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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>699421540 >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 182
Thread images: 151
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Waifu claiming thread.

Previous: >>699421540

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>No one is going to take you seriously if you don't post your waifu
>Naps are a GOOD idea
>Insult others with vigor
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>Refrain from being lewd
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!
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still here


spiders are ok as long as they just chill in their web away from me
Make a board on 8gag for this shit
Delete your fourchan account, faggot
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I've heard no man's sky is shit
What's the next big hype? I'm thinking scorn. That game looks really fleshed out
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Best raifu claimed.
Nobody wants another avatarfagging circlejerk here.

Get out
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Ruby (2).jpg
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Sup guys
First delete you're fucking account
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I don't have a PC remember?
>Not liking dick
Choose one.
Yeah OK buddy.
Have fun jamming in the Israeli deserts.And not being accurate enough in semi automatic fire.And being chambered in an inherently inaccurate, slow and overall bad cartridge.
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Stupid tranny fag checking in
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Funkyclaimer here again with more Good morning
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Same tbh
When I don't see them I'm okay
I remember when I was at the zoo when I was little when the tarantula escaped from his exhibit and I just freaked the fuck out.
>Luckily I didn't see him
I've heard the same, too bad I was hoping it to be good
I actually think rogue one will flop
>Han solo without Harrison ford
Hey ruby
How are you?

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Grey subtitles saying he'll kill himself more often sounded pretty bloody aussie in that moment, that must've thrown me off.

Either way, it's 2 and I'm fucking dead rn. 'Night.
>meme response
Ak47 is the workhorse of assault rifles.
They are reliable
hello friends
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Disapoint Galil.jpg
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Retard who doesn't know shit about guns detected.
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The Galil is a better raifu, I understand.

But I love my raifu! She stands proud! She was cast from Soviet steel! She was made with the blood, sweat, and tears of every Russian across the land!

Long live the USSR!
Vaping fedora neckbeard who is an "expert" on guns detected
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huh weird. ive only been to a zoo once before.
hello mouse
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The AK does have problems with the safety switch and dirt getting through that...

I admit this. My waifu is flawed but she is beautiful.
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Ruby (12).jpg
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Fine, a bit bored, doing some work for university and studying (or trying to)
How's your day so far?
Hello! How are you?
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>not Empi
I dunno, man. I've seen an AK slathered in mud all over the internals and in the magazine, water poured down the barrel, fired like nothing happened.
Who needs a safety on a gun amirite
Now go shoot up your highschool, kiddo
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Great claim. Aisha is a top tier qt. But Melfina wins best girl.
Oh yea I forgot.
Isnt there a some store which rents videos
>Me not liking dick
At least let me lie man, I want to be cool like you hetero cis guys
Me too
>That was the last time
Tbh zoo is quite boring if youve been there once
All the animals are sad or boring and nothing changes
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yeah they did have peacocks. i think those were my favorite
>you can shoot it using the safety switch

Anyone who implies this is a flaw and not an engineering masterpiece is cancer
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I thought you were dead for real

Oh that's a nice claim
I like little gremlin Dva

>tfw no one caught my pun
Rouge one? Haven't heard of it

Oh that's Mio. He's a britbong. We actually do have Kirino who does have a thicc aussie accent but he isn't in the weeaboo video
Your school already started or just prepping?
Im pretty good, just as my day
I'm trying to beat some hard pc's on smash while being tipsy
>Its not going well
Peacocks favourite, why though?
hello darkness my old friend
i've come to talk with you again

im p good as usual. would ask how you are but the answer to that is right there
what are you (trying to) studying?
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it put out its tail feathers and i remember it being really cool
im not darkness
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Na. I'm alive.

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Hey qt
Hey Ruby
>Winky face
Ok then
I'm not hating on the AK just so you know, I have a few myself, very fun, look sexy as well.
>Saying Ak
>AK being the most reliable gun possible
>AK being the end all, be all for rifles
While the AK is a very reliable weapon in the mud and snow, in the desert it fails.It gets this reliability due to loose tolerances, letting everything simply be shoved out the way so it may continue.In the desert this is not an advantage, but a liability.It is also less accurate than an AR15 in semi automatic fire (but more in rapid fire, due to the ARs gas system) and a few more problems.
In a nutshell, no rifle is perfect.
Also any rifle can fire with water poured down the barrel.
The zoo sucks anyway.
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Another top tier qt.

Anime left a lot to be desired, but still a qt nonetheless. Mako a cute too.
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> is the only character that can carry a team
Prove me wrong
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Smug anime waifu.png
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>be you
>be wrong

Give me a challenge.
your waifu seems to be experiencing constant darkness though
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Ruby (9).jpg
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It's winter where I live, so university started months ago. Doing my second semester right now.
What time is it there? It's 1pm here, so being it'd be a bit early for me to be tipsy
I'm studying programming (Pascal) for now. Might do some algebra later or something, probably not though cuz I'm dumb and I absolutely hate to study. I get distracted way to often.
What are you up to?

Also, to all of you. What is it that you like about your waifu? I myself love Ruby's design, but also love her personality. I can't say I'm as clumsy as her or have her determination, but I'd like to say I'm cheerful enough to compare to her.
Link for that dropbox?
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I'll disagree with that one. Melfina's great, but always felt a bit boring to me. Aisha may have been a bit immature but she had more personality
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I'm gonna be silent on this one
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armored up.png
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Everything. I love everything about her.
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Nice dubs. And I'm not sure whether it was an actual 47 or an AKM. They SAID 47 but I didn't look closely enough myself to see whether it had a firing selector. But of course no one rifle is perfect for everything. The AK family does extremely well in the environment it was made for, but I'd never use one for, say, sniping or even as a DMR, and I wouldn't use an M16 innajungle or for anything wearing substantial body armor. Everything is situational, da? But why do sandniggers love the AK so much if it's so bad innasand, other than its availability due to proxy wars?
It's the big brains that give me a big hard-on.
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asuramaru claimed
first time in this kind of thread, be gentle guys~
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> Don't know scorn so I didn't catch the pun
Sorry man
Also thats the new star wars movie comming up, I think it'll suck
My friend has peacocks and I can tell you they're really loud. I guess that's why I don't like them
>Tfw he sleeps through their cry and I am wide awake at 6
Oh damn I didn't think about that, what are you studying
It's 6 here so I guess it's justified. I'm just celebrating life tbh so yea I'm drinking a lot
Kek I just read what you are studying nvm
Not cute!
>Got a job at a butcher, i start monday
Yeah but Aisha was too rough to be best girl. I'm all for strong women and all that, but girls are meant to be soft. Call me sexist, but women should be soft. Shit, I bet her tits are hard as diamonds when she flexes and her boobs could break rocks.

Melfina was soft, caring, motherly, endearing, and other than being a "hurr durr why was I brrn" a decently written character.
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Always forgetting images
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A-Fest was alright. Disappoint because there was only two Rem cosplayers and about a thousand of everything else.
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Hello leone

Lmao couldn't watch all of it cause boss called me up to work
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it was ok from what i remember. pretty quiet day when i went
times change
well i wouldnt want one for a pet but they are interesting to look at
maybe its because rems outfit is just a maid?
best waifu
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>seasonal waifu getting respect
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rem 2nd best waifu! subaru doesnt even deserve her
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Hamakaze 259.jpg
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I can see a large amount of pubes when I zoom in...

Good morning faguettes.
>Hamakaze claimed
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Still disappoint

At least I made interesting friends

Whatever m8

Unfortunately the good one I saw had her wearing his jacket. There was one or two cosplays of him too, but only one good one.
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You should check it out. It's an upcoming horror game. I think it looks tasty
>new star wars movie comming up, I think it'll suck
I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. The previous one wasn't utter shit

Halla Rem
Did you at least get some sweet loot from wherever you went?

Well 17 minutes is a lot I guess
To summarize: we dick around, there's a lot of japanese shouting and I die a lot

Damn I hadn't even noticed. Thanks for the eye opener Hama
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Hey rem glad you had fun
I guess you know had his thirst cleaned right?
Good idea
Do you have pets btw?
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Not everyone is afraid of the woods.

Relax. Re:Zero seems to have a pretty solid fan base and even my normie friends talk about it. I'm sure people will be talking about Re:Zero for a year or two and Rem will leave the "Seasonal" status and be bumped up to "Shit."
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Ruby (8).png
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Hey, how's your day?
I've never drunk alcohol, so I can't really say I know anything about "being drunk early" lol. What are you drinking though?
"it's nice to be appreciated"
Never watched the anime Shiro belongs to. Is it good?
Sup Rem!
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programming is fun, i know some simple things in html and javascript and such, i imagine pascal is a whole level above that though
i like how diverse my waifu is, she can be both annoying and cute, innocent and smug, etc

you're right about that
how is your current time?

is that a mouse or what? i can't tell
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>is DMWL good
Watch it nigger. Just go watch it. If nothing else, the opening theme will give you a boner.
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>Shit, I bet her tits are hard as diamonds when she flexes and her boobs could break rocks.
Well, if the hot springs episode is any indication, perhaps not

>Melfina was soft, caring, motherly, endearing, and other than being a "hurr durr why was I brrn" a decently written character.
You're 100% right about that though
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interesting how?
i have one dog.
it goes.
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Hamakaze 200.png
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No problemo hombre

I'm not afraid, but I may take a chainsaw to clear a path.
How is your day?
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chibi (14).png
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Not really. 6/10 overall. Manga is better, 8/10.
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but where does this wild ride of yours go?
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Best Buds Galil.jpg
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But they don't.They mainly use Vietnam era M16s, WW2 bolt actions, Garands, SKS' and a few stolen modern guns.The AK isn't used by US troops though, so it's OK to demonize it in the media.
That's not all that cute actually.
Hello tovarish
Its just animals that are basically basement dwellers though.
I'm sick.
Pupper or doggo?What kind?
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Homura (9).jpg
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>is that a mouse or what? i can't tell
Kinda, it's a burmecian, a race of anthropomorphic mouses. Great character despite the furriness.
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>implying you should rely on a 14 yo's anime ratings
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Her "foxiness" is definitely a breath of fresh air for the series. Melfina is too "pure" and withdrawn and Suzuka is a strong independent womyn so Aisha's attitude definitely worked in making the series more enjoyable.

I dunno. I just think Mel > Aisha.

Actually, she does trim, but she isn't trying to show off her pussy to everyone so it doesn't have to be shaved like a little girls'.
yeah thats a bummer
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Another pun?
>When I google it I see guys with big mouths
So I guess it involves eating?
Why would you think it'll flop though?
I mean it wasn't shit but it was exactly like ep 4 but different characters
But I guess we will have to see
Some weird Vietnam summer beer
>It's really strong but so good
My brother just came back from it so it was a souvenir
What kind of dog? I don't remember asking you this could be me though
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Hamakaze 204.jpg
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Thats my lucha libre nickname

I know

I was just pointing out the image, not the character in general.
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oh wow the art of that on google alone is pretty amazing, nostalgic somehow
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no where really
i think its nice to at least have seen them. and she is a dachshund that is reddish orange
see above
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Greetings, friends!

I invite you all to take note of my dubs! Quite impressive if I do say so myself!
I just take orders from customers and serve them fresh meat. Kinda like a deli/butcher. I dont do any of the cuts though
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I'm not hating on the Galil. I love it. I just have to hate it because it's capitalist trash
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no dubs for you
I get you, it is a bit more realistic tho. I swear if we could force or manipulate evolution, there would be a team of top tier, funded, scientists trying to remove pubic hair from our DNA.

Personally I think it's cute.
thats pretty depressing
don't you want to give it a destination?
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Ruby (21).jpg
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Pascal is supposed to be "easy", at least for starters like me. I'm hoping to be studious enough to learn it quickly, but I don't really see that happening...
I've still got some others anime to finish / watch before, but yeah, I'll give it a try when I get myself some time! I'm trying to get myself to watch interesting anime instead of the harem shit I always end up watching
Huh, how so? Did you catch a flu or something?
Asuramaru is fucking cool. Nice to see someone claiming her
That's nice, I guess you don't get to drink that everyday. How does it feel to be tipsy? Always bugged my curiosity but not enough to try it myself
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I'm newer to these claim threads I'll prob be posting in them more often

Claimed Yoko
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If you don't like the Galil, then SOVIET
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Homura (160).jpg
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>somehow nostalgic
It should be, FF IX has lived long enough to be considered a classic and square has amazing artists and concept arts.
They put a lot of effort into fleshing out burmecians and their unique culture.
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Its Galil.png
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Do you get any discounts or anything?
Alright then, fair enough.
Also that rifle made me cry
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That also makes some sense. Plus it was a cheap, mass-produced weapon that may have been easy to acquire as a movie prop for anything terroristy, leading to its association with sandniggers, cartels and other baddies. I knew they had lots of M16s and shit too but didn't know they used Garands or BA rifles. For a bunch of dumb cave people with outdated weapons, they're doing really well over at ISIS. I'm actually impressed with these sandniggers.
Dirty commie with a good raifu detected. I love the AK family because they'd be fucking perfect for where I live, which is a consistently wet, muddy sort of place with no sand except at beaches. Perfect for going full Red Dawn on some riceniggers.
If you want interesting, try Upotte!! and GuP. Especially if you're half as /k/ as your waifu would like you to be.
Nice TTGL claim.
Hi Carlos.
>20/10, I kek'd
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Best type moon claimed.

Combined fleets is one hell of a drub.
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You're Putin me in stitches carlos
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Daschund is pretty cool, how old is he?
Isnt nothing special, I mostly just get worse at things I already suck at
Being wasted is the real fun though, I can recommend
>Morning after is a bitch
>Headache and lot of bitching friends
Still funny
That's some lewd shit man
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>So I guess it involves eating?
Maybe. Here's hopin. It's a horror game
>it was exactly like ep 4 but different characters
Yeah, the plot was literally that of 'a new hope' but I guess they gotta start somewhere familiar. I'm not super excited but I am curious

Drubs are bad, m'kay
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well im not sure exactly where i want to be
she is 6 or 7 i forget
Thanks m8, yeah yeah lewd >>699441821
I just loved the pic because of the detail on the face
My father was addicted to drubs
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Reminder that the Nazis gave us both Nitrogen Enriched Fertilizer, and the Dachshund.
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I dont have the original but this is all that I had saved on my computer.
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Try Ping Pong: The Animation. The problem is, you're either going to think the animation is disgusting or amazing. Personally my favorite art of any anime I've watched.
Don't forget the EasyBake Oven
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Didn't see him

Hopefully everyone stops calling it seasonal soon

Everything from my knees down is in pain

Two violinists, a trombone player, and a piano player who was there to hype, kept going around playing "When Mom's not Home"
I think everyone liked us


Everything was expensive, but I got some Japanese Vintage Import. No idea how much it is.
Pic related

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Forgot to add new pic and yeah lewd but I don't want to waste time cropping it I just love the detail on face
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>I don't want to waste time cropping it
It takes literally less than 10 seconds you fag
programming is fun so as long as you challenge yourself you should be able to do it, right?

some of the art i saw on google reminded me of Snufkin from Moomin, so that's probably where the nostalgia comes from

do you have any idea where you want to go on your way, though?
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the second one is nice. cant really speak on the first.
well that is good. glad you enjoyed it
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Which, ironically, is now being sold by Jews to make money on the reinforcement of traditional gender roles.
It was good anyway. Your waifu a hot.
>not wanting a superconducting rifle to somehow be real
Oh fuck I got quad dubs
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Nymph 12.jpg
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There is a very high chance you have eaten produced grown with nitrogen enriched fertilizer.

It's a good thing.

You can also make bombs with it.
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QOTT: what gender identity are you?

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On phone so it would take twenty :^)
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meh you are probably right i guess its just my twitter feed who is overhyping it
>looks spoopy enough
i dig the atmosphere
nice, i love how you forget everyone's age, do you even know your own?
i thought you guys went together?
it prob was just shino fucking with me
/waifu/ Minecraft server when?
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One of the only two: Male. If this triggers you, kill yourself.
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Lewdness extraordinaire

Damn, that's awful. How did you catch salmonella though?

I don't know about those. I for the most part just love scythes. I have no clue as to why I do, I just do. I even use them in DarkSouls, even considering how bad they are, but although I play some FPSs and whatnot, I'm not that much into weapons.

>Smug face
Yeah, I guess that's why I haven't gotten drunk yet. I know what goes after. Many of my friends tried getting me drunk, and some even succeeded at making me drink alcohol, but I have yet to get wasted

Saw it when it came out. Don't remember much about it, so I might watch it again. Back then it looked cool to me, but I don't think it'd look as good now that I've seen some pretty good looking anime

I'm not determined enough. I'd love to learn how to program and whatnot, but I'm always more intrigued into playing a game more than studying something, even if I like what I'm studying
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just the basic things really. not sure past that
i figured it was good just didnt really think i know too much about it.
easy 19
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>inb4 attack helicopter
It's Boeing Defense & Space Industries AH-64 Apache you shitlord. use my proper pronouns

>using twitter
Why do this to yourself?
>i dig the atmosphere
Really ambiguous
I'm mostly curious as to what the role of the player will be. You're obviously one of these flesh creatures so what could be going down?
My gender is anti-material rifle and you'd best respect it.
Please, /waifu/ isn't THAT autistic.
Mm. Then look up Kyoukai no Kanata/Beyond the Boundary and Kill la Kill.
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Triggered ;^)
I am a proud member of the mayonnaise gender. You cis male scum ;^)
What are your pronouns
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Go ahead. Start one.

As the closest thing to trailer trash that isn't living in the trailer, I prefer Miracle Whip to mayonnaise on sandwiches. Mayonnaise is great for coleslaw tho.
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I don't think I know you, but on first impression you seem cool.

So how's your day?

Attack helicopter
>jk male

Shino was fucking with you.
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I can definitely see the resemblance. They took inspirations from everywhere for that race.
Be it gypsies, Arabs, emperors or monarchs.
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A lot of people here play games together, and as autisticly memed up as minecraft is, it can be fun.

I had a shit load of fun playing FtB mod pack.

I even got a friend who absolutely meme hated on Minecraft interested in it because of the FtB mod pack.

But to be honest I see more Terraria talk than Minecraft talk here.
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Man it's really fun you're missing out
I won't push you but really I feel like it's a part of university
I guess you're not as stupid as I thought
Its because I follow the professional league scene
>Dont kill me
Yea I'm really curious right now thanks for hitting me up with this I'm a horror game slave
Man I hate that guy
>Jk if you're lurking shino you're the best
So how was your weekend at a fest? Anything cool happened?
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Its just a magazine,stock, trigger and scope though.
Nazis also gave us the rocket, the nuke, the drilling gun (drilling is German for something, I don't know what) and a lot of other things.
But they dislike my raifu.
I'm on my phone and I could do it in 10
Its not that bad, I had some real thicc chicken and it didn't cook all the way through.
I feel left out lol everyone knows each other and I'm just sitting here like a jackass

>mfw I c how it is
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fine just playing some games.
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Stop being 13 then.
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We can get to know each other it's cool
>Same for me when I joined
What do you do for a living man?
Kidding man you know how I roll
>You're my baby
What are you up to?
I'm gonna eat soon
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Still he/him, because AMR is definitely a masculine thing.
Minecraft was okay until retarded LetsPlay shit ruined it and it all got flooded with autistic children.
It's powered electrically so it doesn't need much of a receiver or anything- no hammers and pins and shit. I imagine most of the wiring and the battery are housed in the butt stock.
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>You seem desperate.
Yeah but im in a car trying to manage my phone whIle it's shaking like crazy
>not driving
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You'll get used to it.
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>But they dislike my raifu.
Well they have good taste.

Yeah the Nazis actually gave the world a lot of machines and technological advancements. And a lot of... well.. health and medicine advancements too. If they weren't so prejudice and didn't get their asses whooped the Nazi party would still be around today I bet.

It happens. What's cool about being an adult is you can enjoy the things you enjoy and the memes and peer pressure don't deter you from enjoying the things you enjoy.
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As I said, me and friends running around and playing "When Mom's Not Home" with two violins and a trombone.
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>Beyond the Boundary
I think I've seen this before. I was really intrigued which anime it was, but was never able to get it's name. Thanks! I'll watch this one

Are you from the US? University is really different here, as in, we don't have dormitories or a huge campus, we just go to university, we attend classes, chat with friends, etc, then we go back home.
Either way, may try it sometime with friends, but I'm scared what they'd do to me if I get wasted

Well, it's easier to identify each other since claims. If you're new here, it's obvious that people are not gonna talk to you unless you strike up a conversation with them first. We all have been new to /waifu/ at some point

Yeah, had it coming. How do you feel?

Also, how many Rems are there? holy shit
>Well they have good taste
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It's hard
I'm going to be going to college august 29th for computer engineering
I don't socially interact with anyone in real life so I might as well start here
>TFW I won't get
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baby? im playing some witcher 3 was thinking of showering.
>Lap pillow
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>computer engineering

Like, hardware manufacturing? Or just building a rig? Cause you don't have to go to school to learn how to do that.
It's ok we try
But then, who did get
Let's find out
Just talk with people and relax, it'll be fine.
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What a waste
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sorry i dont read other convo's a lot, feels kinda weird.
you brought intsruments to a con?
im from the netherlands its basicly the same here. But if you have the right normie friends going out is pretty normal. I'll admit its been some time but me and my friends have a lot of nights where we just drink our asses off and play games.
first semester.
Its quite funny to me that a lot of people here study that
sorry i like saying that to people, perhaps our relationship wasnt that far yet.
you went back to that? so did happen what i predicted? forgot the story and how to play?
The Nazis did indeed give us a lot of medical advancement. Doctor Mengele was a brilliant psychopath, and the idea of taking twins and using one as a control to observe differences in a person infected with a disease was interesting. Also, it's hard to enjoy things when the community is shite and it's a multiplayer game by nature. I also can't into that type of sandbox.
Social interaction here is better than nothing, darling.
A waste indeed.
When I day engineering I mean the hardware itself and what I can do with it, going for soft ware as well like programming, thought it would be good to learn both if I'm going to learn one, I'm self teaching mostly for the hardware but there are people there that can help with it
That's the plan, gotta start somewhere
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Well, we weren't exactly friends yet. I just kinda walked up to them while they were playing, asked to use their keyboard piano, and just kinda chatted. I'm just happy the staff were chill with us.
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not in the slightest. although there was this cross dressing guy so that happened
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Really? It's only a sandbox until you start getting useful stuff. There is a point to the game: Kill the End Dragon.

Right, I understand that. That is why I asked if you are going into manufacturing. Will you be MAKING the parts? Or simply installing them?
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Never! Get lap pillow'd

I have both nerdy and normie friends, but I enjoy spending my nights out with my nerdy friends, talking about shit we like and whatnot. They don't drink much either, although I've seen them getting wasted a few times.
Drinking and playing, I could try that
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wow i must say im impressed
>socially acting outside of the chan
sounds like a cool con
>thought you were talking about the crossdressing anon in the thread
sometimes you need a nerd night i agre
>always wanted to try D&D
i can recommend mario kart drinking game, its a lot of fun
>have to finish you beer before you finish doesnt matter how you just need to empty it
>last one to finish needs to take a shot
its great
I played long before the ender dragon or even endermen. I played when it was still survival/sandbox. Besides, if I want dragon-slaying I play DnD
>mfw I actively engaged a Roc as a lvl 3 fighter
Are your friends geeks/nerds or """""nerds"""""?
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well it was just odd in the witcher but its there so whatever
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>Lap pillow
Just kill me now famalam
Social interaction isn't hard
That's not really the point of the game, you don't even get anything for it other than an hour of shitty text and maybe two or three levels, plus the stupid egg.
>TFW no qt hasguns gf to lap pillow me
Why even live?
Plan is installing, I'm going to make a powerhouse computer but I need to know how to make the parts as well, planning on making from scratch, but I'm going to take the class that specializes in actually making the parts, so yeah manufacturing
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And yeah, people wanted pictures of me
Is there the option to sex him
I think there sex options in witcher, right?
Weren't you dressed as goku?
Or am I just completely retarded
Did it look that impressive?

>Tsun yun
Didn't limit
>kill the end dragon
>get end credits
>it's not the point
Guess I don't understand the point of end credits in video games.

Ah, there has been a lot of changes then. Bosses, horses, a shield apparently. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if this server is started and everyone just pixel arts their waifu using wool.

Right on. I'm trying to go back to school for networking and possibly network security. The communication part between electronics and computers interests me a bit more. But software is a biiiiiiiitch. Enjoy learning another written language.

>4 years in high school doing computer programming
>the only thing I remember is System.out.println("Hello World");
It was basically the suit used in Battle of Gods, but shirt part was a bit off

I've never played D&D but always wanted to. Damn, gotta get my friends to try it out.
Also, that'd be a little too much for me, since I don't drink. It'd kill me pretty much. We played ehhhhh, movie shots, or whatever you want to call it, where whenever X thing happened in Y movie, we'd drink a shot. I didn't last long though

Depends on what your definition of "nerd" is. We like playing games and we talk about it. None of is really studious, but we've done well in highschool. Some of my friends though are REALLY studious and have even gone out on math / chemistry competitions

That lap pillow pic is too much for me to handle too fam
My exgf loved to be my lap pillow. I'm pretty sure she didn't even know it was a thing, since she didn't watch anime, but she loved it nonetheless.

Also posting answer in new thread
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