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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>703513386 >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 199
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread.

Previous: >>703513386

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>No one is going to take you seriously if you don't post your waifu
>Naps are a GOOD idea
>Insult others with vigor
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>Refrain from being lewd
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!
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Hello Everyone!
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They got power back on, so yeah, that's what happened

My computer is partly kill, if power supply wasn't, it is now. And I do smell burnt computer

I'll wait for my roommate, he is a computer science major
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A blown fuse isn't a real problem either though.

What are they like 6 dollars these days?
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Jinx claimed.

>How about you?
Just relaxing at the moment. Listening to music.
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The moon is lurking
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Everything is a-mei-zing.
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ryuko 5.jpg
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Still here, how are you all doing ?

Also, Ryuko claimed
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Alice 28.jpg
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Noodle claimed.
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Doing fine. You?

Which Gorillaz song is your favorite? Also, excited for the new album next year?
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If I see Mai80.jpg one more fucking time
Favourite's probably Dare, didn't know there's gonna be a new album.
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actually juliet starling.jpg
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Nice. Any plans for your week?
I am well. Just kicking back now.
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Inb4 he changes it to either 79 or 81.

Also back from the Pokémon hunt.
A blown power supply is a bit worse, and if it broke anything else...

Well I was meaning to up grade it sooner or later
Hey butts, I am not good with computers
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Hey, nice trips.
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>eating chink chicken and broccoli
>finish up and move to fortune cookie
>"The usefulness of a cup is in its emptiness"

That is not even a fucking fortune you retarded chinese bastards. And I'm thirsty, so fill this empty ass cup up.
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Jinx 130.jpg
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It was supposed to come out this year but it got moved to next year. I hope it's good.

My favorite songs are:

>Rhinstone Eyes
>White Light
>Dirty Harry
>Feel Good, Inc.
>Empire Ants

And a whole slew of others. There's just so
many good songs from them.

Just gettting up early for school.
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>The usefulness is in its emptiness
>the emptiness of no waifu
time again.
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Good list. It misses most of Plastic Beach songs. Like Melancholy Hill
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>White light
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Casca claimed
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Haha great can you kill yourself now?
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Leave him alone
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The lying, the bleeding, the screaming
Was tearing me apart
The hatred (deceiving), the beatings; it's over
That's a quote from lao Tzu, when you fill a bowl, or any other container, it stops being useful as nothing else can be placed in it.

It is supposed to be a metaphor for the human mind, that while calm and meditating you think better

Litteraly rapped untill retarded
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Jinx 256.jpg
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That's why I said a whole slew of others. Plastic Beach is my favorite album from them, though. Demon Days is second.

Are you not impressed by my superior taste?

Are you okay?
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Take the advice of everyone on /waifu/ and fuck off mai.
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She's mine and I love her. Deal with it
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That still is not a fortune.

A fortune would be something like "Bad luck and misfortune will infest your pathetic soul for all eternity."
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I haven't showered in days lol
A great adventure is waiting for you ahead.
Hurry onward Tomoko, for you will soon be dead.
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I prefer Demon Days but as long you don't say the Sides album were good we're fine
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Any notable catches?
How are you on this fine day?
I like Melancholy Hill, the only Gorillaz song I've really listened too.
Fun times. 5:30 AM is when I wake up. This year is going just about as I expected.
YouTube. How about you?
Waifu edition
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I lost all the respect my family had for me. these threads are all I have left
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>We Are Happy Landfill
>Bill Murray
>not good
Seasonal waifu
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Happy Sand Castle.jpg
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Well I'm so empty
I'm better off without you and you're better off without me
Well you're so unclean
I'm better off without you and you're better off without me
They're just lyrics mayne
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Fine aswell, I'm gonna go for a smoke

What you up to ?
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Alice 19.jpg
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Watching some YouTube.
You will take your eastern philosophy and like it!
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2 or 3 good songs don't make an album good
nice pic
I will rape you with a rake.
Faggot calling the lesbian gay
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leg kickin.gif
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You said you were into prog music if I remember correctly. What are your thoughts on Yes' Fragile?
Trips indeed. How are you today?
He'd like that.
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Fran will like that
>shiro anon
>good music tastes
you don't like queen
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I'm good, contemplating whether or not it's socially acceptable to do fireworks today.
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>Not liking D-Sides

You should listen to more. They're really good.

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Tbhq i have the best music taste itt
Fuck off mai
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Trips confirm
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Yes is cool
God damn I want to ram my dick in tomokos stinky ass
>progressive music
Have you listened to insurance by flo
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I spoke to God today, and she said that she's ashamed.
What have I become, what have I done?
I spoke to the Devil today, and he swears he's not to blame.
And I understood, cause I feel the same.
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Alice 40.jpg
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I'm not doing too bad. How about yourself, Shiro?
Mi Liu do you have any personality besides copying Mai?
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>3D is almost always trash
corrected: 3D is always trash

also Viedeo game waifus are for normies or even worse normies who pretend to be weeaboos/wizards/autist etc.

also Renge claimed for daughterfu
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Well shit. Then I'll rape him with a cactus. Not even a homolord would like that.
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It is not. You could do them anyways.
Some day. Demon Days is very low priority on my backlog of music.
I disliked that album. Felt so lackluster.
I don't like prog music usually.
She's from a line of television commercials.
I'm pretty good, kicking back with some YouTube currently.
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Tongue tied, dead inside
Nothing left, not even pride
This isn't how I thought the future would go

Hell-bent, soul is spent
Nothing left but to repent
I've gotta dig myself back out of this hole
Its a metaphor you autist.
Bruh don't even make fun of my progressive music
Flo is best at that genre
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When can you do this?

Seems like you guys know me...

Ok, I don't think I'd get behind that
It would be Goddess
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Alice 24.jpg
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What are you watching?
Galil a metaphor for shit
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Eru Claim
>CS:GO isn't as fun as it use to be.
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I was so close to catching a Poliwrath, Snorlax, Tangela and a couple of Dratini's!
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only way out.png
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I'm going to do it. I can't take it anymore
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>the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being.
There's no real part in the definition that says "Male" so eat shit.
So here is the thing about rape: You don't get to make any decisions about the act. When, where, what, none of these are your privilege.
Do it faggot.
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i'm winston.png
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Cow Chop. Fun group.
I told you to get a Dratini. You didn't. Disappointed in you.
Please for the love of god dump your futa folder
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Crazy eyed, certified
Nothing left but shit inside
Nobody said this would be easy to do
Drying out, crying out
Nothing left but pain and doubt
I would be lying if I said it's for you
>I spoke to Goddess today
Shut up
Nyet, pedik.
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Alice 26.jpg
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I don't believe I've ever heard of them before.
Fucking dumbass
God is male
Goddess is female
Learn to gender objects
But if you are qt, it wouldn't be rape ;p ~~~~~~~~
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>ruler of the universe
No wonder the world is so horrible
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>Cow Chop
Mah nigga
Nova > Alecks though
Goddess is not a Christian term.
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Alice 11.jpg
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No wonder existence is so horrible* I'm sure it would be just as awful on another world
>muh Christianity
You do know Jews worship God too?
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No wonder goddess won't just tell me what she wants from me
>God Is Male
Why? A god refers to the creator/being who created the universe of which you live, its a term in any monotheistic religion, specifying male is retarded.
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happy 2.jpg
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I've always preferred Aleks. Joe is a pretty cool dude too.
Don't be sad.
A female God is a Goddess
A male God is a God
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Alice 30.jpg
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Sadness has nothing to do with hating existence
Implying it wouldn't suck equally bad if god was a guy. It will suck regardless of the gender
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But Nova lights all the bonfires.
Also I first learned about Nova from the Creatures
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Jinx 189.jpg
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Guys, arguing about religion is never good. It always leads to hate and bitterness.
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God is lonely as fuck
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This is what happens when we teach kids that everything is gender-neutral
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Gotta Go Fast.png
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There's Galil! I used a Galil in GO to get an ace.
>Game is still garbage, but the Galil is a good Terrorist weapon
Siege is much more fun to play tbh.
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Alice 14.jpg
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Good, he can have a taste of the misery he makes us live. Provided a god even exists
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witty file name 7.jpg
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So did I. Been watching the affiliates of the Creatures for about 6 years now.
Yes it does. Happy people embrace existence.
Never played.
No, what I'm saying is that its a vague term that yields no real gender bias, I know "Goddess" Refers to a woman, but for centuries my religion has referred to a God that is a woman, and we simply call her our God.
Ever stop to consider that your god is a degenerate?
Ever stop to consider that your God is a degenerate as well?
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God projects onto us robots
We are the Children of God
Or perhaps we are God
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My phone died right when I got to the first one, and when I switched batteries, it was gone. Second one showed up right as I was driving home.
Yeah but I am my God. So it makes sense
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What are we arguing over terminology about religion?

Because you aren't a qt?
Well when you look at it that way, I suppose it does, fair enough.
I blame whoever harassed Galil over song lyrics, then I blame myself for getting involved over my religious butthurt.
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Alice 34.jpg
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I will never embrace existence then
Tomoko is in fact a qt
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Its a bit like GO but ADS, actual strategy, and no bullshit spray mechanics other than recoil which is really controllable, all in all it feels SO much better to play.
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I'm back, just finished smoking.

So what's up in here ?
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Freedom Rifle.jpg
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The people as a collective is God
The answer to who made God is humans.
Therefore we are higher than God
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Still strange

Are you, the one doing the rake/cactus rape, a qt?
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They're arguing about religion.
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fuck yeah six arcanines.png
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Interesting. Maybe I'll get around to it someday.
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Better than a hugbox where we argue whos cute
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Ready To Pew.png
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Religious debates I guess, and game discussion
>CS:GO is bad IMO
>Rainbow Six Siege is better.
Would recommend! Its a lot of fun and the operators are fun to play as well.
I like to think I am, but my ego isn't that big.
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Hey Akame
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im a murderah.png
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I believe that when i die everything ceases to exists
You can't prove me wrong
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Jinx 210.jpg
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That's easy. Jinx is cute.
It was then us who killed him by attempting to disprove him

Well I am sure you are!

~~now grab that rake!
You're already dead, but i still exist

prove me wrong by posting your face
I could if I gutted you and sent you to the afterlife. But there's a 50/50 chance you'd prove me wrong.
I'm not going to do this.
No like "Your a cute" "nou the cute"
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Your just chemicals in my brain telling me that I'm wrong
You can't prove me wrong
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Nice, I'll join then

I'm not into competitive FPS, so I'll have to take your word on that

Also, God might be real, but all religions are wrong.
Schrödinger never had a cat
You can't prove me wrong
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hey there

Don't make threats if you can't carry them out
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Alice 32.jpg
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Life is also disappointing though
I'm the cells of your brain and you are the consciousness i create.
You can't prove me wrong.
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Fran a cute.
You should be into it.
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Happy Eru.png
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I play Siege casually tbh, its a lotta fun but I could definitely get into the Ranked field. I use to never play FPS before I started playing Counter Strike Source, which, for some reason I still think is better than CS:GO, but thats just my opinion. I usually play Turn Based like Fire Emblem n stuff
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I'll do it
Sorry but I don't into ERP.

Nope. I don't ERP.
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You Know Gasai (14).png
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Drunk yuno coming through
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pixel stuff.png
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Still disappointed.
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Operator Time!.png
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Hey Yuno, hows it going?
Whats your poison?
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Hey cutie
You're a nigger
You can't prove me wrong
I claim that you have no grip on reality any more you really need to kys. You beating off to cartoon caracters is disturbing at best. Plz kys
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broken arm.png
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That experiment was meant to sound ridiculous. He was trying to say that quantum mechanics can't be applied on larger scales, just to particles

So I guess you are right

Thank you!

Alright, when?

Who said this was online roleplay?
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Jinx 103.jpg
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But Jinx ain't a cartoon character.
The only FPS I played were Farcry 3 and 4, the old COD/Battlefield/medal of honor, every Halo game, Dead Island, Borderland 2 and some others I can't remember.
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Alice Sundress.jpg
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I'll put in an effort to embrace existence when existence puts in the effort to embrace me
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100% Nigga.jpg
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You Know Gasai (20).jpg
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Oi who u? I dont remember a leone nigga
Don't pretend that it wasn't about to devolve into exactly that.
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I'm OG Leone
I'm also drubk on wine and mead
wanna erp o:
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Far Cry 3 was pretty gud stuff, after Source I jumped into a bit of MW2, Medal of Honor and Borderlands 2 as well, gud stuff ^^
Tequila, nice.
>I can't drink cause I'm not 21.
>RIP me.
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You Know Gasai (14).jpg
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O shit the akame crew comin together, wut up nigga?
My nigga I'm all fucked with 4 shots of tequila
Rip You m8, 4 off.
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You Know Gasai (11).jpg
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Ah shit antoer little birdie~
discount klonata?
ask nicely and i'll consider it
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Hello people
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Why so cold, Nanas?
You used to enjoy these.

No worries, Frankie.
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I've had two boxes of wine and I'm halfway down on mead. I got some vodka and fireballs waiting as well
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Personally I don't see the appeal of alcohol other than the drunkness, most of it doesn't smell that great, or really taste that great.
>Especially wine.
>Or at least the cheap boxed shit my Aunt buys does.
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witty file name 14.jpg
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That's not going to happen.
Ruri and Fran are the same person
Gay as fuck kys
>mfw I went to buy whisky when I was 16 and wasn't asked for an ID

France is pretty when you want to buy some drinks. Is it really so hard to buy alchohol when you're under 21 in the US ?
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im back
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Enjoy what? ERP? No.

Joking around? Yeah sure. But some people take it seriously.
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Some boxed wine is good. Honey mead is delicious. So are screwdrivers
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Also rolling for trips
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Yeah, they card you even if you look like you're 30, its strict shit. Though you can easily pay a sleezy guy $40 to get you some, but there's the risk he'll book it with your cash. I'm not a huge fan of drinking anyway so its no big deal. I do wanna try it when I turn 21 though, just see if I like anything.
>Honey Mead
Now that sounds tasty.
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Bonjour à toi
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That's retarded
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You Know Gasai (72).png
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I still got some seagrams and shit in my fridge, I dont like to drink pop's stuff unless he offers and first time he actually offered me shit so I took advantage
Damn I wish I had some fireball but pops will hook me up next week for a big fight happening and Ima grill ALOT that day

I didnt see it at first either, mostly at young age folks and others treat it like the spawn of satan to me but fuck all that once I hit 21 and just say "hey dont drink and drive" and that kind responsible shit

They're not suppose to taste yummy lol its to get drunk and party but I dont make it a habit

Ahah fag I saw yo comment at esdese theme video
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Well my roommate is home now, so it couldn't

You are also a qt!

Hey there
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oh a constant leone claimer dont leave
>we have a akame btw
So are you
Damn, I thought you were able to buy some anyway, glad I wasn't born in the US.

Drinking is fun when done with friends, it's always better to be drunk with other people. I'm more of a weed guy myself, but I never say no to a good alcohol.
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