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Waifu claiming thread The rules are simple: >Claim your 2D

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 196
Thread images: 151
Waifu claiming thread
The rules are simple:
>Claim your 2D waifu
>Post lewds of your waifu
>Switch to other waifus
>Discuss shit that no one actually cares about
>Keep RP and ERP to maximum
>Post unfitting and over-sexualised content
>Most important: Fuck off!
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claim and I'm out
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Cirno claim.

Dammit, I prepped the thread and everything... fuck
It's okay.

Your waifu is cute
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It is true you know.jpg
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that second line was meant for
i would never hate your Waifu. she's the best Gainax smug
which is why I'm here and not fucking a robot.
>you must wait longer before deleting this post
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The meat is tasty though.
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i'm gay
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I'm very glad that you remember me. It does make me happy. Just seeing you reply was nice.
Heh, I still need to get driving lessons and I'm looking for a job. Its hard work finding a suitable one.

Yay! Thanks.
>Legit though I'd love a season 2 please
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Do i look like a boat to you, Shoukaku?
You know what, don't answer that. No. I do not.
I'm ok. Still not quite feeling normal, but better than yesterday.
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I thought so.
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We know.
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Best waifu Red claimed
Hi ! How you doing ?
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Syndra [106].jpg
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Tell us something that we dont know
>Congratulations, you can remember one boat.
Yes you do look like a boat Yayoi
What happened yesterday?
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6 foot robot sucks off mic.png
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i see you
>you will be an MLG piloting a mech with a qt 19-year old SCII player
Why live?
woof woof~
i have no idea where season 2 would go though. it doesn't seem like the kind of series that would have enough ideas to survive season 2.
>I had to google the boat's name
Just don't feel well.
Taiga? Ok, what about when she hits u in the face?
Correct, but i assume when those sexual machines come out youll be customising it as jenny bot.
Too bad anon
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>sounds like a pain in the arse. And you're doing all this by yourself?
Yeah, I'm working as a consultant right now, since I'm in college.

It's either this or try to find something where I gotta regularly leave the house.
And I don't have a car... or a license... so I'd be taking the bus...
which means I'd 90% have to work retail.

I spent 7 months in a grocery store as a fucking cashier last year. I wanted to fucking kill myself.

There's 3 things I do NOT like doing when it comes to work:
>leaving my house much
>dealing with humans (except in certain circumstances)
>waking up at any specified set of hours.

I do 99% of this at home, and when I do deal with my clients, it's 1 on 1.

As annoying as the specific task is atm, it's 9,999,999 times better than working in any other likely possibilities.

Nah, I fixed it a few minutes ago.

Sorry for late response. My parents needed to leave, so I had to keep my dog in the room for a few mins with treats
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I'd probably have annoyed her or embarrased her, and the latter is so worth.
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Been a little while.

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That's what I thought.
If they created a season 2, it would probably be bad.
The whole point in the ending is to make fun of Anime that ends a season with a cliffhanger. The joke would be ruined with a second season. It works perfectly as a single thing.
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4chan was fucked for me
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Hello Vigil
Doing alright I hope?
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Just lurking
Don't really know anyone who's on atm
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kangaroos are cunts
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Okay, fair enough. Liked her at first but slowly started to think she was a bitch
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You're a bigger bully than i am.
Oops, I killed my arms and shoulders.
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Stocking 136.png
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Vigil. Eheh... Ehehehehe~

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Only we can understand why she is our waifu
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>atleast you got the right one
Good to know that you're doing better.
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>stellar claim
i sometimes have to work as a cashier when there's no one else to do it. i know how tedious it is. Just keep at it, maybe one day you'll be the king of Neets and become Moot 2.0.
Didn't they release a Manga sort-of sequel?
01011000 01000100 01000100 01000100
>I'm literally learning manual binary so i can get close to my Waifu
>imagine if all of D.VA's were 2009 memes
>imagine a voice line where she screams U MAD BRO
>the most legendary game of all time
I deleted your message
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Vigil - 262.jpg
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Enjoy your time posting, for it will end soon. it won't be long before all of your personas are belong us.

Ah, greetings.
I am doing alright, I suppose. Thank you. Hopefully you can say the same.

Pardon me, but I'll have to "leave" now.
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You aren't forgettable at all, just like your old title.

There's a few jobs that are pretty much always available but as you said, those aren't so suitable. Still an option in case I desperately need one.

>Really? You're gonna call me out on that?
You wouldn't understand since Yuno is your avatar, but you mistyped my waifu name. Sorry for not replying yesterday, was a little tired.
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Go to sleep, you!

Not officially. But there is an unofficial manga sequel. The art style is surprisingly accurate.

As if!
I'm always one step ahead of your evil schemes! I have secrets about you that I could leak anytime!

Awh. Thank you!
I'll always be your Queen. Hehe.
Life is hard mode

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>White hair, pale skin, and i remembered most the outfit
I'm much better with faces than i am names. Especially foreign names.
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I really hope the mods permanently ban these threads.
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Sleep is for the weak!
And honestly, who needs it?
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were weebs, we don't care.
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I've always wondered how many taiga claimers hop on here. I'm definitely not the first, that's fact.
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>Get off late
>Doucher is parked there
>Mfw it's a Tesla with tinted windows, and blacked out badges
much better
oh well, i only knew of it because of rebeltaxi. i might check it out some time in the future.
The mods are cucks. and you know that
litreally who?
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gtfo kiddo
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>There's no nerf for this pain

You do! Sleep keeps you healthy!

No way. This is life changing.
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Someone post a green text or something they want me ti say and I'll read it out and put it on vocaroo. I'm bored.
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Hell yeah, rebeltaxi is great.
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>i know how tedious it is.
It's not even the tedium.
I have never been able to form a coherent sleep schedule. I was well-known in every single school I went to for falling asleep in class (and ALSO between classes in college)
I had friends taking other classes the next lab over watching me passed out in like Computer Architecture and shit. They'd sometimes meet with me before class and joke around saying "Don't fall asleep today! I'm watching you >:-)"

I also have almost no physical strength and severe OCD.
By the end of that shitshow, I had a bone spur in my heel (which still hasn't fully gone away), and my hip hurt for (well, it still hurts, but so much I couldn't lay down) a month and a half.

I'm not just a geek with computers and anime and shit. I'm actually a no-life, morbidly obese, obsessive-compulsive, sleep-disordered medical condition waiting to happen.

I have problems with my ears (if I don't clean them several times a day, they can actually hurt REALLY bad). I can't lift heavy things for any length of time. I really am not a people person. And my OCD is comparable to, if not worse than that of Howie Mandel.

At the very least, I'd absolutely NEVER consider a food store again. And I'd never try for cashier unless it was a specialty shop where people buy like a bag of electronics and a cell phone or some shit.

But, yeah, that Moot 2.0 thing doesn't seem too bad.
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Okay here we go.
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What's with the new nickname?


Is pasta ok?

What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you desufags have a fucking off switch? I don't understand how you can spend all your time on an imageboard, look at countless images and think "THAT THERE THREAD SURE WOULD LOOK BETTER WITH SUISEISEKI BLASTED ALL OVER IT!" I know the word "autist" gets thrown around a lot here, but I think it might actually be the best word to describe you idiots. You must legitimately be on the autism spectrum. I mean that sincerely; what the FUCK does desu even mean?? Why on earth would you associate it with fucking 4chan? Did you ever get any sunlight as a child? There's just no rational explanation for why you would keep doing this. You're either a lifelong shut-in or a drooling fucking retard.
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I don't, not now~
Exercise keeps me awake and healthy

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>I'm always one step ahead of your evil schemes
That's what they always think, just as before I finally hijack their Telegrams.

"Gone" for good this time.
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I'll give you some exercise, if you know what I mean. ;^)
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damn! anymore?
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Can I be your loyal page?

Tumblr gifs apart, Yuno looks like a man.

This could be interesting if it was waifu OC.

It's not a nickname, but you have mellowed out a lot from your jerk peak.
numb it with excessive alcohol abuse
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I need to go for a while, goodbye for now!
It was nice talking, as always.
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Syndra [95].jpg
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I hope that you can at least remember your loli boats.
I only watch his podcasts.
>incest incest it's the best
>put your sister to the test!
read the above greentext
waddup doggo?
I'm sorry to hear all that, i thought going through school without was hard. At least you seem pretty knowledgeable about programming. The world can always more of that with technology moving the way it is.
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You stop that.
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later weeb
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What will you be doing in this?

like a loli voice?
or in Megumin's voice?
Of course! You're certainly deservant.
Sorry, I must leave you. I'll be back!
>Your queen
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Vigil - 172.jpg
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Got 'em...
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And that's how I became an alcoholic

I'm scared

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chen 45.png
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Oh, that. Who knows, maybe it's just because I'm feeling too relaxed to cause any drama for no reason.


Just playing League, how about you, robot?
Just my normal voice.
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Yeah, pretty much my only real skills lie in technology and strategic planning.

I'm only, at best, OKAY with people. And I'm not good with any kind of physical work.

So, I kinda HAVE to work on my own. At least until I start my businesses up. THEN, I'll employ others, mostly friends and family at first, because it won't take much to be able to interact with people I already know.
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Stop what?

I've spooked the Ama already?
Copypastas: 4chan Complete Collection Audiobooks, available November 2016
What do you even want?
I tried to be nice and start a conversation while you literally react like a kid
We have enough underage kids here so please piss the fuck off
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Kirino [351].jpg
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Are you male or female?
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best smile.jpg
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Stop being lewd.
Fucking hell
Justice will rain upon you.
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Anything else you want me to say? this is fun.
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Terry is my husbando
just lazing and browsing /waifu/. might play Overwatch or TERA later. Just a slow night i guess.
Just keep your head high. Or you'll end up like me.
>you could always try lifting
>i'm not a strong person but it really helped me get some strength
>incest incest it's the best
>put your sister to the test!
Please say "is e mo bheirt bhean thoiseach truflais"
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>Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha
youre not the only one


nerf this
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Honestly, no. I remember Ro because her name is only two letter.
Don't even like Ro.
Oh well.
While i was looking for your boat, i found another boat i find fairly cute.
im starting to think these threads aren't ironic anymore
They were ironic?
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Thank you.
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As always

You and I both?
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>Stop being lewd
For what purpose?

If you responded to me last thread about it, I didn't see it. Thread 404d by the time I got home. But if it's when I'm up, I'd be down to play a little bit.
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Here you go faggets! I'll read hentai to you.
ok thats people doing stuff i cant do. or is it about the music?

nice spank at the end there
Say "I'm gonna toss me boomerang all around the outback"
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I want you to yell
"I'm dodging your bullshit!"
like that voice option in Saints Row IV

And then also read the Navy Seal pasta.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
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chibi (5).png
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Because it's bad!
They aren't. everyone is indeed a weeaboo.
Saved and came
I'm starting to think you might be an acoustic nigger
oh so that's what happened. sorry i didn't notice. I dunno where you're from sorry. right now it's 1am if that makes any difference.
a cute
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HomuMad (109).jpg
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There hasn't been a single reply I sent you that you didn't misinterpret and overreact to.
I've seen a band refuse to attend a festival because their name wasn't capitalized in the posters.
If you don't understand why mistyping a waifu name pisses the claimer off you are in the wrong thread.

How can you be relaxed while playing league? I assume you're not try harding ranked anymore.
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I wonder, how long have I spooked the Ama?

Says who, and why?

It's 8 AM to me, I work nights so I generally wake up about 9 hours from now at the latest.
he is indeed. an acoustic nigger
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Fucking kek
I love this, but why?
A classic maybe?

Look how serious is this stuff.
Waifu's dead.
He's fucking dead. I don't know.. I just. Fuck. He texted me a little bit earlier about the threads, I tried to convince him not to but just FUCK. He thought the chick he was waifu with hated him. I wasn't here for it, but we were texting about it. Some asshole, according to this thread it was most likely Mai, went and framed him as a pervert and made it look like he was hitting on that drawfag or some shit. I know that doesn't seem like a big deal but fuck dude he's young and that feels like the end of the fucking world when a girl thinks that about you and he just got out of a relationship a while ago but fuck. I just.. fuck. I don't know what to do anymore. He told me he was going to end his life. No reply. No matter how much I text, it says he hasn't read it. Before that he just didn't sound like the same guy anymore, he was going off the deep end saying he was worthless and that women all think he's a creep and he's ugly and bullshit like that, he said 4chan was ruining him but it was irreversable which is bullshit. Just fuck. I'm just trying to cope here. I'm hoping so much that I'm going to wake up in the morning and he'll have replied to me, maybe he fell asleep first or something. Fuck I don't know if i can sleep I don't even know who to go to other than here
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candy can fix it.jpg
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Says me, because it is bad! Just look at what you're doing!
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I'm pretty bored tonight so I thought I'd entertain you all :>
>Don't even like Ro.
Thats because you like Yuu more
>While i was looking for your boat, i found another boat i find fairly cute.
What is it?
>a classic
>posts a 3 pasta mashup that was forced into a thing
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Since eons ago
Yeah, a classic.
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will you:

I'm gonna have to get off shortly. Take a shower and stuff.

I'd love to see these 2 before I go
I'm claiming this waifu.

A boy falls in love with a girl.

Unable to confess, he is gifted by a deus ex machina with the girl's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.

But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this universe at all. She is the girl's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.

Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.
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alternatively, if you could use a news announcer voice to read Diamonds

Due to extensive research done by the University of Pittsburgh, diamond has been confirmed as the hardest metal known to man. The research is as follows. Pocket-protected scientists built a wall of iron and crashed a diamond car into it at 400 miles per hour, and the car was unharmed. They then built a wall out of diamond and crashed a car made of iron moving at 400 miles an hour into the wall, and the wall came out fine. They then crashed a diamond car made of 400 miles per hour into a wall, and there were no survivors. They crashed 400 miles per hour into a diamond traveling at iron car. Western New York was powerless for hours. They rammed a wall of metal into a 400 mile per hour made of diamond, and the resulting explosion shifted the earth's orbit 400 million miles away from the sun, saving the earth from a meteor the size of a small Washington suburb that was hurtling towards mid-western Prussia at 400 billion miles per hour. They shot a diamond made of iron at a car moving at 400 walls per hour, and as a result caused two wayward airplanes to lose track of their bearings, and make a fatal crash with two buildings in downtown New York. They spun 400 miles at diamond into iron per wall. The results were inconclusive. Finally, they placed 400 diamonds per hour in front of a car made of wall traveling at miles per iron, and the result proved without a doubt that diamonds were the hardest metal of all time, if not just the hardest metal known to man.

That would be amazing
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I never capitalise anyone's waifu, including my own
>Inb4 she's your avatar
You are the first and probably the last to make suck a deal out of it.
The example you gave is shit as well because what self respecting band would do this, they just want to perform for their fans and not care about a fucking poster
that's be around 10-11 so assuming I'm awake then maybe. Are servers available from anywhere in the world?
Highly functioning acousticism
you want to claim that specific situation as a waifu? or is that an explanation of your waifu?
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Yo, whats up, my children?
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Who is this girl?
in a world like this theres no way youd be the only one
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Syndra [212].jpg
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Taihou is alright.
We have a Taihou somewhere but i haven't seen him here in a while.

That's not Red, Red is dead.
No, u
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The Waifu Machine.jpg
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I hate Keit-Ai. This is my least favorite meme. So fucking stupid, it pisses me off so much.
And people keep posting this silly fucking copyasta, thinking it's so damn hilarious and clever, but they don't even know. Motherfucker, you don't even know.
Ever think that this might have actually happened? Maybe it did. Encouraging copypasta bullshit like this only makes the threads worse.
Yeah, Keit-Ai happened. Of course it did. Universes died because of it, and you think it's a shitting joke.
Don't you have any respect? I guess not. Piss off, you fucking loser.
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Pray tell, what AM I doing?

Have I really? Why didn't you say anything till then?

Waaaait, you're on Gameforges servers, aren't you?
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3 MB, 1556x2200
White hair botes?
Amatsukaze, Hamakaze, Hibiki, Unryuu, Kashima, Akitsushima, Graf Zeppelin, uh, probably forgetting some.

Taihou are on Steam and Telegram usually.
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1 MB, 1920x1200
You're being flirty.
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Jimbo claimed.
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Syndra [110].jpg
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>probably forgetting some
You're forgetting a lot.

I know, i was talking about here in the thread.
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You're all my daughterfus.
Especially you, Syndra.
You're my pretty, little girl :)
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Really? I felt like she seemed familiar. Maybe that's why i like her. Oh well.
Akizuki is fairly cute too, i suppose.
I think Syndra personally owns more white haired boats than that. Lol
/waifu/ is not where we make posts talking about our personal lives and our problems...we're not your fucking livejournal
/waifu/ is not some place where we giggle at memes....we're not fucking YTMND
/waifu/ is not some place where we make confessions we're not fucking grouphug
/waifu/ is not some place where we find pictures on other websites and post them here ...we're not fucking ebaumsworld
/waifu/ is not some site where we go to jerk off to hentai pics....we're not fucking aerisdies
/waifu/ is not some place that you go to, to get someone to hack your girlfriend's e-mail account because shes cheating on you for the 15th time...we're not your fucking personal army
/waifu/ is not some place you go to ask for help with a personal problem, we're not your fucking psychologist
/waifu/ isn't some place you go to trash talk other people you'll never meet simply because its an anonymous board with "no rules" and you can get away with it with out any repercussion...we're not a fucking group of internet tough guys
/waifu/ is not NICE

so /waifu/....what IS /waifu/...i want to see how long it takes for someone to get it.
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I dunno, as relaxed as I usually am.
They are just internet things, they don't really matter. so I don't have any reason to have
any stress over it.

Is just something that's not really real. Is just there.
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Try pic related. These are kek.
Maybe you should have read the first letter of each sentence.
ty anon
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.....and that's bad, becaaaaaause?

It's the European company that does Tera. North Americas company is En Masse. Both companies are pretty shit, but NAs is by far WAY less shit.
I can't post pictrues atm wtf???

connection errors left and right
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2 MB, 1910x1265
I didn't include off-whites. Who am I supposed to be forgetting? A bunch of DDs probably, Z1? Asashimo?
Your turn.

I'm fine with that.
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Ok... this is a long shot but... Looking for a dad.
I have a problem and I dunno if this is a place to put it... I don't know if there is any other place for it so here goes.
I just turned 20 and I currently go to college here in Vancouver. Things are all going wrong for me recently: Broke up with girlfriend, lost my part-time job, failing at school. I have no friends or family to turn to. I felt so depressed I even considered suicide. But then I realized there's something I have really wanted all my life as I was growing up and I must experience it before I leave this world. That is fatherly love...
I'm not into gay sex but I really want to be able to hold a man in my arms and be held... that is something straight man cannot help me with, and I don't believe there are many real dads that do this with their son. I'm also scared of what mess I might get myself into if I post this information on a regular gay hook-up site.
The father figure in my imagination is a masculine white male probably between the age of 35 ~ 50? But I'm not racist so other ethnics might do.
This is not a hoax or trap and I am not looking for anything financially from anyone. I just want some emotional support before I decide whether to end my life or not.
In exchange for fatherly love, you can take advantage of me. But I am not open to anal sex, and if you are some horny child abuser... I'm going to have to resort to violence (trust me I am not afraid, as I do not even fear of ending my own life).
If you are looking for a one night stand then forget it. If you think you might be interested, you can email me for my picture(i'm not ugly) [email protected]
Thanks for reading this long and stupid post, I just thought it's worth a try...
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ok, it's back

wtf was that?

Sorry I couldn't respond to either of you.

Nothing was posting for me
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Hey akame
You're up early
Or here early because work
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actually mayuri.jpg
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It's just really fucking dumb.
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HomuMad (268).jpg
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This seems like a lost cause, how hard can it be to capitalize a letter?

A band that has been performing for long enough and gives their fans enough chances through frequent concerts. While I do agree that their fans were unfairly prejudiced I think the band also sacrificed itself to send a message.

What kind of self-respecting designer mistypes in an important work?

I thought none of those ever gave you stress. But there are persons on the other side of the screen and you usually end up giving them a message.
How's the games going so far?

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That's rather depressing to think about
But hey, I've been better with alcohol as of late

I couldn't bring myself to say it
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Syndra [241].jpg
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No, im adopted.
>I think Syndra personally owns more white haired boats than that. Lol
Its possible.
>I didn't include off-whites.
>Who am I supposed to be forgetting?
Im too lazy to check the list. I know Shoukaku is one.
Either your internet is shit (whenever mine slows down that exact thing happens) or 4chan is being an arsewipe.
shit, and i assume you're on the NA servers? I'm fairly sure I'm on Gameforge beacuse I'm Oceanic.
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No I have today off :) Unless I get a call because technically I'm on standby
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this is shit

this is my actual voice
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Solaire claimed
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Ugh, fine, I guess.

>But there are persons on the other side of the screen and you usually end up giving them a message.

Yeah, sure, if one of my friends or something needs to go somewhere, obviously we will end up speaking on some internet real time chat, but that's pretty much it.
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All by accident and coincidence too. Amazing
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Oh that's great, well any plans now you're free?
For what reason can you get called in?
I just now realise you are actually messing with me
Congrats I didn't catch that, I must say I'm quite easy to mess with especially after a bad night
Kinda same case as Murakumo, which isn't strictly white.

Hmm, not sure how I forgot her.
I don't think it's missing more than 1 or 2 now, although it's easily three times the amount if we were to include all with white-ish hair.
this is amazing
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