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>>702323918 I has porn.

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 228
Thread images: 151
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I has porn.
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Me too!
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Quad porn coming at ya
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and I'll help!
where from
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Why are these threads so comfy?
Hey katten, how's it going?
what uppp
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Cause we're bro dude-ing
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because without most of the anime posters gfur threads are actually quite inviting and friendly.
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white power tho
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hey snarf, how's life treating you?
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I also enjoy fapping, so I guess there's that.
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So umm... (web).png
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Nothing really.
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You mean "waste the image quota with anime pictures". At least spam with some that have penises.
its ok right meow.
how has your day been? whatcha been up to?

my lord has arrived
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Good for me. But poor hunnibuns got his wisdom teeth pulled, and something made him sick to his stomach, so he was puking. I'm coming back from visiting him right now.
have a good day i hope?
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Finally sold some stuff
why boner?
oh awesome! what did you sell?
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Boner is luv
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Make it fit.png
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2 copies of zelda, punch out, and spyro 2 for the PS1
Your bootyhole.
I don't think there is many people that think "man, fapping is boring. I'm going to do something else".
my day was interesting, had someone shadowing me who was probably the most awkward shadower I have ever had. She was basically yelling at them and every time I had to correct her on something she gave me a look like I wronged her entire family.
Other than that it wasn't too bad.
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And then get pissy when called out on it
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I know, but this content hits me in the right places.
sweet! i love spyro games~

that gets sold all the time though

oh gosh that does sounds awkward!
i forget what you do for work though
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I got yelled at because I didn't know what the anime and assumed it was some fan made thing because the drawing was shit. That was a bad night
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Tail pulling.png
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I guess some one else did. They snatched it up like 3 hours after I listed it again.
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Meh, they're a bunch of selfish attention whores. I don't waste time in avatar threads
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nice :3
anything else interesting happen?
no at least horse boners arent
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Not much really.

I might pick up an Apple IIGS but I don't have any room to keep it.
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my boyfriend hits me in the right places, but these threads are a close second.
I do state based health insurance. I also learned today the positions might be permanent. I think I really need to get out of there, especially if they are trying to keep us all there while paying less than literally any other state.
do you want that as a collector item or as a restoration and selling item?
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Both. I'd clean it up to sell it.
hmmm yeah it may be time to look for something else

cool beans~
how difficult are they to clean?
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Glad I was born in time for them.
Anyone want to share a good comic?
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What state? Also is being a claims analyst hell on earth? I have a useless MS in Geology that's making me suicidal and I need to get out of my parent's house so I'll take anything
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This thread is full of gay people.
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Not too hard.

Most of the components are only a few dollars if you know what you're doing to get it back up and running. Unless its some sort of special chip.
no u
how much could you sell one of those for?
Yuki is the prettiest fag of them all.
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I don't even know where to start honestly. I don't even know what to look for
Yea they are pretty great, I used to think I was a freak and the only person that would be attracted to muscular furries and then I found yiffstar.
well it's free state based insurance so lots of people yelling at you because they fucked up and a lot of people trying to break HIPPA laws. Also you get to see the ineptitude of pharmacists and hospital billing companies. It's amazing how often pharmacists are wrong.
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Power bottoming.png
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maybe $250 or so.

he offered it to me for $100
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I found u18, good times.
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yeah its hard to find a good new job X_x

not a bad profit i think~
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Lick slowly now.png
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It might require $30-40 in new parts though
man has darkgem just put out a bunch more content? I gotta update my collection
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I was aiming for vehicle or property claims because then it'll all be everyone being killed in red states from no regulations or malfunctioning Chyrsler products
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i wish my boyfriend hit me
ohh. well i bet it would be pretty fun to work on anyway!
kill yourself
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I don't speak that language.

That sounds terrible
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Yes unless something is dead on it.

Then it's just a huge can of worms. Lucky they socketed most of the important chips

In the prostate?
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I didn't know about u18 for a very long time.
I just hate being yelled at for trying to help people.
It's not necessarily new, some of it is kinda older. Just do a u18 search with darkgem and you will find it. Kosuna is another one with an art style like him.
I'm concerned about why that is the main reason you want to do it.
I meant he fucks me in all the right places, but he also does slap my ass which is nice.
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a can of fun worms?! :D

its bad enough when it happens once or twice but i imagine it happens a lot to you :c
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It's not the main reason, I just abhor the medical field since it's all I ever hear about.
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Cream filled kitty.png
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A can of worms that results in lots of cursing, damming things, and stress.

nu, i deserve to have the hist beat out of me


oh he's rad good at that


leaves a mark? someone's a good boy
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cursing is fun and cool
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Yes he is.

Not when money is on the line.

h-how do YOU know?
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Being hit is bad

sure, whatever
just makes it all the more thrilling!
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If I'm lucky it's only once a day, so far my record has been 10 in a day.
I understand that, you could always go for something a bit less frustrating though. You will still get yelled no matter where you are getting the claims.
yes he did, and I loved every second of it. It also makes me reflexively tighten around him more so I'm sure he loved it just as much.
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Kitty love bites.png
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because I'm the one giving the good boy marks.

I suppose
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jesus fuck that i would cry and drink heavily

:3c then charge a higher labor cost
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Has anyone else here tried kemo coliseum?
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My large Fenrir came in today, after seeing how much bigger it is than my crash idk if I can use it.
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Riding high.png
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Well good boy marks to league

Take a running cannon ball drive at it.
>gskill keyboard

There is a reason that place is so draining, I think I lost all emotions for the first few weeks I was working there.
I don't know what that is
it doesn't look that much bigger honestly, if you just work at it I'm sure you can get it in. I wish I could get my toy all the way in but I haven't found a good way to do it. Closest I have gotten it in is I think 5 inches.
$35 at the good will store, I think I made a good deal.
thats no good :C
yeah you need a change of job dude.
Ayyyyyy what's up guys.
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A game/visual novel in development, I just tried it for the first time and it's really great. Best part is that it'll be free (once/if completed)
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I wish I still had my computer skills but I never was too great at it to begin with, not to mention I can't get a job from it anyway because I am over qualified for staples and underqualified everywhere else
Not much, how are you?
ahoy lad

hmm yeah that poses a slight annoyance
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I'm pretty darn good. Had a chill day, went to a football game at a high school I used to go to, saw a lot of old friends.

Please call me lad more.
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awesome lad! did your school win the game?
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you are GAY


you are such a good father
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Everytime I feel bad I always remember I could be in school and everything gets better.
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Oh and NSFW with big bara furries, of course
lol no they suck. It was fun regardless. I went to that school from Kindergarten all the way to Freshman year, so all my best friends still go there.
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Tasty hole.png
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But I'm not a father.
was there a rad afterparty too?
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Bro why is there so much incredible art of your character? Do you draw a lot? Order lots of commissions?

a father, to one
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Such a mess.png
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I get it drawn

Naw. If I was, I'd feel all wrong doing the things I do to him in bed.
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He has a commission drawn every day or so
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There was, I didn't go. I haven't gotten high in a while, tonight wasn't the night. I'm pretty damn sober right now, which is good. Cross Country season starting soon, my body is a temple atm.
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more like a major one, it stopped me getting a job for almost a full year
oh that sounds like a blast
are you sure? I take it in the ass from my boyfriend but I might not be gay.
I wouldn't say every day.
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Does anyone have links to stories and whatnot? Like the description from link related?
Sofurry has quite a few stories, the site's more catered to them than FA, etc.
aww you dont have to get high or too drunk to have a good time at a party though
but i admire that youre staying sober :3

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That's p neat. I have a hard time deciding who my dude really is, what he is and what's he's like. I think I'll really get drawn to something eventually, then maybe I'll ask some rad artist to draw them.
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Thanks, looking at it now.
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The best part of getting up.png
1 MB, 1507x1495
Sounds neat.
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Who is the anon?
I don't go to a lot of parties, just not my scene. The parties that really appeal to me are crazy raves and EDM concerts, that shit looks insanely fun.
Yeah it was fun. My depressing grandmother came over before I left so that was depressing, but football was fun.
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Obligatory gay shit I forgot. Also if you lurk these threads a lot I apologize for repeating so many pics, I just don't have a lot saved on my computer and I'm too lazy to go find more.

i don't mean literally, you're just his gay daddy

right? or maybe wrong


grade S 100% Gay
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Comming to bed.png
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I guess. I never though about it.
im not a party guy myself. if i do i keep it small and its usually card games, halo and games like that with cocktails
a rave looks like it would be pretty neat too

i hope i haven't irreversibly impacted your homosexual relationship
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Barafags make me want to never come back. It just keeps getting worse.

never come back then, idiot
moths are cute
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One side of me is...very tame. I'm polite, considerate, pretty good with adults (awful with my mom, long story), and rule abiding.

I also have the desire to go fucking hard sometime down the line. I don't want to do stuff so crazy I'll die, but I've wanted to roll on molly at a rave and just carpe diem the shit out of life.
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MTG or bust
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Of course I'm so sheltered that I have like...very little experience doing crazy stuff. Sorta adds to the appeal.
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oh nice, nothing better than a buzzkill to end the night. At least you had fun with football and all.
I'm not gay I just like dick!
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Bust. Shit's sucked for a while now.
you should do molly and rave whilst sky diving with crocodiles
she came before I left for the game, sorry for bad wording.

Also check my post with dat moray. check the fiilename. Check the post number.
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Everyone always says that including me. It's doing fine.
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Sounds amazing. Will do.
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succ mi dik you weirdowzzz transgender pot smokerz cancer of the intrawebthat do cocaine marifuckpussy
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Blowjobs are ho jobs.
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Statistics is super boring.
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School is boring
Knowledge is power faggot
stfu, go back to your gender studies degree weeb nigger.
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It's not like I didn't go to school.
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Alice in chains.png
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I wish someone would deliver ice cream. Why isn't that a thing?
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Who are you, studmuffin?
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What is the ice cream man?
icecream is bad
ohh stop it you calling me a studmuffin ://]

I'm just furry gay anon. I don't really have a set dude yet, right now it's this dude. >>702330051

who are you hotstuff? <3
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Who the fuck are these anons
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billy the kid.jpg
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Oh yeah, I thought those went extinct after like, 2004 or something. I haven't seen or heard one in ages.

I mean, like, a delivery system similar to getting pizza delivered or something like that. Maybe I should just stop looking at the coldstone creamery website...
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and men
I have an Asian guy with an ice cream truck converted out of a mini-van that would stop in once or twice a week and get $20 in gas, paid for with quarters.

Your lovers.
Only niggers don't like ice cream.

I'll call you whatever I want, bottom boy!
I don't have any
youre a fucking dirty shit nigger
pathetic virgin.
Now you do.

Is sf around? I think thats who I was talking to the other day
I'm not a virgin either.

Don't quite think so.
I mean it, I'll pound you like you wouldn't believe and call you my little sub slut.
impure slut nug! how many cocks did you stuff into your slut holes this week?!
Doesn't sound bad at all.
I have not had sex with anyone in a long time.
Goodnight, sllllllllllllllllluts.
What if I spank you and tie you up too?
I'd be willing to try it. Frankly, getting tied up seems fucking amazing.
Then you couldn't resist as I plunge my cock down your throat.
oh well, worth a shot.

I mean, I was pretty far gone when I talked to him last. Perhaps I gave him a poor impression of me
I'm digging what you're proposing big man.

I'd fucking love it.
That's a Logitech G910. Great deal for $35.
a specific man thank you!
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