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Waifu claiming thread. Previous:>>707063778 The rules

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 158
Thread images: 148
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Waifu claiming thread.


The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>insult other waifus
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!
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Sorry for using a small pic, i didn't know it was that small
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Guten Morgen, /waifu/.
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hey Alice, been a while
sleep good?
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Nice bulge
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初音ミク – 92.jpg
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>File too large (file: 2.1MB, max: 2MB)
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>he is 26 years old
why has he never learned to ride a bike?
isnt that a basic thing you learn as a kid
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>>707084121 (shiro)
I don't get how people find consolation in the concept of reincarnation. It would be basically the same as nothingness, in fact actually even worse.
Your soul would be stripped of everything, all memories, thoughts and experiences, everything that defines you as a person would just vanish and what's left of it would be put into some random baby that will grow up to be another person then have the same done to it after they die.
Reincarnation in the world we live in would mean that all is naught and there's no point in even living.

>>707083830 (Alice)
>find the strength
Meh, maybe you just need something to look forward to when you get out of bed in the morning. Have you tried a hobby or drugs?

>>707084045 (Fox)
>being a normie
Normie. REEEEEE!

>>707084233 (Tsundere)
>enemy for life
No idea. Someone was mad at me, so I did what every good friend would do, created some accounts and emails and shit so I could pretend I was him and tried my best to make up with the girl that didn't liked him anymore.
So what if I asked her for her panties, I was trying to be flirty!!?

>Show us some pantsu in order to revive it.
Didn't even need to, worked like a charm already.
I barely got any sleep due to my insomnia. How about you?

Wie geht es?
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Oi, mate. I dislike your filename.
Pantsu of gtfo.
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It's a redo ticket. A way to do everything anew again.
How're you doing?
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I didn't play very many TPS games. There weren't too many that my parents let me play when I was small
My cunt sister has a boyfriend, my brother hates black people as much as I do.
I'm the one who sits in a basement watching anime and has a waifu. I think out of all of us, I'm the least likely to ever reproduce anyway
What is this
Alice <3
Never tried drugs, can't think of any hobbies that would interest me enough for me to actually put an effort into
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still here
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what? I really am not sure what about this is irony and what isnt kek
what i believe is that you tried to fuck someone over because he was mad at you?
oh that sucks im sorry. No sleeping meds?
i had a drunk snooze, so i slept pretty long and deep
always great
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How does it feel to know that your waifu is a transitional fad that will eventually fall into oblivion while mine is eternal?
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My other 4 siblings and all my cousins learned, he just never did for some reason.
Ain't no normie, I just like to appear as one.
Plus I like being /fit/, it makes me confident and makes me feel good.
YA ne govoryu po-nemetski.
What if he dates a spic?Or someone with inferior genes?Or if he turns out to be sterile?
Sister still doesn't count.
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literally who
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Unlimited respawns without an end or goal just make the whole process meaningless.
Besides all the thinking about death I'm doing good. How about you?

How about painting (can use pc for all I care), blacksmithing, heroin or falconry?

Nah, none of the kind. I'm a friendly fellow.
The two of us have a mutual friend who has a somewhat decent sister, and so a few days ago we were all joking about how friend A wanted to smell her panties. Well, mostly me and friend B, but A was somewhat in on it. So B decided to just walk up straight to his sister and asked her if she had any pantsu she could wear for a couple of days and then give them to A. She apparently was a little weirded out and A got really mad and left skype, because we would make him look like a "sick pervert".
So I tried to help, clarifying that A (who I was posing as) only wanted to sniff her stripped pantsu because there's a study that shows that people who enjoy each others smell tend to have much better relationships.
No idea why he's still pissed.

As far as I know /fit/ is the fastest board to turn you into a gay nazi.

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Alice 48.jpg
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Anything is better than a nigger. And if all those things happen, then oh well. I guess it dies with me. I couldn't care any less than I do since nothing will ever make me have children
Those are some pretty expensive hobbies in my area. Also some of them don't even exist in my area.
As for drugs, I don't have money anyway so I wouldn't be able to do any anyways
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初音ミク – 831.jpg
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It physically does.

I'd still like to see some pantsu, but I see you're already trying to get someone else to post it.
>Have you tried a hobby or drugs?
I have too much of both of those.

Even if the soul is the same no past memories or experience will transfer to the new life form. It's like starting for the first time, every time.

I didn't play that many either, and sadly the Ratchet series don't run smoothly on PS2 emulators.
But my PC is now a lot better than what I used to have, I should try emulating it again.

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Definitely, emulators are a whole lot of fun if you can find the right game for it! I think I would like to try playing LOTR: The Third Age. That game was a whole lot of fun
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download (1).jpg
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Claiming best tomboy
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Glad to hear!
My sleeping meds don't work for me, I experience bad side effects when using them.

Du bist galil, nicht wahr?
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I don't go on /fit/, they just want to fuck each other instead of getting STRONK
I don't understand why, but fine.
Also, guns is a pretty good hobby
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looks good in blue.png
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It hurts the heart.
A clean slate every time, doesn't sound too bad to me. And I never said it was unlimited reincarnation. Maybe it was only one time that you get reincarnated.
I'm watching some (american) college football.
Also, not your dad.
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Besides falconry (and heroin) they aren't all that expensive.
All you need for blacksmithing is a coal grill, a hammer, a hairdryer, an oven and some metal. Also an anvil but you can make something that'll do yourself with just a couple bucks. There are tutorials on youtube.
Art on a PC requires maybe a $100-150 tablet.

If that's too much for you, try juggling, knife throwing or some sports.

Well, if it's for you.
Hard ones?

I think they want to get stronk so that the other cuties will fuck them.
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Sunset Shimmer is cute.
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well thats kinda weird
what made him want to learn it now?
oh hahaaha, thats fucking weird
i gotta say he has some balls to ask someone that
why did you pose as A though, and not just as yourself?
oh that sucks, i hope little sleep doesnt affect your daily life too much
how have you been this last week?
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Seeing these these beasts trade in their ability to walk in their 40s for money in their 20s sure is a blast!

I'm utterly disgusted that you are able to recognize that pony.

Because I'm such a good friend. Wanted her to be all chill again with A and not feel like I was just protecting him. B was just laughing like a maniac the whole time so he was no help.
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A best, be good to her anon.
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Alice 29.jpg
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That's a scary looking heart!
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would you rather have all the money and power in the world or would you rather struggle paycheck to paycheck with only your waifu by your side?
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It is great, and I love it.
That's a human, not a pony. At least to my knowledge.
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Alice 26.jpg
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I don't have money to buy guns
UNfortunately, literally everything seems to be outside my budget. I can spend maybe 50$ once and not much more than that
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Paycheck to paycheck with my waifu, as it's how I'm already living and I'd say I'm doing just fine.
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Alice 96.png
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That question isn't even worth asking. I'd rather have my waifu by my side than anything
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I always honor my queen
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I don't know what's happening
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There's too many possibilities and none of them is proven, but thinking about them can be fun. A single resurrection could be quite karmic, if your lived a less favourable life your first time in Earth the second one will be better.

PS2 emulator is still rather incomplete but if the game runs smoothly I actually prefer playing it in the computer than the PS2. I have more tools like a lot more visual settings that include improvements and the possibility to mod games a little.
Having a PS or Xbox controller that works with the computer helps.

LOTR has a lot of good single players, I kinda miss this one I had for PC that was one of the first games I completed not counting consoles.
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Oh no.jpg
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Nothing good. Go back and hide in Ran's tail, it's safe there
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>Well, if it's for you.
Cute shimapan, you deserve some too.
>Hard ones?
Not yet, but I plan to try some and have had chances before.
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i feel you
>stella44.jpg: File too large (file: 2.07 MB, max: 2 MB).
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Alice eating 2.jpg
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Be back in a bit, food
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So we'll have to work with what we already got.
- Get gimp or and fuck around on some graphics forum.
- learn programming (java is easy as shit and you can go from there)
- make music on your pc using free software
- steal
- woodcarving
- beekeeping (did you know they are dying at an alarming rate?)
- master the art of masturbation
- read the law
- competitive knitting

Are you living with your parents?
How much are you making?

Money. Makes life much easier. Poorfags don't even know.

If you keep posting pantsu I got some other hard thing for you.
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Thinking about stuff is fun.
see >>707088525
Also, you got a problem with me knowing ponies, faggeroni? I bet I can name more ponies than you.
It's all been going fine! How was your week, Yun?

That's a scary looking scythe!

The latter sounds so much better.
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Pantsu as requested.

What is what?
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初音ミク – 833.jpg
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I would have stopped here but I can't with those digits.
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Sunset Shimmer was a pony who went through a portal and became a human. She would become a pony again if she came back through.
>Pic related
Please don't ban, it's for information purposes
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kek very good friend
that kinda sucks though, how did you meet these guys?
anything interesting happened?
it was okay, felt a bit under the weather the entire week but weekend always gets me feeling all good again
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The real mystery is why your replies and this one are so far apart.
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all the money and power in the world
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Interesting, I never knew.
But only about 2% of her screentime is as a pony. She mostly shown as a human. Shes often stealth posted on other boards because many won't know where she's from.
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Obviously the waifu, although she is more than successful enough to help me with my financial struggles.
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whats up mask
i dont see how that is a mistery
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I bet you can. But have you heard of that rainbow dash guy?

Best pantsu, but that face is confusing my boner.

I do have to admit that there are many high quality pictures of Miku, which is a great advantage for a waifu, and the pantsu are lit, but Homu was still best T_T.

A is old friend from school, B I met at university.
Meh, he's gonna be coming back tomorrow, maybe be a little salty but it'll be okay.


Clearly I didn't know this either, as I am not of the ponyfags. How wierd to have someone claiming this animal.
I read a lot, cooked a lot, and got a rational amount of sleep for once during this week. Nothing really interesting.
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For I had not noticed that I had gotten (You)'s. That is why I deem it a mystery.
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There is no excuse nigger
I don't know
Waifu for laifu
You disgust me

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cute gal.png
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Rainbow Dash ain't no guy.
The only reason I know is because a good friend of mine is a brony.
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Tomoko (43).png
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Most popular girl claimed
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well im sure he can appreciate the effort
any plans for your sunday?
well atleast you got some sleep, thats pretty
how are you liking the mangas you picked up
also i looked everywhere and didnt find a single place where they have Zodiac, i was sad
bb i would always give you (you)'s
still doesnt make sense though
you arent really in a talketive mood
you up to something?
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Tomoko (28).jpg
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You're a cutie
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初音ミク – 829.jpg
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You might like her character better but I'm confident that Miku is the one for me while Homu was plagued with reasons that make me want to have her at most as a friend.

As someone who autistically collects music and tries to expand my tastes as much as possible, it's lovely to have a waifu that composes part of my library.

And pantsu.
She looks stressed in that picture.
They're really good! Parasyte gives off a Tokyo Ghoul vibe. Toradora's had me hooked so far with it's story and characters.
The original 1986 version is hard to find, I only have one physical copy. Have you tried searching online?
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I was doing something else, and forgot I made the post. Now I'm out and about on a Pokémon hunt.

Why thank you.
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She is cute like that, even though I want to keep her smiling.
Don't say that. Tokyo Ghoul is shit where Parasyte has amazing writing also Migi dies
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Look, it's Miku's personality.
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I'm kind of busy, but I really don't want to be.
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Tomoko (48).png
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You and you're waifu
I give you an 9210 for that attempt at spoiling
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the guy.jpg
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i fuck anime girls
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Oh, due to hair color, eye patch and small visible area I thought it was Rei and not you, my German Kamerad!
How's it going?

You are right, for there are only few male ponies such as BigMac, Soarin and multiple background ponies like Dr. Whooves.
The only reason I know is because of cringethreads.

>most popular girl
>no (You)s

He's fun to tease due to his saltiness.
Nothing much really, you?

I guess I can respect that choice, though I'll miss homu. Fortunately I got most of her pantsu pics saved.

Does Miku also do throat singing?
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yea i had that as well, since i watched TG before Parasyte. The latter gets really good towards the end
yea but its gonna cost me quite a bit of money, i could ask it for christmas. But i think its even over that budget
im kinda low on money lately
oh kek
well alright have fun and go catch some pkmen
a qt
whats going on?
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Alice 66.jpg
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LOTR: The Third Age was the first game I ever finished. I have a bad habit of starting a game and never finishing it.
I'm not sure what it was about it, I just really enjoyed it for whatever reason
I do in fact live with my parents. I'm making 0$ because I decided to quit my job so I could focus on my studies.
Programming is actually something I'm taking in school right now, we're learning C
I have GIMP, but I have some difficulty figuring out how to use it. The tutorials I found weren't very good for explaining how to use it
I actually didn't click that one, this is the one I wanted to use
Not sure why I clicked that one by accident
This waifu looks very familiar
Is there room in the tail for another?
It's a Laura
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How are doing tonight?
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Happy Alice.jpg
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Illya! Welcome back!
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is my vagina talking.jpg
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I can only name one male pony. You're the bigger faggot, I always knew it
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Tomoko (70).jpg
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Woah calm down there with all the (You)s you're giving me
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Syndra [306].jpg
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Why is her vagina talking?
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yea i recognise that haha
not really as well, got to do some school i have been neglacting it a bit
tsm lost their first match, so a bit sad
but i still have hope
how was your DnD session?
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Hello Alice! What are you up to?
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Possibly, I could get called in hopefully, work yesterday and tomorrow, I need the money.
Excited for PAX?
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Tomoko (58).png
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Would emo rory be rawry xD?
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Kuroki Tomoko CUTE.jpg
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Took a 4 hour nap on accident.

What the fug.
>makes a sigil to summon vigil
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need muh sweets.jpg
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I don't know.
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Pushing the limits
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So your studies aren't enough to get you out of bed? Are they too boring or too challenging?

Well, I guess there are many better tutorials for Photoshop, so you may wanna get that instead.
There are plenty of ways to get it, though simply cracking would be easiest.
What would you like to do with it?

Thank you!
What are the ass checks saying?

I know you don't need mine due to how popular you are.
How's it feel to have acquired the one most desired being in the universe, the one true waifu?

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Awfully Tomoko-y in here today...
Yeah, not excited for the money I need to save, but excited for the event.
I dont think so. Shes too upbeat to ever be emo.
Just start discussing Fallout 5, or any Fallout.
Morning Fuhrer
It was really fun! Unfortunately one member of the party just didn't show up today so we were a man short, but we got a lot done. Cleared a haunted mansion, found a lost child (she had been kidnapped) and brought the kidnapper back to the town alive (he was executed pretty brutally.) And found out the local bard was a master vampire hunter in disguise.
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cute stuff.jpg
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I don't know, whatever booru I got it from didn't provide a translation.
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Oh My.png
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I've just got some stuff to take care of.Nothing to worry about.
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IF she was emo
you got a problem m8
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i guess yeah
Its "Ta-something" don't remember what the other rune is
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Ah well, I hope it'll all be worth it in the end. Should be fun. Saving money and spending it all in one go hurts, but it's made to be spent I guess.
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We're past this point. She has traits that I love that you can't find in any other character. There's no need to be so upset over someone's else waifu.

She has a lot of potential and flexibility, I'm certain it's possible to make it sound more pleasant than this, but here's an example.
1:54-2:16 and 3:47-4:25

It does make me glad to know you were saving them, she is still an amazing character. Tuvans seem to be much more extensive in their throat singing than any other culture that I've heard do it before.

It seems to have a turn based combat system where each character takes turns individually and you can predict the order through the interface. Kinda like FFX, I love that combat system.
How was the leveling and status system in it?
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Goth > Emo any and every day.
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Alice Baskervilles.jpg
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Good morning Kirino. Did you sleep well?
Hello master. You're still awake?
Just finished watching a funny YT video. Getting into WoW again after a few days away
They get me out of bed when I actually have class. But I find it kind of tedious some days, like I'm wasting my time with it.
I went looking for a good photoshop torrent, but they all had comments saying they were virus filled, even with a ton of seeders and leechers. So I just left it
Too much Tomoko
I can't remember too well. I just remember getting new skills and needing to build your party appropriately, because some of them had "Wolf Bane" as a skill and it fucking rekt wolves.
It's been over 10 years since I played that game I think
Miku's voice is shit sounds like autotune
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oh dude that sounds hella fun
i always wanted to play DnD...
all these stories get me hyped for it
what character are you playing as?
alright well good luck with it man
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Tomoko (64).png
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Most goth people are emo poseurs. They don't even wear gothic clothing.
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Satsuki Kiryuuin (01).jpg
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Hatsune Miku is the postergirl for seasonal. Dare I say more seasonal than megumeme
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dress 7.jpg
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3DPD is seasonal.
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If she was, then the cuts would heal perfectly so its not a cry for help.
Its more that I have to pay back my brother a whole bunch of money.
>calls someone out for seasonal
>posts a 3dpd seasonal
Please, my sides can only take so much pummeling.
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You have that backwards. Most Emo are Goth posers who don't even wear goth clothing.
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ARM Bottle.gif
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What makes Megaman seasonal?
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Syndra [338].png
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Hello sss.4
I was playing some games.
Might go to sleep now.
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Confused boners are the best boners!

Another anon used to use her awhile back before switching
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>being to new to get the meme
How the fuck
I do it for the lulz
And you're worst Shiro
I painted you, syndra
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Oh, you're serious.
Let me laugh even harder.
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I was on a Pokémon hunt, but I'm heading back home now.

Scratch that, heading back now.

>(The urge to scream "desu" is rising.)

It's Shizuru!
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Alice 11.jpg
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Are you sleepy now?
I thought that was Homura, I wasn't sure though. I missed seeing her here!
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That's pretty cool. Never really got into mmorpg's. Mostly because of subscription fees.
So I made my character specifically to introduce some randomness and chaos into the campaign, because in my mind that makes things more fun. It's a half orc with multi-personality disorder (actually has a curse on him that merged his soul with that of two others). The "main" personality is a chaotic neutral barbarian who was an adventurer before being cursed, at which point he isolated himself from society. Then there's a lawful good paladin who was hunting down a traitor to his kingdom when he died (he doesn't know that he died, and is very confused as to why he's a half orc now.) Then the last one is a chaotic evil wizard who acts as a jester who has been reincarnating for hundreds of years through this curse and loves to make things interesting. The jester is basically my excuse to throw wrenches into the plans of the group to make us have to improvise and shit.
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It can sound more natural once you layer and treat it enough.
It's certainly not shit and that can be said from her popularity and success in hundreds of different audiences, your problem if you can't enjoy it.
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Alice 21.jpg
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Laura is a cute too!
>Why are you screaming desu!
Yeah, I wasn't able to pay the subscription for quite a while. I forked over the 15$ for the expansion though, and I been farming gold so I could get more time without needing to pay for it
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Syndra [341].png
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I guess you could say that.
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Unfortunately im not the same one, but I'll try my best to make up for that.
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Morning Alice, guess you could say I slept well, getting normal sleep feels somewhat nice.
How're you?

Ouch, why do you have to pay your brother? You got lent some money?
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You mean from the amount of Miku hentai? Come on Homura you know you're a seasonal cuck.
a cute
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You're right, it's katakana. But isn't it kyon?
Whatever that may mean.

Grüß Gott, Volker. Wie geht's?

Oh vey, the goyim know!

Hello masochist. Why you you like trash so much?

Not bad. A bit high pitched, but it is a girl after all.
Do you use the program as well?

It's the same, isn't it?

You don't need a full download.
Get the 30 day trial. It has all functions. Then replace a single file with one you got who knows where and you're set.
Alternatively you can get a new trial every 30 days. There are also other ways, but these seem to be the most simple ones.

PokemonGo was great for the first week or so until they fucked up the radar... haven't played since. Is it still worth the effort?

I can't stroke it anymore as he's now to busy researching the meaning of all this.
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Is a swan a duck?
Is a lion a tiger?

They are similar, but different.
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oh okay
why though?
kek that sounds pretty great tbh but is there something that triggers a personality? i mean can you just decide when which one comes up or?
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Doesn't bother me. Just is.
Ehh it's better than when there was however many Rin.
Hello there. How're you?
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I'm not saying I'm screaming, I said that the urge to do so is getting stronger.

Even though they added the Buddy system and finally brought around the Plus feature, it's still not worth it. They aren't listening to what the players say needs updated anyways.

The incense ran out.

Just got back home from Pokémon hunting.
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Alice 76.jpg
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Well, if you're going to sleep, I hope you sleep well!
It's okay, I know you aren't. They're in thread right now. I'm just happy to see Homura back
Glad to hear you got some good sleep! It can be hard to get.
I'm not doing too badly. Finished eating a while ago and now I'm just bumming around on WoW for a bit until I lose interest again. You got anything planned for you Sunday?
I wonder where I would go about finding a crack for it. I'll have to look into this
>it didn't like my lenny face so I had to remove it :(
I only ever saw one Rin. I miss him, I wonder where he went
I stayed with him for a few months when I didnt have a job and the rent accumulated, on top of bills.
Not much. I dont know any German, but deduction was that you asked me what was going on.
And yeah. Goths tend to do it because they're depressed. Emos do it to be noticed.
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初音ミク – 423.jpg
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>Mi Liu
Opinion discarded.

I open it at times but it's hard to do anything without any talent or knowledge in music production. It would help if I had spoken Japanese for the entirety of my life since you have to type the lyrics in Japanese phonemes and set the duration of each syllable on top of setting notes and other things that you had to do on a regular synth.
Is there a way to pay for the monthly fee without real money?
Every time we change areas (go to new toen, new shop, etc) and every time we enter combat I roll a d4, on a 1 I'm the jester, on 2 or 3 I'm the barbarian, and on a 4 I'm the paladin
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Little Alice.png
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I'll just have to refrain from posting cute
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