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Waifu Claiming thread >Waste your time trolling us edition

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 180
Thread images: 151
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Waifu Claiming thread
>Waste your time trolling us edition

The rules are simple:
>Claim your waifu/husbando. One claim per anon.
>No shipping
>Keep RP and ERP to a minimum. No lewd.
>Don't be gay
>We know you masturbate. Stop talking about it.
>No posts with focal point on sexual objects or speech(This includes pictures)
>No birds
>Insult other waifu
>Pretend to be normal and discuss stuff
Most important: You're waifu a shit
thank you spike
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Yuuki claim. How's everyone!
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Obligatory claim.

Thanks for all of the threads, Spike. You're a gem.

Uhuhu, I look forward to it, handsome.

>That's all, folks.
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kagami claimed
>megumin is still a cutie
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>We know you masturbate. Stop talking about it.
I love you Spike
>Shizuru get!
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>nice argument

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No more insulting Dio?

Rory claimed
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fucking nice!
Its cool dude not your fault megumin!
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Still shipping even if you're actually going to meet your anon irl


Aw come on! I managed to talk to you and you seem to like me. Others would too!
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What's a super good thing though is that she likes a lot of the same shit that I do
Anime, vidya, some of the same bands (and by that i literally only mean Nirvana kek)
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You......Why must I hurt myself......
I don't mind other people's grammar, as long as it gets the point across. Spike he's awesome.
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Shiro claimed! Sorry, won't be talking, watching hentai with a friend.
Miho claimed
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Akiko claimed

I don't know what to tell you man, it just happens. One day one character comes along that's just two tiers above the rest for you.
I still socialize, go out and talk to women. i date and whatnot so it's not that I don't like real women though I can't speak for everyone.

I appreciate you're at least trying to understand this shit instead of calling us autistic faggots

Yeah pepperanon, we like you too

>not a winner's attitude
I know it isn't but I can't get something decent enough ready within 3 weeks. Who knows, maybe someone will see some hidden potential but I gotta keep thinking long term

Shit Shizu, you're getting better at this

You need more fasts
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Excuse me, do you ship with that frog?
it's gonna be a little bit 'till that happens lol, but sure!!!
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Winners Hug Rats.gif
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Ah, thanks, I like you, too!
>regular waifu Shiragami Youko claimed
>Was pepperbro last thread
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Nah. Just using photoshop instead of paint.
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>Head pats
can I join ?
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how to have a good time.jpg
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oh great, the cavalry's here

um, ok, not gunna question that
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Really? Thanks!~
Ahah alright~
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>Mili you're drunk, cute, and flirty go home

>drinks whiskey
>Spike husbando
Alright by my book, too actually.

>53 m/s
I got that reference.
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well i guess i better go to bed
maybe tomorrow
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>gotta keep thinking long term
You're a smart one.

>Gonna drop this last pepper picture though

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The deception is real
>mfw Shira was spice this whole time

Whatever. Me likey
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Can semi-literally tell somebody to prepare their anus for the first time in my life.
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Sorry m8, I want an actual fulfilling meal.

You know it.

kek, well aren't you just the life of the party.

Sleep tight memester.

>Best idol claimed
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ez breezy
>Wasting dubs

Does anyone can confirm that Chatanooga shoo-shooter is kill? That poor bastard -_-

tfw marines are being used as bait.
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1 am
beer time
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Well, do you have nothing other than the thigh gap issue? Because I thoroughly covered that by stating that the skirt kinda covers the hip area, and none of her other outfits show it off either. So there is no thigh gap. Its the same issue with freeze frames of Dragonball Super. Bad design /= gross waifu. Its like me saying that your waifu is a cheap Dio knockoff.
She wants senpai notice, but never follows through.
Sadly, he got uncomfortable for some reason.
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Milinda claim

But I am home...

I try sometimes... kek
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Night Moogs

I kinda suspected something with dem filenames but I though he might've been referencing Shiranon

Well making name is everything in the game industry. If you're good enough you can even be a prick and put your name in the title of your game.
>All of my filenames had 'win' in them somewhere
Step up your game, Akikonon.

>Implying peppers aren't an actual fulfilling meal

Step 1: go to nearest 24 hour grocery w/ friends in middle of the night.
Step 2: Buy some motherfucking peppers, because you're a winner.
Step 3: Sit outside with pals, and share peppers with everyone.
Step 4: Have a generally good time.
Step 5: Lather, rinse, repeat.
Yup. I think everyone here is cool too.
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That's different that holding several conversations at once. Especially with how slow I am, already. I'll be posting once every two threads!
I don't want in unless someone is wearing a dress
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WINdows Vista.png
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>put your name in the title of your game
'Akikonon's Tenchi Adventure'
>do it
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Yea I was giving the benefit of the doubt but I did notice that

>Kissanime watermark in the corner
This guy gets having an unpoplar waifu
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Then get in bed!

Yeah, actually. Pretty solid crowd of liked-minded, yet different souls.
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Kek, you're a goofball.
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kek I think we can come up with a better title, no?
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Winners Rebel Against The Mods.png
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>one digit from quints
>not even the last digit
Oh my god I am so sorry for your loss.
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Personally, I feel like we should let the ship sink, it'll be easier that way
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i-i uh, think our ship was just made out of titanium, and unsinkable!!!
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>Because I can't see it it doesn't exist
it clearly does her knees are always bent toward each other as they try to hide it
her legs are almost cylinders

Didn't you say you're like 60 something or was that someone else?
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>off by one
Looks like even winners lose sometimes
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I'll be tracking a bunch of the things, as long as i can be fucked, remember, or am around to track it.
Hugs: 41
Dio mustaches things: 15
Rattles: 144
Burger: 3
Kagami x Megumin no u cuter: 23
Salty Spastics: 7
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loving stare.jpg
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It's a struggle, isn't it? All of the pictures I have, had to be cut. Luckily, the final episode of Eureka 7 has all of her profile and facial expressions in about 10 seconds.
the counter goes up kek
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That's my life.
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But I wanna talk to youuuu :/
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I thought it was witty. Thank you.
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You're doing pretty well right now.

>Step 1: go to nearest 24 hour grocery w/ friends in middle of the night.

You lost me.
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Even Winners Lose Sometimes.jpg
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>even winners lose sometimes
oh shit you predicted the filename

>I think we can come up with a better title, no?
'Akikonon's TenchiQuest'
Real talk though, have you thought of any working titles yet?
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Sounds like a fun one.
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Sorry, You're Not A Winner.png
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>you lost me
>on step 1
Which part?
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I noticed in that picture, that there's a Latino male looking straight at her. Jaja
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images (44)-1.jpg
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I saw the frame you showed perfectly.
>i avoided your argument by ripping o your spelling
>you avoid mine by ignoring the rest of what I posted
And in that frame I pointed out an anatomical fact. That you ignored.
Read the rest of the post and come back with a good answer.
I even linked so you can get a better look.
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Im going to bed night everyone.
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Return of the WIN.gif
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This picture is actually really aesthetically pleasing to me.

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alien freak.jpg
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I bet this frame from that one scene was pretty neat
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Yeah sure.
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My Akiko comes from an anime that's only 12 episodes and was cut shortly after. She doesn't have that much art and isn't even the most popular character in the series. I had to sim the whole anime for screenshots. Luckily I got a lot of great stuff from it

>/waifu/ magic

>thought of any working titles yet?
Hmmpf not really
Title and naming usually happens as the very last thing. First I gotta make sure everything works as intended before I can start making textures and such. Don't want your fancy game having a gamebreaking glitch now do we? That's also the reason you make the first level of the game last. Once I'm done I'll dump a bunch of screenshots and hold a vote for titles
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Sleep well and take great care.
I wished I had some popcorn.
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Thanks friend :)

Goodnight Miho!
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Pfft, I'm sure it is.
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Haha, this is kinda fun. I didn't say you had to sleep. Just be sure to not be some here you'll embarrass yourself and/or fall over.

Horry for physics. Also, quality waifu. I just finished E7 like...a month ago. Left me scarred in a good way.

>>683378725 that you, Sanae?
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Winners Take Initiative.png
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>That's also the reason you make the first level of the game last
Oh, I wasn't aware of that.
Sort of like writing a story, you start at the climax, work through all the interesting parts and save the first chapter or two for last.
That way your characters don't become two-dimensional while still displaying development, and you also don't get bored during writing.
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Tatsumaki (76).jpg
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Bye <3
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images (47).jpg
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Look at how high her hips are. Look at where the skirt actually starts - halfway down the hipbones. Im on mobile, so I cant point it out, but the slope of the legs indicates zero thigh gap.
Whorey or hurray, take your pic

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Winners Go For The Gold.png
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I've been watching this back-and-forth for a bit?
What's the issue with a thigh-gap?
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Well it's time to sleep, goodbye everyone.
>embarrass yourself
I do that daily though!
Im glad I am entertaining, have a cute pic on me
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Good night.
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good night kyo, sleep well and sweet dreams!!
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You want me to reinstate the KYS counter, i assume? Words usually help convey meaning.
Just a thought.
But whatever. Here you go. With one added.
Syndra tells someone to kill themselves: 321
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These days yeah I guess. Could be better though.
We should let it sink..
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Nope, I have lighter skin color, I'm taller, and I don't work at a buffet. But if it was, I would've freaked out, big time.
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>w/ friends in middle of the night.
>middle of the night
No can do m80, not trying to get shot.

Sleep tight.

Your're welcome princess <3.

Sleep tight.
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Exactly like that
It's all about the first impression
First level is super critical because it has to introduce the player to the very core of the game. And to understand that you first have to make the rest of the game and then you can understand how that core gameplay exactly works.

Tenchi doesn't really have lore or a storyline at the moment, he's kind of just a critter based on some sketches. I did have an idea of giving him some lore in the form of a series of poems, but I haven't decided on anything yet

Night Kyouko
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You get used to it



Miss popular..

ALWAYS watching. Bunny anon, I wished the ears weren't cropped off but it's not your fault. Hope you three like it
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kagami (58).jpg
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>>683380130're still a cutie megumin, and a great anon....
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Do it in the daytime then, yeah?
Shit's fun.

Ah, you could introduce a poem a level, maybe?
Would be a solid way to know about the lore of the character.
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles had a similar thing with voiceover, where it'd tell you a little about the lore in every area you entered, and I loved it.
top kek!!!
I tried tho


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Well hey man, I'm just glad your situation is good and that you're not homeless or something like that.
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What the hell happened here?
Is this a bug or something?
I don't have a costum thumbnail
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>'re still a cutie megumin, and a great anon....
Same goes to you.. And sorry
4chan messes up it's files sometimes.
oh i feel horrible....let's not do this, we shouldn't try to burn a metal ship
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Don't know what to say....Jaja
Isn't she supposed to be like 45-50 years old in the anime?
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I know I really shouldn't complain because starving kids in Africa yadda yadda but the world fucking sucks and there's nothing I can do about it.
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I Can't Swim But I Can (s)WIN.png
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>did you mean: all of the time?
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Oh my god that's fucking hilarious
I actually had a mini heart attack because I thought I posted the wrong file
>tfw this is better
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>in thanks

>not being buffet sasquatch
I would have, as well. Hanging out with my waifu without my consent. Disgraceful.
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Farewell thread
night night yuuko, sleep tight
Nah like 35 roughly
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Goodnight Fluffy Hair.
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Goodnight, Yuuko.
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Night yuuko
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lel, it's like the harem you never wanted.

Gave me a giggle.

If I could get some friends to do it then yeah.


Have a nice night.
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The three tiers of waifus pictures familiar to me are screenshots, art, and gif. I hope their isn't any hierarchy in that. What is your waifu from?

Thank you. I'm glad you liked it. It's one of my favourites. The music, the art, the characters, all wonderful. Did you happen to watch E7:AO? I want to, but all of my friends warn me against it.

I'm only trying to hold my own! Aided by wine, this could be my night.
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Rest well and take good care.
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Thumbnail made me kek
It happens occasionally. One of my original claims was replaced with an ayy lmao lobster.
Dio and Kurumi both believe that Rory has an impossible thigh gap. I am defending my waifu.
Ahhh stahpppp
>Your too nice Maki

>I approve of this image


AHHH too cute! <3

>it's like the harem you never wanted.
top fucking kek
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She's a Twilight vampire.jpg
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we never said impossible, just absolutely disgusting
>impossible thigh-gap
Alright but see
It's an animu, who's looking for anatomic accuracy
>Especially Dio, with his fucked-over crazy-ass poses

Good on you for defending your waifu.
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I didn't for the same reason, actually. I read the synopsis and it sounds horrible. Also, my weeb senpai said don't, haha.

Lots more.
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It's a misunderstanding, she wanted to go there.
Please.. I get attached too fast to people, this ship will end up hurting me more than if we let it die
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Akiko comes from the anime and manga called Oniichan dakedo Ai Sae Areba Kankeinai yo ne! or OniAi for short. It's really fun to watch. Not much storyline, basically ecchi slice of life. I really enjoyed it though and I completely fell in love with Akiko

Please tell me you claimed as lobster for the rest of the thread

>who's looking for anatomic accuracy
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Don't give me that. Mirai wouldn't go to any cafeteria/buffet alone because she's broke as hell!
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And soon, you'll be one of the populars. There's a lot of them here where they post a pic and everyone says hello to you

Thank you and scared

Night bunny anon!
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i claim this qt
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>ayy lmao lobster
Would've been comical to have witnessed that.
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im so sorry megumin, i thought you wanted it to die....i-im sorry!! i feel horrible....i really don't want the ship to end....
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Sorry for late response, took a cold shower.

I mean, complaining is fine, everyone has problems. I'm just happy you're in a good spot.
Hey maki! Here's nico
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<3 I cant handle the cute!

You should be...
>Your welcome. :)
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Thats not even Rory
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......I invited.....That's it, nothing more. I promise!
Very cute gif.
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Nah that's alright, I can see how you'd need one.
Yeah, how are you though? I think I know a lot less about your situation than you know about mine so I'm curious.
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who in the fuck thinks that Rory is disgusting, she's cute af
hey friends, how are you today?
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I'm in a decent spot myself. Hot water broke so I need to call someone up to fix that later, really nothing of note going on in my life currently. I thank you for your concern though.
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You'll have to forgive me, I don't watch anime that much. I tried Googling it...Could you give me a more exact definition
>ecchi slice of life
That link had better not be Sonic The Hedgehog.
It wasn't.

That's what I thought. I'm battling with whether I should continue with the story of that world, or just leave it where I left off.

Are you one of those people?
Me neither, I really like this ship. I really want it to stay afloat, but I also don't want to hurt you or I, or get in your way.. That's why I believe we have to let it sink..
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> you could introduce a poem a level

I wrote this one just now, not canonically in any way but it serves as an example

Through twisted trees and thorned vine
All try to manage, survive or dine
Yet there is one who chose to climb
To journey to the top and see the sun shine

Maybe something like that? Something rather cryptic that leaves room for imagination
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kek, oh please.

You probably love it though.

Oh shit, waddup?
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I'm alright. Drinking some fruit juice. How about you friend?
y-you're not getting in my way!!! i-im really feeling terrible right now....i-i just don't want this to end...
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back had to pick someone up from the airport whats going on?
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how her skeleton works.jpg
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thanks for letting me know
That might explain why it was in my Kurumi folder

Because of the similar poses, with the knees facing inward I basically got this

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I'm doing good. Finish up homework. You?

I don't think so

Just google OniAi or search it at KissAnime
Ecchi just means that sexy humor like boobs are frequently used so it's not suitable for young children.

Link isn't sanic, that joke has since passed
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i really messed up....i shouldn't of said to end it, i didn't realise how much it hurt....
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Goodnight, y'all sleep warm and well.

>That means you too, Cowgirl.

Don't forget the '~'.
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Psyche. I was just pretending to be cute!

>treachery, gold-digging, disgrace, and buffet sasquatch.
This is turning out to be a really good anime.

There are actual reworks of the main story if you just need a fix. There's First Order and Pocket ga Niki de Ippai. Neither are cannon, I don't think, and Pocket is set in the 21st century with same characters, but different roles.
Night handy dandy!

'night Alexhander.

re-thinking what i want to do with my future and my life

its hard..

just watching some youtube videos and see above.

Sleep comfy and take care.

I.. I dunno what to do or say anymore..
Liar! Your always super cute! <3

sup' fam

>tfw limit of images reached
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