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Im from the north and recently moved down south and apparently

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 231
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Im from the north and recently moved down south and apparently no one here dates outside their race. What gives?
People are racist. /thread
lol i can't believe how overt some people are with their racism...
I bet she's the fat troll in the middle?
>These triggerered niggers
You're aware we can tell that OP posted twice, right?
Niggers don't even want their own kind; why should WE?!
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>white bois cant even compete
stay away from white girls unless you want to meet some klansmen tyrone
Plenty of people date outside their race, you just need to be more aware of your surroundings you piece of shit.
good, no reason to breed with stupid monkeys like you

>I'm not attracted to a certain race

Holy shit liberals, give it a fuckin rest. If the image was Tyrone talking about his thick black ladies you'd be going

>LOL yeah this brotha knows what's up lololol

Go suck nigger cock, liberal faggot.
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Why the fuck did you move south?
Who the fuck moves south?
If you live in a city, plenty of girls date outside their race. Small towns not so much
It's OK for other races to take pride in their culture and race and it isn't considered racist. It is only considered racist when white do it. Discriminating against whites because of the color of their skin is racist also.
so is screaming "lynch that nigger" and burning down black churches. so theres that.
I wouldn't fuck a girl that had monkey dick in her mouth so yeah, they're making the right choice.

Notable exception: Riley Reid.
Smart people
maybe cuz white people call other races idk... um.. niggers, chinks, heebs, zipper heads, beaners, wetbacks... idk maybe that's why.
Hey, who are you to speak for people that are racist?

Some people are. Fuck you for trying to speak for them.
>some white

Keep in mind that it's not only
>muh white people
that do this, though. It's just that "white people", historically, usually ended up being the majority of the group that did said things and made it known throughout the land.

Little do you know, there exist people who happen to be white, who don't do those things at all.
The south is very religious, and the Bible says interracial dating is wrong. By the way, I'm from the south and I can guarantee that everyone knows you're a yankee and hates you.
white people cant have white pride cuz its always fucking racists.
What do you mean by "some people"?? Fuck you racist!!!
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>no one here dates outside their race
Wow, how bizarre! What are those people, a bunch of pervs?
white people are no-lipped, flat assed trash with no culture outside of collectively getting conned by Donald Trump

prove me wrong!
You must really enjoy the prospect of hanging from a tree. Someone has to be really dumb to be a nigger and go around white people spewing shit like that, really believing everyone is as cucked as liberals, and nothing will happen.
lmfao they deserved it for being white
mad cuz true. lel at you kiddo.
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lower cost of living area isn't as crowded or busy as where i used to live.
nah, you're actually right! you're the rightest nigger in the boat back to Africa
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As whites are called pinky, cracker boi ect. Also Nigger is the word derived from the Spanish word for black. The Spanish are who the whites bought most of the slaves from by the way.
good one! try harder though
The fact is that true or not, your race is inferior and once we're tired of giving you space out of pure piety, you'll hang and be unable to do anything about it.
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Just like the blacks deserved being hung because they were black.
are you sure? Go to Wal Mart. You'll see plenty of old woman pushing their mixed race grandchildren around in shopping carts while their white daughter is off somewhere in a single wide trailer smoking crack with her black boyfriend.
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you wouldn't hit that bro?
yikes, all that data and white people still get their feelings hurt when people mention racism. must be awesome being privileged!
I wouldn't. She isn't my type.
Well, I'd think there's a difference between feeling okay about being (insert countless ethnicity people call white), instead of being a stormfag about it
>being proud about being white
>purely because nonwhites exist
>human vs nonhuman worldview

See, that's racist. But being proud about being, say, Austrian, and not being proud of, say, the Atlantic slave trade, isn't exactly racist.
she's flat chested too
hey faggots why is /b/ so fucking liberal and nigger-loving nowadays?

what the fuck happened
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so you're telling me that if i want to meet someone with that perfect silky smooth white skin, she has to be a crack head...
It's a great privilege to not be a nigger, you're right there. It feels fucking amazing, man!
/b/ started out liberal, nigger
> implying these comments are actually coming from people from /b/
don't get hurt when ppl offend your white trash pride :(
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The only ones privileged are blacks.
Grants and scholarships that are for blacks only. their are none that are for white men only.

Colleges and University's that are black only. None that are white only.

yet you bitch about segregation. That is like calling someone a drug-user when you high yourself.
wow I hope you can recover!! must be great worrying about how much free money you don't receive over getting lynched! try harder
So whites are bad when they're 'privileged, AND when they're poor and trashy.
Look, man. You've all the right in the word to protect your people and want to have your voice heard. But it's pathetic and amoral how you pretend this is about moral ground, and whites having some sort of guilt. Just admit you hate us, don't care about us, and want to protect your own people. That is normal, and there's nothing wrong with that. But stop lying and being such a hypocrite, please!
No... druggies aren't silky smooth.
I don't know how to tell you to get your a smooth white skin woman. I'm a pretty white woman and I wouldn't even date a white guy with brown eyes. Standards...
You are retarded it not free money. The government feeds that shit with MY tax dollars.
I do hate white trash :( They get triggered whenever racism is mentioned and result in "But if I said that about a black person!!" like really.. wow!
But... what if the person
a drug-user? Does being high still mean they aren't doing drugs as well?

The real world is full of people. There will always be hypocrites. There will always be the uninformed. The misguided. The vindictive. The self-fulfilling prophecies. That being said, you should never let a few people define your perspective on what you take to be a group of people, lest you want to become what you hate, and love doing it.
> member when /b/ was smart enough to recognize troll threads and ignore them, instead of waste it's time arguing with people that came from outside with the sole intention of reshaping our identity?
I member
Like the great whities of the nation will let people know.. don't like it?? move out the country! no one is making you stay and pay taxes sweetie!
Unfortunately it is true. If a white person said the shit that blacks do and acted like blacks they would be called racist for doing it but it is OK for blacks to do it. How else would you look at it.
Its called not being a degenerate

you should try
seriously dude, alt right gets the jimmies rustled so quicky..
sweetie? lol someone's granny is /b
There's nothing wrong for doing what comes natural to all living organisms. Being with and propagating their own kind. Reject the jewwy cultural marxists.
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they are so dumb, because black people are so attractive
I agree!
what's the matter, afraid you won't measure up?
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Yep. Nothing is holding anyone here in this country. They are more than welcome to go to Mexico or Africa or where ever, and show all us whites how they can build a civilization to rival ours.
She/it looks like a dude. LOL
Every genocidal party in history had a belief that something made them special enough to be the center of the world. Sometimes that was race, religion, or even just social reasons... And that was always wrong and dreadful. What makes these liberals nowadays so disgusting is that they are as bad as that, plus their reason is victimization which makes them, besides being wrong, completely ridiculous
how so? been here since 2010
/b/ was the place where nobody cared about anything other than, maybe, cats and some random social cause like scientology. The only thing they seemed to care about was freedom.
they already took us for labor because whities can't compare to our strength and stamina! sad
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It's "hanged"

They probably want their children to look like them
it's really funny because, toddlers know that
> being a winner is a good thing
> being a looser is shitty
Liberals are grown-ups (in the outside) that can't realize that
Clearly he meant that blacks deserve to have large penises.
/b/ was already dead by the time you brought your brand of cancer here
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Then leave. You are FREE! Go to your native land and build it up with what you have learned from the white devil LOL.

Maybe you can help the Chinese.
The freaking monsters!!! My god, how can you literally say that, you fascist?
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>apparently no one here dates outside their race. What gives?
You mean white people? Nah, you're wrong, they actually do. When they're raped by niggers
nope I'm fine thank you! showing the light to white trash keeps me going :-)
What both sides need to accept is that lives end. And what whites need to accept is during identical traffic stops, lives end a lot easier for black people than they do for white people.

And white people need to accept responsibility for their actions. If ALL Muslims are responsible for the actions of an extremist minority (ISIS), then the logic holds that ALL Whites are responsible for the actions of their extremist minority as well (KKK).

When white churches get burned down, and "Vote Hillary" spray painted on the side of its charred remains, THEN we'll talk about black racism in America. Y'all aren't even TRYING to seem like equals at this point. Trumps victory just set our culture back 55 years.
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Try harder
white privilege goes a long way!
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just doxed OP, guys. have fun with his stuff. this is his picture
that's not remotely true, where do you live?
Girls on left and right super hot.

Girl in middle .... eh.
Yes, because whites are competent and able to build a civilization to themselves that actually works for them. Ever tried the same?
just group all the black people together and let them kill one another like animals

seems to work very well
There's cheap, uncrowded area in every single state, why move to the south specifically?
Fuck west! kick all panzy american fucks you guys we kill rats like south nig
In la la land. couldn't you tell?
remind me again who did all the hard labor? :-)
Dude I live in Atlanta - there is nothing but northerners here.

Go to Florida = it is crowded northeners.
peasants and indentured servants for the most part
So thats what they did with spitting image puppets after the show ended
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Actually more whites are killed by cops than blacks. But the issue on that is the fact that the media has made it out that blacks are going to get shot by cops regardless. Blacks have taken this false information and believed it and are now getting shot because they are shooting at the cops. It is a fact also that cops have a much higher chance of violent confrontation when stopping blacks than when they stop white. This is because the media like I stated previously.
not whities LOL!
Welcome to the south. Enjoy dating spoiled racist fat girls who are all southern baptists.
Is it "every man for himself" or is it "blacks are racist against whites"?

Pick one.
I've lived in Tennessee all my life in small towns with zero black folk. Everyone here is either very racist, or slightly racist. I however am not. Feels awkward, but I've gotten used to it.
>white girls secretly love niggers down here
>would be shamed and beaten by father if he found out
>they hide it

Its the truth ;/
White civilization has thousands of years, you stupid nigger.
If blacks really had any part whatsoever in anything that was actually good and worked, why can't they sort their own lives right now? I've never heard anything so retarded before
So if a horse plows the field and hauls building material. I guess the horse is the farmer and the builder.
wow! struck a nerve there? don't worry, you'll still be able to bang your sister and cry over people mentioning racism.
To me it is blacks are good for nothing, incompetent beasts, and should all BTFO to their own hole. I never said anything different from that, you must be confusing anons
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>tries really hard to prove he's not an insecure racist
>"go suck a nigger cock"
Black people get shot in situations where white people would not, and you're bitching about how many times the story got published?

Classic re-direct.
> whites are the ones that cry about instead of taking action to solve their problems
Nice projection there, African man.
> ITT: newfags feeding the trolls
Does she not like Chocolate milk? What a bitch
Firstly, /b/, stop being stupid faggots sucked into the race war that the powers that be want. It's so simple, they draw the battle lines and keep us divided so we never rebel against them.

Secondly, I see plenty of interracial dating in my part of the south (NC and SC). The lure of hip-hop culture (yeah I personally don't get it myself) has created plenty of black/white relationships around here. The Asians in my area are small in number and will date whites just due to small amounts of Asian suitors to choose from. Honestly, I don't see many people of Latin origin dating outside their communities; that's a shame because there are some pretty hot waitresses in the Mexican restaurants, and I'd put my white dick in some of them.
They only fuck their cousins there,
is there where the rabid racist Trump supporters reside?? yikes! hope I didn't hurt your white fragility too much :-)
or ITT one mediocre troll doing a very good job.
I'll be here all week!
Not a re-direct a fact. and it is a fact that it is pushed by the media networks. They do this because they know blacks will riot and destroy shit. That is news and gains their ratings. Whites don't do that shit so they don't push it. Face it your just a simple tool for the media to make money off your ignorance.
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yeah, only a bunch of people from the south voted for him. so much so that he lost, right? o no, actually...
*Latin American origin
white uneducated folk were his majority vote! LOL, not something to boast about whitey
I'm racist and I agree with what he says. You fuck head libs feel like you gotta label someone for their preferences. Fuck it, there isn't anything like the White supreme race. So, back off faggot.
In the south, we know the difference between a black person and a nigger.

A black person is like anyone else.

A nigger is a useless asswipe that leeches off of society and bitches when they get punis he'd and ridiculed for it
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honestly you cant blame people for dating another race more than others or exclusively.

some ppl hate eating spicy food, some people only like to wear black, some faggots like it up the butt. they cant help it, its just a matter of TASTE.
Stealing credit is for faggots.
This also...
>whites don't riot
>anti-trump party zones just established nationwide
Obviously you don't know shit about real estate or demographics.

Show me the cheap land in California please, or New York State, or Florida.

Where the fuck did you move to? Sand Mountain?
Old people voted for him.
>the people who lived through segregation and apartheid
>voted for a racist
I don't know that it was a majority, but their turnout got him elected. So many stupid whites from rural areas that are convinced Muslims and illegals are ruining their country, yet they live in almost exclusively white areas, conduct business with whites, are policed by whites, get shit on by white can see where this is going.
Doesn't matter how you spin it, anything with the word white in it is enough reason to boast about. Yeah, it may not mean much in some cases, but just look at all the rest and you'll see I'm right.
Why do you want to date us or be us? Because we are the mutherfuckingbomb!
> whites
> voting for someone who doesn't have niggers interests before theirs, hence is a traitor
Even bigger shocker.
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>heres a fact about a side effect!
I gotta baseball bat, sure.
You forgot
>BLM protests that are over 50% white at times
>most likely uses "nigger" unironically in every day life
>yet somehow magically cannot see where the fucking problem is

It's almost like "no niggers" makes the world better...Who would have thought?!

One only has to look at South Africa and the fact that the nogs rape babies because they think it cures AIDS.
So whites DO protest that shit, then.

So now that we've established that white people get mad, we can move onto why BLACK people get mad. Ultimately, that was the entire fucking point of this conversation.
and whiteys rape their family for no good reason! yikes
Just trying to get the monkeys to see it right. They want to bite the hand that feeds them, we will put them down like the rabid dogs they are.
there is only the human race you uneducated nigger, go read a book.
>but m-uh skin pigmentation and skull shape
> mistaking cannot see for doesn't care
Oh, my actions make niggers angry, and cause them to feel excluded? Great, I hope they feel so excluded they actually physically exclude themselves. Stop thinking everyone that the cause everyone isn't like you is because they can't. People have their own will, and no one in their right mind would wish to be something as miserable as a liberal
oh great, and #alllivesmatter trash..
If you hate White trash quit taking the welfare checks and EBT cards. Go back to Africa and hang with your brahs.
Since when did race=species?

No, it's almost like a small yet vocal minority of blatant racists voted for another racist, and by some magical turn of events the system isn't "rigged" now that he won "fair and square".
no thanks! I'm living good off of your tax money. maybe one day you'll move out of your trailer! sorry.
no one in their right mind would wish to be something as immature as a conservative.
>Only white people call other races racial slurs

This is some bad fucking bait
We bought you as slaves and you proved that you weren't any good at labor. We really should have looked at Africa and realized you can't build a proper house.

KEK red neck keyboard raging
Sounds more like you are hiding in the dark and getting little jabs with your lies.
>In nigger infested areas with high crime, sure.
LOL ARE YOU KIDDING ME? your a fucking idiot. the south has the fastest growing real estate market region in the U.S.
unless you want to live in a dump with all the other niggers your paying no less than 230k for a 1200 sq ft house in my town. and it aint fucking crowded to shit like NY.
go back up north, we got enough niggers down here as it is.
Could be. But you're still paying me to do it.
Stay mad, faguettes.
Muslim is a religion, White is a race, you are a dumbass.
So conservatives are immature? Isn't your line of reasoning that says things are bad (that is, not like you little kids want them) because of elderly people? Just pick your positions like a man, for fuck sage, stop jumping all around like a monkey, hoping to somehow land on something that is convincing.
Also, if you think people here are telling you to fuck off because they're conservative, then you don't even know which site you're on.
It's not even bait, man. It's worse. It's just delusional. These cunts actually believe it.
ITT every southern stereotype gets proven true one post at a time
I'm from the South. Kingsport, Tennessee. A lot of people date out side their race.

the act or instance of comparing.
"they drew a comparison between Gandhi's teaching and that of other teachers"
synonyms: juxtaposition, collation, differentiation
"a comparison of the results"
the formation of the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs.

>its a tough one but you'll get the hang of it eventually
The St. Andrew's Society exists for the sole purpose of the celebration of Scottish culture, and the advancement of people who are of Scottish heritage. No one takes issue with them doing this. That is because they genuinely exist for their stated purpose, do not shun or prohibit non-Scottish people from joining, and are not using it as a front for spreading hatred of other races, religions, sexual orientations, etc.

Take pride in your culture all you wish, but don't tell me that cultural pride necessitates spending all your time bitching and whining about teh darkies and Jews. You are full of shit if you think it is, and you are completely delusional if you think anyone else buys it.
you sir are fucktard beyond belief.

the dutch and portugese were definitely the highest producing slave trade companies and supplied most of the slaves to the u.s.

nigger isn't derived from negro you dumb fuck, take 3 seconds and look where it is derived from.
im white, i hate niggers, but i hate neanderthalic whites who make the rest of us look like complete incompetent idiots. FUCK
One thing that strikes me about both jews and niggers is that they just assume everyone is so ashamed of their own race as they are.
You're not going to offend a white people by calling them rednecks, or fascist, or whatever. We don't give a fuck. We're proud of who we are. Like, really proud, as in honest feeling deep in the chest. Not as in let's pick some flags and posters and beg other people to love us, like you, and faggots do. So don't waste your time.
You fucks picked cotton. It's the fucking easiest fucking job on the plantation. Whites gave you the easiest job because they realized your micro brain couldn't handle much more.
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>you don't even know which site you're on
>says a triggered redditfag to an obvious troll
>this fucking new
whew lad. im not even trying that hard. inb4 pic related, nice try faguette.
Maybe whites should take action against there problems. Buy boats and ship the niggers back.
This guy, I like him.
We educated your loser ass, cuck.
videos like this make me wish we would have hanged more niggers
The difference between a nigger and a black? Time. Only time.
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>shun or prohibit non-Scottish people from joining
>tfw Dolezal "got it" for 18 years teaching African history, then suddenly "didn't get it" after they found out she had been white the whole time
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Maybe people of all races was tired of the clinton lies and thievery. Maybe the handful of legal mexicans realize it only worls if you do it right. Maybe the handful pf truely peaceful muslims Don't want terrorism in the USA. Maybe the bus load of educated negoes who listened to trumps words and realized he wasn't calling them super preditors.
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>tfw conservatives voted for a racist liar
>just to avoid voting for an experienced one
Do you think there's even the slightest chance this is not going to happen? Not necessarily right now, or the next decade, of course. But think historically for a single second, and you'll see it's a hundred percent sure. Many civilizations in the past did collaborate with things that caused their destruction, but only because no one saw it coming. White civilization is well aware of the cancer that multi-culturalism is, only there is some many people pretending not to see it out of cowardice, and laziness. But it is pretty clear, and once something gets this evident, historically, it's just a matter of time before action is taken. I honestly hope it won't be too violent on the weaker races, because it's not everything their fault, that we reached this point. Unfortunately, the way they're behaving now, that is unlikely.
not as many jews
Citation needed
> by racist
Understand someone I've no evidence of solid critique to give, so I'll just use some emotional jargon to see if some dumb folks believe me.
> by experience
Understand someone whose corruption and crimes are well-known, and have been shown beyond any doubt.
>You fucks picked cotton

Them fucks, and only them fucks, uh huh.


> easiest fucking job

Again, no. It is the hardest aspect of cotton farming.
Trump is gonna take your cards and make you earn a Check. And that's really why you don't like him, NIGGER. You can NEVER live that label down.
Trump is gonna take your cards and make you earn a Check. And that's really why you don't like him, NIGGER. You can NEVER live that label down.>>711755467
White pride is typically being a Klansman, shouting "White power!", being discriminatory, violent, and ignorant. What REAL white pride is actually white cultural pride, e.g. celebrating St. Patrick's Day, Columbus Day, any European holiday, observation, or custom, recounting on predominantly white history, listening to predominantly white people music, film, television, books, etc.

Non-whites (depending) have little to celebrate. Let the Puerto Ricans have their flags and cuisine. Let the blacks have their George Washington Carver. Now when blacks celebrate Rosa Parks, that's bullshit. She was just a fucking bitch who didn't wanna move. If she were allowed to speak her mind, she'd be like, "Oh boy whitey, you din't just tell me to move my ass. You better move your cracker ass before I bust my heel in your crack, honky!". I'm sorry, but really modern black people do not have all that much to celebrate so they celebrate the remnants of slavery and celebrities (entertainment stars and athletes). Now Asians have a whole culture and decades of shit to celebrate but what are they supposed to do? March and sing "Asian power!" "Go Gheghis Khan!" "Light them motherfuckin' fireworks up!". No, they celebrate Tet or Chinese New Year or whatever. Real INTELLIGENT people don't need a fancy national holiday or parade with their group tied to it. Gay pride parade? More like faggotville waiting for some lunatic to commit a hate crime. Black pride rally? Again. Black history month? Women history month? Don't need that shit. They are fabricated days solely for the purpose of 'celebrating' a type of culture. Instead, let it evolve from something historical. Cinco de Mayo is a celebration of a Mexican victory, not just some random ass Mexican Day.
>cancer that multi-culturalism is
There is "some many" people pretending that their genes are more important than others out of narcissism, thats for damn sure.

>hope it won't be too violent
White people live in this wonderful little self important bubble, where their actions magically have no consequence and their views are never challenged or out-dated. Where they never have to change because "muh good ol days".
>white people voted for Trump
>everyone is pissed at white people right now
>hate crimes will probably begin shortly
White people denying theres a problem is where the fucking problem is, but go ahead and keep denying theres a problem. White input is totally relevant at this point.
>an entire political party ignored the white vote
>thats how much people value your input right now
Tax avoidance, I don't pay you shit. Maybe you should take some of that "free" money and get a education. You would see you don't do your race any favors.
10 investigations, no charges, no conviction.

He literally flip flopped on his entire platform 2 days after he won.
And you are comparing Apple's to garage door opener. Maybe you'll get the hang of it one day.
saw something in the mirror you didn't like, huh?
if you hate that logic, stop using it. because it was used here ironically to prove a point. a point you keep missing entirely.
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You're still wrong, well done for pointing out what a comparison and grammar is. Now use your some what limited brain power to figured that comparing a religion (which influences behaviour.. people can chose to be part of, although Islam is very rough on people who want to leave) and race (something someone has no choice about and doesn't affect how they act usually.)
Fuck me, now you just went full brilliant there. I say there's a historical danger of a civilization collapsing, and your argument is that I pretend problems don't exist. You accuse others of self-importance, but you think anyone not being on your side and fighting the same problem you are, automatically means they don't see any problem at all. The thing is, I see the problem you're referring to, but so happens that I'm at the other side of it. As much affected as anyone else, but for the diametrically opposite reason. That's why my response is not the same as yours. That's why my, and my people response, is getting you la la landers so much by surprise. Stop trying to make us think like you. Those who were so weak-minded as to have their wills bent have already conceded. Now you're dealing with the people that you can't defeat by whining. Find a new strategy, or assume defeat.
Goes to show that a retarded liberal will never accept the truth.
Lower proper tax, less to no unions.
>Those dimples
I'd still hit it.
Cotton, little fuzzy balls on a plant that grow maybe 2 feet tall.
Picking cotton consists of pulling said fuzzy ball from said plant.
Niggers crying " oh lard, dems White men's gives us da hardest jobs"
Meanwhile the whites take care of paying for the land, seed, housing for the slaves, food for the slaves, paying for the slaves, getting the picked cotton to the market, etc.

Yeah, niggers picked cotton starting after breakfast until lunch, after lunch until supper, then went home. Hardest job my ads. Grow the fuck up, that is why you niggers have nothing, you don't worry about paying for shot. If you can't pay for now or steel it, you will never have it.
>civilization collapsing
WHEW, just turned up this breitbart fearmongering to a whole new level.

>That's why my, and my people response, is getting you la la landers so much by surprise.
It's surprising nobody that a SMALL MINORITY of white Americans are extreme racists, newfriend. Nothing you're saying is new, and it's been said more eloquently, by people smarter than you, for decades.
>Stop trying to make us think like you.
Stop reacting to fear, and start reasoning with others like an adult.
>Now you're dealing with the people that you can't defeat by whining
We're dealing with boomers who already have one foot in the grave, and racist extremists. Two things we've BEEN dealing with for decades as well.

You and your frat party present a far lesser challenge.
10 investigators fearing for their lives.
Tyrone, you need to watch the 60 Minutes interview, you are looking pretty dumb right now.
Wrong. /b/ has always had a fun loving hatred of blacks, you are obviously very new.
You compared a race to a religion. You do realize that there are whites in the Muslim religion? And there are muslims in the White race? With your logic whites are responsible for Isis. Maybe if you didn't eat paint chips in high school you would realize that you are too retarded to make comments.
Whatever justifies your narrative, sheeple.

spoiler: EVERY article that disagrees with you, every source that criticizes you, every tweet and every horror story cannot ALL be lies.
>modern black people
>modern black people in North America
Fixed that for you.

>Asians have a whole culture
>"Light them motherfuckin' fireworks up!"
>they celebrate Tet
By lighting fireworks and having festivities. It may not be the kind of patriotism that warrants helicarriers, eagles, and the star-spangled banner over a guitar riff, but it is pride in one's culture. Otherwise, why celebrate it? Why lump all Asians into one group? Not every person who is Asiatic comes from China, not all of them celebrate Chinese New Year.

But I feel as if, for some reason, something is amiss with your paragraph still.

Do you view African-Americans as people? Or are they all just nigger slaves/niggers descended from slaves? Are they... not allowed to acknowledge the notion? I mean, where else did they come from? Were they not born from slaves? I mean, let's not retcon history and play the PC card. What is a celebrity these days, but someone who manages to make themselves seem important enough for history to remember?

Why is Cinco de Mayo, a celebration of a Mexican victory, somehow valid as opposed to emancipation? Are they not both historical events from which things evolved? It would seem like both things involve winning one's freedom (and finding reasons to trivialize it or take it for granted as the majority of everyone here is neither a slave nor fighting France).
Whats your goal here, anon? What are you even trying to accomplish today?
>you niggers

Fuck you. I'm white. My grandparents were cotton sharecroppers until after WWII (when my grandpa was discharged from the Army), at which time they moved to the city to get jobs during the post-war industrial boom. Again, since you can't read, blacks were not the only people who ever farmed cotton. Now fuck back off to your xbox or /pol/, or whatever the fuck it is that you do instead of working for a living.
Being liberal doesn't mean not typing nigger, nigger.
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>like really.. wow!

It's time to die, you living meme
>goes to show that conservatives have to resort to denial just to protect their precious trump god
It's shit like this that led me to conceal carry.
Reacting to fear? Fear of what? That niggers, faggots and all other type of failures and malformed creatures are going to continue crying, and begging white people to handle them what they want? That's not scary, man. Just a freaking pain in the ass, is all.
And extreme racism is a fiction of your twisted mind. What do exist is people that know for a fact the world is like they are, which is those that can win do so and the others just get fucked, and that's not some fringe thinkiers, that's in fact any individual that's not willing to carry a bunch of failures in their backs. And that is basically any reasonable person in the fucking world. Your dream-world depends on people giving their lives and strength away for others, because they pitty them. And just simply won't happen
When will SJWs understand that you cannot be combatant based on saying you're the victim and begging others for acceptance? It's the biggest incongruity that ever was, ffs
>and all other types of failures
Confirmed, fear of strangers, wide open areas, possesses a superiority complex, might be autistic or socially stunted. Possibility of repressed faggotry or desires. Has problems discerning between reality and fantasy, likes to fantasize about violence. Might be suffering from delusion.

Father may have left them at an early age. Possible case of Dissociative identity disorder.
Women are more likely to be racially Biased-
Do you even realize you've been repeating the sentenced afraid of for over an hour now, but you haven't a single time said afraid of what? It's the definition of very poor argumentation, man, honestly.
its been business as usual for years
Trumps the one threatening to drop nukes right now
"bomb the hell out of half the planet" seems like the best option to you?
if you don't want your guns taken away, stop shooting anti-trump protesters. its easily the most counter-productive thing you could possibly do.
>Your dream world depends on people giving their lives and strength away for others.
Lets be clear here. We're asking for health care and decent education. That's not some GRAND sacrifice that you have to make, that's not some OUTRAGEOUS request the likes of which the Earth has never seen before. We want affordable doctors, more police accountability, cheaper schools, and diplomacy in foreign affairs.

And you faggots bitch and moan like we just asked you to build an arc and shelter two of every animal in it. You're not some martyr just because you had to pay higher taxes for a few years just to make sure people can see a fucking doctor. Get some fucking perspective.
I'll debate against every race here, white or not, you can't be proud about something you didn't do anything to be

I mean, it's like " I'm proud of bein right-handed"

Prove me wrong
>Do you even realize you've been repeating the sentenced afraid of for over an hour now
I literally posted once, 5 minutes ago, in a minute's time.

>Do you even realize you've been repeating the sentenced afraid of for over an hour now
>but you haven't a single time said afraid of what

>afraid of what
>fear of strangers
>wide open areas
>repressed faggotry
>might be autistic

At least I was right about those things. I might also be right about your father.

Look out, because now you're arguing with hurt feelings.
Are you serious nigger?
>all this bait while being racist yourself
Hypocrite much?
I'm proud to be left handed. Where I grew up the schools forced people to use their right hand for writing, etc.
Prove me wrong.
I know that all too well. Try using a hand held can opener with your left hand.... Talk about awkward....
Ambidextrous here. Society tried to make me right.

I told society to fuck off.
If you want stuff for free, go beg in the streets then. That's how you do it, not creating an entire political movement full of cunts believing they are the bearers of some divine message, trying to blame people into paying their way through life.
Learn to play the tin whistle, get yourself a hat to collect the coins, and you're done. Real simple solution.

Can we get fucking serious??
said a man posting on /b/
Thats great, but we're talking Americans here. They don't quite class as human, and don't have a culture to celebrate.
Just to further to the South, pass the border.
Say goodbye.
Live happily ever after
make america great again. we need rid of dumbfuckistan
WTF?! Why are there PC faggots in here?
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