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Archived threads in /b/ - Random - 11658 page

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

File: Sofía-Vergara-Feet-1338714.jpg (105 KB, 960x960) Image search: [Google]
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Name a celebrity with higher arches and sexier feet.
89 replies and 79 images submitted. Read the thread
File: Sofía-Vergara-Feet-1693491.jpg (625 KB, 2317x1616) Image search: [Google]
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>woof woof
pick one you mentaly ill faggot.
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>waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllll
>llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllll
18 replies and 8 images submitted. Read the thread
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Go back to /pol/
I do like me some forced memes, hope this goes viral and you're cool youtube vid and hashtag trend, OP.

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8-ball time /b/
140 replies and 2 images submitted. Read the thread
Is Jørgen a newfag?
Should Lars go for /Mø/?
Is this a lie?

File: yahdungoofed.jpg (7 KB, 299x168) Image search: [Google]
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Yah dun goof'd. What does not kill Trump only makes us stronger.

The 'moose's collective action amounts to more votes for Trump, wider support, and ultimate victory. Prove me wrong newfoals.
9 replies and 6 images submitted. Read the thread
You missed /mlp/ by a lot.
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dump trump, op

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too poor to netflix and chill, any other options to watch 1080p movies?
174 replies and 19 images submitted. Read the thread
>Find old lonely neighbor
>Offer to suck his dick for $8.95 a month
>Use money for netflix

>underage ban
>anyone who can't afford netflix has to be underage
>real poor people don't have computers/4chan
Torrent sites like everyone else does.
>hasn't got utorrent
>actually pays for movies

Not sure if bait post.
So you make money and spend it on netflix....

free netflix....


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Ask an asexual anything.
61 replies and 5 images submitted. Read the thread
Why are you an asexual?
would you cut your dick off?
do you eat your own cum?

Weed story general thread. I'll start. Alright this is the first time I've told this story so listen up I'm about to tell you guys about the first time I got high what ever you're expecting you're probably wrong so just read it.
>part 1
>16 years old
>working full time at a resort in the woods without any internet or phone access
>not really anything to do but have bonfires and get drunk
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25 replies and 3 images submitted. Read the thread
Part 2.
>he goes through how to take a bong hit so that I don't cough up my lungs
>I do exactly what he says
>don't really feel much... I was expecting something more but instead I didn't feel anything
>at this point I actually kind of got frustrated and wanted to get the feeling of what it was like to be high.
>tell him I'll do another
>still nothing
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Part 3
>still have that awful feeling all over my body
>feel incredibly cold, like no cold i've ever felt before to the point where i cant move
>lay there for about 45 minutes then it starts
>quick backstory: my friend and his girlfriend would fuck like no other. to the point where our cabin would shake and other people could both hear and feel it and they would do this for hours
>i can feel the cabin shaking
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Part 4
>next morning he wakes me up and asks if im good to work
>not even fucking close m8
>we come up with a story to cover our ass as to why i threw up last night
>pass back out
>in the resort i worked at if you were late a bellman would come and wake you up
>tell them i cant work because i'm sick
>boss comes in to check on me and gives me the later...
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File: Screenshot_2016-03-18-22-38-23.png (1 MB, 1440x2560) Image search: [Google]
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This slut (far left ) has pictures of her ass all over her fb..
She's 16

>dubs for fb profile
41 replies and 7 images submitted. Read the thread
post them all instead
File: 1456657705305.gif (2 MB, 309x174) Image search: [Google]
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This is not the /b/ spirit faggot. I remember when we used to share this stuff...

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140 replies and 96 images submitted. Read the thread
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have you guys ever seen that camgirl Pumpkinspice? She is fucking hot.

God-Tier Music Thread
What had /b/ been jammin' to lately?
pic unrelated
35 replies and 8 images submitted. Read the thread
youre welcome
these are my latest tracks

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