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Thread replies: 35
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Please remove this video of Ivy, /b/ 4chan. I know you did this to her. Why does 4chan and Anonymous have something against her? Why are you people so mean?
Lmfao thanks for making my night :)
Fuck you. Its people like you that are ruining lives.
Whiteknight fuck.
Ivy wears a diaper now because she tried to off herself in shame of #pissforequality. She should own up to it and not have faggots like you trying to defend her.
>tumblrfag detected
Lol just reposted it this so other peeple can see. Thanks Op
I just want the cyberbullying to stop.
>acts like a retard and films it
>shocked when people make fun of her
If only her attempted suicide was successful.
The reason she wears them is because she has a problem with her bladder muscles. She does not need this after she is trying to get her life back together. Please leave her alone.
Maybe people should stop posting this shit then... If i didnt see the thread i wouldnt ha e posted it so... Fuck your shit buddy
A diaper, you say...
faggots, the lot of you
I am trying to prevent this! She doesnt want people seeing this! The video title tells her secret of her wearing diapers! This is EXTREMELY humiliating!!! And you fucks laugh it off like its nothing! The fuck is wrong with you?
Your rage fuels me
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>her secret of her wearing diapers
She made it public the dumb cunt
No please no
Screw you. What if you were in her shoes?
i would be standing in piss
>Why are you people so mean?
because it gives us pleasure.
Holy duck thank you
Obvious bait is obvious.
You can't explain common empathy to an aspie dill weeds. They can't get laid so they take it own on women. They are just happy that they made someone else's existence as shitty and embarrassing ass their own.
lol. Piss for equality. That was majestic.
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>tired of people making fun of her
>posts timestamp of her diapers
>the end
It depends
She is pissing in her diapers right now
autism doesnt mean what you think it means
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>he wouldnt be retarded like you
>wow momma shove that thing back in
> I know you did this to her.
You should use your superpowers on other stuff
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Idk OP you should just kill yourself m8, livrstream on twitch and gain international press

White Knight nigger. What kind of faggot gives a shit about some girl on the internet?
Is it not obvious to anyone in this thread that this person is pretending to care about that aspie girl so as to reignite the interest for this?
I know her on a personal level and OP seems legit. This is not b8. She wants to be left alone
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I have this piss diapered feminist bitchs fb that is hidden from public
anyone want?
Fuck off
Too fucking late nigger
Thread replies: 35
Thread images: 7

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