Ultimate Cringe Thread!
Do your worst!
Everyday we drift further from god's light...
not that bad actually if not for the brussel sprouts
Jesus Christ OP that video
fucking wut?!
just look at the catalog.
dude -.- that one is hard ..... :(
that's not cringe
that's disgusting
i feel this way sometimes too
I actually know the story behind this one, its an allergic reaction to a henna tattoo
>post high quality content anonymously or this will happen to you
disgusting fgt
i have osteoporosis
>outside shirts
holy fucking shit
cringed hard
Looks fookin tasty to me.
Just cause it's shitty canned food doesn't make it gross, or maybe I'm just not a shitty baby who can deal with something that's not the finest caviar.
also noice dubs bitchboi
thnx bitchboi
Swol at it's finest.
son, that's what we call a gimmick can in the biz. us Caners look down on such can goods (CGs for short) if you into the game at all, you should look into ready the board stickys and FAQs about cannin' if you want stay around. dont feel compelled to increase your post count for those tasty ranks and titles.
"you call that a can, more like a tinned rat!"
Where's the cringe? His disability?
fucked up
>big bag theory watcher alert
>big bang
>Liking something you don't
You don't know what cringe means do you?
https://www facebook com/profile php?id=100012703145331&sk=friends&pnref=lhc
it is when it's cancer, nigger
fuck, i hope more than anything that that isn't her real father...
so all those pony guys and dog fags and ninja sword guys arn't cringe too?
That is one ugly ass kid
TBBT isn't terrible, some early season episodes were actually decent.
You really can't see the difference can you? You must be autistic.
that guy has the shirt on with a tv with it playing, that is currently holding 3 bobble heads.
that is not a nuanced critic, that guy is a full blown user.
delicious balls, you must eat them
fuckin saved
Some ppl are just not allowed to exist....
nice toes
Did her tits die?
This makes me sad
nice feet
When are fags gonna realize they have to blend?
You can't just throw a trenchcoat over your regular clothes and hold a sword, the trenchcoat should go with dark colored dress pants or at least black/grey jeans, a buttoned up shirt with a non-wacky tie, a darker brown broad rimmed fedora (not a cringe trilby, an actual fedora), lose the glasses, and optionally a cigarette/cigar, as for the weapon, Katana is not so great a fit, the obvious best blending weapons would be a Colt Python, or a good ol' Thompson.
If he wants to hold a katana so bad he should be wearing Edo Samurai armor with a menpo mask to cover his stupid nerd face.
idk maybe, i am talking to a guy who is unironically is defending the big bang theory on 4chan at 3 am.
I do know that normies can be cringe, and lol random nerds can be cringe, i don't see how normie nerd lol random show that isn't funny and insaineinly terrible fanbase isn't cringe.
also you post something too m8.
tits look like silent hill nurses
nice feet
A bunch of furries who think it's acceptable to go out in public dressed as dogs and horses and prance around is cringe. A guy taking a photo of himself with a socialy acceptable popular TV show that happens to be in the background (wether you like it or not, it's popular), is not cringe.
you mongrel
At least he won't make another one like himself...
fucking christ
>Hank Hill ass
it's happening
nigga, i know the pic wasn't great, im just dumping stuff, i saved it cus its a weird fucking pic and i posted it cus i like to contribute to threads im in and not pick internets fights over bad tv shows and act like an arbetor to 4chans lofty heights of purity.
I still stand by the pics inclusion, it makes you go ...UYGH? duh fuk? that's the whole point of these threads.
also post something ya fag, fucking contribute.
Fat people are cringe.
nice feet
>kill me, please
Do you have the original image?
I'm edgy.
nice feet
Can someone explain the fury fox lady thing? Why is it cringe? It just seems like normal run of the mill fur shit.
skinny nigger masterrace
Thanks baby
its one guy that posts it, he thinks its a meme. he wants it to be the new banana, except he posts it in literally anything.
ew, membrane
i don't get it, why is it cri-
I'm so glad there is a "Hide Post" option...
I can tell by how and what you're typing that you're either a kid or autistic for real. I'll leave you to post your "duh fuk?" pics.
would hit it/10
I can understand how this one is cringe. But I am not in the position to judge this man because I am similiar to this man in ways.
I like how his earring is visible in the poop.
I've had worse Christmas dinners than this.
*tips fedora* good day sir!
Another autistic slain by my hand! none shall sully my cringe threads with """""duh fuk?""""" content. no only good natured ribbing in on the broines and furfags, HA! yes, they are so below me, I am not a freak, THEY ARE!
fucking hell
This makes me sad.
Thats /b/ summed up in a Picture
Pic is not cringe, it's just odd. Get out of this thread, retard.
He's there for the food.
Stop posting
kek your funny.
That isn't cringe. Please explain to me what you believe "cringe" to mean?
She's cute
Fuck u mang, Nanners are awesome
I hope you die :)
I started a thread about this, but I'll go ahead and post in here too because it is extra cringe worthy. https://youtu.be/1qhtMChudJs
this is a good post
Bet he didn't expect that when he put up the camera
explain this to me.
Wait, is that the same woman?
nice feet
schadenfreude, or a honest bodily cringe. nasty fingernail clipping keyboard is in the category or a literal cringe.
that pic isnt really, but im just bustin balls cus of that big bang pic.
so is he that fagget?
How long can you go before cringe? https://youtu.be/rfUCj2OFUk0
I didn't know this was a YLYL
dear fucking god this is a new culinary low i didnt think existed. the worst part is this guy seems to think its pretty good...
That's kind of awesome, actually.
>via 9gag
ultimate cringe
Oh shit she broke her fookin leg!
Here's some cringe
I'd fuck him for a baconator and weed
I'd fuck anybody for a baconator and some weed
Rob, man, what're you doing Rob
Here, post the gif from now on
I hope you die :)
post webm please
Teeth fixed and she is fine.
Damn son that's dank yo
Whoever covered up that drawing of Spike with that shitty cartoon needs to be shot in front of their family
>liberal logic
>not even the final image
You should get the full one fam
look at that oppressive white garden gnome, sitting there smoking his symbol of vile male patriarchy, the pipe, while pondering ways to further subjugate women and minorities to ever increasing disparities.
cosmo 'hes a nigger' kramer is OK with her.
I don't even remember what the character Spike is from, but I saved it after hearing the story because it made me fucking mad.
Apparently that was one of the original drawings of Spike on an (employees can draw here) art wall at wherever the artist worked at that time or something, and then recently some new intern drew their shitty cartoon over it.
Chick farthest to the right. Dude farthest to the left. Asian girl in the blue. How did they end up there
.. Is that a framed portrait of Kramer?
>implying you wouldn't
Make a new thread you stupid cunts
What in oblivion is that
no u
That face
Don't lie, that was in reference to Skyrim.
You like Skyrim, don't you Squidward?
Absolutely disgusting/10
Id have to be drunk off my ass to put my head even near those tits
but still silent hill waifu is nice
>tall guys get all the chicks
Omg thats fucking disgusting......... hes a Ravens fan
>Having mom on friends list not expecting coments like this
>all niggers have big dicks
didn't she star in sum porno? she looks low energy
lmao itd have to be lots of weed 5 me
I think I died.
I both Like- it and I get it ?
How do I Like- on 4chan??
>implying that its 3AM all over the world
Yeah, it's the one from the episode where he gets his portrait taken. They used to sell them when the show just came out afaik. Wish i had one :^) It's wasted with this fat cunt.
>implying that Africans own computers
I saw one for 20 bucks at my local Value Village last month.
Nothing wrong with watching Big Bang
The worst thing is, how all of them are trying to be in the center of attention.
Adam, the only one with a chance to be normal, can be the alpha male among there retards.
Shana the poor, ugly but nice woman, who has a crush on Adam, she has no chance tho..
Jeff a born-to-be loser thinks, that he finally found a company, but really he is just an unimportant filler.
Christy, the openly antisocial one, who is just here for the benefits of a socialgroup.
Samwell, is funny, nice, interesting, not model-looking, but still cute. Too bad, this is only what she thinks she is.
this is just depressing. Its like he is on the cusp of realizing that girls don't fucking like him
Old man in the back
>"I didn't watch my friends die in the war for this shit."
Fuck me, gotta get one for my flat then or something. Shame I don't live in Murica.
Only Sitcom I actually enjoyed.
Is Matt Smith the 11 doccer
Seriously though if you're gonna rape someone at least do it right.
>utterly gorgeous
Oh fuck.
That use to be me feelsbadman
> fight the cis white male patriarchy
> Kramer portrait
Nigga what?
there can be only one.
>Hates White men
>Framed picture of Michael Richards
Not to mention the whole "nigger" thing when he got heckled that one time
I actually know this kid. His friend made it and started a cringe thread months ago with it. Shit was pretty funny.
fucking lost
>implying that Kramer is white
I like how all of them are showing their tits and the bitch on the right is innoccent as fuck
"yes you did nigger"
>no less than 16
>watches anime
You're bullshiting only one person on this planet and that's yourself.
>women with meat on them
>no more than 115lbs
just slice yourself
Yeah, average Hollywood Joo moobie fambly
my soul hurts a little bit
>what the fuckk is wrong with her face?
Dirty Sanchez
Halloween, he and his two other middle school friends dressed as spanish inquisition.
middle school.
>dat missing dust on F5
keks has been shed
I'm gay