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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>702044362 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 184
Thread images: 151
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KyoukoHomu (26).jpg
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Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.
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still here
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Gonna put it out there. Cant wait for this next hour to slowly crawl by.
May as well start this. Nekomimi thread?
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>4 Stroke
Oh? Only 4? I didn't realize you were so sensitive.
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Umi claimed

What's up my dudes
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>>702055035 almost 106. im having alot of fun

Hunter! He's my very first character
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Claiming Felix
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it's fine.jpg
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oh thats gotta suck

im fine i guess
>no matches found
>found one
>my pings through the roof
how about you
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What are you playing?
Just got Mcdonalds.. would have drove but my father's van is in the way so based aunt brought it for me
Just watching vlogs
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Do you care to test that claim~?

Ayyyy Imu!

Well shit, so am I! Dat comfy as fuck lodge!
>Too bad I'm still only 99 and getting by teeth kicked in by Horde.
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muh smugs.png
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still here

always here

nobody talks to me

pls respond
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Hey senpai
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very funny
Neko ~
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I think I can survive one night no sleep
>Sleepless night on while I type this
It's actually coincide
How is everyone doing in here?
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Umi 197.png
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Heyo makoto what's up? Anything new?
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Claiming Ginsei from Lovato.
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Sleep is for the weak
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Krystal claimed.
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Yuno it
Still tilted by destiny?
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Hello Cat.

Unusually tired before work, otherwise nope. You?
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as a lover of the Tauren, which is what my hunter is, Highmountain was fucking neat.
>lots of guns
>6 classes
>douchebag villian
>and lots of playthroughs
>also i like using the class thats a girl and her robot
>better than destiny

sounds nice i want some mcdonalds breakfast or maybe chicken mcnuggets, your aunt sounds nice and chill

good and you yuno 2 see>>702057042

not ma boy falco, you disgust me
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You Know Gasai (12).png
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Na I killed the bastard finally, now downloading BF1 beta
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the same as before you left. how long do you think you will be up?
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Hello senpai
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Memelands 2 hm? Mechromancer is basically all I play there
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Sounds like a fun way to spend the night.

That's the theme of the board, of course I can't match that :^)

Just finished studying for the night, just want to sleep honestly. How about you my man?
Falco's a faggot, maybe less of a faggot then Fox but still a faggot.
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That sentence was pretty messy kek
But yea we know each other
Oh nice job
Ive heard it wasn't really all that good
Wonder if you'll like it
Oh is that good or bad?
And long, probably until next night
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Happy Yuuko - 29.gif
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i want to fucking die
also, claiming yuuko
I would have thought that people would rush to claim Puck from Re:zero.
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TheWonderfulNui (23).jpg
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I'm doing fine, how have you been?
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its ok. and maybe after i shower we could watch it unless you are busy.
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Never played a WW1 game should this might be interesting.. tho I have gotten fatigued from the battlefield series
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Penny Claim!
>Sorry I disappeared earlier
>I was playing with K.
Only good Battlefield was 1942, shit was cash back in the day.
Claiming Veigar
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I always liked Tauren as a race. Makes me wonder how they got put with the Horde when every other race of the Horde, bar the stoner trolls, want to wage war, and all that other stuff.

Remember. $34k.

You should totally join me in participating in this song.
Verdun is a pretty good World War 1 simulator.
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forgot my waifu..
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1943 and BC2 were my first taste in battlefield, did not played much tho cause I didn't own them, battlefield 3 I guess is my true first game

Hmm WW1 is a mystery to me, like a "literal who", either I did not paid attention in school or nobody teaches WW1
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Drink some more then the feeling will pass
Hey nui, glad to see you're still here
I try to sleep but it's not happening tonight
I'm not sure what's on your mind tomoko
I'm down but you can take your time
Ah then you might enjoy this
This instalment is quite a bit different from the other games
What did you play?
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Claim Emilia!
Its like WW2 but the French were more badass, and there was a lot of trench warfare, mostly it was a stalemate.
ding ding ding, got my mechro 72, raising my siren at lvl 56 rn, too bad my sal and axton were on seperate console

no, i was agreeing sleep is for the weak. i know you two know each other

pls no bully best boys best friend
And being cute huh?

Ayyyy Plushie!
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Penny (7).jpg
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We played some good ol fashioned Soul Calibur 3.
>We each created a character and had an epic battle.
You know it :>
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lol i never really thought of that but it makes sense. more than the worgen

saying hello...then going to bed

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You didn't participate so that might be the reason for skipping it in school
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Why would he fucking live like that if he made that kind of money

I'd honestly shoot myself before deciding to live like that
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You Know Gasai (10).gif
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Dunno, I didn't enjoy hardline, too call of duty

Surrender-race, badass?

Maxed out on Ps3, been a long time since I last played
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I'm going to shower. Be back soon
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I take it you can't call off work for sleeps? Maybe you'll wake up later. Nothing really here just the usual tried Battlefield 1 beta and it sucked.

At least you put on nice tunes right? Sleep sounds nice right now but I dunno if I'll nap yet.
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TheWonderfulNui (35).jpg
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Oh, well that's to bad, plan to do anything then?
Yeah, the French were actually pretty kick ass in WW1, they were all like "BRING IT ON MOTHERFUCKER." Surprisingly it went well for them too.
Mainly british professional soldiers if you want to see it that way
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Ayyyyy Smugs.
Sup mang?

Like, if anything, I'd put Tauren as more a neutral race than anything.

Apparently drugs. Like, hard drugs. That's all I've heard on it.

Nah, if I called out earlier I might have been able to get away with saying I was feeling sick, but oh well. I'll have to fight through it.
Damn, well, I didn't have high hopes for it anyways.
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>british professional
Okay that makes more sense
Claimed Rocket Raccoon.
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Oh okay, yea sleep is for pussies and all but I kinda become an idiot without it
Oh I thought you meant outside games of something kek
Sounds fun though
Never been a huge fan of SC series
Oh well I never played hard-line at all
So I dunno. Wasn't a huge CoD fan as well
Tell me if you like it, might pick it up
Cya soon
Night, don't kill self
Yea probably watch mirai Nikki with tomoko
You gonna do anything?
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Did someone say the magic word? Training goes well, ended the night with a nice comeback against a solid Birdie main, feels pretty good. I'm painting some pieces of my fightstick right now so I'm waiting for the paint to dry and finish up before I reassemble it.

What about you, how has life and studies treated you?
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Stop it before i get type 2 diabetes!

Aww Goodnight emi :(

Goodnight gorgeous

Brawlhalla. Dude you gotta get this game. It's free and similar to smash bros
im leveling up a sal on ps3 with my bro, on pc rn
then become smarter
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IF I end up liking it, I'll probably cancel my preorder to FFXV and move it there.. fuck sqaure enix for delaying it
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Jesus christ almighty

Probably where all or most of the money went to then
No sleeping.
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Hello Kyouko
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Going to figure out what i did wrong with the ssbb css.

Now it's not freezeing or anything, it's just that nobody's on the screen, not even Mario.

Oh, well have fun!
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Penny (7).png
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Yeah, Soul Calibur is fun
>We did play hide and seek afterwards
>Lotta land to hide on, took her about 10 minutes to find me, kek.
But smugs, that is the plan of the Illuminati.
>Its too much fun :>
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Umi 111.jpg
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Fuck dude having to fight sleep sucks. Especially when you just have to sit around but I'm hoping you make it. I had decent hopes for it but I wanted a new fun game to play instead of what that was.
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Too late, I'm a destined moron
Yes but it's totally a different game
I understand why you're upset but it really think it's gonna be a great game, you should stil buy it
Damn that's gonna be quite a task
Can you still play though? But everyone is just invisible?
I can still hang
Tell her to git gud
No fucking mercy
Stomp her in that hide and seek
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KyoukoSleep (5).jpg
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Hello and goodbye, need some sleep.

Have a good day.
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You know Gasai (11).png
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10 fucking years man
It's starting to look shit
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Hey everyone! im playing the battlefield one beta on the stream in if your bored!
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I forgot when the deadline was already, or if it was even there.

Only way to get through it. Some random playlist. Whenever you do, get those sweet Zzzs man.

How's it hanging Smugwing?

Sure thing, cutie.
At work for now
Appreciate that you came by tho
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I still have hope
I just, I just want another good final fantasy okay!
I would if I could bby
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Kek. She's gonna git gud
>I've always believed that letting a kid be good at things helps them out
>I let her be good at video games, tag, and hide and seek
>But that last round I lost mercy and did a real gud hide.
>People often forget to look up, especially in trees.
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TheWonderfulNui (110).png
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Nein, there's no characters to pick for some reason now. but i'll probably find what's wrong
>and find another bug.

Listening to anything?
forgot last pic rip

its okay we are all destined for something unlikeable
That's my guess.

Not a fan of Smash though...
>I always get called weird for that

Always got Warships. :^)
>Mfw I dozed off for a minute
Okay, nope. I'm up, gunna get ready and go!

There is one, but it's all on that thread I linked you.
Miho claimed
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Exactly ,that's why I feel like we can all get along here
You up to anything?
Kek you sound like a cool dude
Everytime you seem to be having a good time with them
Well good luck with, can't really help you
I am actually, but it's Dutch
Still gonna link it because it is a really fun song and maybe you'll like the aesthetics
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You know Gasai (85).png
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It better be the best damn game, game of the fucking centry to make up the quality loss and LONG development time
>forgot link
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Your 420 confirms it
What are you two doing? Vidya? She beating you again?

>some batman grim hanging of justice here
Pretty well maki. Playing brawlhalla. You?

Caffine or a splash of cold water helps

How about regular fighting platform games?

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Keeps things lively. I should try a random playlist and see where that goes, it'll be more productive than switching my own songs. I try my best but I haven't been sleeping right at all these days. You've probably had a better time

But how long will wardongs keep ya around. I actually never got how people can doze while doing a task, unless its work obviously. You're well wide and awake I won't treat you like some old withering snake. You gotta work my dude

But then how will I gloat about how good I am at fighting sleep while looking like an idiot
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Im sure they'll up the graphics a bit
I hope
I just want some none cringe ff gameplay
I am also really excited for the 7 remake but it's gonna be real long before that happens
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Cirno claim!
good to know, i needed to know there are people worse off then me

playing borderlands 2 what about you
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Kek, yeah its a lot of fun playing with K, J is fun to play with too cause he can play more complex stuff.
It was a good 4-3 K wins kinda thing, but I play a bit easier with K.
>If I was playin hard it would be 4-2
>She's gud tho
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I'm aware of that, just mentioning it because it's rather weird.
Sounds quite groovy, if that's the right word.
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And Iiiiiiiiiiiiii, will always...looooooooooooooove yoooooooouuuuuuUUUUUUUUU!

I'm tired and uninteresting.
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back from my shower
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Kek was that an insult?
>Too stupid to realise if I'm being insulted

Oh first time? I really liked that game, who are you playing as?
I'm just chilling in bed listening to some music
Yea I bet, I loved playing with my older brothers
Never really experienced the other way around and tbh don't have the need to
At least for now
I understand, I like that you talk about it. I may not understand but I still am interested

Glad you liked it and yea it's pretty groovy
This dudes music always makes me wanna get up and do stuff. If that makes sense
Hey there
Go get dressed now
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Enjoying the canned food.jpg
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My nickname to you

A bit of help is all you need. What happens if you were to pass out right now?

Jeez. How well did you train her?

What is love?
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just my underwear is more than enough
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Sure thing there K-mart
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Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more.
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Going back to really check it out.

Good to hear mang. Pretty good, done studying so just sitting around now.

>Fucking CUTE
>Gonna need to start collecting more images like that.
Really does, especially in times like that. YouTube likes to make them, a lot. Whether it be a certain artists, band, or genre. Nice way to find new tunes as well. Heh, you're telling me man. Eh, more or less.
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Penny (6).png
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Its a lotta fun being in the older brother role.
For about half a year she's been under my wing as far as fighting games go, she's learned my ways, my tips and tricks, she's learned from the best.
>She also had a lot natural skill.
rats almost pulled it off

playing as siren right now lvl 57 rn

what songs
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Studies? Whats that?
Currently getting railed by a steady stream of students all wanting hot food instead of the nice sandwiches out in the fridge.
So far today we have run out of plates, bowls, bacon and sanity.
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>had a lot
had a lot of
I think I'm gonna hit the hay because I just realized how tired I am.

Night Waifu ^^
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Best Waifu. Also best anime Dad.
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Ain't got any better idea of how he used it
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I guess we got something in common
Wanna watch?
Make a account if you want
I was talking about the father role
Being an older brother is obviously not gonna happen
Never hah! Still not that tired

Siren is fun but I liked the ninja dude more
Tbh every class is fun

Its Dutch but if you wanna check it out
Step up your game man
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Who wants their waifu drawn?
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shut up.jpg
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I'm serious.. don't..
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I'm not sure if i understand it myself at this point as this is new and weird.

It does, i feel the same way with a lot of other music, mostly Kirby though.
By all means anon.
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You not gonna get any sleep tonight?
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Yeah, sure.
K, what would you like me to draw
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The best chuuni is here! How is it going brothers?
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Go ahead
Kek well we can be confused at the same time

Yea Kirby music is like that as well
It's 7:30 am. But no not gonna happen
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TheWonderfulNui (150).png
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What do you mean by that? go ahead i suppose.
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Snickering smug.png
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Horray! Hope your doing well over there dude

>funky music plays

I have yet to do book studies. Jist waiting for my text book to come in. Other than that, i did study with app about the heart then cut one open

Student surpasses the master when?

Goodnight pennz

Hello little nico
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You know Gasai (686).jpg
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Sleepy, fixing to shower
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Oh, I had you mixed up with someone else. I forgot that you're a cook. Sounds like a busy day for you, maybe after the rush you'll be able to catch a break.
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Hikage_rock_1 (1).jpg
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i only speak english and spanish rip, at least what genre

i like mechro, sal is op but fun, siren i find fun for mobs
Pretty well frenemy. Yourself?
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Umi 191.jpg
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Help? Who needs that when you can look stupid trying to stay awake

>Thought it was pretty adorable and had to share
>I sadly don't have too many that look that cute
I've seen those mixes before but I never looked at them guessing they'd be way off. Youtube never was known for it's god tier recognition. One of these days I'll get a full 8 hour but not yet.
You goything to do today? Or are you planning to take a nap later?
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yeah besides the underwear thing 2 completely diffrient people. and ok account is set up and ive used this thing twice
Sound stupid too. Hell even type stupid

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No. Straight home. Rush is over and has been there for... 6 hours. And its 5 mins before hometime.
Throw dirt on me, and grow a wild flower.
Go fuck the world, get a child out her.
Nope still doing shit. Hope this storm hits soon i need to unload a car.
Usually I listen to hiphop but this is a bit more r&b esque, but not really
This guy has a genre on his own tbh
It's groovy lets leave it there

Yea second time I played it I was siren as well really enjoyed it
Nah it's last few days of my break
Gonna watch mirai Nikki with tomoko right now
You can join if you want but I think you'll be sleeping soon

>Phone says no pic for you
kek yea we are nothing a like
there im sure i can post this
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Ayy that sounds great bb

Good to hear! I am alright!
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1 MB, 1273x715
Good morning, Master.
We're gonna rock this house until we knock it down. So turn the volume loud cause it's mayhem 'til the A.M. So baby make just like K-Fed and let yourself go, let yourself go

Aw damn dude :/ how bad is it over there?

Even better frenemy!
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TheWonderfulNui (58).png
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Kirby music is amazing, this one is quite tense.
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That's even better, you're finished for the day. Hopefully you get plenty of time to rest.
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>Sure thing, cutie.
What, thought I was being sarcastic?

QT Chuuni, how ya been?

You lucky guy you. Oooh, sounds pretty interesting. Never went into anatomy that deep, if that's what you're taking.

>Thanks for doing so
>More will be found.
They have shown me a few decent songs and people, like using them. By all means though, it ain't the best, just something to put on when I have no idea what to blast. Haha, still waiting for that day myself.
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Awesome how are you??

Maki my soft one! How have you been?
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That storm hitting Fl is going to hit me dead on by Saturday. And i live on the water.
thats nice wish i spoke more langs
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Syndra [271].png
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Hello Slave boat.
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Been my biggest crush ever since I could pick up a Playstation remote.

>A world without her tits is not worth living in.
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Hello Miho, how goes?
How's your morning going?
Whats with all the furfags lately
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Ah yes I've heard this one
Very great
You don't need to understand the language for this specific song I just linked
But yea it's easy knowing languages
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>chewing caramel is hard
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Kirino [366].jpg
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I don't know and I don't think I want to know
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Yup. Anatomy and physiology II currently

Grand. Professor has this app on ipad amd let us mess aournd with the heart. I then got a heart to flatline .-. Then we dissected a heart!

I thought VA was a bit more inward to than it being close to water

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Playing Final Fantasy X in the shino stream

Whats everyone else up to?

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I would if my niece doesnt want my attention. Be back in thread in 40-50 mins
best suit girl claimed
very late edition
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Even more stressed out now. With this storm heading this way i need to clean up the yard and probably board up some windows.

How have you been?

I live at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay.
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Umi 241.jpg
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You might have dubs but the only one who types stupid here is you ya nerd.

Hmmm maybe I'll give it a shot sometime. Sounds like spotify in a sense. Who knows I may even find alot of good music. I normally have a good idea of what I want to listen to most of the time so that ain't too big an issue. Some say that day may never come
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I just got fuckin' chased off with a chainsaw, then he took the chainsaw, bit the fucking blades off
Ate the blades, stuck a baseball in a slingshot, then he aimed at his own face, let the thing pop
Took his eye out, picked it up and played ping pong, then he played ping pong with his own ding dong!
I am right fucking with you coco.
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1 MB, 1280x720
Hello Shino. What's up?
That sounds awful.
I'm behind on my plans already. Was thinking i'd go shopping tonight, but now it's too late to really do that. Guess i'll have to do it tomorrow morning. Good thing i didn't make any plans for once i actually leave...
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Syndra [159].png
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Mostly waiting for my roomates to wake up
Hello Akira
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Absolutely fuckin mint

The great smuggers
I'm not an animu, so I have no idea who your waifu is but she's cute as fuck.

But in all seriousness, I had crushes on two girls when I was a tiny tot and that was Coco Bandicoot and Desert Flower from Huckleberry Hound (not lying). For the sake of this thread though, I'm sticking with Coco because she's stacked.
Oh god sounds like fun haha I am not too big of a fan of the human body makes me feel weird

Oh, in that case have this.

Anyway you up to anything?

Well that does sound rather boring. Not playing with your boats?
it is but ehh time, I'll listen to it soon

Watching mirai Nikki right now
Sorry listening to music is kinda hard rn
You don't have to dont worry
I was just saying
Ah, it's fine then.

Hope you're having fun!


When i get to that level, yes

Haha. How are you doing icee?

Should i add that to my list of Nicknames?

It was and my childish ass fingered the holes if the heart to feel the insides of it in the group. But i wasnt the only one who fingered it though

Yea it is
You can always join if you want
>See link I sent to tomoko
nah i was just saying, i like seeing what others like when it comes to misic

That heart sounds like a slut kek

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