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Waifu claiming thread. Previous: >>699437624 Rules: >Claim

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 186
Thread images: 151
Waifu claiming thread.


>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per anon
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!
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>when you forget your image but it's OK because image cap anyway
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Am here
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still here


nope he is just some tailor
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Steal attempt.
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>>699445500 (Yuno)
I've never played D&D but always wanted to. Damn, gotta get my friends to try it out.
Also, that'd be a little too much for me, since I don't drink. It'd kill me pretty much. We played ehhhhh, movie shots, or whatever you want to call it, where whenever X thing happened in Y movie, we'd drink a shot. I didn't last long though

>>699445658 (Mercy)
Depends on what your definition of "nerd" is. We like playing games and we talk about it. None of is really studious, but we've done well in highschool. Some of my friends though are REALLY studious and have even gone out on math / chemistry competitions

>>699445718 (Galil)
That lap pillow pic is too much for me to handle too fam
My exgf loved to be my lap pillow. I'm pretty sure she didn't even know it was a thing, since she didn't watch anime, but she loved it nonetheless.
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the wretched egg.png
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Tfw she will never be yours
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Feel free to join in anyway.

I'm not the only Tomoko poster in the threads.
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Doctor, frau doctor!
QOTT: Your waifu wants to know more about your passtimes and hobbies! Does she potentially share any of them with you?
>bring Mercy to DnD
>she decides to play a life cleric
>spare every enemy possible
>her character freaks out every time she kills something
>endless keks
>mfw I play an overly aggressive fighter who literally cast burning hands at a roc because fuck birds
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Oh well, I guess the game is full of colourful people
Now you mention it I remember seeing him while my brother played, he was weird
Sounds pretty sweet
Id want to take a picture with you~
Same, dont have any friends who play it though feels bad
I understand it, we played it with breaking bad
>Every time bitch is said drink
>My friend puked on my couch
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""""Nerds""""" are those who fake being geeks/dorks for attention, usually women desperate to sleep with fat neckbeards.
>yes I will kiss that cheek
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Music, yea. I'd try to get her into running, I'm sure she'd like it.
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Course you'd want to.
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thanks for the bump.

>smoking a joint in the bath while watching anime or playing vidya

She will learn.
>Tfw my waifu looks like esdeath from akame ga kill when her hair is down
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yeah probably wont see him again
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I don't even remember which movie we saw. But yeah, it got so intense we'd have to either take breaks or ignore some of the rules as to make it lighter on us.
Also we didn't even have that much to drink

Then no. I just have gamer / studious friends

I'd get Ruby into gaming or playing the guitar. She'd probably like either. I mean, she even has her own game, so
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>TFW you will never have a tactical lever action
>Galil might not like Pathfinder
>She would probably like movies
>And cooking
>And running
>Not shoplifting, I wouldn't tell her about that
Don't summon him

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Wouldn't esdese look like you're waifu considering the release?

And I've never even heard of this anime.

>Generic Teen Romance Anime #349529
And now I know why.
Did I already mention they are normie friends?
It was fun though
What are you up to?
Don't worry we will never confuse you with the esdeath
>The guy is a psychopath
Wait why not? Did I miss something?
That's fun hahaha
So you did get drunk kek
Little liar.
So what are you up to?
Nothing wrong with him, love his stories
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Time for Warframe!

MR don't grind itself after all!
Akame ga kiru isn't really for the shitty romance I just like the concepts of teigus and such

>manga Is almost always better than anime
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no he just seemed rather minor
have fun
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Hold on. I caught you.

This is not Yoko.
That is some girl named (oh look your filename even has it) Lisara Restall from "Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai."

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I'm standing around. I don't have my cosplay on in fear it smells a bit.
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Is it bad I unironically enjoy MineCraft?
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Hey /waifu/, I have some Wonderful news! My mom had a polyp in her cervix, so she had a full hysterectomy. The procedure was a success and there is no cancer in her!

Honestly something similar with Fran...

Oh yeah, that game
I think Sig and G3 are the only raifus with an attention span long enough to play tabletop games.
Not really. Generic, but generic on purpose. It's literally a parody of every action anime ever.
>purposefully over the top
>plot twists visible from lightyears away
>and one nobody saw coming
>a rival who is initially dismissive and quickly becomes obsessive
>Kamina existing
>Simon growing up
>Nia being solidified innocence and
moe to the point of being a little annoying
I enioyed AgK for the action and because Bulat and the Jaegars.
... Good.
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>legit that was in my yoko folder idfk then, I must have just Google yoko and downloaded every fucking image I have like 2k on my phone downloaded in general, not of her just in general
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No no no, who the fuck on 4chan hasn't heard of TTGL?

I was trying to catch him in mistaking another girl for his waifu, which I did.
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>Can't even recognize his own waifu
No, he community is shit though
Top tier zozzled, kys
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Nvm I have 3.2k images on my phone taking up 1.6 gigs
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I'm at a loss of words at the moment, but stop letting other people tell you what is good or what to enjoy.

If you like something, LIKE IT.
Playing Autismcraft to let out my inner autism.
My one and only. My waifu. My Lala.
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Ruby (13).jpg
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I didn't get drunk, I got a tad bit tipsy... or at least I guess. Whenever it's late at night and I'm tired I tend to act more hyped than anything for some reason kek. It was 6am when we started drinking, so it was either me being stupid or me being tipsy.
I kinda hope it was the latter
I'm still studying but might drop it for now and go play something, but Imma stay here for now. You?

Also, we don't talk about Esdeath

There's nothing wrong with liking / playing Minecraft, it is a rather fun game if you know what you want to do. The fandom is fucking awful though.
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Sure, who doesn't have a shit load of pictures saved of their waifu. But you confused another girl for her. That is unforgivable. Repent.

Go fill an entire thread on /b/ with Yoko. Should someone take one of the 150 images, try again.
It sounds worse than it is, it was cancerous, but still in a super early stage and hadn't metastasised yet

It's been forever since I played it, what all has changed?
What the fuck did esdeath do here that makes everyone so damn secretive, like you guys are in a cult hiding the horiffic truth>>699447811
Oh. I wasn't looking very carefully at his pic or his filename.
And maybe M14 too, if you can keep her calm long enough.
>mfw she plays a bard whose entire routine is bad puns
Am I the only one who doesn't mind Esdeath that much?
Even better that you caught it early.
He's into some fucked up shit sexually.
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Beg Galil.jpg
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We don't talk about it
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He didn't post his dick or anything, but he has definitely caused waves with his extreme idiocy and terrible life choices.
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>is esdeath so into his waifu he wants to become her? He is extreme sadist or some shit like gore gets him off?
Found esdeath :^(
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Pretty sure he is into guro, vore, and bloodsports
He kills squirrels and then freaks out about it
Masturbates to the smell of girl hands

Typical Muderer-In-The-Making attributes.
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We dont talk about it
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Ok, Warframe for real now.

See you guys later.

>tfw you have normal fetishes and hear some wierd ass fetishes
>waifu for ants
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We don't talk about it.
Nah but he's just annoying as shit, as well as incredibly cringeworthy. Also, read >>699449230

I don't really mind his autism as long as he doesn't reply to my posts with it, but it's like a /waifu/ meme at this point
Kinda like the Keemstar of /waifu/
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Like I said, Esdeath is fucked in the head.
AAAAAAAAAAND it's a meme.
Top tier waifu, anon. Minene is great. Never can remember her diary designation though.
>mfw Tsubaki is my diaryfu
>tfw I get off on choking my partner, beating the piss out of them
>mfw into rape-play
>mfw petplay and bondage
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Pick one. Pick feet.
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Great news man!
i just did the washing up thats why i answered so late.
Its probable that you were tipsy, if you dont drink often. You are a lightweight
He is a cool guy just made bad descisions
i think you can keep buying stuff from him, i might be wrong though
oh you are still at the con? without a cosplay? isnt that a sin?
Exactly, so she won't have to go through any chemo or radiation therapy. Just the recovery of surgery. Which is only about 10 weeks
In other news, seems I will be running a one or two session Pathfinder game later this month

If you could draw energy from autism, he could power half of America...

Basically this

I mean, I have only one wierd fetish, but it is a really common one and I don't like it to the point of insanity that some do
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He's literally autistic and doesn't realize most of the things he does are wrong.
What the fuck is a Keemstar, anyway?
Some people have normie-level fetishes like hair colors or BBW. Feet are incomprehensible but still relatively normal.
Violent sex is my favorite kind.
>mfw I'm a biter and will bite someone until they bleed if they're okay with it
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She's the ninth. She had the escape diary. I thought Tsubaki was the best looking, but Minene was the most badass and I loved her character.
I don't get the reference
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i guess but i dont want doublets. im going to shower for a bit
I'm gunna assume for laughs that pic is of him
>I don't get the reference
your posting thumbnails
Fuck off Mugi
>hes literally autistic
>posts around in a waifu claiming thread unironically
Fuck off Mai
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Nope. He's just a friend of a poster that came here about 4 months ago.
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Aiming Galil.jpg
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>Violent sex is my favorite kind.
>>mfw I'm a biter and will bite someone until they bleed if they're okay with it
I'll admit this got me hard.
I think I might have a new fetish
Oh oops

I can understand those, kinda in to the receiving end of all but the piss

Hey Yuno!

How are you?

Thinking of sending a group to rescue prisoners going to be sacrificed by Aztec Lizard folk.

I will make sure they have a rogue good at trap finding, they will likely need it


Welcome to the sub club...
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Kuronuma Sawako.
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Ruby (30).jpg
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Yeah that's fine. There're times when I'm just playing league and trying to reply in /waifu/ as well, and I end up not replying at all kek
>who the fuck did you just call a lightweight?

Keemstar? You know, as in, Drama Alert? He's so over the place lately, so you've probably heard of him at some point

Is kneesocks fetish allowed here?
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I just felt bad for Tsubaki and had an understanding of where she was coming from.
Pls be subby.
Not literal piss. Just beating the Hell out of 'em with a belt. Or a closed fist.
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hey fran, im kinda tired, im blaming after diner dip
what about yourself?
you play league? so many fags in here
>including me
what do you mostly play?
>i called you a leightweight
>implying you arent with rarely ever drinking
>mfw I mention one person and it turns into a big deal
kek, he is a meme
>its like saying harambe
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QOTT:Are these autistic or is /k/ autistic?
Also just send a slave in front of you, rogues are for pussies.
Yes.I am
Esdeath is a big deal, mention him with caution

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Why not both?
Those are but only if you think you have sure kill skill with them, /k/ is fine once in a while idiotic but overall ok
You fucking asshole gid damn it
I miss read that. Oops

Whipping would be fun though

>Tfw kissless virgin...

Just chilling out

Should make some lunch soon

Might play some league later, got to level up my EUW account

They're just knives, if they were mini katanas or straight out if a heavy metal album cover yes, but just plain knives arent

Well, my minotaur fighter has been doing that really well. Always hits the traps everyone else avoids.
Yeah she had a pretty shitty life after her parents died, but I really felt for Minene. She was just extremely likable. I liked her from the second episode, so when she came back at the end I lost it.
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Those are a little autismal-lookin'. And good. Bend over, bitch~
Jesus, really?
I wasn't big on Third or the toddler. Fourth was okay. I HATED the mayor. Was he tenth or eleventh? Or maybe twelfth? I can never remember diary designations except for First, Second, Third, Fourth and Sevenths.
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Ruby (15).jpg
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Well, I've been playing league for about 6 years or so, but since 2014 I've only been playing with friends. I get bored if I play it alone
I play about everything but support, although my main role would be adc. As in, if I rank, I go adc, but if it's a normal I can go whatever, as long as I have fun it's fine by me
>I'm not a lightweight
>I'm just inexperienced
>fuck you
Either way, you're cool, so add me on steam if you ever wanna talk (profiles/76561198027912007/)

I'm out, may be back in a while!
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You're leveling up your Euw account? We should play man
>When my PC is fixed
What elo is your main on?
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My character in a Pathfinder game is a minotaur fighter named Havardr. I'm playing him as the supreme chuuni, with his "infallible code of shivery"

I'm still 18, so there is hope...

And untill recently I was a closeted faggot

I haven't played much rank in a long time, but was at gold 5. I main support, mainly Leona

TheWretchedTwiggy for NA

FranMcRippy for EUW
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I left as of now, so no worries. This also happened

He was the eleventh. The Toddler kind of felt like filler. I think more could've been done with him. The twelfth was the weird guy with the eyeball hat. I liked the fourth for the time he was present, his character was pretty good.
What stats at you using for the race?
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Cool, I love a good leo on my team
>Tfw I main assassins and they're getting an update
I can't add you right now as my PC is in the shop but I'll write those down
>Can I add people though the app?
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Congratulations on coming out. I didn't come out until about that age, but apparently my family knew ever since I was little. So are you full faggot or do you get the best of both worlds like me?
JUSTIIIIIIIIICE. I liked Toddler in a way. He was pretty formidable since he was totally different from the others as far as his style went. His diary was shit but he was exceedingly clever and couldn't be attacked openly in any way. Twelfth was also pretty chill because he was a zealot but totally willing to die for his cause.
oops didnt see the (you)
is that a doggo in a goku suit? pretty sad tbh
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Large creature

+4 str and con
-2 cha and dex

60 ft dark vision

1d6 + Str gore attack

+1 natural armor

Why do you ask?
No idea, I don't use it

Is your main on NA or EUW?

Full faggot

The good news is I'm going to Milwaukee for college, so it's pretty likely that I could find a qt bf
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Also forgot picture.
>On a roll today
Euw, I was plat this season but fell all the way back to gold.
>Kill me man
I'm hoping on a resurgence in zed so I can carry myself again

Also can I ask why you have a waifu if you're gay?
>Don't really mind tbh
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Fuck me.
Seems OP.
>TFW your GM never wants to do anything except the standard "good guys kill dragon/lich/evilsorcerer/whatever while in europe" and will never run a gestalt game, a high RP game, an evil game or anything else
Life is suffering
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The Waifu Machine.jpg
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If this post ends in a 3, you must post source material (preferably a .gif) of your Waifu. It doesn't have to be lewd or cute, or anything specific really, as long as its source material and not fanart.
>people are going to do it anyway
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Thinking of reading a manga any recs? I've read alot so suggest a few at a time
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Proof That She Is Fox Galil.gif
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I'll do it anyway.
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Post lewds
I'm not
I loved dead man wonderland
>A lot better than the anime
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AA [15].jpg
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Whats wrong?
Fuck, you got me
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Nagito 43.jpg
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Yeah, but regardless of all the mistakes I liked how it ended with the pseudo Angel Beats ending after the credits of episode 26 disregarding redial.
God damn it /k/, why would you do this to me, my sides have died.
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Good luck man

She is the best written mad scientist I could find. She also would probably alter her body into a cute guy for TRUE LOVE, so there is that.

Add in the greater cleave and greater cleaving finish and you own combat

I feel so sorry for you, currently fighting an anchient evil daemon who makes robots. Now we are using a matrix/animus type thing to find how the last group that sealed him away did it, and maybe find out how to kill it

Exactly, here you go

No gifs...
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Shit, bad picture quality
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Didn't SHTF there recently?
Yeah. Too bad idiotcop cucked you.
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Desolation of smug bt akiko.png
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So sorry for late replies

Something about rhe vid being 17 min long and you died a lot
Wew sounds epic. Was it because a few of you were drunk?

You asked how my day was
Was relaxing then work called
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Not enough sleep.
Fucking kill me. Have shit to do, and of all days, today my brother decides to wake me up for shitty reasons. Uhg.
>his Waifu is even slightly impaired just by getting cut in half
Wew. I once knew a guy who could survive and completely regenerate as long as a single quark that composed his body remained more than 50% intact.
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AA [3] [LowR].jpg
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Is your brother a boat?
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My lettuce levels are at 50%
You are going to die.
You have a problem.
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Ironically he just left to go ride a boat.
It's a sign i have angered the boat gods.
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Yeah fuck you.jpg
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Only if you are black

There was a police shooting a few days ago, but the man was armed and wouldn't drop the handgun

I am going to live on the opposite side of town from this shit! Feels good!

Hey Shizuru

She also cut her legs off to fit through an AC duct and decapitation hardly slows her down

Is it wolverine? Dude can survive a nuke
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No I won't
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I guess that's a pretty valid reason
>Send an Euw request but you know I can't play
So what's your deal, what do you do for a living, or plan on doing if you're in school?
What's with Prinz? Why is he getting hate?
Isn't he the lonely guy with family problems who tries to forget about his shitty life by being a "hug slut" ?
I'll see your immature, faggoty waifus, and raise you a tulpa.

Which is totally something a grown ass man should have... unironically...
I can't tell you His name. It isn't Wolverine. Wolverine can't deliver a punch equivalent to the explosion of 648 duodecillion megatons of TNT, now can he?
He regenerated from a single drop of blood, but if you destroy all of his organic matter, it will kill him.
Once again, Cell can be destroyed by destroying all of his cells.
He eats multiple heads of lettuce a day
Not the only head he eats :^)
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AA [21].jpg
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There is only one solution now
I'll accept it

I just finished highschool actually, I got accepted into the Milwaukee school of engineering for Biomedical Engineering, I move there at the end of the month.

I worked at a Chinese restaurant until last week, I quit because I'm going to be really busy this next few weeks with moving to a dorm and all. I'll probably get a job around 2 semester or so, once I get into the rhythm of life in college

Now I'm interested, I love when things are hilariously over the top. Like TTGL and Warhammer 40k
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Yea but you said he survived with only a single quark and I thought cell regenerated from exactly that
>Might be wrong been a long time since i watched it
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Got to leave now. Be back later if i don't just go back to sleep once i get back.
You're right. I'll go sink his boat.
Hi Fran.
Bye Fran.
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back from my shower
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What the fuck Prinz
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MW [18].jpg
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So abyssals it is.

>captcha: boats
As in the guy your waifu had kids with. Fourth left him a bunch of case notes. Can't remember his name for the life of me.
Keep away from the niggers, Fran.
>fresh Tomoko
Yes please
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I hate my internet

>be me
>play monster hunter online
>in the middle of a hunt
>have fun trying out a new play style
>Monster gets wrecked by us
>Suddenly game pauses
>Connection lost
>I look up what the internet connection says on my nintendo 3DS
>3 out of 3
>mfw I have no problem playing in the living room
>can't play in the living room now, parents want to watch film
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Thats nasty
Not the same prinz

~~did you get nice and wet?~~

I'm in the nice part if town, closer to the Asians

The middle of nowhere sure sucks, doesn't it?

~~you're cute when you get all genocidal~~
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That's a pretty hard subject I've heard, good luck man!

Sounds like a great idea, and you've already had a solid job so you'll probably have no problem finding a new job then.
Planning on finding anything special?

I'm starting my second semester in programming this September, I had a job in a super market but I got fired for some shitty ass reason
I didn't really care tbh because I could just go home and chill there without spending money on food and such
Hey tomoko
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Alice Baskervilles.jpg
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Yuno, get in the stream baby. Shino's channel
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yeah used plenty of soap even used a new bar
yeah thats the point of a shower.
hello. have fun?
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That's an understatement.
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I like a challenge

If I can find another good Chinese restaurant that would be amazing, I got so use to the free food

Hope you can find a less shitty job

~~did you wash everywhere?~~

Yeah, it should be ADORABLE!
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Shiki 0771.png
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Post some Asshime or Hoppou.
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Kill yourself, dweeb
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Good bye, playing some league
Oh yeah Nishijima who has as much game as a 10 year old, but gets terrorist poon like there's no tomorrow. At least I got cucked by a lovable idiot and not a Chad.
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Waifu Machine - His Power.jpg
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The piece of paper in my lap, which I have kept for about 4 years, has 29 things written on it.
One is the name of a character from To Kill a Mockingbird.
Another is a friend's Skype name.
26 are sacred names, one appearing twice, which makes for 27. This person is doomed in the end due to our error.
23 of these sacred names may be revealed. There is one for each letter of the alphabet. The ones beginning with 'J' 'P' and 'W' may not be revealed.
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yes fran
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>Have fun?
That's good

Yea I've heard about the amazingness of working in a restaurant

Yea I think it'll work out since my brothers study in the same city so they'll hook me up

Also cya
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Get a qt Asian trap.
>not liquid soap
I woulda fucked him, too.
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>When you need to be able to shoot behind you, just in case of an ambush
I mean what the fuck.
Go back.
To kill a mockingbird is my favorite anime!
i dont get it
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NO [33].png
2 MB, 1126x1181
Wait what?
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while i was gone did you enjoy yourself?
i prefer a bar. for hair i of course shampoo
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Magazine is loaded into the weapon backwards.
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Shiki 0764.png
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>when the Asshime roulette sends 2 of your carriers into orange
Fuck, Yasen choukai must save my S rank again.
The accepted name for summer BB princess.
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Just call them Dysons.
Nah she's holding the gun backwards.

>someone Rec me some good manga already ;3;
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