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Faces of /b/, post your pic ITT.

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 299
Thread images: 97
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Faces of /b/, post your pic ITT.
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Photo on 2-13-16 at 1.21 AM #2.jpg
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sleepy as fuck man
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I'm a supreme gentle man
Can't be safe for your mom to drive and take your picture.
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Where's anon who rolled dubs for the cock shots?
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I'm a fat fuck I know
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GTFO fag im the OG OP
rolling for some arab white cock
It wasnt only dick-pics it was also crossdressing stuff that I requested
Stop being fat if you're so aware
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Photo on 2-16-16 at 4.08 PM.jpg
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Dude you should try letting your hair grow out and maybe get rid of the neckbeard
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bee face.jpg
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I don't fit my fiancées clothes so you're SOL
One Hell of a drug....
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u gay/bi and single?
I'm working on it,i can't slim down that fast unless i start throwing up after meals, which isn't such a bad idea now that i think about it
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tip of the hat.gif
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Rate me
Stop eating so much and move more.. That's literally all you gotta do really. The harder you push yourself the faster you'll lose weight.
i have the worst hair, it curls horribly only on the front.
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Sup Lane
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you look Latino
so not white from what I can tell
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Am i allowed in this one to?
Cute but weird, maybe it's the make-up
A better pic pls ?
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Rate my face
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Holy shit I saved a pic of yours so long ago.
Single and straight
Atleast can you do a full body pic with the panties
File: WIN_20151019_19_16_18_Pro.jpg (189 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
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low quality pic :(
Yeah that's what i've been doing and i've seen results
That's a horrible idea. Just stay aware, it'll happen. CICO. If you aren't dropping at least 2 lbs a week at your apparent weight you're doing something wrong.
No you turned the last thread into a trap fest with a bunch of gay shit
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All these girls are 14, go back to tumblr
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Ofc you are!
Yes god dammit!
Of course you are
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sup /b/
A Japanese love doll/10
Ur too damn old/10
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Now do more trap shit my friend
dick pic please
Really? How old do you think I am?
Awh thanks if i had a marker id draw i heart on me as thanks
we came here to get away from you and other faggots dammit
She's a size 0 and I'm 6'1" 190. I can't get her leg holes past my lower thigh
Can't discern your gender.
either way, qt
No get that shit up outta here. Don't follow us with that gayness
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65 but you don't look a day past 53
You look around 32 but yet, i don't think that's "too old" for 4chan
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I give you so much respect in all honesty though
I too much of a bitch to post my face let alone post a pic of me in fucking panties
How old are u op
you look like my dad back in the day
wouldn't mind you making me suck your cock :)
The fuck... have you ever even seen a 65 year old, or a 53 year old for that matter?

Close, but still overshooting it. But thanks for at least not calling me overaged
Theres something not right about your face/10
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hola a todos xD
Stefan, is it you?
de donde eres cabron
triangle head/10
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Me from last year
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haha that's an old one
I still have the jacket though
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Hey thats the smart thing to do, im just dumb af
Also heres mah tummy
Verga matense
Nigga yo face got a hypotenuse bitch
the fedora and the R-dash shirt made my diamond COCK turn into rust
More bviii
damn perfection
Never thought of having a son and making him suck my dick. Kind of an interesting way to look at what future prospects may lie ahead of me in life.
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dont stop there
Can we please see your soft dick in panties?
As for me it tingles a fuckin
May I make a request on what you wear next?
a skirt.
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nice hair bro
Change the hair maybe
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Thanks, that's what I was aiming for.
I take back my bviii. You're bloody gorgeous. Those eyes tho.
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Damn. You got kik or something?
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no tnx, i'm a fatass
matame esta a sentones
Your hair is thinning. Your smile pisses me off and l2 do your eyebrows properly kthxbai/10
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Yeah, I even remember it was an eye rate thread. I saved this too. Idk if it's you.
People were asking you if you needed the glasses because they thought that needing the glasses made you more attractive. Damn, I don't know why I remember all of this.
Im also fat and i posted.
wowowow, cute girl. I want more
post pics of that finger in your bumhole
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Photo on 2-20-16 at 11.12 PM.jpg
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no padre
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Dont have one
cute tho tbh
File: Photo on 9-12-15 at 1.32 AM #2.jpg (76 KB, 640x426) Image search: [Google]
Photo on 9-12-15 at 1.32 AM #2.jpg
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Simply halal.

also sweet beard
you look like a bro
10/10 would hang out with
I'd eat your ass
Fucking no/10. Fuck off with the gay shit, its a face rate threat not a disgusting trap faggot cunt thread
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Pretty cute tho
Cute gril is that a feminine penis I see :^)
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Got a bro who looks just like you

Anyway r8
Alright 2 questions
1.Whos panties are those? or do you own them?
2.Anyother feminine clothing you got?
File: Photo on 1-25-16 at 5.00 PM.jpg (64 KB, 640x426) Image search: [Google]
Photo on 1-25-16 at 5.00 PM.jpg
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I think I know what brand those headphones are...
how big is it?
Hot chick, creppy guy
I actually have a brother....I was about to say...
confirmed android
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That's not me but its pretty similar to my eye
wow...are you seriously wearing those coloured contacts? what are you? an edgy high school kid? holy shit you are gay
They are mine and i really dont have much in terms of feminine clothes yet
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Sorry accidentally deleted instead of hiding. Thanks guys :3 and beard needs a trim!
Like yourself.
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Wow, made me cum! Cute bed Btw.
How old are you!? you dont seem old
What does this mean?
That guy looks fucking scary. Ugly as shit out my asshole/10
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You look like my cousin
It means show your tits or get doxxed
i would like to ride your cock while you look at me just like that
I am your cousin...
File: face..jpg (339 KB, 716x1272) Image search: [Google]
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Its too big for my likeing
Glad i could help anon, im 20
You look like joji crossed with Jay from TGFbro and Xcodeh. Just what I first saw
This guy has a katana collection
Niyazi get off /b/!
Its also super sunny here in Aus so the squint is real.
You look like a redneck but with Mexican eyes.
Old as shit/10
Fight me bruv.
Holy shit fucking kek
i like cute traps with big dicks
i'd love to see it
U sayings what you son of basterd bitch
Not even all that old tho
Get rid of the chinstrap it looks terrible
No top eyelid covered by fat/10
What do you think of me?
You heard me mviii. I'm telling auntie.
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Best picture I have of myself
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Look at my face. LOOKATIT!!!
Yeah i love to make them cum no hands like a proper lady
Meth abuser/10
You need to post more pl0x
File: Photo on 3-1-16 at 8.05 PM #2.jpg (172 KB, 1080x720) Image search: [Google]
Photo on 3-1-16 at 8.05 PM #2.jpg
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grandma is here kids
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You got me there.
Bit younger than me, Me likey.
However i gtg, Univeristy tomorrow. It sure was a pleasure talking to you and watching you display your beauty.
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I will fuck all u betas up quickstyles
I like your hair
Post more pics! Preferably legs crossed with soft dick poking out more :3
you mean sit on em right
File: image.jpg (43 KB, 540x390) Image search: [Google]
43 KB, 540x390
Another picture of myself
>I will fuck all u betas up
>Looks like Danny DeVito's son
Damn, Your older than me
(im 18)

Tell esin i would fuck her if i could
Really love your hair and your eyes
its time to stop
Fat ass/10
where are your parents
Shit kek'd hard. Fuck this nigger.
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Watch your moth. In not fat. Am riped.
Alright I'll pass on the message hey. Legit though where you from? Those names are awesome
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1 MB, 1280x1280
Omg please don't dox me
What is "bait"?
Not only fat, but illiterate too.
i just finished feeding my moth.
Its ok, thanks for your concern though friend
Where'd you go, Lane? Did dominos call you in?
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Hey again, dad
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Let's go fuckers
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Sure thing. Have a llama
Thank youu
Those are my cousins in turkey.
Mothers side.
Quit posting pictures of yourself
Nice pink shirt
Im really scared
Dope. No wonder the names sound exotic.
*red shirt
Holy shit look at that beautiful smooth hair and big charming eyes. That llama is ravishingly stunning.
Yeah they are rad.
Not like the middle name my mother insisted on giving me.
you should shoot those teeth of yours to see if they get fixed
File: image.png (1 MB, 640x1136) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 640x1136
Here's a black shirt in case my red one isn't good enough lol
File: DSC_0010.jpg (2 MB, 3840x2160) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 3840x2160

Holy fuck yes. I have two puppies
and I love also your happy smile and your extremely expressive eyebrows.
So, what do you think of me? I'm this one>>671760758
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Shut up jealous whore. We guys are having a good time here.
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hi /b/
llama has a better smile than you hoe
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Shit outta here kids.
>being this much of a loser
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hello boys
I bet this is that ugly girl with the llama.. No need to get offended. I know your looks upset you and you must take it out on others.
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me and my girlfriend
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Or just african/asian?
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inb4 anyone believes this shit
Now I need to know what your middle name is
go away lesbian
Geez. Post more of this beauty
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im pinay
Bollocks wank
Hey there. How are you doing this evening?
Its Selim.
Im a dude btw. Sounds weird on a dude imo.
Indeed he is
rude, i'm a guy.
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Guess my name and I'll post my dick.
Were'd ya go? or are you trying to get more outfits ready?
Burada bile bayrağı dalgalandırıyorsun amk.
How is it going pitbull
Ain't no thing, is Selim a feminine name?>>671762896
They go alright but they're no llama
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2016-02-24 12.28.50-1.jpg
3 MB, 1956x2556
didnt see that coming
No hablo turkish bro.
Dont think so actually
Have you ever posted nudes before?
File: Photo on 2016-03-01 at 9.26 PM.jpg (243 KB, 1080x720) Image search: [Google]
Photo on 2016-03-01 at 9.26 PM.jpg
243 KB, 1080x720
Beardthony Mantano

Good effort, Anon.
why do you niggas post huge as pictures
no one wants to see such ugly in hd
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Suh duh
Then its not a bad name at all.
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Pretty good. Been doing some readings over at the /div/ thread on /x/ and getting caught up on emails.

What have you been up to?

How about this, If I get it right you have to post a pic of yourself in panties?
>those pupils
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Llama smile here.. Any military people on here?

Sure, but only because dubs.

>roll wisely
you win
Mr frodo! How is samwise gamgee?
Fuck you fascist piece of shit. You child killing scum
on the left,
you fucked up bro
Dick pick then
File: Capture.png (13 KB, 68x69) Image search: [Google]
13 KB, 68x69

>so close
All good lad!>>671763658
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What is this thread? What is life? What it do mane?
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How do they separate the boys from the men in the Navy?
Wish I could say something new or exciting. However, I am still just working life away one day at a time.

Got home and figured I'd see what /b/ was up to, spotted a face whoring thread and figured I'd join in. Nice to see you here, too.
Lol I'm not infantry dude. I am a tank mechanic. Calm your shit.. Shave your neck beard.. And get a job. Then you can call me scum.
they dont were all just secretly gay
I want a pic of you in panties
Or any other feminine clothing
Why do people like ITT tech so much?


Keep guessing... so fucking close.
I'm 6'3 on a good day, so I would be a pretty huge hobbit.
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Bitch mother fucker.
Nope.with a crowbar.
Thank you for your service.. Sorry you were in the Navy though lol
betchya ill make rank before you, terminal lance
I love you. Keep posting funny pictures of me please.
-llama smile
How is the 3rd thread coming along?
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You win one uncut dick.

Thanks for playing.
Nobody gives a shit you horse ass bitch
third consecutive thread, is it? pretty well man, about to hit the 300 post limit
Mateo? Marcos?
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Hey, what ever happened to the sad boy? Are you out there sad boy? Are you feeling better now?
Are you active duty? What is your mos? Or whatever navy calls is
File: 2016-03-01 20.34.38.jpg (113 KB, 320x493) Image search: [Google]
2016-03-01 20.34.38.jpg
113 KB, 320x493
Damn nice dick
Thread replies: 299
Thread images: 97

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