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Aww shite its happening >inb4 caption

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Aww shite its happening
>inb4 caption
Lol @ Keemstar calling the cops.
anyone have the photo?
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I have no sides, but I must kek.
wtf is a keemstar? sounds muslim.

It doesn't exist, sadly. Shadman (the artist) made a bet he would draw that if Trump won. He backed down after people started calling his parents accusing him of being a pedophile.
Id never defend keemstar, but it was a bit weird.
Shad continues to be a retard
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Here's your (you)
Shadman a true madman!
Be it, for a 7yo she's pretty attractive
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Should pussed up f****** gay
Shadman has daddy issues?
I don't know who this faggot is but don't play in the field if you can't handle the heat

Fucking sjw faggots get so offended, thank fuck Trump is president and we can give the PC faggots a big fuck you
Shadmans a fucking autist. Everything he does is for the edgy factor. Which would be fine if his art didnt fuckiny suck
No he's keemstar the living legend not a SJW, he was a huge ass supporter of Trunp
his work would be okay if he didn't have an affinity to piercings, bubble-butts, and god-awful font choices

Well, he draws hentai for a living, so I would assume so.
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"Im calling the cops"
>living legend
>never heard of him
fuck off with that shit
at least he's not a SJW faggot though
Anyways what can the cops do about art?
burn it?
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I would cum if Shad got arrested for this. I would wake up and fap every morning to a photo of him with cuffs on.
Keemstar is just another youtube faggot who should an hero. Do people actually like him? Not sure if bait..
someones defensive about their little internet celebrity
ive heard he has doxed people and bulled them
Keemstars fan base is all ironic, no one actually likes him. Hes a meme
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snitches get stitches
Yeah i dont get what thats implying..
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Apparently Shadman isn't a pedophile by his his ideiologies
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Why does he keep putting her in videos and shit.. keemstar is gatbage
Saged, reported, hidden, called the cops, called the Fire Department, called Pizza Hut, called the USN, called the Royal Navy, called the Red Army, called the FBI, called the CIA, called Interpol, called the KGB, called the USMC, called the USAF, called the Royal Air force, called MI 6, called Scotland Yard, called the US National Guard of every state, called NYPD, called Obama, called the Queen, called Putin, called David Cameron, called every Governor of every US State, used my time phone to call Winston Churchhill, As well as Hitler, Stalin, Theodore Roosevelt, George Washington, Montezuma, every Caesar, and Gilgamesh, called US Army, called British Army in every era, called every phone sexline, called Papa John's, called the US Coast Guard, called my State Senators, called my Senators, called every republican in the US, called Dr. Who, called the Pope, called my local Gang lords, called the State Patrol of ever state west of the Mississippi, called all of my local news channels, called Star Fleet, called The Sun, called The national enquirer, called CNN, called Scot Pelly, called Steven Colbert, called half of the Mexican Drug Cartels, called Nintendo, called the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force, called the head of the Illuminati, called every free mason, called Bilderberg, called my neighbours, called the mayor of every city in France, called my mom, called the Emperor of Man, and called every school district in Canada.
flip flop wearing cop calling faggot
Holy shit, he's actually insane.
He may be autistic... but I guess you can say he's aurtistic
I think you are misinformed, keemstar has a YouTube channel and triggered the artist shadman, shadman draws loli shit and drew some anti-trump studf. Anyways, he started his first page of keem's 7 year old.
Keem told shad if he had problems with keem, then to duck with him and not his daughter. Shad then went on to promise to draw his daughter getting so domed by trump.

Shad draws kids too fucking much.
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>called doctor who
> my sides
Anime is Hentai-san and Stony Cat, fyi
is this by the same guy that did whole the hilloli thingy
Some of my favorite doujins are based off of that anime
Dubs decide new memestar rumor
Like which?
iirc the hilloli thing was a concentrated effort by a group of polfags and shad contributed to that effort
>altright fag draws another altright fag's daughter

Wow. Alt Right nothing but homos.
who the f is keemstar?
>Shadman the Madman

Since when?
where the video of this wtf
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see >>711738538
Keem is getting cucked by tyrone magnus
Can some nigga post this shit?
it doesn't exist retard
>"I Like to Draw Lolicon"
>As he continuously draws chicks with dicks.

Like all alt right faggotry... there's nothing
check his twitter, he got btfo and is taking the pics down

shad rekt by keem

Shadman does shit for lolz, and received a request to draw Keem's daughter giving head to Trump. He agreed under the terms that only if Trump won the election. Faggots were triggered at the artwork, cried to Keem, who got triggered in return, and is now crying about it out loud.

In short, fags are the reason we can't have nice things.
>Picture doesn't exist
Why the fuck should Keem be mad?
Yes. The Hilloli Clitton comic was his.
His show is called Drama Alert. Why do you think he would be mad?
>Alt right
>some faggot named Keemstar runs a show about drama

What the fuck is going on?
Fuck it, and here I was about to send him shekels if he did it. Nigger's going back on my h8 list.
>Shadman does shit for lolz

Go listen to him talk about how his own sister hates him for his cartoon porn obsession, the guy wanted to fuck his sister and she hates him.

Hes an incest pedo
I know Shad said he would draw porn of Keemstar's daughter.
I have no idea who in the fuck Keemstar is.
Nothing. Go back to sleep, you mustn't leave your basement.
Faggots and faggots.
Good shit.

Shadman is the madman, after all.
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>defending keemstar

>something good came from this
No, something good was prevented
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He's not taking anything down, he's just not going to draw the porn. Stop spreading your lies, moralfag.
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Do you people actually watch/follow youtubers? I always thought i was kids and retards giving these people views. That being said kids and retards make up about 90% of this site
link or image?
>alt right fag

Donald would be sad... except he too is getting sued.
Just General Sam
Suck it up, liberloser.
Right? Everyone should follow politics and read about the latest findings in Atheism, just like us enlightened gentlemen.
People like Keemstar are the reality shows of tomorrow.

People love eating all of that shit up.
I just watched 30 seconds of his nuka cola video. Laughs at his own jokes, even if they r not funny
Consecutive trips, it's a sign from god.
Can someone post the picture?
no, but these people are talent less hacks. Viewers lives are so boring that they try to live through the life of someone slightly less boring.
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But hold on a second
The picture is still on his site
Shad spitting his dummy out, fuck its like he does this everyweek
They're called TRUMPS now
Yea, people should stop liking things we don't like.
Since when is Shad a pussy?
Just because he didn't go through with this doesn't make him a pussy. It was a terrible idea to begin with and he should have never ever started the first page. He made the right decision to drop it.
He should have just done and released the whole thing at once
this is fake. not on his twitter
The fact the he has the combination of being narcissistic and narrowminded, does in fact make him a SJW. its just that the justice favors mostly him
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butthurt keemstar lmao
So where is the pic?
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read the thread. Shad better pony up
I think it's perfectly okay, he's a deserving sack of shit.
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Not real, but heres a poorly shopped take on it
[Edit: Keeping this archived to proove that its not porn, I will not draw anymore of this, neither have I ever actually considered going through with anything actually explicit.]

by ironic do you mean 12 year olds? because all of his actual fans are literally right around 12 years old
trigger fucking warnings

you have no place here whatsoever, fucking SJW
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>I think you are misinformed
Keemstar's a fucking emotionally-stunted autist, which is why he resonates so well with /b/tards, and he remotely represents the 'alpha' persona that /b/tards want so badly.

He's basically a Dan Bilzerian knock-off.

The whole "Shadman's porn sucks" thing is a meme. Yeah, people talk shit about his work all the time (overused piercings, tattoos, edge-font, etc.) but they'll fucking jackoff to it anyway. He's a half-funny, partially down-to-earth guy that draws porn, and yeah, does shit for the lolz.
Anyone have a pic of keems actual daughter? Like actual pic? Os that what she really looks like? Kek
Keemstar really does deserve anything that happens to him. Literally anything. Even murder, you ask? Yes especially murder

youngsters that SWAT twitch streamers and the like will call ol papa keem to give him the heads up. he will be in direct contact with these kids and publicize what they've done, even when the streamer involved turns their stream off without having anything happen on stream

by publicizing it, he encourages it

also he fucks his daughter

This proves Shad traces. Same pose of his daughter on Vine kek
He also traced that Russian girl from overwatch
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You forgot Poland
keemstart is the utmost beta faggot there is on youtube at the moment. He is not in any shape or form considered an alpha
He is a beta faggot who needs his safe space so that his autistic tantrums are kept at a lower rate
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isn't his job to report on youtube/twitter squabbles? I don't watch his show.
It totally does tho. What a baby
Since when did Shad have morals? Fucking pussy.
His channel is branded towards drama.
mainly drama in his community, which he is trying to broaden out, like most youtubers.
The thing is that he doesnt consider himself as a content creator, more like a person in whiches message is supported by a following.

Reporting on drama makes you a SJW in my book, as the reporting is to cause social justice regarding the vagueness he is reporting, the reporting part making him a warrior for it.
This faggot probably made this thread to get more attention.

Fuck off.
What trigger warning you dumb shit?
Since Max Hardcore got out of jail a few years ago.
Can we get a link?
Don't care. I'm still waiting for Shad to finish the incestibles comic
>resonates with /b/
Fuck off, faggot.
>"#Disclaimer: This is fictitious - Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental."

That is a trigger warning

I don't know either, anybody care to fill me in?
You fucking retard, it's a disclaimer so he doesn't get sued.

▲ ▲
should we care to get filled in?
Drama on 4chan equals social justice playing its part
I don't even know how the daughter looks irl.
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There is nothing in the picture that indicates a keemstar branding. Its a matter of free speech.

It is common sense that it is fictional, and should not have to be disclaimed
That is fucking hilarious
>>711736465 that u?
Holy shit
he knows already, he is a jew
Cops will think it's funny too.
its not illegal

Keemstar is a retard. Nothing about him is anything but cancer. He's been accusing people of being pedophiles left and right, without any proof what so ever. I wonder if anyone will take his accusations seriously after crying Wolf so many times.
didnt realize this was a cringe thread
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cringe and ylyl and shit like that is a distraction from reality. You look at it so you can 'feel' a way that you have felt before, just so you can reassure that you've felt it, so you can be completely sure you're normal.
Just like the SJW's, you wanna feel a certain way, not live a certain way.

fucking faggot
OMG they dun goofed now. The cyber police are on the way LOL.
Someone should point out how hard he's projecting.
>The whole "Shadman's porn sucks" thing is a meme.

No, I genuinely find his style off putting. Only work of his I half-like is that Incredibles/Inside-Out crossover piece, and only a few of the panels.
Tell keemstar that shadman followed through and send him this pic. Keemstar is too retarded to notice its not his work. Keemstar will try to sue shad and lose. Out of spite shad will finish his drawing and we get our much needed porn.
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calm down hitler we need keemstars spaz attacks we dont need him killing himslef. :CCCCCCCC xD rawr
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This faggot is still relevant?
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It does fucking exist you stupid fuck. It's called Google.
post it or stfu
Do it for Shad. Everyone drawing it and tagging keemstar and Shad.
post it or stfu

I've been offline pretty much all weekend, what happened here? Backstory?
The Internet was a great playground before YouTube. Newgrounds, stickdeath, ytmnd. Now faggots like you think youtubers who are sarcastic, loud/yelling, subpar insults is a cool thing. Originality is scarce these days. Also kill yourself, you're part of the cancer.
Sorry I don't speak retard.
his older stuff is somehow thousands of times better than his new stuff
but you just did

The internet was a great playground before 1995?
I... don't think you have that right

>totse wasn't that great
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