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i've been seeing less and less g/fur threads and it's

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 194
Thread images: 151
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i've been seeing less and less g/fur threads and it's getting concerning
Bump for goat rape
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Is thread kill?
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I guess it's just me tonight. Just like real life.
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If you're under FBI investigation, should you be allowed to run for president?
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There aren't any trains in this thread. Sage.
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no wonder when all that is posted is hardblush garbo that everyone and their grandmother has seen before
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Leave my grandmama out of this.
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Is it my fault if people don't like me? I can't be social by pretending to be someone else. It's foolish.
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Consider the following.jpg
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thats victory for any functional member of society
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My only and favorite fur
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look at this dood
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actual porn in a fur thread? What is this sorcery?
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So umm... (web).png
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The avatarfags tend to fall asleep early
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I'm easily amused when I'm drunk.
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but technically I am one I think.
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So long as you post porn that's all that matters.
Shh no more talking
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Talk to me.
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If only guys did look like... all my feels.
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Is it normal that I'm into g fur Images, and human woman only?
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I think it's natural. I mean as a male (assuming) you know what a male is feeling. It's erotic and you can image it that the way feel. And of course: no homo.
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Of course man, no homo hahaha. And cool cool, I was always confused about my sexuality when it came to that
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Boom. Roasted.
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A few years ago I was stressing over my sexuality, but now a days I think "fuck it. if it turns me on it turns me on." and again, no homo. Yeah I do have a twin... gets kind of confusing there...
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Really? Can't even imagine what that must be like. The twin thing, and I think I'll just be cool and go with whatever turns me on. No point in hiding it.
hai. so, a friend of mine is hurting for cash, and is taking greyshade commissions for 25 bucks while he's streaming at
his fa's letodoesart

just in case anyone cares :P
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>not down here

What else did he have in mind?
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You should fuck your twin or vice versa.
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It's not incest. It's just masturbation.
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the start of the thread is full of nice stuff
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Guess we'll have to post more good stuff
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wow i didn't think this thread would pick up at first this is getting pretty big
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Now this is a party I could get in on
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Who you callin cutie?
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Got this done of one of my OC's. Pretty dam good.
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>these aren't my glasses
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where is snarf?
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Don't bring Johnny into this..
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i bring whatever the fuck i want into whatever the fuck i want
i love animals
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I was confused like you because i loved these threads but only like women in real life. Then, one night, i had a friwnd over and he was playing vidya while i was chillin on the bed. For some reason he came over and grabed my wiener and we had an awkward moment followed bu fucking. Turned out hes bi and so am i... Still dont know how i feel about that tho.
blame the avatar fags. cant help but ruin shit for everyone.
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This is an 18+ board
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21 breh, just not very comfortable with sexual lingo
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I don't know how if I could fuck a guy IRL, burning do think about it a lot, well at least with an anthro animal. These threads always are my favorite on here, but i do go for real girls too. I'm a strange guy lol, but hey, I'm not complaining
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A lot of this crap is shit tier. I'm not hard yet. I hate it when someone acts like a total beta male bitch, I hate the unnatural, colors on some OCS, and I hate the big ass dicks. They're ugly AF. There's barley any good yiff nowadays. It's just all "big dicks and male bitches taking on neon colored foxes".
what is this from
OMFG lol. You people are so fucking weird. Why are you attracted to animals. I bet you all Fuck your dogs. What happened to you sick fucks to make you want to look at this type of porn?
A comic I think, but I can't remember
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i was abused by dogs so now i want to fuck them

damn u stupid
Feel free to stay a while and enjoy yourself. I'm sure you like it more than you let on
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Space Goofs.png
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You guys are sick weirdo fucks. Disgusting faggots.
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my weak genes ensured my homosexuality, as they will ensure my early death
how are you tonight

neutral, and you?
New thread coming?
Buy Levis instead of Wrangler then.
This thread hasn't gone lowbrow at all lol
Fine. Tired. Sold some stuff today.

genes rule everything around me


i got no money

swallow that red pill yaaa
I'm off to bed, so someone else will have to provide the porn
Hahahahahahahaha Why Does This Bother You So Much Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha
I know the feel. I havnt fucked any other guys besides him, nor have i found any dudes ive been atracted to really. All i know is that when we fuck every so often we both just have fun with it,and thats probably part of the attraction to do it.
I was this was waiting for me at my apartment when I get home
why is there a fucking hypodermic needle container in the bg why am I in thus thread why am I cumming so hard
>shitty Tyler the Creator joke
Kill yourself, my dude.
where are people getting their hardblush siterips these days?
Yeah, I've been trying different ways to get off too, like experimenting. I'm trying to get more to ok with the idea of sleeping with a guy.

what'd you sell?


are you rapping
4chan is only welcoming to straight porn
a lot of gay guys become desensitized to seeing women in their porn if the guys dick is good enough
Thread replies: 194
Thread images: 151

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