finally empty my heart out into an email to a certain company
>I get hired
>two days a week
>minimum wage
>work for three weeks
>poor as fuck and barely able to pay rent
>eating ramen and rice every day
>parents refuse to help
>Survived cancer
>Grew strong enough to walk around being an asshole to people
>Still bitching

Stop crying pussyboi
I'm actually going through a similar experience except much longer drawn-out and she just broke up with me but still wants to be my friend
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bumping, continue OP
You mean you didnt rig her house to explode if she ever left you with a pile of bullshit? you should have a blow up button to kill her if she pulled this. then you could kill her and make the world better.
>start getting serious
>wake up every day and try to meet someone new
>ask around for jobs
>get numbers
>do adult shit
>call offices and fast food
>literally anywhere
>I had so much fucking hope coming here
>florida was supposed to be my escape
>I can't let this end now
>keep trying and keep trying
>look at ex gfs twitter for motivation
>yeah fuck that dumb cunt
>finally land a job at a knife sharpening place
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The hilarity continues. Now I'm hooked.
go go go OP
Tell us more about your pathetic life cancer ridden faggot OP
also bamp
Cancer back b/tard
>"Bowens Knife Sharpening"
>go to work first day
>first thing my boss does
>talks about niggers
>he hates black people
>I'm working for the embodiment of Alabama
>First day of work..
>I do inventory for 5000 saw blades
>I check and lubricate 60 different industrial machines
>I do inventory a second time
>I sharpen 400 saw blade
>lift heavy shit nonstop
>I'm still only 115 pounds
>my back is throbbing
>sharp pains in back
>its 98 outside
>96% humidity
>boss tells me to paint the building
Bumping a line
Pics of 240sx?
What's your joblist anon? Seems random
Suddenly i feel pretty good about my cancerless life. This post might be cancer so I dont know.
Indeed, craigslist; monster; fucking facebook has a job search option now it aint difficult.. Anyways continue
>continue that for two weeks
>every day I wake up at 5am
>get home at midnight
>no lunch break
>15 minute break once at 6pm
>boss calls me worthless nonstop
>his wife dies
>still comes into work that day
>does nothing but bitch at me and yell
>I tell him to fuck off
>he goes red
>first time I've talked back
>he's screaming shit like a mad man
>nigger this and nigger that
>I sit down and light up a cig
>don't say a word
>he finishes
>we stare at each other
>I inhale
>exahle smoke out
>"you know, I take it your whore wife is better of the way she is now, wouldn't you say so?"
>he is shooken
>he doesn't even get mad
>no yelling
>just tells me to leave

Never get a paycheck
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OP caught on camera
Wow. Fuck you cancerboy. He should've beat the shit out of you.

Anyway, continue.
Right? I know I would've. Anon just seems like a genuine asshole.
it's odd that he doesn't hate Cubans.
At least he didn't get cucked like you did, cancer boy.
This dude did nothing but degrade me the entire time I worked for his sorry ass. I wouldve quit but I wanted to piss him off a bit more and get fired. Perfect time came. I have no regrets, his wife was a bitch too.
He hates Puerto Ricans
He prolly did. Still funny though.
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Well she was about 300 pounds and died of a heart attack so I wouldn't say that just yet.
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Dude get to the punch line. Is this like your last night? Cmon cancer boy I'm losing interest.
Its funny what happens when you just don't care about shit anymore
Exactly what I was thinking
I just want pics of the 240sx

Fucking time stamp the keys or some shit. Otherwise I'll assume this is just b8
I second this
Yeah, he's a shitty guy and you should've quit well before then, but still fuck you for telling him his wife was better off dead. You still deserve an ass-kicking for saying something like that.
I think you're just a genuine asshole. How are you going to green text when the story doesn't have a fucking end?
Good shit OP continue pls don't let 2/10 troll wanna bes derail ur story>>710198167
you survived cancer, thats more than every one of us can say.
It's fucking trolling to ask for some proof of this fake ass sounding story?

do you just trust anything without evidence? I'm Donald Trump btw
no fucker she is better off dead if her husband was a inconsiderate, racist, asshole he made her life shit and if she was a shitface then she should have died to make the world better. people like this need to be murdered without hesitation so people like op can live decent lives. i regret not killing some people ive met like this.

no more regrets.
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Where's the end op?
Hello, fellow imgurfaggot

I'm tired of greentexting but

>I manage to get a job at a performance shop
>my boss is awesome
>I'm around great people and fast cars
>I run the dyno
>help with sales
>learn about cars
>shits cash
>go to drift events
>once I started working here I got free time
>my bedroom used to just have a window and a bed
>now it has a lamp
>Every day people tell me I'm not ganna make it
>parents back home still tell me I'll fail
>wtf I don't get it
>I lose my friends back home over time
>I have a good friend here so its alright
>forgot to mention
>he works with me too
>things are good
>things are good
>boss says he will pay me at the end of each month
>end of the month comes
>180 hours worked
>I started halfway through the month
>that's $2 an hour
Sorry I can't Beat It not everybody gets to
Mein Fuhrer
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Waiting for the fucking end
Here buddy. I'm s14.5 converting it. It's back in Texas.
No I felt like baiting I want car pics and time stamps to but I get to use speech to text because of difficulties
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Hurry up opp
Alright this story is bullshit. I knew it when you said you had a 240sx but now i'm positive.
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Forgot pic
and then what did you do?
>>71019867 how'd you fuck this job up op?
still a great way of wasting some time
$2. sure sucks to live in america right? oh i mean
No it wasn't.
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Hurry op in getting tiredbof waiting
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I like drifting, too.
Stories fake retard.
>used to be 9/10
>now 0/10

lmao i love when chads get fucking rekt
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Me too
I didn't know you had surprise paychecks in america
what a beautiful country
>boss promises to help me out
>he's low on cash
>another employee fucked him over
>continue working at the shop for a month
>things are great
>meet car youtubers
>work on Adam lz bmx 240
>ultimate goal has been achieved
>get random money here and there under the table from boss
>says he has a surprise for me at the end of the month
>impatient as fuck
>I wake up with a smile every morning to go to work
>Yesterday comes around
>"I can't pay you"

None of my story is bullshit faggot's. Here's Adams car.
Being this retarded
I hate my self so much i dont know what to do anymore
Fake and a really shitty story. Kys.Youre just a spiteful asshole, you're not the worth the skin youre in.
You guys are telling a bunch of bullshit stories. Fast food jobs pay minimum wage. How are you doing manual labor for $2/hr and still not getting paid? Go get a legitimate job.
Post a selfie and timestamp
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Hail our new dark lord Saran everyone
Being this gullible. "Had 240sx and took the bitch drifting hurrrrrr"
Adams's car...?

I regret not getting a BRZ but I wasn't about to drive 5 hours for one when I could get a nice FRS in my town.

Thinking about trading for a WRX, though
>implying that having a 240sx and using it for what its made for is impossible
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why would you cut yourself. If theres anyone you should be cutting its her.
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16 with 240sx, god you're gullible. "Parents told me to fuck off when I left" yeah, no.
you have 0 real world experience nor have ever been a part of the workforce if you believe that. OP specifically claimed he applied everywhere, including fast food, before landing this job. this job isnt the type of job you need a social security number to have, clearly. it's completely unreported, cash under the table, but as OP said, is unreliable moneywise, because what the fuck are you gonna do/who are you going to complain to? under the table work is technically illegal in the manner OP is doing it
My name is Barry Allen. And I am the fastest man alive. When I was a child I saw my mother killed by something impossible. My father went to prison for her murder. Then an accident made me the impossible. To the outside world I am an ordinary forensic scientist, but secretly I use my speed to fight crime and find others like me. And one day, I'll find who killed my mother and get justice for my father. I am the Flash.
Too bad stories fake
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I'm fucked

Rent is due and my parents won't help obviously.

I got played by my boss.

He only gave me enough money to drive to work and eat.

I kinda knew it already but the experience was cool so I didn't think about it

Before I made this thread I was packing my shit pissed off.

Now I'm laughing at how stupid and fake my life sounds to you guys.

Heres pic of me right now.
More believable than this shit story.
Adamlz he's a drift/bmx youtuber
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>Not being me
Depending on where he lives thats very attainable. Not everyones finances are as shitty as yours kiddo, wake up
Can't pay rent, iphone.
Galaxy s7*

Yeah my parents won't let me move across the country without at least a phone man
>anime poster in a fucking bathroom

No wonder you got cheated on
if its not boosted its not good
Without parental help it isn't you cuck retard. Can a 240sx's worth of money in 6months at 16? nah. gullible and retarded. pathetic kid with cancer making up stories to feel better about his vacuous life.
If you ever need someone to hold onto that 240sx ill be right here bro.
They'll let you starve and be homeless but not phoenless? Fake and gay.
All I had for two years was anime man. Its become part of my life, familio.
Lol want my instagram?


Go ahead and roast me faggots. Not like it matters to me what happens.
His parents bought him the car u autist. How do u think he got to florida. I cant believe u r this retarded
Attention whoring faggot wow. Could you have gotten anymoer gay OP?
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I finally get it.. the whole reason for you to make this shitty thread is for you to beg for money, isnt it? This is why you whine about your rent in every second post of yours and try to win someone over with your sad cancer mean cheating girlfriend story?
I'm packing my shit to go back to texas. My family doesn't support me being out here alone. Theyll help bring me back though. And no I didn't starve I ate ramen and rice
Parents tell him to fuck off when he leaves, buy him a 240sx. Nah you're really retarded bro. Just an attention whore.
Not OP but i got a cool story.
>fat reject in middle school
>fat reject in high school
>hate everyone, i am literally just a loser
>join usmc
>bit less of a loser
>get out and live with "gf"
>she is some insane bitch
>be IT god, get job offers for 28 bucks an hour
>work shit IT job cause part time and i can dick off whole day
>live with family and go to school for criminology
>still want to kill myself
>vote trump for moral reasons
>secretly want hillary to win so we go to war and i get drafted back in on IRR
>thoughts of murdering people
>obsessed with school shootings
>imagine im doing it
>prolly gonna die young
Op's a colossal faggot. I'd tell you to get cancer buttt
Brandon... Did you ever drop by Texas by any chance?
Nope im just pissed. Wanted to blow steam off.
Wow, that was just pathetic OP
well apparently, genetically, you're a bitch my nigga
Smh faggot posts his instagram lol
Parents bought him the car for the reason any parnt buys a car for their kid. Maybe his parents r rich and could give two fucks about him. I really hope ur not trolling because u sound like u have shit for brains
Here's a thought OP:

Going through cancer and recovering from it doesn't exalt you to any level of worth higher than anyone else. You have this chip on your shoulder as if anyone that had a girlfriend in their teenage years wasn't cheated on.

The difference here is that you chose to become an asshole. From the way you talk to people, to the way you blame others for your shitty decisions and shitty choice in lifestyle/career. Maybe go to college? Maybe open up your own shop and do things the way you want to do them? Who the fuck knows what will work for you, but clearly the way you've been handling things hasn't worked so far for you.

Cars are just cars. Driving them around at top speed to try and peacock for others is just seen as annoying by anyone except for people precisely like you (douchey car dudes). Get a real job and do something worthwhile, and stop blaming friends and bosses for your shitty intuition and choices.
Says the guy believing this obviously fake story. "Took the bitch drifting in my 240sx" lmfao
Tired of all the other douches in this thread. But reading things like this makes me want to help
Exactly, OP kys.
>Op is huge asshole
>I want to help

Cuck beta
>go to college

He cant even pay rent u autist
>im poor, feel bad for me

You can afford shitty posters but cant afford rent? btw, if you where bringing in less than 400 bucks a month you would be living in a car.
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>Checking instagram

Holly shit OP go take out a loan find a buffet and then hit a gym the fact you got a girlfriend is a miracle, that cancer isnt going away but you can definitely gain some test while your still alive
Yeah I get that. I know I have a chip on my shoulder. I know I'm an asshole. I actually got a lot better than I was in highschool. I'm going back home to go to automotive school. Its all good. I'll grow up
boogie2988 coming at you live
just remember, it always gets better someday
No you won't. You're always going to be pathetic.
Honestly hes tired of shit like that, he has the right to be. Like how you have the right to get socked in the mouth but we can't have everything we want
We'll I honestly believe your fake. Your just trying to sound like a complete asswagon to troll people cause your jelous that ops life is better than yours
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> tfw entrepenur
> tfw dropped high school
> tfw dont even know how to spell entepnur
> tfw doing what i want, when i want
> tfw pulling 6figures on auto pilot
> tfw was gonna give money to op unitl saw him wearing retardhat inside his house

youll be fine op, just be less of a faggot, we all got problems
>Right to be asshole because cancer

lmfao epitome of cuck beta. Kys
>Now I'm laughing at how stupid and fake my life sounds to you guys.
I'm pretty sure you exaggerated everything.

>Rent is due and my parents won't help obviously.
I will send you 150 bucks on paypal, im serious. I have a grand on there from selling WoW accounts. I want you to time stamp those anime posters burning. 150 bucks is all it takes. I'm 100% fucken real.
I don't want money man. And well I put the hat on before the picture because I have bed head. I wasn't sure what was worse.
Why not? Let's track him down and chop his dick off and make him eat it. Why can't we?
>Cancer and 400 a month

What? lmao. ops a pathetic asshole. My hate is warranted.
I'm good dude this wasn't meant to be a begging thread.
Beta as fuck holy shit

If you want 150 bucks, this is how you get it. Could get you gas for driving home.
Oh no, it's a brick wall, you can't reason with it
I have been living with my abusive alcoholic mom for 33 years, 20 years of which I spent indoors never leaving the house with social anxiety disorder, no friends, no job, no money, no support, no love, nothing except food to prolong my miserable existence. There is no hope of change, or future of any kind. I won't even stay in this thread to read replies to this post because no one can help me, I have spent the last 13 years looking for help and even went to a state funded therapist who could not figure me out. No one can help me, there is no reason or purpose to my existence and I would end it if I wasn't too chicken.
I can only see two ways out of your situation, stop being a self pitying faggot or become a hero
And so is his. Asshole. When 2 idiots argue over wether bbq sauce or buffalo will go well with the Snickers bars. No one wins
Dude seriously you're the epitome of a cuck.

"He has the right to be an asshole hurrr im gullible and believe clearly exaggerated stories"

Seriously kys. Youre pathetic.
Except it's not and you're retarded lmao
>I have been living with my abusive alcoholic mom for 33 years, 20 years

> if I wasn't too chicken

You dont have any mental problems anon, your just a little bitch whos afraid of leaving mommy your a future cuck in the making.
Hey man. Op here. Just remember that, at the end of the day, at least you weren't born in Africa.

There are kids in Africa full of parasites who will be dead by age 15 and have been raped numerous times. They are infested with STDs and live off 300 calories a day on food that isn't actually "food".

But op got lucky enough to live through cancer and has a future.

Poor op. 1st world problems are hard. kys
Don't worry he can go tell more tard stories even though the stories basically talk about him
I'm in a similar situation. Here's hoping we die of something soon, anon.
What happened to your arm in your newest pics?
Lol faggot OP here. You're the cuck for getting so butthurt off of nothing. You have more cancer than I do.
What even? Retard confirmed.
You are repeating yourself but making it longer. Stop
I hide them because I hate how skinny I am.
>Live in Russia
U not have this opinion, u're lucky.
No one's butthurt. Just an anon telling an attention whore to go kys because you're pathetic. Nothing more.
I hope you get hit by a drunk driver. Please don't breed.
Because i want to get it through to you that you're one of the only legitmate examples of a cuck i've seen on this website. Like you're a cuck by definition not even how it's colloquially used here. That's how cuckish you are lmfao
I just wrote down some stuff that was on my mind. Not my fault you guys read it and demanded proof.

I can't breed. Chemo makes you sterile.
I like how people compare shit like africa. I can guarantee his life sucks more than yours.
>Implying not living the shittiest life humanly possible means you're an over privileged asshole
We dont care if its fake. youre pathetic either way
Take him to small claims court. Filing fees are only $50 and he has no case.
Please watch before commenting
Well at least I beat cancer, still fucked a bitch while I was bald, graduated highschool and singlehandedly moved across the country on my own.

That's more than most of you fagasses around here.

Now go to sleep, underageb&
'You have more cancer than I do.'
>ultimate kek 10/10 OP, 10/10
>You r a liar op
Um heres some evidence
> uuuh.. fuk u op kys
Well I mean the rest of that is fine, but honestly it doesn't sound like fucking the bitch was a big deal considering she was giving that shit out like smallpox blankets to natives
>Every thread on /b/
Toasted my boy
timestamp and pic OP and ill believe you.
This person does not understand what cuck actually means but its ok he's probably 5 years old and doesn't know when you say that something is literally the definition of something make sure you actually know the definition of said literary term.
When you act like OP does it means you do. Do you not realize the holes in OPs story?

>succesful cancer treatment
>nice car
>supportive family
He grew up pretty well.

>fam wont help guys
yet you have made less than 1000 dollars it seems in your time in FL. No way you can pay rent, utilities, and food. You had help.

>s7 galaxy
lel, no support guys

OP had a shitty start, thought that his cancer made him a special snowflake. His parents prolly want him to come home and go to college or some shit. He has a better life than 99% of us.

>giving that shit out like smallpox blankets to natives

Pfffff maximum kek I actually laughed.

Yeah but, considering I see a thread full of guys on here almost daily that show their wizard powers... Its gotta be something at least

Did you come on here looking for pity and get confronted by assholes and people calling out your bull shit?

Now you are acting proud and superior. Please nigger.
It is. I still think you're an asshole but props for still managing to find someone to fuck while being literal cancer.
Oh god yes, /b/ is a den of absolute cuckery. I just come here for the stories, porn and memes, unlike most of the residents, I've got a wife and am in college and making something of myself.

But yeah, what you've got is way fucking better than most of these faggots will ever achieve. The back scar is pretty wicked btw, some chicks really dig that shit
My car was a clunker. 2500 bucks I paid half myself

I grew up lower middle class/upper lower class

I have a roommate who's parents pay his side of rent. He paid first months.

My life's not too shitty. I just got in a bad mood.
>OP had a shitty start, thought that his cancer made him a special snowflake. His parents prolly want him to come home and go to college or some shit. He has a better life than 99% of us.

Can't argue with that. Only make 99% more like 13%. Cancer really is shit man.
Congrats dude. Keep moving forward. Keep fapping to traps. Thanks as well, I still hate my scar but it is what it is.
>trying to make statistics
>My car was a clunker. 2500 bucks I paid half myself
so your parents helped you buy your car? Must be nice

>I grew up lower middle class/upper lower class
>lower middle class
>upper lower class
>lower upper class
>middle upper lower class
nigger stfu. You where better off than most people here. You are young, and have a chance at life.

Want some real advice?
>Go home
>work in a trade you are good at while living at home.
>NEVER mention that you had cancer again. Pretend it never happened.
>never come back to this shit hole site
>avoid social media and old friends
>figure your shit out financially

Or you can go fucken kill yourself.
Successful treatment. That's luck SHitFACE
Nice car. My friend inherited 1crazy million dollar level car from his dead dad even though he's poor as shit. That luck fuckface
supportive family. "Stay here and work the misery mines like your father and his father. All that fancey learn In and guuwd jobs is sait ohns wurc wez dohnts wAnts yuuz to be raped by dam gayz on teh streeht we aint gone halp ooze wit suhtch hoorble things butz cohm beck to dez shit farm und things be fine.
S7. Well I saw a crackhead with no shoes on using an iPhone 4 the other day so whatever
>tfw you he makes a good point
>tfw everyone ignores him
welcome to /b
That crackhead probably has a bigger dick than you.
Never mention the cancer
Sure he'll get it again and the doc will be like so you have cancer "nope" lolkeklock fucking stupid
First off back looks fine mam don't worry bout it. Second fuck those guys seriously fuck everyone that put you down. Try and find a new job, use old job a reccomendation, also if you signed a worker contract its illegal that they don't pay u the minimum.
You are a fucken idiot. The concept of it is that he doesn't use it in his social aspects of life. It's a crutch for him and he needs to fucken stop because no one cares.

you fucken cuck.
I don't care cause it's a crackhead I'd rather lose my dick than be a crackhead
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Neither of my bosses knew about it. Ajo the fuck wants to hire a kid that has cancer? I'm not that dumb.

I tell bitches I had cancer tho. Bitchss love cancer.
It sounds like you dont even had a dick to begin with.

>gf cheats on u with multiple people
>bosses dont need to pay you
>people walk on you and call you worthless
>you swallow it down and just cry

That crackhead is more of a man than you will ever be. Never forget that.
>I tell bitches I had cancer tho. Bitchss love cancer.

this is why your life sucks.
Op here. The guy you're talking to isn't me.

Kill yourself
I fukin love op lol
I'm gonna cut off your arms and legs and when you bitch about it I'll call you a pussy faggot cuck and itll be true right?

sorry. here you go.

It sounds like you dont even had a dick to begin with.

>gf cheats on u with multiple people
>bosses dont need to pay you
>people walk on you and call you worthless
>you swallow it down and just cry

That crackhead is more of a man than you will ever be. Never forget that.
Not sure about that correlation but alright
I would take care of you, OP. Your back is sexy. Let me bite it.
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Dude fuck off already.

> I had cancer
> my gf cheated
> my parents don't support my choices
> I don't get handed shit anymore
> I can't find a job

Literally all of those outside of the cancer which is in the past btw is shit that a massive amount of people go through and do perfectly fine. You aren't a pity case, you're just being fucking pathetic and dealing with shit like many others do do easily.
Said the crackhead thats currently sucking off a nigger for one more hit.
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No, if you called yourself "a pussy faggot cuck" it would be true.

If you cut off my arms and legs i would prolly die and you would be in jail.

But god damn, you got heated nigger.
Slow your roll there Henry. I never said I wanted to be pitied. I said I'm pissed off. This thread is a release of frustration, not a cumdump of sadness like your humpback boyfriend.

Now please go jump off the nearest cliff before I waste my time with you any longer.
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Trying to misdirect the fact that you have tiny cock and you arn't a man.

You wish you had my looks.
Then get the fuck of b before you get double cancer
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>I never said I wanted to be pitied.

This was a pity thread nigger.

>humpback boyfriend.

at least he has someone who loves him.
No he asked a question and it still hasn't been answered
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Nice response nigger. Does that hot dog dwarf yours?
Fucking homeless people move half way across the country it's called train hopping and hitch hiking you haven't accomplished shit other than getting way below par jobs and sticking with them for no damn reason at all. It is so fucking easy to make decent money but your to fucking stupid/narrow minded to do it.
So your previous statement of op not deserving to bitch is wrong then.
Homeless people have nothing to lose. Kids fresh out of highschool do.
Best advice on this thread.
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i dont even know what you are talking about at this point.

OP doesn't deserve to bitch and he needs to suck it the fuck up. And you need to cool your engines m8
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Take a look at my tiny dick bitch oh thats right my manly balls are too big to see through
>moral reasons
how can someone with your IQ even operate a computer?
>this level of mental illness
I'm sorry, /b/ro. I hope you get better.
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ikr, i gave him real love when everyone else is trying to pity him which won't help him at all.
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6 figures on autopilot, sure thing mang
If he doesnt deserve to bitch about cancer you wouldn't have the right to bitch about me chopping your arms and legs off and making you eat your own dick
I took your advice bro. In fact the advice you gave me is kinda what I was doing before I made the thread. Packing my shit to go home and see if I can get into an auto school
I mean im just being a faggot white Knight and defending him from uneeded hate
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This is getting better and better.
good fucking lord you are an asshole
>I wouldve quit but
but you didn't
>I wanted to piss him off
And that's why you're an asshole. Going the extra mile just to spew your bile

a grown ass person would have at least tried to reason with him there and then, nobody does well on the first days of a job, and overstraining is never a good thing
Everyone needs hate anon.

This thread is currently about this guy


does he not have a dick?
>>only two good friends

that's not even something to be sad about, be glad you have 1 good friend
I'm still waiting for him to end up being led luthor or something
It's there but my balls devoured most of it for sustenance
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He treated all of his workers like shit. Most of them were immigrants. I hate legitimate racists, so it was icing on the cake to see him get a taste of his own medicine. Fucking dick.
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>mfw i'm gay
> release of frustration
> dumps story on /b/
> notpitythreadthough

That is so contradictory I don't even know how to begin. Guess what buddy you have been the sole person fucking up your life everything I stated shows this.

You aren't special
It is your fault
It's not because mommy doesn't help
It is not because of "depression"
It is not because of your past
It is just because of your inability to do the shit that a majority of people in worse/better/same situations and upbringings have done forever.

Lol, i was right. That crackhead is more of a man than you.
I can't even process what I'm looking at.
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I disagree. A women is less of a man than me
Yet he decided to make all these choices on his own. He is literally deciding to fuck himself over and then bitch about it.
Would you have rather me posted the story on tumblr you fucking fruit loop?

Go eat some more of you moms meatloaf and wipe that sweat off of your keyboard, faggot.
>more of a man*
Would you keep working at that shitty job? No, I bet you work on IT in some shitty corporate office. From what I see he did that because he was fucked over from the start.
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Hue ima go to bed gn op fun story to read hope shit gets better
Hey, OP, I think you're an alright dude. I was also a huge dick in high school and up into college, I can sympathize. Good luck with your shit.
I would rather you have never posted it anywhere faggot.
Thanks /b/ros
the pity party will always love you op
I feel you OP, I know this is /b/ but I have no idea why everyone has such massive cocks in their asses.
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People there are dumb enough to eat your story up and give you the reaction you were so desperately seeking.

As for the meatloaf bit I moved out when I bought my first house in california for 400k just before I turned 20 so that's not a option (yes it was through a first time home owner loan program). Also I'm on my galaxy s7 not my laptop all purchased with no help from mommy, believe it or not it's fucking easy to do well if you actually try and aren't fucking retarded, stay motivated and don't expect your family and the rest of the world to hand feed you success.
Dpws hw slsp ljvw jn mt mpthwr's bsswmwnt tpp?
Yet your greasy fingers still keep typing. Save your time and go to a different thread. This ones over.
I can only semi understand this
OP I would fuck the shit out of you.
Also ignore the newfags on here hope shit gets better for you.
I own a successful restraunt and work with stocks on the side. Before the restraunt I worked in other restraunts and started learning how to play the stock market and I also did plenty of shit on the side. Once I found a solid investment and option opportunity I pushed all my money into those two and made a killing. I bought the house shortly after then went into partnership for buying the restraunt.

I had shit jobs and I dealt with them until I found a new job then gave my 2 week notice like a decent human being.
Adams car? Bro you got this I've been watching Adam forever and he's a really nice guy, ask him or Taylor for a job.
I would but I don't know them personally. I just apprentice under Adams mechanic. I'm already packing to leave. It was a good venture but I guess the real world sucks.
>>used to be "cancer kid"
>>now I'm just some asshole

yea have heard that about cancer, people are all sympathetic and shit.. for a while. then eventually they get tired of it (probably just doing it to make themselves feel better) and wonder why you can't just 'buck up'and "get over it" like it's a little case of the blues. People can't understand cancer at all until they've been through it, but they try to tell you what you need to do.
Wow you understand.
>>its fuckin lit boi
>>friend who lives here traps
>>do mad drugs'

Nigger Detected
>taste of his own medicine
eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind
the punishment of having to look for another worker would have been enough
instead you're wasting your time on revenge, and end up making both you and him more resentful
Hatred fuels the world
Op youre the realest. Nice work.
exactly. cars are just cars.

they are depreciating assets which definitely aren't worth investing your money in. Sure you need wheels to get around, but I see so many idiots who go out and buy a mustang while living in a shitbox just cause they look cool, and paying 4-500 a month in car payments
Only thing good about this thread is your badass 240sx. I currently have a 93 rx7 fd so enjoy your skid stories. Everything else is "poor-me" shit. I was suppose to have died in a 65mph motorcycle crash which left me immobile for a very long time, however I don't feel the need to create an entire thread about me. Wish you all the best man, but you don't get anywhere whining in life.
>I know I'm an asshole.

no, you still are under the delusion that being an asshole is cool. it doesn't. it just makes you look like a whiny dumbass
To some people, cars are the only reason which they haven't killed themselves yet. Don't think that people can't develop a passion based off of "cars". Jesus how fucking boring and typical you people must be. Live a little you sheltered fucks
OP, you sound like a pretty cool guy. Congratulations on going through all this, for it will make you the person you are in the future. I just wanted to let you know that people do care, and there's always hope. Even in melancholy situations.
if you're losing friends and family like you're the plague, have you considered the fact your life is shit because your a giant asshole
you've so far proved that you deserve evreything you've gotten, cancer boy
If cars are the only thing keeping you from killing yourself, you are the most shallow person imaginable. Especially when you're driving the same sort of shitty tuner everyone else does
oh? find me one thing that was built on hate and survived for a long time
At least you didn't go back to the carpet store after you beat cancer
do you want to set the world on fire?
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