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shota as flaky as a golden-brown sausage roll

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 195
Thread images: 147
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shota as flaky as a golden-brown sausage roll
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i consider shitposting an art form
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or should i say, a philosophy.
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Which you're apparently shit at.
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clearly you don't realise that i'm shitposting at multiple levels here. what you think if my highest level of shitposting is truly only scratching the surface
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Dunning-Kruger in full effect, I see.
I think OP is the B E S T .
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see i actually had that in mind when i replied to you. this shitposting is literally too advanced that you can't see how far ahead i am. i knew it sounded like i was being a twat, and that was the point.

in the end it was actually i who was the best boy

ironic, no?
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Sorry, you know it was meant in a good way, still giggling about the concept of "Australian delicacies" is all
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yea and all the good australian food the new zealanders try to claim. fucking lamingtons i swear to god

not that i even really like coconut, but the point remains.
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You do know autotraining severely impairs one's judgement and reality perception, right?
The catboy, yes
The worst poster? No.
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i don't know what autotraining means and google has no meaningful results

and i don't deny have delusions of shitposting grandeur
I was looking for this shit, thanks!
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>not liking coconut
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>worst poster
Howa bout I like him and you dislike him.
That OK?
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coconut has an annoying after-taste that i just can't stand. if there was coconut with no after-taste i'd be down.

not okay. even i think i'm shit.
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How do you even consider yourself a shitposter.
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yada yada yada lots of words that i don't care about

dumb this nerd shit down for me
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>implying anyone here thinks 3d isnt shit
>implying anyone here thinks loli isnt shit
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Kinda throws off the the hatefuck thing going on but sure, go ahead and cuddle, and bump butts or whatever is done here
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Die in a hole pedo fucks.
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try not to cut yourself on all that edge newfriend
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Says the pedo. Were you raped as a child or something?
I think that's part of the humor, they clearly don't even care to try and adalt to where they are spamming. Like any of them can't be ignored from filename or thumbnail alone.
So fucking lazy.
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seems like a bunch of nerd shit that has no relation to what we're talking about

so back to me being possibly the best human to have ever lived.
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You aren't even trying

Fresh shit from rekt a while ago
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please pace yourself with these images anon, i've almost cum and we're not even half way into the thread.
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You don't know anything about my circumstances. I'm not even a pedophile, I find this nostalgic.
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Keep telling that to yourself.
Self-conditioning is the first step after all.
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yep still got no clue what you're on about, can we talk about sausage rolls again?
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Please do the world a favor and kill/castrate yourself.
Oh no... Not gore! My day is ruined. Or it would be if these weren't the same reposted gore images that have been circulating since 2007.
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Not only are you guys pedophiles, youre a bunch of faggots. The worst kind.
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sweet doggo.jpg
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More salt please
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this has to be the funniest i've laughed at an attempted word-square in the past. it's like post-modern shitposting. i love it.
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Weren't you supposed to be imparting your endless knowledge in the vast field of art that is shitposting?
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lesser non-australian minds most likely couldn't comprehend it.
>Implying all pedos are guys

I'm not even a paedophile, I like silver foxes the most and this morning I just fapped with a lesbian vid
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mfw youre a bunch of pedophiles who think liking little boys doesnt make you a faggot
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Shut up pedo and kill yourself.
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So shota it's worst that having a folder full of dead people, babies and animals?
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i have no clue what it means but it's fantastic
no one cares that they are a "faggot"
[spoiler]you are wasting your time, not ours[/spoiler]
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What if I were to tell you I hail from the land of cheeki breeki?
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Wouldnt want to*
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i wear the same socks 2 days in a row and when the cops come a-knockin' i tell them i'm a girl scout. works every time.
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Seems like deep down you care that youre a faggot. Why dont you ring your mother up and tell her your a faggot that jacks off to depictions of young boys and see how well that goes down.
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You don't even jack off to gore? LOL gtfo you fucking pleb
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иди нахуй

what's that called again? back-pedalling? all of a sudden you pretend like you didn't even want to know it in the first place.
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haha that's fucking metal
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Whatever you say, пидарас.
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no hablo espanol, in english please?
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I saw that episode of gordon ramsay too
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Y-you saved it.
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Should I not have?
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mods could I get some rule 10 enforcement in here
much thanks
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Keep telling yourself youre not a pedo. Post that picture on facebook and see how it goes down.
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well actually it was a reference to the fact that i got a cheeky sausage roll from the servo earlier tonight but alright
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I believe it reads as such:
You are a tremendous faggot who will never shitpost properly.
Post the web of the wildebeest getting castrated alive while getting choked by 2 lionesses as they eat his penis first.
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Dude I don't even jack off with it, at least not me...
And I'm in that point that nothing gives me a fuck anymore, morals are a social construction, and nothing really matters. Stop wasting your time here and try to have a good day, showing your discontent doesn't have any impact in the people here, maybe you are trying to do something good but just think, it's like trying to make an old alcoholic stop drinking.
get outa here and try to enjoy what remains of the day
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hey that's pretty cool, teach me more cyrillic.
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You need to kill yourself
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i mean, how common even are scottish food fairs?
Was it a pretty servoskull?
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No no, I'm glad it's just embarrassing.
Makes me happy though!
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Youre in here contributing to a pedophile thread. Youre a pedophile. Just kill yourself dude. Id say dont reproduce but you guys are a bunch of faggots and cant do that anyway. So dont adopt because youll probably molest your kid. Also im having a great fucking day. I bought a bottle of wine and steak for later. Just because this isnt fun for you doesnt mean it isnt for me.
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>waterhammer 40k
haha what the FUKC are you talking about nerd?
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You are unworthy.
The power of сукаблять belongs in the hands of those who can handle it.
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What did he mean by this?
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so you woke up drawfag anon?

hey, i can read certain cyrillic letters.

"i mean, how common even are scottish food fairs?"
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who is this scottish food fair semen demon?
Dog steak
You must either have no family who loves you or no friends. Everyone whos everyone keeps some sort of social media even if they dont post on it just so their family stays off their back. You sound so lonely. You must be because youll never be able to fuck a boy without going to prison and getting fucked yourself.
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I'm not a nerd. But chaos is more pleasurable.
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But what can you do with them?
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join me brother
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Ah, ok then, good! Don't mind rejifag this time, he's all hyped out on memes and sausage, more than usual that is
i guess if i ever played dayz it might come in handy?

haha still no clue what the fuck you're on about dude
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great reference. love it. 8.5/10, realistically.
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Yeah, I did! Got about 5 hours of sleep.

I have the thread-kun (I guess since he's a boy?) drawn I'll probably colour him today then start working on your cuties today as well!

I most likely won't post in this thread though.
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reqest 2 and a half.png
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nice same
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Post mutilated vaginas you cuck
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This reminds me of the youtube comment section
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Knots <3
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I actually came to believe none can replicate those swears properly.
Even Poles struggle with simple DAVAI PIDARAS
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That's knot funny.
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The boy that posted in white knee high socks the other night?
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doesn't sound familiar
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no wait, yes it does. ignore that.
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Who else is excited for cock-rubbing for warmth season?
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>living in the wrong hemisphere
honest to god you guys make me laugh so hard sometimes
His attempt at the ballerina pose was P damn cute
First, man I hate toddlers in real life, they are fucking annoying, so no children for me. Then there we have a similar point, I just contribute for fun, this doesn't really makes me feel anything, what can I say?, I just enjoy watching the degrading path of some people. Well I'm outa of here, I have stuff to do, this was sort of, interesting?, whatever, enjoy your steak anon
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CJQG1LPWoAAI2j2.png large.png
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You know, I fap to this.
Poor doggo :'(
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Gore thread!

>having a bunch of pedo pics on your pc for fun
Youre a fucking pedo dude and the sooner you realize this the sooner you can off yourself.
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the images with the undies and without them?
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>being born in the wrong hemisphere
>living in the wrong hemisphere
>being born
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i ironically exists therefore i ironically am

t. plato or some shit
Only did the pose with undies on I thought, but yeah.
really? i remember him doing the same pose but one image he had undies on and one image he didn't
Heh, yeah it was deleted quite quickly.
But then replaced with butt.

This is really fucking cute, I love the style and colouring.

Yes, so fucking cute!
I might post that drawing here if the original requestor is OK with it since the character is 15.
Idk, I guess I'm a bad homo, just thought the attempt versus the reference pic was cute, don't remember much else
where is that from fam
was part of a set i think. try iqdb.

i vaguely remember this. what character is 15 exactly?
I agree with you Anon
But if OP and other pedos are minor than they're not really pedo

>gore thread for the win
Yeah, there was one without undies. The whole reason that I needed ref was I had no idea how junk might hang at that angle.
>not having a dick so you can just look in a mirror
this truly is the worst case of male privilege

Noone here is a minor dude, and even minors can be pedos. So what your telling me is a 15 year old can jack off to what looks like 2-8 year old boys and its ok but in three years he magically transforms into a pedophile
Most look like teens though
>Not having a dick
Y tho?
That still happens??
>what character is 15 exactly?
Someone from a fujo show. I'd post a picture but ya know...

It's a hard knock life.
yea it's this weird birth defect where you have 2 X chromosomes instead of 1 X and 1 Y. weird fucking shit.

you're gonna have to dumb this down for a non-weeaboo such as myself. what is a fuko show?
It's for Fujoshi, you dip.
>tfw your sausage roll isn't cheeky
I think a friend of mine has this
Poor fella
He has nice Tits though
Most look like little kids dude. Look yourself in the mirror and think about it. Youre a pedophile and need to realize this. The only course of action yuo can take is to kill yourself so society can be better
come on man you can't fetishise people with birth defects like that

so it's some weeb shit?
I wish I could post a bait pic right about now
>ywn go on an ute ride out for food fit for construction purposes
You're a fucking dipshit
I came to this thread for the gore not the children
But you are way to judgy
If a pedo can be happy with fapping on cartoons and shit and the don't act anything out in real life than that's fine
They aren't harming anyone
But if they rape a child than fuck them
Take there human right away and let people kick m to death
>ute ride out
what did he mean by this?
Sorry yeah, like that anon said it's short for fujoshi.
Fujoshi shows are shows targeted at ladies because it's filled with cute boys they can slash together.
Thread replies: 195
Thread images: 147

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