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Waifu claiming thread The rules are simple: >Claim your 2D

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 199
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread

The rules are simple:
>Claim your 2D waifu
>Post pics of your waifu
>Insult other waifus
>Discuss stuff
>Keep RP and ERP to minimum
>Early morning edition
>Post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>Most important: Have fun!
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That's indeed a nice name for a powerful dog.
Animals tend to be very lovable. They are good because it makes you forget about everything and just have fun with him.
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Kasane Kujiragi claimed
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FLCL right? Now were in for some serious eyebrows
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Oh hes a great dog. He has less of a temper than the other dogs in the family, and got along well with my parents lab for the time the lab was alive. Occasuonal scuffles, but nothing major. And he is completely docile. Barks only on occasion, never at just random passerby people in the street. Doesnt give a shit about anything unless he detects malice.
The Germans are missing out on Graf Spee. I dont like this.
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sick perverted woman are good woman
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You're still drinking a lot in your free time?
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Mai waifuuuuuu
Never really drank a lot to begin with. Dont see the point.
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chen 9.jpg
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Do you prefer smoking?
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I cant smoke. It would make me ineligible for most of my medications. Plus I dont really enjoy the smell. Grew up with smokers on one half of the family.
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RIP Rory's Shipfu.
>I wonder if that fuck nugget is going to park his fucking car in the motorcycle parking spots again
>If he does, I seriously have an urge to key the fuckers car
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404 here we come
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Uh-huh. I understand.
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Do you want an update about the girl that said I was cute?
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Yes, cutie.
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calm down then we can work through our issues bb
Not cute!
>the girl, lets call her A wanted to have a picknick in the park
>we hugged
>she pretended to be a cat and wanted to pet me
>i pet her
>little kid tells us to get a room
>later we have to part
>she kisses me on the cheek
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>Cutie and Girl, sitting in a tree~
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I prefer claiming a 2d girl and being a virgin weaboo loser forever
bb maid
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Alice Global Innovator.png
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That'll ruin our relationship this early on!
I've only known her for like 3 days
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I'm kidding, Cutie~
>The fact you thought I was serious though, such a perv~
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Says the guy who is autistic enough to actually care about what people post on an anonymous imageboard made for shitposting.
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what method would you recommend?
Plus why would we do it in a tree?
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no bby
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Dunno, could be an interesting challenge!
>Care to test it with me~?
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laughing anime girl.jpg
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>my time is so valuable and i am not a loser like you guys, thats why i spend it posting in the same thread as you in order to get a feeling of superiority for once in my pathetic existence rather than having an actual life and doing worthwhile things
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too lazy for that
give me something easier
yes bb
This autism is strong
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>>she pretended to be a cat and wanted to pet me
>>i pet her
Coud you explain this further.

Also was the little kid like "JESUS CHRIST!"
this bitch
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Hey everyone!

>inb4 Mavis is trash
is the autism strong or is it just you
i would rather not tbh
hey trash
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Sup Mavis.
thats pretty gay m8
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You will always be a nigger

You will always be a nigger

Hey there. My brain hurts I just spent 6 hours shit posting on /pol/
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Good god, for what reason?
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soo yeah
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Shino bunni
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Go and fucking tie a belt around your throat, attach it to a door and fucking slam that door.
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Does that work?
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You heard me.
what is waifu claiming and why is it gay ?
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I'm not hank so.

there's that.
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It does, but I don't recommend you do it unless you're being an fag and spamming/bringing people down for what they like.
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This is pretty autistic guys. Who butt did you hurt and why are they mad?
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Your guess is as good as mine.
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Claiming your 2D wife. It's a tradition here on /b/ but most people that call it gay don't realize it's one of /b/'s original threads.
Oh, and Kongou claimed, desu.
happy dess
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This is actually true.
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Its not gay if the waifu is feminine
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A happy desu is a good desu.
Yeah, I know. It got killed for a little while because people would tend to take it as avatar-fagging and RPing but it seems the new batch hasn't gone that deep. This group of /waifu/ is a little more cancerous but overall just as tightly knit, desu.
What about a sad desu?
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Iowa claimed

Whats up my dudes

Never come on this early/late but I'm bored. Mostly a late night guy
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Freedom Bote.
>I think my butthurt is over with.
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TERA is tedious as shit
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Tower 7.

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>Playing TERA
Or did I actually suggest it. I can't remember.
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Sad desu isn't good. Sad desu means my waifu isn't happy.
It makes me sad that you aren't the original Iowa claimer. Now he's a bro, desu.
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I played that shit for 2 hours, got boring really fast.
what is the best type of desu?
no one care aussie nigger
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Have you tried not being such a jaded cunt?
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Waifufags, tell me
Should I skip class to poop?
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Nagito claimed.
Go erp somewhere else sachi
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Hey makoto. How you doin?
>Good to hear again my apologizes

>original Iowa claimer
I felt like I saw someone claim her a long time ago.
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Hmmmm I'd have to say that a schoolgirl desu is best desu. The uniform is cute as fuck, desu.
that wasn't me you cunt
not sachi nigger
i think you may have mentioned it before. i dunno. I onldy decided to play it because of digibros video
>litreal opening is killing x monsters
>talk to x
>kill x
>this same reason was why i dropped ESO
i'll probably just explore next time instead of doing shitty fetch quests
poop while in class
that's a good choice desu
how do you feel about maid desu?
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It was tons of fun back in its prime. Now it's a casual gear grinder that does nothing but delete and recycle content.
>BAMs were HEAVILY nerfed to shit
When I started. They would actually kick my ass if I wasn't playing on edge. Now I can solo them while eating if I wanted to.

>But it still has the funnest combat mechanics imo


Kinda bored, waiting to get off work.
>I wasn't even that mad about it, so much as a lack of explanation.
Class while inside poop
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Yes. It's not like you're going to achieve anything in your life anyway.
>It makes me sad that you aren't the original Iowa claimer.
Red guy?
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Maid desu is also adorable.
This, desu.
Fight me behind Woolworths after school you CUNTS!
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Cirno claim!

And Oh my God... I hate Visual Basic/VBA so much.
I'm writing something for a client, and it HAS to work with Excel... so VBA.

I would literally have preferred to code the exact same thing in C/C++ than use this crap language.
It would have required file pointers and custom classes and ALL SORTS OF SHIT... but it still probably would've been closer to completion than the time I spent on this stupid macro.

VB(A) has the worst fucking syntax imaginable, and the functions built in art shit and don't work as they're supposed to. The documentation is atrocious, too.

VB(A) is a fucking disgusting language.

I'll get back to it later...
stop being a nigger and maybe i will
If you fap to your waifu and ONLY her, you'll develop quite the affection as it should be. It's like marriage, she should be the only one to make you diamonds.
Aldi or die.
I'll beat the ever loving shit out of you.
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Do it. Send proof

I thought you had gotten off work at this time? Take it that its as exhilarating as ever?
>if you really want to know hmu on steam
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Yeah. The heretic that claimed Red and then I started the convincing to claim Iowa cause Freedom Botes, desu.
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I'll clobber ya with my boomerang and shove my BIG FAT DIDGERIDOO IN YOUR ARSE
there was an iowa before he decided to be a dirty heretic
He switched again?
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sunny pls
So C/++ doesn't work with Excel?
I've already fapped to Ika before. so i really can't care less about only fapping to Jenny.
sooo, should i quit before i spend 50+ hours of my life?
i once bought that film in public with a shirt that barely fit me. best fucking day of my life
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I meant to say that there was an Iowa before Red decided to switch.
i don't need to develop my affection
i already love my waifu
do it fgt
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What baka's committing heresy? Where?!
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I do, in about 7 minutes.
Isn't it always? Although yesterday I learned that the building owner parks like a douchetastic cuntbag. Thinking about keying his car if he ever parks like that when I'm on my bike again.

Nah, it's still pretty fun. What server are you on? I might just play a bit casually again if you're on the same server.
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Why would C/C++ work with excel? It's a Microsoft product and VC++ doesn't extend to anything past Visual Studio integration.
No. I think he just had a stroke mid sentence, desu.
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He committed it long before you joined. It was a good kind of heresy tho, desu.
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Muffet claimed
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I'll pass on the win compilation thanks.

Well I should say a little earlier but at least its almost over. You just found out about it? Parking like a douche seems pretty obvious here. If he keeps doing it you should totally do it and send pics my friend
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Homura (67).jpg
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Is it... is it you my queen?
I want to violently rape Muffet

Any kind of heresy is a bad heresy
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Sachi's singing is so perfect
I'll have to check. i sometimes play on highwind as my Elin Ginary but i've been trying some other server to see if the population is better.
I just expected that something as popular as C++ would have some compatibility with Excel. Guess I'm just too optimistic about things i don't understand.
>you will never get season 2
i bet she gives great handjobs
How to break limiter.
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>unorthodox waifu
I like your style
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>So C/++ doesn't work with Excel?
You could probably get it to, but it's not built into Excel's API. Excel makes macros using VBA.

If you wanted to make something work with C/++, you need to make it work on files themselves; it won't run IN Excel.
I was originally gonna try that, but my client wants something with Excel on its own.

If I did the C/++ version, they'd need to export the files, and it wouldn't necessarily be a graphical app; that'd take much longer (although, still probably be less annoying...)

I'm making it because it's either
>BUILD something to do the work
>Do the work BY HAND

It's a complex database de-duper that needs to merge fields.. Otherwise, I'll be copying and pasting for days.

There ARE programs that do PART of what's needed, but it won't suffice for the whole database.

Ultimately, it'll probably take about the same amount of time to write, though.

IDK if it'll decrease their dependence on me, but I will still need to show them how to use it.
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While C++ is popular, it's only popular because people jump in without understanding what it entails, desu.
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Please, call me Stocking. That title has since been resigned.
Its good to see you.

Eh, I can live with that.
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All your waifus suck
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>He committed it long before you joined. It was a good kind of heresy tho, desu.
Whatcha mean?
And how long ago? I started using these threads over a year ago.
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Most likely very good ones.
gtfo Anon.
How does one fuck a robot?
Ask Erik.
Golden eye prostitute loli slut boat butt lover
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Just waiting for the manager to show up now.
Ya, I stayed a tad late yesterday, and when I walked out to the garage his car was right in it. I'd probably leave a note all in all. I get mad, but common sense tells me that would be a bad idea.

Ah, I remember Mount Tyranus was the highest pop server when I stopped playing, and was also the server I was on.
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Homura (96).jpg
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Fine fine. but I will keep that title locked in my mind.
It's good to see you as well. How's surviving going for you?

>from an obscure waifu to one of the most bland boats
is it bad that I want to fuck a clock, /waifu/?
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Best waifu Red claimed
Hi ! How you doing ?
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I wonder if I'll...
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You wanna fuck a clock? wow.
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Well, did I?
no, I will.
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It's glitch hop o'clock.
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You're a fucking disgrace then.
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Good morning, boat.
How're you?
Yes, i got it, anon.
yes, a flying wishgranting space clock
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The madman, desu.
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I was closer..!

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I can be who you want me to be, darling. Eheh.
Not too bad. Not too great though either.
Hope you didn't miss me too much ehe.
How have you been?
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Does he gotta excuse or something? Ah then I take it the owner doesn't come til after you leave. Its about sending a message not a note man. It might be a bad idea like a really bad idea but hey its worth it
go fight a kangaroo
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Still can't see the panties.jpg
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sounds like a pain in the arse. And you're doing all this by yourself?
i thought alot people jump into it because "it's advanced 'n shit"
What a tough guy.
Too real looking for me. ur wifu shit
i want part of those handjobs then
>how does one fuck a robot
Assuming the gears are carefully placed, it's possible to move wires and mother boards into places that allow you to place a vagina in between the legs. Then, it's a matter of getting devices that can recognize when a dick is moving inside it. simple
just checked. Right now Tempest reach and Highwatch are the servers i play on. I don't think i've even seen Tyranus before. by the way, what did you normally play as anyway? just curious.

i want to fuck orange juice, you're not worse than me
i know i am
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Miia claimed
best snek waifu reporting in
Yes ok then, that seems justified.
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Syndra [62].png
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What boat? Your the only boat i see here.

Im fine, nothing unusual going on.
What about you?
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Australia is gay
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Isn't that all the time?
File: skLvOl0z.jpg (31 KB, 427x300) Image search: [Google]
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k thanks

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729 KB, 1000x1060

Am I here in time?
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B-but but.. I need approval on my waifu choice..
P-p-please love me...

Is this the Snek I remember?

Hi D.Va!
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>go fight a kangaroo
Fun Fact!
Didja know, m8, tha' them Aussies actually SHOOT the li'l buggers down in da streets if 'ey come in 'a cities?

In 'a Land Downunda, kangaroos be considered vermin, they are!

Pu' some fuckin shrimps on 'a Barbie, the'e, m8!

Lol, I'm fucking witcha, Aussies are cool.
>But they do shoot kangaroos as vermin.
File: Homura (97).jpg (686 KB, 778x1100) Image search: [Google]
Homura (97).jpg
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That is exciting, but I'm fine with you being who you are.

I missed you but I can't say that I missed you that much, after all I never got to know you too well. But I do enjoy your presence and I'm sure other posters would love to see you here too.

Life has been good but boring for me, just getting my driving license and living the NEET dream.
I've been looking for a job on the side but it seems like none that relates to my studies is available.
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It's good, it's similar to dubstep without the dubstep breakdown.

New thread's ready:
Right, well i guess if you want part of those handjobs anon wouldn't be an issue as she has 6 hands.
> Robot Issue
Well then, assuming that would work, not a bad idea. but either way thats not happening for a while.
what if she wrapped around you too tight?
Good luck my friend.

I posted it before the thread even maxed.... God...
this one, the rules arent shit
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