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Why do white girls in America lie about rape so much?

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

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Why do white girls in America lie about rape so much?
>dad finds out about sex
>teenage white grill afraid of dad says rape
Makes them feel special.
because they want to be raped
but dad was there because hes the one who fucked her
This. They're scum.

Society has been shifting towards "being a victim is cool and empowering" lately. Truly that wasn't their initial intention but it became that way because of how victimization was being treated. Like you're invalid unless you have been through something traumatic. Then it just becomes a pissing contest of "who's had it worse".

I imagine every popular character will be replaced with a woman, at some point. Shortly after, they'll realize that's racist to have just white women, so they'll mix the races thoroughly. Then it will be nothing but a single brown race of women pretending to be Big Mama.

Please reproduce many times. I wish there were more people with this mindset.
They aren't lying. We just a sympathetic legal system
Sadly, most people like me have already decided not to have children but to let the world burn.

I'll be taking my 162 IQ with me to the grave. 80% of the world can deal with it. Sorry friend. I'm sure you're one of the few that would deserve a perfect world for their children but I'm not strong enough to share it with those mindless apes that call themselves "SJWs". I also wouldn't want to be responsible for a genocide.

> I'll be taking my 162 IQ with me to the grave.

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>Society has been shifting towards "being a victim is cool and empowering" lately. Truly that wasn't their initial intention but it became that way because of how victimization was being treated. Like you're invalid unless you have been through something traumatic. Then it just becomes a pissing contest of "who's had it worse".

I don't enjoy most of the bullshit that gets spouted on this board, I think there is legitimacy in a good many of the social justice movements happening out there right now, but THIS SHIT RIGHT HERE IS THE MOTHERFUCKING TRUTH!

Don't entirely agree with the rest of your post either, but that one line does perfectly encapsulate a real issue with modern SJW's.
Kids don't seem to grow up as wished if you haven't noticed yet. My father is proud nationalist and still I've joined the leftist party.
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All of this. I can't even tell you how many times I've listened to people (usually white, usually middle class, usually female) at my school complain about how bad they have things, like they somehow are better because of it. It's like being weak and victimized is the new strong and empowered. I listen to these people bitch about how bad their lives are, and on the rare occasion that people call them out on it, they MUST be misogynists and bigots, there's no way that those people have been through their own shit, but just don't think the whole world needs to know about it.

Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with victim communities. Support groups and that kind of thing can be very helpful in helping you heal, I speak from experience. My problem with it starts when they expect everyone outside that little victim community to cater to their needs and celebrate them for their weakness. It's like they forgot that they're there to heal, and just decided it's easier to just stay hurt.
Why do white girls wear the shortest shorts imaginable all the time? It's about 80% of my campus. Even the little girls wear short ass shorts.
135 iq anon here, please dont give up, weare humanities best chance, groups like the alt right are picking up. we can MAGA :')
Because they think it makes them not gigantic whores
They don't want white girls to have morals and self respect these days.
You sir speak truth
>Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with victim communities. Support groups and that kind of thing can be very helpful in helping you heal, I speak from experience. My problem with it starts when they expect everyone outside that little victim community to cater to their needs and celebrate them for their weakness. It's like they forgot that they're there to heal, and just decided it's easier to just stay hurt.


Wow. For once, trips actually DO speak truth.
Because apperantly your opinion matters more if you've been through some sort of trauma and in todays society no one can disagree with you, even if you're always lying, or they'll be branded too offensive
Well, in a society that glorifies victims, does it really surprise you that many people would do that? Turn on any news station, and you will see what I mean. In this day and age, it pays to be a victim. You can pull the racist card, and the sexist card, and the rape card and people will automatically give you love and support. You will get fame and money and all this other useless reparations just for being a victim.

Of course, I give all my support and condolences to actual rape victims. But I think women who make false rape accusations, potentially ruining the lives of someone innocent just because they want to be a whore, are worse than actual rapists.
haha from the dark corners of the interwebs!
I see you, Mensabro.
These are fucking comedy gold
They're support groups, not "my life is worse, so I'm better for it". True, you might be a "stronger" person for dealing with shit and it might help you learn some valuable lessons about life from the experience, but there's also serious mental issues that could come from being hurt so badly. That is nothing to celebrate.

Having a mental illness does NOT make you a better person. It makes you more fragile and ever closer to being less than human. This is what's so scary, to me, about SJWs. They glorify mental instability and validate bad behavior by saying "it's the system's fault".
Amen, brother.
prove that they do...burden of evidence is on you to prove your statement.
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We don't.

If anything, rape is severely underrported in our country.
I think they took a good message and corrupted it when it comes to support communities and personal strength.

In the past, people got sympathy for the circumstances that hurt them, and they got respect for powering through the limitations that restrained them.

Now, it seems like it's not the growth or the strength that is lauded, merely the weakness and misfortune that caused it. Many people are treated like strong, empowered survivors, despite the fact that they never moved on, never healed, never grew. They're still a victim, and they're praised for it.

Encouraging people to surpass their limitations somehow became lauding people for the fact that their limitations exist in the first place.
Which is retarded. It should be the other way around as I shouldn't have to proof my innocence because some fuckwat feels like I did something wrong. He wants something from me so he shall do something for it.
Then she says no. He says "you're a bitch" and leaves. She realizes maybe she should rethink how quickly she allows people into her life.

But she felt bad that she lost a friend for "being a bitch", so she decided to get even. Then she went to the police after beating herself up and tearing her own clothes. "He raped me!" she cried. They rushed to her rescue and locked the bad man away for 10 years based on her words alone. No semen was found on her body or vagina because it wasn't necessary for a conviction.

Meanwhile, a 9 year old boy was raped nearly 100 times over the week by a middle aged baby sitter but she said sorry, so it's okay.
I'm not sure if you'd say this if you spent any length of time on a modern college campus.

He might be a bit misleading in how he presents it, as if this was a majority thing, but the media and a vocal minority within academia seem determined to make everyone believe we need misandry to replace our supposed rape culture.
are they eating fucking toothpaste?
Because they don't live in Europe where they really get raped and they want to fit in.
You know who else did that? Westboro, Islam, and the KKK.

You know who else is doing that right now? BLM.
Nice bait
I don't get what's happening here. Are these supposed to be a metaphor for consent?

Is this like a parody or a satire of hardcore feminist ideas on consent?

I feel like i"m lacking some context here.
nah its enough of a "threat" that shillary has talked about "us" lmao
im just waiting for the libritarian movement to pickup more speed
show proof, your subjective experience is only that. No one cares how you feel about how rape is occurring.
Its this jelly candy in a tube, I believe.
In what way do Westboro, Islam, and the KKK laud people for being weak and victimized?

Not saying you're wrong, I just don't see it.
You completely missed my point...
where can one meet other mensa bros? i really dont like most normies
This. My sister is a psychologist and she tries to help people but many of her messages come off as "it's okay to be a victim", which I disagree with. I often burst in, mid conversation, and say BUT YOU DONT HAVE TO BE A VICTIM! YOU'RE STRONGER THAN THAT! YOU'RE BEtter than thaaaa as I'm carried away by security.

She's a real nice woman but she's gotta be more assertive with the healing process of her clients. I feel like they wouldn't get over their shit without me making my dynamic entrances. Who's ever felt better about themselves after feeling bad about everything?
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There isn't a single woman alive who is completely honest about their sexual history. Lies either though omission or confabulation also count.
This is probably the first anti-sjw thread I've been in that I whole-heartedly agree with. Usually it's full of cringe about how women are inferior and need to be put in their place. This just seems like an honest criticism, and I think a lot of women would actually agree with these opinions.
Do you even live in the US?
They often are either embarassed by others finding out about their sexcapades, blackmailers, or angry at their 'attacker' for some reason.

Such as not raping them.
Screen cap plz
I just love how a woman can get absolutely blackout drunk in a room full of people she doen't even know, abandon the group of friends she is with for some guy she's never even met, go to a strange location with him and when she gets made into Swiss cheese and dumped on the freeway and that

None. Of it. Was her. Fault.
cuck a d1ck
yes, in a college town and i graduated in the past 6 months.

Do you even know false accusation rates? No
Will you look them up? no
You do not care what is actually happening, but only seek to spew your baseless opinions.
>Under reported
The filename dude
Consent rape comics
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You wasted double trips
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Ask and ye shall receive
Yeah... I fucked up.
>not liking pulp fiction
for revenge. They get mad when a guy moves on, fucks and dumps them, etc and think they can yell rape to get revenge.
>In what way do Westboro, Islam, and the KKK laud people for being weak and victimized?
That wasn't the main aim of my comment but they claim they're victimized by the rest of the world, to gain sympathy, just like everyone else seems to do.

Westboro claims Christians that don't agree with them are falling from God's grace and will go to hell for it. They say they're under constant attack by demons and sinners.

The KKK honestly believed they were being taken over by blacks. They started out as a movement against drunk husbands, to save wives from being beaten... They think they're under attack from everybody, even today, when they're mostly just left alone.

Islam has two types of people. The "feel bad for me because I'm oppressed" SJW abuser and the "Fuck you, obey me or die" muslim.

The refugees are riding on the SJW magic carpet laid out for them and streaming into other countries for free housing, electricity, internet, water, food, etc. and no matter how badly they behave or what laws they break, it's considered racist to hold them accountable for their crimes.

I'm not even saying hold the entire group accountable. I'm saying groups should ostracize such members from their ranks and allow the system to give the people justice.

Literally everyone is lauding victimization complexes, in some way.
People who were otherwise strong and fortunate playing "victim of opression" weather it's by blacks, whites, jews, men, you name it. They placate the weak minded people that imagine up problems and attribute it to a common sociatal symptom that has no relation.
I, personally, know a guy that was falsely reported of rape. Basically every guy I know knows someone who was falsely reported of rape.

My ex told a bunch of her friends that I "practically raped her" after we broke up, which was a total fucking lie.

So yeah, it happens a fucking lot.
Join Mensa. You only need an IQ above 132. You said you have 135, so you should be fine to join.
Uh huh. You did what, take the test once, and online? Surely not by a team of licensed professionals.
Do you realize how many different false accusation rates you can find out there? Ask the MRAs and it's like 25%. Ask the feminists and it's less than 1%.

Who should I ask for these statistics?
Trips do not matter, and after you've been here for a while you'll start to ignore them, like everyone else who isn't new here.
Ah, I see. Thank you for clarifying.
I think the main thing is that people shouldn't feel responsible for being a victim. But they shouldn't be praised either, only sympathy should be given. Patronizing people is generally a bad idea. Once they overcome their disadvantage they should be accuratrly respected. When there is no difference between a sage and a leper, how do you know who should be followed?
So it's a parody of SJW ideas?
"practically" is code word for "I exaggerate a fuckton"
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They want to justify their clear lack of self control to try to get people to not call them a slut or easy. It's as simple as that.
The guy claims to hang around his sister's work and occasionally burst in to startle and yell at her paying clients. And you're taking him seriously.
No its not a parody the person that made them is on the feminist side
Um, my iq is 132.

Wat do?
No its more feminism trying to use colloquial metaphors broaden the terminology rape. Notice how in every conceived idiom, the item in question is an object that represents a vagina. Women are actually objectifying themselves at this point which is pretty hilarious but also really sad.
Chicks force themselves on guys just as much, and possibly more than guys on girls. Mens body's react faster and obviously more visibily to stimulus than a female. A man might say, "oh shit why not," but in reality could be too afraid to say no for the same reasons a woman sometimes doesn't truly try to stop the act. Boom. Mind blown. Believe it or not
Explain who is professional enough for you to consider legitimate?



Yes. I think this is a form of Munchausen syndrome.

Also, spite/spurned ex, possible financial gain, and social/career sabotage of the man.
an hero
I'm the hype man and I get shit done. You don't have to be victims. You can be fucking awesome instead. GRAB LIFE BY THE FUCKING BALLS AND SQUEEEEZE MOTHER FUCKERS!! WOOOOO!!!!!
>tfw I have a fantasy of waking up to a chick sucking my dick but to women its rape
B-but muh superior seed!
Well, the funny thing was that the reason we broke up was basically because we never actually had sex. She had severe anxiety issues around sex, had only been with one guy, and only once, and it evidently hurt a lot and she was very afraid to do it again. She'd blow me, which she was pretty good at, but we never actually fucked.

She dumped me because I wanted to talk about the sex issue. Never tried to make her do anything she didn't want to do, never tried to coerce her, I just wanted to talk about it. Maybe even get some counselling together if that would help.

I'm just lucky she was too lazy to actually report me to the police. All her friends think I'm a total scumbag,though, which is bullshit, because I was better to that girl than anyone had ever been. I was very, very good to her, and I never would've hurt her.
The test involves more than just paper and pen, genius. There is oral, written, and "hands on" testing aka puzzles about how to fist your mom with as little lube as possible
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Really? Why do they exist? Was ANYONE unclear about the fact that it's not cool to fuck a girl if she says no, and that you don't get to fuck someone whenever you want because they consented once? IS LITERALLY ANYONE UNCLEAR ON THAT POINT? Or rather, anyone who would possibly be affected by a webcomic? There's probably some sick fucks out there somewhere (mostly in the middle east, I'd wager) but they aren't going to be reading online feminist webcomics and thinking, "OH! I GET IT NOW! It's NOT okay to rape a woman! Haha, how silly was I, right? I mean, imagine if that comic artists hadn't made a clumsy allegory for sexual consent! Heck, I might have done something terrible!"

I guess study and take the test again. Your IQ isn't a rigid number that stays somewhere, anon. It also doesn't mean if you're smart or not but is rather a rough representation of how smart you can be, if you apply yourself.

Someone with an average IQ of say, 94, could still outsmart you in some things, if they've applied themselves enough. I think everyone has the ability to be a genius at some point in their lives. Even if it is sometimes by accident.
The average iq is closer to "low" than closer to "genius"
>Why do white girls in America lie about rape so much?
because they can get away with it
system is tilted against men in every way
"white male privilege" isn't real anymore, you get treated like a doormat and if you speak out you're censored andor punished

us is cucked beyond belief and i cant wait for trump to get elected
I bet you don't even fist your mother.
As one of those weakfags that need healing.

Right. Mentally retarded is around 60 while genius is about 130. Average is between 90 and 110, all across the world, depending on location. Asia has the highest average.
Has a man ever really raped a woman solely based on how they're dressed?
>be a white woman have sex with man after That >feel bad used booty hoo. If it's rape people will >feel bad for if not you're just a gutter sult cum >dumpster worthless whore.
Prove it bitch.
>this is how men are treated all the time
>no one considers is problematic until it happens to a woman
Any reputable peer reviewed study. MRA groups and feminists organizations do not often produce these studies. You are making a claim without evidence, you can claim that there isnt good enough evidence to know either way. THAT DOES NOT PROVE YOUR CLAIM. It weakens it.
Where were you between 11:15pm and 1am? I could have used another hand.
I like to think he is physically unable to let go of the weights unless someone else takes them from him and he'll just be stuck like that forever
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Better version.
It's the oh so controversial victim complex everyone keeps yammering about. The whole idea can be summed up behined one sentence. That sentence being "it's so cool to be a victim these days, who doesn't want to be raped?"
damn totally forgot all about that candy
exactly, shit is biased as fuck
i drive a porsche and everyone expects me to just hand out money, when i tell them to fuck off they call me ungrateful, greedy, etc..
no one gives me fuckin money for no reason
>not using Tomorrow
My claim
>but the media and a vocal minority within academia seem determined to make everyone believe we need misandry to replace our supposed rape culture.
Okay, that's the claim, right?

Now. The proof; watch the fucking news.

You're being pedantic. If I claim that Donald Trump is an asshole, would you ask for proof? If I claim that Fast Food is less healthy than fresh vegetables, would you ask for proof? No, because some stuff is just common knowledge.
Drive cautiously and they'll have literally no reason to hate on you, other than jealousy.
Then use the other version, that one is in tomorrow.
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Here. Have a (You) version.
Because they cannot get it any legal trouble for it.
Because the public will believe her even if hit was aquitted.
He'll still be "the rapist that got away"
Because it's the "I win" button for alimony and child rights in divorce.
Girls from the age of 12 in know most of this. They learn to finesse from there.
Also, lots of money to jail guys. No one cares how many men and up in jail.
How would that make you ungrateful? I get how they could say you were greedy, but ungrateful? It's like calling someone facetious for telling someone to fuck off, it just doesn't make sense.
what would driving more cautiously do? i own a sportscar and i'm gonna drive it like a sportscar.

i didnt spend $80,000 to drive like a grandma for the fuel economy of twin turbos
Is it a a 911 Turbo S or better? If not, I would be giving you $, tool.
>stayed asleep through all the fucking noise and pain
This one you can tell was not even thought out
No because they are opinions until backed by facts
It'd make them respect you more. They already know you spent a lot of money on your car. It's the lack of respect for that amount of money that makes other people more jealous.

Not telling you how to drive. Just giving a short instructional on how to really get them to work the shaft. You'll get a lot more respect if you drive cautiously in a nice car. You're around longer to show it off more, you don't look like a reckless asshole, and you come off as a lot more mature and responsible.

Or you can cut people off and flip the world the bird. It's your life.
I like you anon.
True. Same with motorcycles...aka the poor man's speed.
thanks man, ive only take there offical test bc of some teachers ive had, im on college email lists bc of it, does this one give me a way of talking to other people who score high?
The sky is blue!
>Prove it!
Look up, maybe?
>It's not true till you prove it!
Just look up.
>You have to prove it! It's just your opinion till you prove it.
American IQ test 163
European IQ test 105
Provide any evidence to what you are saying.
This is a logical fallacy. Obvious explanations do not mean that they are true. With out testing of your hypothesis. Anyway fast food can be fresh vegetables, if you buy a salad with no dressing. Fucking stupid, you need proof and you need perimeters.

Ex. Flossing is not as benificial for your teeth as previously thought, with almost no impact on oral health if the participent was brushing properly.

No one studied this until recently because it seemed like a no brainer that flossing helped your teeth.
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Munchausen syndrome.

It's much, much more common in affluent countries. It's a psychological disorder where they pathologically do it to get attention and sympathy. They don't have the real kinds of problems that women face in other countries so they have to create them.
True. Poor execution, though I see what their initial aim was.

He could have just said "but I was drunk! I don't even remember what I said!"

What's funny is how often this exact scenario actually plays out and how the tattoo artist never gets shit for it, because the fucking idiot went in, paid for it, and left.
I love seeing people trying to drive fast in a car while surrounded by junkers... Wanna go faster in traffic in general? Buy random people cars that can go with the flow of traffic. You socialist you
it's the 2017 911 with twin turbos, so more power than the S (slightly).

fuck that i'm not in it for anyone elses opinions, i want to drive the car how it was made to be drove.

no one honks at me on the highway or anything, idk if i made u think i get called an asshole on the road or something. usually its when i go somewhere and park my car people beg me for money and shit or ask me about my car or ask me if they can ride in my car or ask if they can drive my car ....

there is no easy way to tell these people to fuck off without seeming like an asshole, but really theyre the asses for annoying me in the first place.
Check your privilage shitlords! He implied Islamic culture has negative aspects, he's a racist bigot and you are too if you agree with him!








When I see a respectful man on a motorcycle, I want to ride his dick, and I'm not even close to bi or gay.

You have no idea how thankful people will be for being a cautious driver, in a world of assholes that don't pay attention and fucking talk on the phone or text.
see >>702003685
>black guy with green mohawk
People will listen to them for some reason.
Okay I just want to let you know that I, the guy who actually said this >>701999366 , am not the person responding to you. This >>701999888 and everything after it are someone else.

Just wanted to be clear on that, whoever you're arguing with is likely just trying to get a rise out of you.
Because they can get away with it.
How's brexit treating you? Better or worse than having Trump and Hillary running at the same time?
Faggot found
Yeah, I know a guy who was accused of rape. He was acquitted when it came out that she banged three guys in one night separately and accused them all. Still ruined his teaching job, his dream, forever.

I know that these cases might not be the majority, but one is enough to scare me shitless.
i've never hit anyone or crashed a car for the 10 years i've been driving. my first car was a bmw m3 e46 when they first came out and ever since then i've loved sportscars and love driving them.

i have a lot of control over my car, so its much safer than someone driving reckless in a toyota camry.

fuck off my watch costs more than one of those
What's actually funny about this is my eyes are fucked and I'm literally colorblind so there would be no way to prove it to me. Also, the way colour is received is different from person to person and entirely subject to the individual, such as an opinion "Donald Trump is an asshole". What would be more acceptable in these scenarios are "I believe the sky is blue" and "I believe Trump is an asshole"
>when your wife tells you to jerk off instead
I mean muslims or hindus do have this train of thought but honestly its really rare men rape their wives
America dude. You answered your own question lol. XD
Tell them you spent all your $ on the car or that it isn't yours.

Ask yourself, young grasshopper... Why drive it to the store when its a car designed for leisure? Why have a car that is designed to set the driver apart from the rest and then hate being noticed (your case being bothered by verbal and visual communications) ?
They make the comic because people still rape women and think it is okay because she has put out before. Thats why it exists. In the south i hear a common sentiment that a husband cannot rape a wife because of her duty to god. People do believe rape is okay and just dont consider themselves to be participating in it. Some people know they are rapists and think its okay and doesnt harm people.
Then lastly you have the rapists that know there rapists and know it hurts people and still do it anyway.

That comic is directed at people that dont consider themselves rapists for forcibly having sex with a girl.
>I'm not an asshole, I just have a nice car
I get you and I respect that. My bad. See, I was prejudice too, thinking you were just like those stuffy old fucks that think they're better than everyone else and expect to be able to merge when there's no room because of their fancy car.

I was the asshole.
because everyone always believes them. Go to that subreddit '2xchromosomes and you will see like 200 made up rape stories a day and you can't be skeptical of them or you'll get banned lol. I always tell them 'that's not rape' or 'sounds like you were just drunk and led him on' it really gets those bitches riled up.
because is her fantasy c:
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You kind of illustrate my point here. If an idea seems so blatantly common sense to one person as the sky is blue or donald trump is an asshole, and the other person has some radically different mindset or sensory abilities, like being white trash, or being color blind, then they're never going to get it, they're just impaired. It's not their fault, they're just limited.
but thats reality

162 doesnt really say shit - tests are more than often just useless
are you samefagging hard, or have all the retards in this thread never realized this obvious shit?
30% of adult rape cases were committed by husbands, common-law partners, or boyfriends.

please just base some of your ideas on data...
See now, this would interest me if I ever saw any evidence for it, but I've NEVER heard anyone say that a wife is morally obligated to put out for her husband, except for two cases, a radical muslim, and a piece of white trash, and you know that neither of them are going to learn anything from the comic, so why bother?

IS A RAPIST GOING TO CHANGE THEIR MIND BECAUSE OF A FUCKING WEBCOMIC? If someone is that twisted, no feminist comic is going to even slightly tweak their mind.

This comic could potentially be read by two types of people
1. The theoretical misogynists who could benefit from it, but would never take is seriously
2. The people who already agree, and will gain nothing from reading it.

So again, what's the point?
Well said but they can also at least attempt to be open minded and consider the argument of others. There's such thing as willful ignorance and it seems to be prevalent today. Like everyone thinks they have all the answers and the world all figured out.

I'm a moderate and the first thing I did was accept that I don't know everything or have all the answers. It's up to us to argue and socialize to find the answers by listening and considering other opinions.

It's like humanity has shut itself out but humanity is a social creature and can't survive without community. A hermit lives knowing that at any moment, if they craved social interaction, they could go into town.

How dreadful would it be for a human to know that they are truly and totally alone in the world? I assume one would commit suicide out of sheer boredom.
>Tell them you spent all your $ on the car or that it isn't yours.
no one will believe that
>Why drive it to the store when its a car designed for leisure?
its my only car and i drive it everywhere.
>Why have a car that is designed to set the driver apart from the rest and then hate being noticed?
because there aren't a lot of sportscars that aren't blatantly sportscars.

the real assholes are people driving hondas and putting crazy exhaust mods on their cars to act cool
They're probably just glad to hear it when so much of society would say that the truth is just sexism and bigotry.
they don't.
Not everyone is as informed as /pol/.
Oh God... And the decals and window tint and scoops upon scoops.

People are jealous. Not everyone can enjoy seeing a nice car being used. I like seeing them.
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victims get attention and get to feel special
>I'm a moderate
>I'm not ignorant
>I accept that the world is wide and beautiful
>We need to expand your horizons and learn how the world REALLY is
I bet you're a vegan, too. Do you vape? How's that liberal arts degree coming along?
>you're an asshole
"Well a group of people believe it so its obviously fact"
By this theory, the earth used to be flat, but then changed shape and is now spherical. This is the power of belief
>exhaust mods
I agree full heartedly with this. A tiny 4 cylinder engine that sounds like a retard with his dick caught in the zipper screaming through a megaphone.
Everyone is alone, anon. You may have all kinds of friends, but at the end of the day, you're alone in your own head.
>taking the bait
Are you telling me that people should not try and stop rape because you think it wont have an impact?

Maybe a future husband may understand that it is important to have consent and not rape someone in the future.

There are never only two sides to an argument. This is a false dicodomy. There are many people who dont want to rape women, but dont understand fully what rape is.

At least the web comic is trying to have an impact, unlike you who wished they didnt make an attempt.
Shh... These quacks can't handle that truth.
I like meat but try to eat healthy. I don't smoke but I drink alcohol sometimes. Business.

Am I really so interesting that you'd want to know my diet, anon? Bacon is great. Do you like bacon too?
look at this report
Attempted rape is still rape. Lulz
That's not how greentext works. Greentext is used to quote or imply a quote from someone. You should have said

you're an asshole
>"Well a group of people believe it so its obviously fact"
By this theory, the earth used to be flat, but then changed shape and is now spherical. This is the power of belief
No one flosses regularly except you Clapistanis
I dont understand what point you are driving at. Explain further and I will respond.
I realised that after I posted. The fact still remains though
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>those male tears
>sweet like candy
You're right. That's why we can't sleep at night. The thoughts never end. That's why we talk with other people, so the voices go away.

Everyone is crazy, to a point. When you go to check yourself in to a mental institution, they aren't gauging if you're crazy or not. They already know you are guaranteed to have SOME problems. They just measure if you're capable of handling life on the outside.
Your mom flosses.
Okay. So, you think that if someone is genuinely confused about the issue, if they don't know about these consent issues, that a metaphorical webcomic is the best way to go about it? Fuck no, because you need to understand the context to get the comic. If you don't know about the issue in the first place, it'll just look like a retarded comic until someone explains it to you, and at that point, given the effort wasted, you may as well just have straight up explained it to them in the first place.
Irrelevant post is so irrelevant
Read the name of the thread
If it's to someone close to them they obviously cried rape as a way to get back at them
More mindless irrelevant posts.
"You sound like a faggot," said the troll, quickly losing interest in this.
That female passive aggressiveness that will undoubtedly end in crying to a romance movie while eating sweets with no one to hold at night.

Tastes bitter, like your boyfriend's semen.
and the extremely cambered wheels
my back wheels are cambered inwards a little for stability when drifting.
it sounds so fucking shit and its loud as fuck

fun story, one time i was driving on the highway going 70 in a 75 and some faggot in a honda civic rolls up next to me and the passenger rolls down his window and tries to get my attention, so i ask what he wants and he wants to race me. i said sure whatever because we were in the middle of no where and the passenger was giving a countdown with his fingers, when the 'race' started i shifted into 6th gear and just gassed it knowing they would have no chance, and this idiots engine fucking BLEW in the middle of the highway. i was laughing my ass off
We're all faggots, anon. Please respond :(
Even in a metaphor for homossexual rape it must be a male homossexual "couple".
Even after three comics the white man commits the aggression. It's always the white male evil beast the aggressor
You're an idiot. I never said rape doesn't exist, I never said men don't rape, I said a webcomic isn't going to change the minds of anyone who already rapes people. Explain that, and maybe we can talk.
This shit is /b/ nigga damn. Get some Listerine and call it a night.
guaranteed (You)s
>If anyone knew I was a race traitor and a skank, I'd just die.
because american people has a retarded relation to sex. For example, they don't have brothel or escort. But there is strip club everywhere and are the worldwide leader in pornography production.

They are super scared of STD and pregnancy like if condom or contraceptive didn't exist. The fear of having herpes is so big that it prevents them from enjoying a fun sex life.

Plus they need to get shitfaced or high to have sex.

So the false rape allegation comes from all that slut-shaming ( related to their manic fear of STD), and hypocrisy about sex. If a girl is having sex with a guy in a way that she will have negative consequence on her ( and you can read everyday on this board all the guy telling things like "i won't date a girl that had a lot of partner before me, because it's disgusting and she's full of std" ) she is tempted to lie about it and say it was rape.

If you were a bit more open minded when it comes to sex, and stopped slut shaming then it would be easier for the girl to be at ease with being a slut, and then she won't have to make false rape accusation
>Your Complete Test Report1 has been generated and can be accessed immediately for only : €19.92.
im currently a poor fag and dont have that kind of money to spend on validation but god damn that test waseasy
You lean in right direction. Lean too far and you will fall into alligator exhibit.
Why is that abvious?
I dont think it is.
Show that this is the case and I would be open to change my mind. You provide no evidence to anything you say though.

"A false accusation of rape is the intentional reporting of a rape where no rape has occurred. It is difficult to assess the prevalence of false accusations because they are often conflated with non-prosecuted cases under the designation "unfounded."[1][2] However, in the United States, the FBI Uniform Crime Report in 1996 and the United States Department of Justice in 1997 reported that 8% of the rape accusations had been through investigation determined to be false, a rate higher than that for any other indexed crime.[3][4][5] Studies in other countries have reported their own rates at anywhere from 1.5% (Denmark) to 10% (Canada).[6] Due to varying definitions of a "false accusation", the true percentage remains unknown.[7]"

So the most any study has show is 1 in 10 rape accusations are false. Links to all studies are at the bottom of the page.
Easy way to make money if youre a dumb cunt

I had a 1984 Pontiac Sunbird. Had a weird little console on the interior. I wasn't expecting much from it but it could haul ass. The top speed wasn't much but the acceleration was godly. I could beat hondas with ease and go toe to toe with mustangs, in a short race.
Okay. Not run that 8% by the total number of rapes in the world. You end up with hundreds of thousands of false accusations. Hundreds of thousands of men (and women, presumably) who have their lives disrupted and ruined by false accusations.
Sometimes i sort of feel bad for women

It all started in the 40's, 50's and 60's when western pop culture became a thing
Movies represented women as dumbasses and objects and shit, while making them very feminine - these qualities are not the same, but they were represented together

Fast forward to today, and now women associate feminine qualities with these bad qualities, which don't actually have anything in common. Feminism is a fight against being feminine while thinking they're fighting against these bad qualities that stopped being shoved on women in at least the 80's.

It's a reasonable response, but a misguided one
transams are kick ass honestly
>says it was easy
>didn't even get the results
>1 in 10
Dear god that is a lot
I dont think it is the best way to change peoples minds, but could be impactful as supplemental content to other education they receive.

Just because something is not perfect does not mean it should not be done. If the comic stops one rape then it would be a full success in my mind and I think that it has the possibility of doing that.

I dont think the comic will cause more people to become rapists, so there would not be a negative impact.
Prove that it will have no impact and thusly isnt work attempting. Why are you not okay with people trying to combat rape? I understand you dont think it will have an impact, but that is not assured of.
I bet the cases that flaunt themselves and reach out for media attention are much more likely to be false
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fixed this for you.
It was irrelevant just like your post. This is /b/ get over it.
The comic won't stop any rapes.

Even if that person doesn't beforehand think that it would be rape to assume consent in those situations, when the person they're trying to have sex with tells them no, and resists, it'll be pretty obvious it's rape.

Just because they expected consent before hand doesn't mean they aren't going to think it's rape when they're holding someone down and blowing them.
you dont get the point
hahaha dude I love you
Yes that is a problem, now you would have to look into how many of those false accusations lead to convictions to know the actual impact.

I am combating the idea that it is LIKELY for a women to falsely accuse someone, like most of the people in this thread suggest. The data does not show this. On average a small portion of women falsely report rapes.
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Because they feel guilty the next day..
Fuck. Why have to pay for test? Any free legit tests?
totally get it. she feels she shouldnt have loaned him the car after he already returned it, so she said he stole it.
pretty clear cut and simple really.
I personally agree with the movements to have higher punishment for rape, but I also think that the punishment for falsely accusing somebody of rape, should bare the same punishment.
But shit is still stuck in my teeth after I floss
You're deliberately asking me to prove it because you know I never could, and no one ever will. Despite how solid my reasoning might be, until I produce a peer reviewed study with a large sample size, you'd say it's bullshit, smugly satisfied in knowing that you can just shout about burden of proof, and never have to explain how you think a webcomic is going to change a rapist's mind.

I'm not saying that the web comic could never illuminate people on points of consent, I'm saying that if someone is willing to go so far as to listen to someone tell them no and resist the advances, then rape them anyway, that comic would do nothing for that twisted fuck.
i agree completely
Yes but it is not more than other in other areas.

In 2004, Sheridan and Blaauw said that they estimated that 11.5% of claims in a sample of 357 reported claims of stalking were false.
Is this womansplaining?
Trying to twist what a man says to fit her femenazi viewpoint?
Reductio ad absurdum
I saw this shit happen in college with a number of sorority girls:
>first few weekends of the school year
>shit show house party
>sorority sluts pair-off with equally, if not more drunk guys
>sludge back to the dorms
>drunken fuck
>later that morning
>girl wakes up embarrassed/doesn't remember what all went down
>cries rape to her massively retarded friends/sisters
>the hive-minded twats rally around her and slander the clueless guy she fucked
>he now has a bad reputation so Susie Slut doesn't have to
Also false rape accusations are only confirmed I assume till they're innocent, there are guys in jail for rape still to this day for no reason. Some guys stay in jail for up to ten years till they get found innocent
lol Jew bitches dumb as hell
Yeah, trolls do that. Dumbass.
It says they're smarter than you.

"Tests don't mean shit."

- Every jelly low iq twat
Why did it take so long for him to tell the other man to stop giving him weights? Why did he take it at all?
Prove that the comic will have no chance ever of impacting anyone views on rape and I will say that it doesnt matter if it exists or not.

Why does it matter if it exists? Why are you upset about that?

Let people help end rape in the ways that they can. What have you been doing to stop it?
>driving a meme car
Then brush them better.
this. its nice to be on the high end of the bell curve. its pretty easy to tell when you meet someone else above 130
Yeah I'm not really sure how unscrambling a word or knowing the next shape in a sequence of shapes translates to real world intelligence.
What people are worried about is that there's a growing push from feminists that people who say they were raped should be believed and supported without any amount of evidence.

I know false rape accusations aren't that common, but when you see a chick get on CNN and have popular media personalities agreeing with them when they say that you "NEED TO JUST BELIEVE THE VICTIMS", then people get worried.

Guilty until proven innocent, right?

That's what I'm worried about. Social values will percolate into changes in the law over time, and I worry about that mentality spreading.
Tits or GTFO
I agree it will not impact the majority of people, but the chance that it stops one rape is worth its existence.

Why are you arguing that someone trying to stop rape shouldnt?
probably because he wanted everyone to think he was a strong ass weightlifter until shit got out of his comfort zone then he whined like a bitch.
I think this >>702008268 illustrates my point better than anything I could say.
No read the study...
I have raped (grey, whatever) and have only been accused by the chicks I never touched. Also dudes never say anything lol pride I guess
What the fuck, that slut on the left looks exactly like my sister.
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I've been through some shit in my time. It's made me who I am and I wouldn't trade that for anything. My struggles have given me real world experience and have helped me mature and grow as a person. These SJW cunts take one bad situation and wallow in it like pigs in shit. They do this because they're bland, boring, and overall just the kind of people no one likes. Tumblr faggots are about as self centered and mindless as most /b/tards. Their victim status is the only thing that makes them stand out from an ozean of others, and they know this, so they desperately cling to to it to seem interesting and complicated. The reason why myself and many others refuse to be around these people is because they act as a ball and chain once you see past their facade.

In before angry /b/uttmunchers attack me for comparing them to land whales.
I meant brush my bad
After I brush shit is still stuck in my teeth
Because they are the most pampered, indulged and deferred-to generation of human beings ever in the history of the world, and it's not enough. It's never going to be enough.
It seems like a waste of effort. It's not going to stop even one rape, any more than me posting a sign on a wall that says, "Don't fight holy wars," will stop terrorism.

If they really want to they can make it, but they're idiots if they think it'll make a difference.
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If it's truly underreported..... how do you know it's underreported?

I want to die.
So you are pushing back against a perceived injustice against men?

I agree that the 1 in 10 falsely accused men should not be declaired guilty before the trial.

I think that the 9 out of 10 women who are actually accusing their rapists should be considered truthful until proven otherwise.

Evidence needs to be gathered and analyzed in both cased and judgement should be withheld till then.
subjective experience first off
second you are a terrible person and should stop destroying peoples lives.
read the followup i did to that post then.
My uncle I had never met was falsely accused of molesting his own fucking daughter by his bitch wife. Funny thing is, he died young, the damage was done, and the mother completely cut off all connections to my side of the family... To my female cousin, wherever you are, I hope we can meet one day.
And then she went to gaol.
>I think that the 9 out of 10 women who are actually accusing their rapists should be considered truthful until proven otherwise.
Why would we give them that privilege though? We don't do that for ANY other type of crime. If you report a crime, the cops look into it, and if they don't find any evidence, it's written off and ignored, we don't just take their word as truth and legal writ, which is exactly what many feminists are pushing for, a literal guilty until proven innocent approach to rape in the law.
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Reading comprehension
Supposedly if you brush right that shouldnt happen very often, but if so they suggest a toothpick that you have chewed on the tip to make it soft.

Or you can floss, they never said it was bad for your teeth and probably can be beneficial if your teeth are shaped in a funny way that lots of food gets caught.
Two can play that game then, read what he said to you in reply to that.
I did and it counts rapes that are "unproven" as well, but wouldn't most rapes be unproven because what evidence is their too a rape besides semen samples(which could be lied about because maybe they just didn't wanna get cummed inside and say the whole thing was rape)? Bruises that can be done by themselves? Ripped clothing? Rape cases can be fabricated and manipulated so well.
At least they are trying to stop it...
How much effort have you put in to stop rape?
I dont understand why you are upset about this.
I believe this is a strawman argument.
I do not think most feminists (myself included) would advocate for the incarceration of people without any evidence.

This is also not how the criminal justices system works, there has to be evidence of a crime.
Okay you dont need to be part of the conversation anymore then. I will just talk to the other person. You can read then.
i am 12 and what is this
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Truest shit I've read on here in a while
If it wasn't for rape you wouldn't be here right now
Animals can't really communicate so before humans were fully developed and were apes you think they took other apes out to dinner first?
You better stfu rn before I'm gonna rape every single one of you feminist cucks
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Because they're weak and stupid and ultra conformist by nature. Which is why they should be protected from jewish propaganda and victim industry.
Why am I obligated to stop rape?

I'm not obligated to put out fires, but if I hear that someone is distributing fireproof socks to stop forest fires, I'm still allowed to tell them that's dumb.
There is a multitude of evidence that can be braught to court, just like any other case.

Location, witnesses, DNA, video, footprints, rape kits, cellular data, diaries, search history

You can say that about theft cases even more. All you have to do is say it is gone. That doesnt mean police shouldnt do a full investigation.
That's not a strawman you fucking mong. I'm not even that guy but I fucking hate when people use the strawman fallacy incorrectly.
You're insane.
While it may not always be reported, a fair number of the cases reported are absolute horseshit, and most of the unreported cases are women raping men. It's the most underreported crime on the planet, so think about that while you wallow in self pity, thinking about that time you had consensual sex and regretted it, so you fooled yourself into thinking it was rape.
>I do not think most feminists (myself included) would advocate for the incarceration of people without any evidence.
Okay, to use your own methods against you, rather than address your point, citation needed.
>This is also not how the criminal justices system works, there has to be evidence of a crime.
But like I said earlier, the moral beliefs of people will affect the law and how it's executed. Often times this is good, just look at first wave feminism or the civil rights movement. It would be less good if there was a general mentality that all rape accusations are valid until proven otherwise.
Honestly, the two conversations are so parallel that might as well be what's happening anyway.
You fags are so gay. You think you're so smart. You're a bunch of fucking retards.
This is the most honest thing to the world we live in I've ever found on /b/, and I've honestly found some pretty accurate stuff before. This, my friends, is the word of some higher being, being spoken through this man.
>evidence of a crime.

yeah but in the modern definition of rape the only evidence is often the mental state of the female. Older definitions required physical resistance to prove rape.
Apes also live in the jungle and throw shit, should we do that too because it in our nature. Calling upon rape tradition as a reason to keep doing it is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.

You are an incompetent member of society. You make the world worse for people.
Whoa you guys really know how to sort out conversations. Very impressive skills.
Most feminists also wouldn't say that video game culture is full of misogynist terrorists, but Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quin get more air time than any other major feminists of the day. If most feminists are moderate, maybe you should rally around more moderate leaders.
I've raped several times and know for a fact that they didn't say anything. The real victims don't say anything because their uterus's are ashamed.
Higher being? Nigga that's just some guy with some common sense.
They only do that because they realize it angers men and gets them a ton of free publicity
I believe in a moral obligation to try and stop human suffering.

If you are contributing nothing to stopping rape, what gives you the position to shit on the ways other people are trying to do it.

You can tell anyone you want that they are dumb, but realize they are trying to help and you are doing nothing.
Please explain to me how >>702010730
claim that it's a Strawman is correct
>If anything, rape is severely underrported in our country.

It's a proven fact that 4 out of every 5 reported rapes are fabricated by the "victim".
Why does this reply even exist? It's like you were going for mocking condemnation but got lost halfway there and ended up at indecisive and pointless.
No you haven't. Why do you need to rape anyway unless you're really ugly? Girls are easy as hell.
What gives me the right is that we live in a modern western nation, and I can say whatever I want to. I have no moral obligation to censor myself or to be an activist against a rape epidemic that I don't even know exists.
There's a reason "minorities" means "anything but a white male".. and why our legislation, via affirmative action, favors and coddles them over us.

White man's burden.

They're just as stupid, just as entitled, just as fucking lazy and useless.

Why we let them vote, I don't know.

They're children.
Alright, no one's life has ever been ruined by the sex they had unless that sex also included having their arms hacked off with an axe before being hurled down into a 60 foot ravine and abandoned miles from the nearest road. And that chick literally dragged herself up by her stumps and is today a fairly successful artist. So yeah, rape doesn't ruin lives, bad coping habits do that.
Second off, and really my main point, is that people can only speak from subjective experience. The alternative s waiting for someone to make a ms paint diagram to express your subjective experience for you.
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B-but anon!... They're feminists! They don't like rape! They can't be greedy or manipulative! They can't have flaws, like normal humans! C-check your privilege!
The entire argument is stupid. The whole premise of this is stupid. Rapes are very rare and women pretending to be raped is extremely rare as well. And if a girl claims you raped her even when you didn't you must be a really horrible lay. You must be packing the cocktail wiener.
What feminist believes that men should be locked up based on absolutely no evidence?

Please prove it is not a strawman.
Also you group feminists together like they have a single ideology, which is the furthest thing from the truth.

Feminism is defined as"the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men."
I never post. I'm coming out of the woodwork to tell you the most constructive thing you can hear. You are an idiot. Please consider not reproducing.
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