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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>702038096 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 162
Thread images: 151
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KyoukoMado (4).jpg
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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.
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Alice 24.jpg
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I don't really understand what Eurobeat is
>cake is a good option to eat!
More or less, I'm at level cap now though so I can sleep at a reasonable time now
That sounds pretty awful honestly. Sometimes people just need to leave others alone and make their own decisions instead of thrusting it on others
Good night? I think
Well, to be fair, Gul'dan also died but he's back. They're taking advantage of this alternate timeline thing to the fullest extent
It's super great at max level. Much more stuff to do. World quests are a super neat feature that they added and I believe you will enjoy them once you get to that point
Fucking I hate it when people try to blame you for the shit that they cause themselve. This is why I believe we should all be able to work in isolation
Good night Shiro
>Does things to
Oh wow
Kek, sorry about that. There's always the chance I won't fall asleep though.
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You know Gasai (13).png
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You queer you WOULD want that

Oi cheeki cunt I called dips on Yuuki first
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HomuMad (217).jpg
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Howdy-hey, Nui!
A Koneko claimer? Fine taste.
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kill me.png
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Oh qq. Good, about the same for me, just lots of games as usual. Thanks again friendo

Money is money, no matter the job. It doesnt sound too bad though
Ill miss you best nichi, you better come back here sometime. Add me on steam or somethin

>i will take nothing less than high tier
That sounds pretty solid, the real question is that corn on the cob
Ohhh, its just a friendly complaining thing, gotcha. *insert lewd joke about balls here*
Sounds like it, at least you knew before hand before the drama really hit
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Ayase [8].jpg
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Still around
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funny feelings.gif
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wew lad, off by 3

Oh, you think dibs matters

no....that's all wrong
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It's fine, there's always tomorrow.
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Shino on deck.
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You tit, you aint taking my pray
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TheWonderfulNui (143).png
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Oh, hello!

How's it going? it's been a while since we last spoke.
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Claiming Felix
Did I just get trips
I think I won at life
Yea family shit is always fucked
If you're stressed out better take some days off
All I can say really
Hey nui!
Whats wrong with it
It's an Initial D meme. Since he learned to drift through delivering tofu at night.

Not too bad, not to great. Kind of a meh in between.

How soon?

Nah, it's fine.

>Then you'll take nothing at all, because I'm not cute at all.
Nope, canned. Cob is best, but canned isn't too bad and I can get it in bulk!
It just makes me wonder how people like this function in the real world.
>They're shut in neets supported by their parents
Oh, right...
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Classes my man. Trying to get out there so I can make the big mons and maybe get some good feels after it's all over, probably not though. Ana is all about the aim game, and hoping the person you hit with the nano boost doesn't sucj complete ass. Heh, no where near those hours. That makes you sound loose :^)

>5 man
Noice man, haven't seen one in a good bit.

Same here haha. Never ending cycle.

Glad things are working out cutie.

Everybody's Looking forward to seeing him Dance Around the World.

>You see, that's where you're wrong.
Nope, same ol same ol.
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You know Gasai (89).jpg
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But I'm not dead so HA
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Not too horrible. Me mum miscarried, but that's not necessarily bad... Also considering exploring the next town over on Saturday.
Yeah. There's another city not too far from my own thay I can get to by bus. I've never been there on foot, so I'm gonna go poke around a little.
It's really all decisions of my life. Like imagine walking a path, and suddenly a truck is barreling down on you, you need to choose which way to jump because you can't stay there, that's kind of what's happened to me. No one's thrust anything on me, it's just I suddenly have so many different choices, and can't just keep doing what I have been.
>That one bothered my autism
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13 days.
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last post for today
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Don't make me rape YOU

O shit akame didnt know you were here, good night!
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still here


oh man busy day tomorrow huh
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I'm in Azsuna right now

Only if it's you~

Fortunately mine are very hands on, so it's at least interesting. I made a gameboy in python and OpenGL graphics for a computer graphics class
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A gif to post.gif
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RIP, qt Deus Ex Machina swordswoman

Perhaps you should be my taarget
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Is the expension good compared to the others?

>Tell me then, what would the "truth" be?
Alright then
Increased the amount of core training
It hurts like hell
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Well I hope it gets better for you. How is your dog doing?
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TheWonderfulNui (78).jpg
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Oh, it's just very slow, some images are taking much longer to load.

How have you been?
Oh, still sorry to hear that.

What do you plan to do there?
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Alice Lying Down.jpg
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Homoura <3
Why hello there
It would have been cool, gets don't really concern me too much as long as I can see cute waifu pics
>off by 1
I don't know who that is. Who delivers tofu though? That seems like it's something they made up
Turns out it was other people doing things that I couldn't. Gave up because I had 5 minutes to finish it
That sounds like a living nightmare. I'm glad people think I'm retarded and don't expect me to make decisions like that
Goodnight Akame
Do you play Horde or Alliance? Aszuna had a really fun set of quest lines with the Highborne ghosts
It's miles ahead of the past two imho. But the release isy oung yet, I'm sure something will fuck it up before too long
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You Know Gasai (54).gif
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W-What are you saying?? B-BAKA!

Lookin for a tussle?
Alliance, I'm a fury warrior scrub
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Sorry friends, i gotta go for a bit, ill be back tomorrow
Add me on bnet Ubedead#1428. Started playing Alliance cause my scrub friends don't play Horde
Good night

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HomuMad (45).jpg
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Hey Alice. I was just passing before going to bed, sorry. See you tomorrow, hopefully.
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>Isolated work.
I think you mean smaller spaces.

>Take some days off.
All I can do is take less stressful jobs.
Goodnight darling <3
>2 puns
Nah Breeki, too tired for that tonight.
>Eyes suddenly burning
Maybe I should drink some water...

A little under 2 weeks, eh? Well, I hope it turns out well and the move goes smoothly!

I didn't get around to visit her again today, but she seemed to be doing good yesterday, so it's looking like it was a one off thing.

Takumi Fujiwara, the main protagonist!
The guy in the AE86.

Later Mugen.
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Responsibility sucks. But I have the awareness to not want to be a neet.
You can breath through cum?
Also I'll leave the yuno torch to you
Really glad to see you again
Oh sound like fun
Hope you meet some new people
Night akute!
If, big if my laptop comes.
I'm managing

>Phone decided there can be only one yuno claimer
Night everyone
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>That Amatsu is a top-notch qt of course.
Ah the core, the worst of the body to workout, also the most rewarding however. Well, after legs that is.

What are you doing for it?

That is pretty hands on heh. How'd that process go? Not familiar with that stuff at all.

Was going to ask you f it might of been because of rank, or some other stipulation like that. Well RIP loot.

Take care my man.

I thought "Dancing" was apart of the pun kek. Water is always important, get to it.
Wander. Be out for the sake of being out. Maybe try a new bar if I can find one. Just get the fuck out of this house for a while and go do something new. My life needs some fresh things in it.
Noot. And so do I. Wouldn't kill me to have that little breath of fresh air.
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Hopefully it was. She should have another year or two then at least if she's okay
My main thing is I hope I can get back here every month when I need to.
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I have iron lungs
Good night
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thats ok the anime will be fun either way
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Don't resist.jpg
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You have a folder you can open to see a cute waifu

I'm always in the mood for a tussle
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Ah, goodnight then, Yuno!
Sounds like you're upset about something.
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You Know Gasai (15).gif
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Bring it on then mothafucka
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I see
Well, as long as it's fun~

>Why thank you~
Yeah, it's painful as all hell ;-;
1 minute of crunches
1 minute of reverse crunches
1 minute of leg raises to a 45
1 minute of leg raises to a 90
1 minute of reverse crunches
1 minute of butterflies
30 seconds of scissors
1 minute of reverse crunches
I do that 7 times

Why not do it?
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Whatever you want it to be~
>i'm bad at flirting

We used OpenGL to create shapes in 3D. OpenGL has a bunch of predefined shapes, like rectangles, spheres, etc. We took those shapes and just tweaked their shape, size, and position on the screen.
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The Waifu Machine.jpg
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Life can be painful, sometimes.
She loves you, Anon, remember that.
Do more than remember it. Write it down, rip up the paper and snort it while also injecting heroin and taking a meth-adderall enema, videotape your reaction to the high, strip the data from that video, open it up in notepad, and get a thigh tattoo of the result.
She loves you, Anon.
She really does.
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bustin caps.gif
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I'm about to pull an Indiana Jones on a bitch
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You Know Gasai (225).jpg
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I know jackshit about flirting

You finna drop ded m8
Nah, that's one song, Breeki.

It's a tad tought to visit her on the weekdays that i work, though, since I wake up late, and go to bed early.

Reliable bike/car!
Yeah, that might take a while
Nothing more than the usual. I'm a relatively quiet person in a very noisy house packed with people I don't like very much, which is Canadian for "if there were no legal and financial consequences, heads would be torn off and put into asses." My jimmies are inherently rustled until I finally have enough income to move out.
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You Know Gasai (113).jpg
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Bring all them kurumis then, my blade thirsts
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I can understand that. You should try to visit her on days you have off
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what are you fucking doing?
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TheWonderfulNui (144).png
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Oh, i see. a loud family can be extremly dreadful, it's why i stay up late quite often unless i mustn't.
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We need to learn for momocon to pick up all the womens
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punk kids.gif
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Bringing a knife to a gun fight?
how foolish can you be

what the hell are you even doing?
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Lisanna. All the way. So sexy and kindhearted!
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You Know Gasai (66).png
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Man I can't even bring myself to talk to them without thinking I'll come off as some desperate or think they dont wanna talk

You clearly never seen me play in battlefield 3/4
Claiming Arisu
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I would fucking rekt that ass at battlefield 4
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alice 9.jpg
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No, I mean like working completely on your own in a place all on your own. I find it more productive to work that way, but maybe I'm in the minority
Oh, I didn't realize this was an anime. I thought it was some person IRL being weird
I'm more or less irresponsible, depending on who you ask. No NEET life for me though sadly, I couldn't do it in good conscious to myself
The new zones are kind of cool, in that they scale with your level now. It just decided I didn't deserve a super good upgrade
I do! I like seeing as many cute waifu as possible, and I only have so many
>mfw it's literally open 24/7 on my desktop
>do I have a problem?
Hopefully it stays fun yeah. You play?

>I think I will be going to bed now. I will keep an eye from my phone for a while though
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Miho claimed

I hate water bugs.
That's only 2 days a week though.... I guess it's better than nothing.

Morning Arisu.

Are you saying tofu delivery isn't the ultimate drift training?
>Night Alice.
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Your tags will be mine
They're unpleasant in general. Living with them and working fast food is making short work of my soul. It's like watching the US Navy SEALs and JTF2 stage a joint assault on an elementary school. My immortal essence was not meant to stand up to this foolishness.

QOTT: Your waifu becomes aware of your autistic obsession with something. What is the obsession? How does she react?
>very fucking badly; probably berates me for days over it
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sweating a lot.jpg
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I knew it, the name Alice was taken. Good thing I picked something else.
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Just gotta act natural!
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ask maki what happens when u fuck around with shino.

I am a ghost.


He'll tell you some bullcrap about stabbing me one time. I basically tripped and landed on his knife
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Even if you see her one day a week, it would be okay. She'll be so happy when she sees you because a week for a dog seems like ages for them
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created by JJ Abrams.jpg
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I'd love to see you try

I don't have obsessions, they're passions
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You Know Gasai (33).png
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I sorta get pretty nervous around yuno cosplayers

Ight we'll see then nigga
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>Don't mention it, just stating facts~
Wew lad, just hearing that makes my core tremble. Crunches are A-1 though.

That sounds pretty damn cool. How grand do you think the projects will get?

RIP. Wasn't thinking.

So it's balanced, wonderful. Well there's always next time. Night cutie.

>tripped and landed on his knife
>Was sitting there, trying to snipe.
If you're such a ghost, I wouldn't of even found you.
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Lots of miles, also I'd need like a spacious car or van.
Yeah, unfortunately I can't do that.
>Mfw I could have ended up a neet, from the basement to the chicken tendies.
>She joins me playing them
Best part about a stalker waifu is she'll do anything for you, she loves everything about you and loves that you include her.
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turn that shit on.

Opposite teams

Mr.double Dubs

you might have a hard time since your used to playing halo 6 err wait i mean destiny
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sdrawkcab siht dear t'nac ouy teb i
>demialc okuyr
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we'll if it isnt scardy pants himself.
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You Know Gasai (2).gif
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Bring dat ass over here

Nigga I just got off from destiny
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very very lewd.jpg
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Right here boo, why don't you come try to take it
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TheWonderfulNui (63).jpg
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Well i suppose a long break would really be necessary.
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Well don't talk to Yuno cosplayers

We're gonna be doing some 3D printing, messing around with game engines like Unreal and Unity
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We'll ahve to wait and see, cute waifu friend
I don't

>I still find Maki to be a beauty tho~
It hurts while doing it, and it hurts the next day...
And I enjoy it. I might be a masochist kek
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TheWonderfulNui (187).jpg
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For a second i though this was another language, how's it going?
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You Know Gasai (50).gif
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Just sealed the deal, your ass is mine~

I gotta!
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Point. I bet Mercy would at least find it adorable that I study some biology occasionally and make an effort to teach me. Also, I'm specifically trying to avoid becoming a living tendies story. Need moar income.
Perhaps. I've been working a year and haven't bothered with my vacation yet. I have about enough vacay-pay saved up that I could take my two weeks.
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Or so you'd like to think
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You Know Gasai (47).png
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Dat denial
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crazy outa 10.gif
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This is a two way street, I want your booty
I will have it
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Well, you gotta get your ass in gear before then.
>says Yuuki
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You Know Gasai (52).png
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Oh yeah? Good luck with that

You tit
>Guess we'll both beta away
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TheWonderfulNui (211).jpg
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Well i suggest you try it when you feel you need to.
Maybe I should. Might not hurt to grab $400 and do nothing for a couple of weeks.
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Good night!

You know, I think I might do the same. Good night everyone!
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dat rack tho
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what the hell
this isn't my image file
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hey fuck face. why arnt we playing battlefield one. I didnt know the beta came out today
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severe lurk.gif
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Don't challenge me like this, you tease

one is much larger than the other

>somebody doesn't understand perspective
Cars and bikes. Probably is more than okay, and would even get into it a bit with me.
>Would have a blast once we took out a project car we'd work on together.

Same name, different character!

>I could go to the store for 10 minutes and come back, and she'd act like I've been gone for years.
Ya, I should record how she acts next time I go visit.

Dammit Breeki, this is how you mess up a drift!

>Ford Bronco
>El Camino
Depends on exactly what kind of spacious you're looking for.
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Alright, WE gotta get our asses in gear lol.
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I say go for it then!
filename tells me it is though.
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Mercy is mommy. I wanna lay in bed and suck on those all day while she plays with my hair and tells me what a good boy I am.
>mfw she's actually old enough to be my mother, with a little bad luck
I know... I need better pictures of my waifu but Tracer gets all the fanart. Fuck that possibly-Cockney bimbo.
Maybe next month when it's nice and chilly and I can talk long walks without being bothered.
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whats up
File: You Know Gasai (13).gif (445 KB, 500x280) Image search: [Google]
You Know Gasai (13).gif
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Because you touch yourself at night

That's what ya get for teasing ME

I'm neither of those fags
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Something I could put an air matress in would be great.
Or at least hang clothes up so they don't get wrinkled.
>Hippy vans are cool to me.
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You Know Gasai (19).gif
483 KB, 500x367
The pic silly
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I wasn't meaning anything with the picture, I just saw it and chose it lol
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Apropriate reaction.gif
1 MB, 500x281
I'd say is most popular
fucking weeb trash

so you gunna spread em, or what?
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TheWonderfulNui (157).jpg
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Well whenever you feel is best then i suppose.
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You Know Gasai (7).png
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I kno, I felt like saying that~

My ass is exit only
Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way, the choice is yours
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You should lmao and my dog does the same thing if I go on a short run
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target aquired.png
1 MB, 851x315
Exit only... seems you already made the choice
D. Va is also pretty great but not mommy.
Yeah... Cold weather and long walks.
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You so silly!~
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You Know Gasai (244).jpg
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Oh I see you're choosing the hard way~
My favorite
I will, it always manages to put a smile on face.

>Wew it got slow suddenly
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You Know Gasai (3).jpg
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Time for some mcnuggies, brb
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Sleeping Alice.jpg
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It's slowing down in here
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I don't believe you
I must sleep. Goodnight, /waifu/. I must remember for my shift tomorrow. Arbeit macht frei.
hikage claim

hey guys how are all of you

>No RP/ERP of (maybe some on occasion
was kyouko traumatized or something?

>captcha was illuminada
no i think something really did happen
It's a general rule most post
Dirt bike for fun then.
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You Know Gasai (1).jpg
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Best test in senran, I like you
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emi's lemon mistake.png
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good question. I dont even know who i am....whats up?
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If it isn't the stab victim himself.

Oh Hell yeah, if you're doing some 3D printing, make waifus real man.

>Same, although Amatsu is pretty good as well~
Always does, shows that the gains are forming though. Haha you're not alone, the pain pushes you forward.

Sorry, had too much Eurobeat on the mind :^)

Another night, another routine. How about you?
File: TheWonderfulNui (71).jpg (70 KB, 800x400) Image search: [Google]
TheWonderfulNui (71).jpg
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Goodnight, Mercy anon!
So, anyone in the sticks have good Internet that isn't satallite? The place I'm moving a parent doesn't have cable.
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Kyouko (144).jpg
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It's been a rule since forever.
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It did

Oh well, gives me more time without worrying about the thread ending
i know, but was there alot of erping in the last bread or something, thats usually why it's put up, or maybe i don't notice it i just skim most of the time since some add their own twist

sn't there two yunos, how do i tell you apart? filename?
yours are always the pun
>you know
if I'm remembering correctly
Show boipucci
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1 MB, 500x248
We. Ran. Out. Of. Bacon.
File: You Know Gasai (54).jpg (260 KB, 800x600) Image search: [Google]
You Know Gasai (54).jpg
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That is correct
>That sweet 2 stroke sound

Not much. Half thinking of a quick nap before work.

Not as much as /o/ apparently :^)
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You Know Gasai (9).jpg
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Y'all gonna have some problems
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I ran to the store and bought whatever they had of streaky bacon. All of it.

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same, just playing some legion and watching archer

wow weed and netflix. standard night lol how long until you got to work?
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how does one run out of bacon, unless its a party

good i was right

better not
I hit 110 last night
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I agree with this.
>2 stroke
Don't get to excited.
File: You Know Gasai (238).jpg (965 KB, 800x1000) Image search: [Google]
You Know Gasai (238).jpg
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How are ya snek?
Other cook forgot to order last night. We sold a whole 10 kilos of bacon today. In 6 hours. 2 rashers at a time.
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About an hour.
What class you playin?

You know mine is a 4 stroke.
Thread replies: 162
Thread images: 151

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