Sadly, Trump is wrong
America can't be great again
As much as I'd like to see it happen again, it became great when many low class americans wanted to become middle class or better. Nowdays, almost everyone are middle class, and those left in the lower classes are niggers and meth heads that have no real financial ambition or the innovative skill to realize it
Computers made industry work obsolete, meaning there are no millions of workers to fill up factories and come up with innovative ways to become foremen and later factory owners.
Face it, it's gone. Nothing can be done to recreate it. Trump would still be the lesser evil that can at least maintain a civic status quo without fucking the US over completely, but his promises are hollow
You're still a limpwristed faggot if you don't vote for him.
I just said he's the lesser evil, faggot
I will vote for him, but I take his promises for what they are, empty
Took many people are addicted to other people solving their problems and have no ability, let alone the skills needed to do for themselves.
This has NOTHING to do with any political parties or ideologies. Its about personal responsibilities and a desire better oneself.
The majority of Americans no longer feel this way.
ill give america $1.22 to shut the fuck up
That's actually exactly my point
When so many workers are blue collar laborers that only care about getting work done and get paid, it's only a matter of time before some of them devise ways to work better
When you're born to a family that's already white collar, you don't develop the mindset necessary to do honest work to begin with
either that, they fail to realize that ''work hard for success'' is only enough to get to maybe middle upper class but not above that, and since they're already that and can't go further, they start assuming that it's wrong entirely
it's fucked up but that's life, literally
All of the problems he's addressing should have been taken care of 30-40 years ago. Now the problems are too big and are irreversible. Build a wall? There's already tens of millions of illegals here. Bring jobs from china? The manufacturing Industry moved out years ago. Foreign policy was trash after the fall of the USSR now everyone is paying for it. These problems are not going anywhere because they have been festering too long.
You're fucking stupid. All of your points are right but not for the reasons you state.
The american dream is not sustainable. The premise that every generation can achieve greater than their parents only goes for so long, and we are reaching that point in a lot of ways. People with middle class parents cannot reasonably achieve more than their parents, but that doesn't stop anyone. That's why we have such a college problem in America: kids still think that just going to college gives them the right to be middle class.
The problem with the american dream now is taht the lower class is fucked. Totally fucked. It's impossible or completely unreasonable for someone making minimum wage to better their station because all of the subsidies that make lower income families survive cut off long before they become sustainable, creating a huge gap between working hard and achieving. And that's not even counting the disenfranchised people like illegals. Frankly, the lack of good immigrants is killing the american dream.
Manufacturing jobs are gone. They will never come back. I really wish that politicians were clear on this, but globalization killed american manufacturing and it will NEVER make sense to do this work in america again. Unless you massively subsidize workers to do that, it will always be cheaper and easier for companies to use overseas labor.
That being said, america can be great again, but the situation isn't there. We became great because we had the human resources and the opportunity to beat the world. We have no workers with the drive for upward mobility and no industry to use them. If someone could figure out what America can do. Something that makes use of all of these underutilized college kids with exportable products/services. Probably data crunching, but IDK.
The next great debate should be able where america stands in this world, not how to live in the past.
All the problems he's addressing are cheap populism. Didn't you read the fucking post? The biggest american problem is that most people don't have anything to realistically aspire to anymore, not mexicans or outsourcing low wage hard work to China (that almost no americans alive would want to do anyway)
the only reason he should be president is the fact all other republican candidates can't win against neither Clinton nor Sanders, and if Sanders wins the existing middle class will crumble under programs to aid niggers and iability to even cover interest expenses over the debt
How the fuck did you infer that those aren't exactly my views? I just said that americans simply have nothing to aspire to, because they've exhausted any chance of advancing further the instant they hit middle class
How the fuck could anyone with a half of mind even consider voting for Trump?
He's a complete imbecile, he's a populist, most of his ideas are sheer lunacy and as financially possible as Sander's social reforms.
I'm not saying that the other candidates are good - truth to be told, they all suck but for different reasons. But electing Trump is absolutely insane.
There's literally one good thing I can see about Trump, which is he probably can't be bought (with money at least). But the bad far outweigh the good. He has no experience whatsoever.
Also, how can you treat a guy seriously when his plan for immigration is to build a fucking wall along the border (which was refuted time and time again how building it, maintaining it is a financial nightmare; not to mention it simply won't work).
Or that when in doubt, he would torture the shit out of a prisoner. Fuck morals or ethics at this point: ask - or rather read the report - any interrogator: torture doesn't work the way you think it does. At a point the subject will literally tell you everything you want to hear, truth or not. Almost everyone agrees that a more humane (which isn't nice by any means) approach yields better results.
And results is all that should matter - this isn't a fucking Bourne flick fucknuggets.
>tfw I missed the registration deadline
>tfw I now have a valid excuse for not giving a shit about the election
If this is what being a faggot is, then I'm enjoying it.
All his retarded policies, fearmongering, populism aside - answer me, how the flying fuck can you honestly consider putting this insane maniac on a president's seat?
For the lulz? Jesus.
No one?
There's only so much power in the president's hands without HoR or senate approval, or given acts. Not to mention that he can simply be replaced if he really goes batshit - even Clinton's old hubby dodged a bullet by the circumstances of not actually having having vaginal sex with Monica. His economic ideas, however, are more sustainable than those of Sanders
Your momma's so fat that her favorite color is orange chicken
wont keep me from trying
>low energy posting on 4chan
Trump is the God Emperor of mankind.
Get on the Trump Train or get run over.
>almost everyone are middle class
>innovative ways to become foremen
What the fuck am I reading?
It's like a mid school student pretending to talk politics.
I'm not saying all of them retarded; some are resonable and maybe even relatively good.
But the guy honestly thinks that building a fucking border wall is a good idea. Even after being proved that it's not sustainable, won't solve anything and generally it's a shit idea.
That one thing (and there's a shitton more) should tell anyone what type of a person he is and disqualify him.
>There's only so much power in the president's hands without HoR or senate approval, or given acts
Ok, so can we agree that since the president is somewhat the face of the country, he should be proficient in diplomacy and politics? Trump is neither.
Leftists joke he wants to fuck his daughter, but his comments/opinions really does make my skin crawl.
So I ask again, how can anyone sane can vote for him, given the knowledge? I'm honestly asking how you justify this.
>Sadly, Trump is wrong
He is wrong.
America never stopped being great. It is, in fact, the greatest country on Earth and in all of history.
Trump is a CEO who wants to let himself and all the other CEOs off the hook for the taxes they owe.
How does the most transgressive website on the fucking clearnet have so many cunts on it?
Trump is an opportunist shitbag who ran for president because he had money and experience with mass media. He's not a fucking leader, he's a puny man that wants to outshine Daddy.
Bernie is sane, and you're uncomfortable with the wage gap because it's a meme on this website to call anybody that strives for social welfare a "cuck". Tragedy of the commons be damned, /b/ likes to pretend everybody who isn't white or Asian is a charlatan.
Fuck this meme, fuck America, fuck Wall Street, crony capitalism, that destabilized fuckpit we exploit for oil, and all of you. Go read The Economist and quit masturbating so fucking much
Because 4chan isn't what it used to be. It's dead Jim and we're among crows feasting on it's rotten, putrid corpse.
Every fucking board went to shit, the discussion is nowhere to be seen. It's only shills, falseflags, dumb maymays, shit "jokes" and worst of all, normies and casuals that want to be "anonymoose".
The whole site went to hell and there's nothing you or I can do about it.
Maybe instead of posting dumb images you could at least try add something constructive to the discussion?
>Nowdays, almost everyone are middle class
op is a fucking retard
I remember when "/b/ always was cancer" was a meme. It was fucking hilarious because none of us really cared back in '07 about the CP threads, spam, or racist hyperbolic shit. It punctuated legitimately dangerous discussions about sexuality, modern counterculture, and the zeitgeist of the tech savvy.
These days I notice once somebody with half a brain enters a thread they are ignored entirely or the thing dies out. I miss the old days when 4chan was terrifying instead of predictable.
>Trump would still be the lesser evil that can at least maintain a civic status quo without fucking the US over completely
>op is a fucking retard
What gave you that impression?
>Computers made industry work obsolete, meaning there are no millions of workers to fill up factories and come up with innovative ways to become foremen and later factory owners.
Except the trades are seeing the biggest boom in 30 years
You're wrong
Is Trump the solution to the countries problems?
Is Cruz, Sanders, or Clinton
Put a guy who literally anyone in the establishment doesn't want and you've got what the country needs
Namely Trump
>good discussion
Pick one, faggot
I just lost hope anon. 4chan simply grew too big, the influx of edgy kids made every board a nightmare.
It's literally 4chan:Idiocracy Edition. The overwhelming stupidity nowadays make me weep.
I thought 8 had some promise (or at least, I gave it a fair chance) and while it wins some, it also loses some too. And ultimately, it failed too. Besides you can't even mention anything, anywhere too - there's always some try hard faggot who will brand you the current meme word of the month - cuck, gg'er, sjw, libtard, poltard etc. to name a few; whatever works to further his piss excuse of an argument. Fuck reason, fuck arguments, fuck everything - there's only chaos and endless shitposting without any goal beside the shitposting itself.
>I never had a good discussion on 4chan, /b/ included
Well, I never had one in the past few years, so here's that. But that wasn't always the case.
this guy just summed it up
>the end
< 30 > Girlfriend has cheated on me after 5 years. Time to pay her back Enjoy this leak , it has 3 videos of this bitch. Will remove it in a few minutes
Is a slobbering cretin with down syndrome the solution to the countries problems?
Put a guy who literally anyone in the establishment doesn't want and you've got what the country needs
Namely a slobbering cretin with down syndrome.
Just because they don't want Trump anywhere near power, doesn't mean he's a good choice.
Also, please answer any issues I mentioned before if you're an honest Trump supporter. I'm not flaming you, I'm honestly curious.
America can be great again. It will take isolationist policies which force American companies to keep their jobs here coupled with widespread readoption of union practices.
This is why Bernie is the best option...the global economy, outsourcing, and the removal of unions from the workplaces of most Americans are what caused the problems.
Yep. We need a cleansing.
>But the guy honestly thinks that building a fucking border wall is a good idea.
Israel did it and saw a return in just a few years
>he should be proficient in diplomacy and politics?
We are literally being pushed around by chicken shit countries
We need someone who won't back down because of petty squabbles
>He has no experience whatsoever.
All the other options are political puppets
Hillary should be in prison and is in bed with literally every bad individual and group known to man
Sanders is a fucking meme
Cruz is a greasy politician
The good ol' boy club is what's ruining the country because they look out for themselves
You realize the arguments people make against Trump are the exact same they made against Reagan, right?
There are less middle class Americans than ever. I don't know what the hell you're talking about.
I agree that there are many Americans who lack real ambition but the problem exists throughout the spectrum of classes of Americans. There are many shitty poor folks and many who work very hard. There are many shitty middle class folks and many who work very hard. There are many shitty rich people and a few who work hard.
What kind of libertarian trash are you reading OP?
>Sadly, Trump is wrong
Implying he was ever right.
>America can't be great again
We are still the number #1 economy by a country fucking mile. The reason we are crashing is wealth consolidation.
>Nowdays, almost everyone are middle class
That's the American dream dumbfuck. And no, for the first time since the end of ww2 the middle class is in the minority.
> no real financial ambition or the innovative skill to realize it
Implying poor people are just lazy... God this argument is getting tired. Americans statistically work more for less than any other first world nation. This bias gets more extreme the lower in the class you get. Even in high minimum wage areas you would have to hold 2 jobs just to make 50k.
>Computers made industry work obsolete
This is true everywhere. Its just currently cheaper for American companies to employ overseas sweatshops. The ONLY thing trump has put forward policy wise that makes any sense is to dismantle the transnational trade agreements. But Bernie is saying the same shit.
The rest of your post isn't worth responding to.
>trump gets raped in the generals by both clinton and sanders
>cruz has a better shot but still loses
>Israel did it and saw a return in just a few years
I don't give a fuck about Isreal. And I think the situation on the US-Mexican border is a bit different.
Every report I read about the wall makes it financially unfeasible. Fuck building, that's a drop in the bucket when you compare the maintenance. And most importantly, it simply won't work.
>We need someone who won't back down because of petty squabbles
That's not how politics and diplomacy work. And Trump has no idea about either; my point still stands and you haven't answered shit. Yelling and threatening won't get you anything. What, you want to carpet bomb everyone? That's your approach?
>All the other options are political puppets
Not the point. I'm not sayin they are or they aren't; I'm saying Trump is an egotistical maniac on a power trip.
Don't convince me the others are worse, I don't give a fuck about it right now. We're talking about Trump, not Cruz, not Sanders, not Hillary and why they're the bad ones.
Address his character too if you don't mind; the torture example is a quite fine start.
Wackjob Commies CRASH "Students For Trump" Meeting
Yeah...when wackjob liberals do something results in people walking away annoyed. When wackjob conservatives do something results in people dying.
>Israel bult wal we can du gaiz
Israel is roughly the size of jersey. Most of the wall is a double layer of barbed wire and is patrolled heavily by the IDF. Its also a fraction of the length of the proposed trump wall.
>We need someone who won't back down because of petty squabbles
Dude has the thinnest skin of any celebrity I can think of. He freaked out at a magazine for saying he has tiny hands, and incites his supporters to attack their fellow citizens who disagree with him.
>All the other options are political puppets
Sure, why vote in a puppet of the 1% when you could just elect one directly? Hell, why not just make him emperor of America and dictator for life while were at it?
These are the posts to look at and not see insanity.
>all the trump supporters are annoying white dudes
Color me shocked.
This will stop Trump, Cruz, Hillary, AND Sanders.
>I don't give a fuck about Isreal
Then you don't care about actual real world evidence of building a border wall
>And I think the situation on the US-Mexican border is a bit different.
Yes because a militant group (read: Hamas) is so much more benign than Mexicans
>Every report I read about the wall makes it financially unfeasible.
>implying you couldn't fund it by pulling money from elsewhere
>implying they don't fund random shit by pulling money out of their ass anyway
>implying those reports weren't written by someone who's biased against Trump
>Fuck building, that's a drop in the bucket when you compare the maintenanc
And you think the economic destruction and border patrol funds aren't a huge hassle?
>That's not how politics and diplomacy work
There's no point in arguing because we will never agree on it
The United States has been pushed around in every single negotiation, yet no one can stand up to us militarily
We aren't going to keep sucking other countries dick so we don't offend them
Iran is actively trying to build nukes
We need to actually do something instead of being a bitch
>Yelling and threatening won't get you anything. What, you want to carpet bomb everyone? That's your approach?
Only reason the Soviet Union didn't win is because of exactly that threat, m8
>Not the point.
>ignoring points
ok pal, it's pretty obvious when a liberal argues because they dismiss points out of habit
why the fuck did you respond to that dumbass?
give me 5 examples of large amounts of conservative "wackjobs" in the last 5 years attacking people
And I'll give you 5 examples this year alone of liberal wackjobs attacking people over ideology
Execute order 66
>m-muh hugbox echo chamber
and incites his supporters to attack their fellow citizens who disagree with him.
You got any evidence to back that up?
Because I've seen a lot of violent liberals crashing Trump rallies, but I've only seen 2 Trump supporters hit anyone
Your post is empty retoric.
empty stories.
>America can't be great again
Not with an attitude like you have.
>every one is middle class
Not according to any reference available, but google one you like that is realistic, and we can discuss it.
>computers made industry work....
Computers built the house you live in?
Computers built your internet hate device?
Computers made the roads to drive on?
Computers answered your question at the hardware store?
>no millions of workers to fill up factories and come up with innovative ways to become foremen and later factory owners.
Go look at unemployment, that's the dumbest thing you said, by far.
>his promises are hollow
Go look at how Obama... NVRNMND
here ya go
Grow up, all politicians lie. No matter HOW you vote, it's a slow suicide.
>All of the Bernie Sanders supporters are annoying SJWs
Color me shocked
America has a population of 320 million. You think 10 million Mexican's crossing the border to pick your produce for you is destroying our economy? Your either dumb or a racist.
>probably both
Where exactly is the US getting pushed around? Every fucking nation on the planet is god damn terrified of us. Specifically our JSOC command which can be utilized without a declaration of war. We are still the most significant power in the world both militarily and economically by a wide margin.
Your Obama's outreach diplomatic program has done nothing but good. But you probably have no Idea how foreign policy works so anything short of trying to employ obsolete theater warfare tactics isn't going to get your freedom hard.
>Only reason the Soviet Union didn't win is because of exactly that threat, m8
Certainly had nothing to do with the economic collapse of an ill-timed arms race the soviets couldn't afford. Nope, was our bombers that got them ruskies all cowed and shit. Cause Russians are notoriously sweet reasonable people...
God damn, no wonder trumps demo is the poor and stupid.
>Your either dumb or a racist.
I'm not even that guy but fuck you man
I ain't reading this shit you fucking cunt
That is the most underhanded SJW tactic there is
ITT Sanders supporters who are in denial and see Trump as the ultimate insult, because he gives people like them the middle finger, in public for everyone to see (Exposure is the weakest link of a liberal. It is the very thing that drives liberals mad simply because their overwhelming self sense of worthlessness is suppressed in a well engineered cuddlebox)
But the best thing is... He can win, and they know it. Liberals understand that Trump as president is more than an office, it's a symbol that reflects their gravy train of the past 8 years coming to an end. Gays will go back to being ridiculed and tabletop slapstick comedy, blacks will be seen as savages again, and LGBT is literally who?
I am going to laugh in every one of your faces every day for the next 8 years.
TFW I teach physics at s VERY liberal university and where a trump hat every single day.
>he disagrees with me
>better call him an SJW
>where a trump hat every single day.
As a Trump supporter I'm glad you took physics and not English
>he disagrees with me
>better go riot and shut down a political rally
>I ain't reading this shit
Exactly why everyone thinks trump supporters are a pack of drooling imbeciles.
You seem to think I am a liberal.
>but is no true
He gets destroyed in all the generals. The only thing trump will win is the stupid, white, and poor vote of the GOP. Which is roughly 30% of the country.
>Then you don't care about actual real world evidence of building a border wall
>Israel is roughly the size of jersey. Most of the wall is a double layer of barbed wire and is patrolled heavily by the IDF. Its also a fraction of the length of the proposed trump wall.
There's also a regular war on the Isreal borders. And yes, Mexicans actually ARE much more benign than Hamas. It's among the reasons he didn't insist on adding a mile wide dead zone full of mines next to the wall.
Btw, why not bring North Korea as an example too? They have a pretty good idea how to solve border issues as well and it's obviously working out.
>implying implications
That's all you've got? When someone says Trump is full of shit your only response is every single fucking report is a lie, a mistification and the work of anti-trump agencies?
>And you think the economic destruction and border patrol funds aren't a huge hassle?
I'm saying that the wall itself is an insane idea. I'm saying that it doesn't solve the above issues. I'm saying it only adds to the costs of border maintenance in a substantial way. Clear enough?
>We need to actually do something instead of being a bitch
Sure, but being a whiny child with an ego trip definitely won't solve the issues.
On the contrary, it would probably spiral out of control into a fucking crisis.
Do tell how EXACTLY you want these resolved "by not being a bitch".
>and incites his supporters to attack their fellow citizens who disagree with him.
>You got any evidence to back that up?
Google "Trump incites violence" for his direct quotes. There's a shit ton.
>Not the point.
>ignoring points
You're the one ignoring the points, not answering what I'm asking and thinking "they are just biased and we should stop being a bitch!" is a proper answer.
And yes, we're talking about Trump, not the other candidates. And right now I'm asking about his character and how you can justify him being in office.
Parallel to Sanders. The only thing Sanders will win is the young (notoriously don't vote), welfare queens, and elderly without a pension.
Probably 12% of the population.
>INB4 muh handpicked polls
Everyone knows he won't be the nomination. Clinton sold her soul, long ago for the white house.
I just wonder who the fuck is voting for her, and why?
>I just wonder who the fuck is voting for her, and why?
From the Democrat side? Ultra-feminists, people who were convinced:
>Sanders is insane
>Sanders can't win, so my vote is basically lost
>She's the lesser evil and who else can I vote on?
>It's the only way to stop Trump
Etc. It adds up I think.
> North Korea as an example too?
It also helps that Korea is run by a repressive communist regime that actively seeks to keep its citizens isolated from the world.
North Koreans (or at least their government) Actively try and stay out of South Korea and vise versa. Which is a very different relationship than Americans and Mexicans have...
>dismissing evidence out of hand
That's how your going to make murica great again eh?
>Cause reading is for faggots
>check out all this hand picked polls from liberal think tanks like fox news.
>19 trillion dollars in debt to chinas dick is great
A wall worked for the Chinese for literally hundreds of years. Maybe you've heard of it? It's called the Great Wall of China.
I know Trump supporters are mentally stuck in the in the early middle ages, but the rest of the world works a bit different now.
Also the people that see the word clinton and go "oh yeah i know that president this one must be good!" recognition is powerful
I'm sorry, did you actually think the dirt poor Mexicans trying to get into America could somehow conquer a Great *Modern* Wall?
By bringing a ladder and rope? Nah.
its not like the uneducated beaners trying to make it in america have access to aircraft you fucking mong
>ladder and rope
Hmm, I wonder why the millions of Americans currently serving time in prison didn't think of simply crafting ladders and ropes and just OOPS climbing over the top of the wall.
OH YEAH because it's not that fucking easy you industrial cock inhaler.
>Despite such joking, the truth is the bulk of the $14.3 trillion U.S. debt - $9.8 trillion in all - is owned by the American people and its government.
Oh and lets not forget that the Chinese economy would completely collapse without US consumership. Forbes estimated its is 179% dependent on the US consumer base.
Good thing we don't have to worry about mongols coming over here to rape and pillage our towns. Just migrant workers trying to pick our produce mostly.
Oh and the great wall of china took nearly 2000 years to complete as was made largely through slave labor.
>a wall isn't 100% foolproof so we might as well just keep the border completely open and continue allowing millions of illegal immigrants to pour into our country unabated
>this is what liberals actually believe
Just saying, but uh...
There's more people in the lower class than middle class. We just flipped that majority not too long ago.
>Good thing we don't have to worry about mongols coming over here to rape and pillage our towns.
Nope, just Mexicans.
The wall is unbuildable. It would cost a hundred billion dollars and there's no reason to believe it would do anything. Nearly all illegal immigrants arrived legally as visitors and just never left. Very few jump the border.
>spending an estimated 20+ billion (not including servicing and personnel fees) on a security blanket that would prevent next to zero illegal immigration
What do you think these wetbacks actually do? You think they are stealing good American jobs like housemaid and fruit-picker? Further more they are less than 1/32 of the population and command next to know capital effectively.
>but muh cartels
Fix American drug policy and the cartels will disappear over night.
I know you think a prison complex with guards, security, watchposts everywhere and prisoners kept in cells is somehow comparable to a 2000 mile long wall that in your opinion should be similarly and at all times manned (to provide the same amount of security), but it's actually crazy. And impossible.
And yes, it's literally that easy. Ask any sane border patrolmen what they think about Trumps wall.
how the fuck is that crown floating?
>a hundred billion dollars
>citation needed
Where do you get this figure from? Most estimates I've seen are under 10 billion.
You not liking brown people doesn't justify billions of dollars in taxpayer money to try to keep them out so you can be in your hugbox.
>not mention the fucking wall wont even work
Here's the story of how you got fucked
The money saved by deporting liberals.. er, I mean illegals, would more than pay for patrolling, building, and maintaining the wall.
The costs saved, alone, from not having to police and incarcerate illegals would be enough.
Stop blowing hot air.
You mean all those people in Arizona who voted for him? Pretty sure I already know what they think about a border wall.
its part of the magic
>and continue allowing millions of illegal immigrants to pour into our country unabated
>said no liberal ever
The wall isn't even 1% foolproof you fucking mongoloid. And the fact that your candidate thinks it's even an option, puts everything his tanned mouth shits out into perspective.
>your incompetence
>a valid excuse
was meant for this guy
>everyone in Arizona is working at the border
Btw, you do know that there are border parts that would require leveling part of the city and stuff like that? Or scorching desert?
>The money saved by deporting liberals.. er, I mean illegals, would more than pay for patrolling, building, and maintaining the wall.
Absolute bullshit. Provide at least one source, however biased I'll take it.
>The costs saved, alone, from not having to police and incarcerate illegals would be enough.
See above, also most illegal immigrants don't need to cross the borders illegally.
>levelling parts of the city
Are you saying we spend 25 billion on jailing & deporting illegals?
>who statistically less likely to commit crime than a native American citizen
A wall worked for China, it worked for Berlin, today it works for Israel... all among countless other walls throughout history.
There is empirical and historical evidence which proves that walls work. This entire argument is pointless. Walls work, that is a fact. You might as well be arguing about the sum of 2 plus 2. Hint: it isn't 5,
>implying Canadian's aren't more worried about Americans border hopping
It's all well and good until el chapo starts importing immigrants along with his drugs.
2000 years to make mostly via slave labor in a time when an arrow was hot shit technology.
That's why they tore it down right?
Roughly the size of jersey, only had to cover about 300 miles at the cost of 2.6 billion and most of it is fencing, not the kind of concrete barrier trump is proposing. Its also a wildly different circumstance, last I checked Mexico was firing taco's and bags of weed into America and not qassam rockets.
Point being, giant border walls in the modern day are highly situational and not even close to the right choice with Mexico. But that's okay, readings for fags right?
>screaming racist when someone doesn't agree with you
This is why people think SJWs are insecure faggots
We actually don't smuggle weed in that often, Mexican weed is shit
>All Mexicans are criminals, drug-lords, and rapists.
>Don't call me a racist!
illegals cost the US at least 25 billion every year.
you can simply google "illegal immigrants cost US year" yourself, genius.
it's common sense guys. why would you need someone to hand-feed you common sense? can't you learn, or seek knowledge yourself?
it's a single, simple google search ffs.
Still better than a Qassam rocket landing in your kitchen.
Is this bait?
illegal aliens are mostly NOT mexican.. they just use Mexico as a corridor. And to be honest, a lot of illegals are caucasian.
stop sucking liberal nuts bro. they're idiots.
Noboby cares about America.
The cost of illegals raw is estimated at 100 billion annually. But their are hundreds of externalities to consider when thinking about that issue. And many could argue that illegals are ultimately beneficial to the economy.
Regardless trumps wall is not only asinine but it would be like trying to put out the fire with gasoline.
Meanwhile corporate tax havens alone are costing 2.1 TRILLION in lost revenue. Not to mention all the other tax-fuckery those assholes think of. And you want to put a guy in office who will just exacerbate the issue.
Face it, immigration is not that big of a deal. Your xenophobic, fine. Move to Montana or Idaho. Only white people live there and you can jerk eachother off with a tore up pages of the bible. But don't ask the rest of us to foot the bill for your nonsense when there are WAY more important issues to deal with.
Only if your an idiot
that isn't working anymore sweetheart. we aren't satisfied, or scared enough, of the big boogeyman in the room that always conveniently pops up.
let's fix ALL problems. most of which can be sourced to the willfull ignorance of individuals like you.
>not interested in solving a problem that is literally 21x worse than the issue your crying about
>I'm the idiot
Thank god you faggots only make up 30% or so of the population.
Been in other threads, probably arguing you same fucks.No hate, no homo, I hope you bring INTELLIGENT arguments to the table, it would be 1/1249875
Only if you believe the media machine.
I want Trump vs Bernie, but I can't work the math to make that real.
The two people that want to change the system, can't be electable.
You presented no evidence, take your own advice and fuck off.
told you from the start, I won't click bait your shit. I know the #'s.
Somehow the word ALL doesn't include the 21X issue? Are you this stupid?
Reminds me of those BLM supporters getting all angry and attacking people when someone says "ALL lives matter" when they insist that only black lives matter.
You're a liberal. A dipshit. A dumbfuck. You're an illogical, knee-jerk, whiny little fuck that views any opinion that differs, even slightly, from your own as racist, or bigoted, or whatever other buzz-word that comprises 30% of your tired, over-used, rote-infested machine-like vocabulary.
Again, you're a dipshit.
Cool so you like that Trump is pushing to simplify the tax code? Who better to close loopholes than a person who had abused them?
Not any of the other guys you've replied to, but you seen to suggest immigration is a bogeyman for the right wing when it's not. I live in Laredo TX the most Hispanic city in America, I grew up in Zapata TX a small border town where around 35% of the population is illegal.
This meme that they aren't pouring through the border needs to die. Seriously drive any of the long highways here and you're guaranteed to see at least a handful of illegals crossing some brush. They all come in by the HUNDREDS at a time and just hop right over the imaginary line in the sand that's our borders. You have ranch owners that set up cameras only to find a horde of wetbacks making their way through his land, using vandalising it. They are an aggressive people who destroy everything they touch. Neighborhoods literally crumble because out of the 10+ people per 1 bedroom house, 3 are pushing drugs all the females are pregnant and the father building houses is sending half his paycheck back to Mexico to his brother and his 17 kids. They don't really need the money because they actually receive food stamps and free schooling and even housing in some cases.
The border patrol can't do shit because they can't even deport the fuckers for breaking the law. You should look up murder cases dome by an illegal who was either deported and came back or let go. They bring only crime with them. Did you know up to 80% of females illegally crossing into the border are raped? Do you know drug use statistics? Alcholism? Child abuse? Murder?
No you don't, because the people that do realise that we NEED A WALL, and we need to set these tribal fucks back to their dirthole.
I'd stand behind this opinon.
so much this.
you only attck, and don't care about the issue. It's apparent from your words
>I want to win internet fight
I don't even care which monkey fucks the football, but don't be so obvious about it. It ruins the fap for the rest of us who are just watching.
You have as much integrity as an expired Chinese condom. This is why we're voting for Trump. We're tired of your antiwhite ignorant racist crap.