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Waifu Claiming thread >The Silence Game thread Roll dubs,

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 169
Thread images: 151
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Waifu Claiming thread
>The Silence Game thread
Roll dubs, become silenced. To become unsilenced, one anon must roll dubs higher than you. Posts ending in 00 resets.

The rules are simple:
>Claim your waifu/husbando. One claim per anon.
>No shipping
>Keep RP and ERP to a minimum. No lewd.
>Don't be gay
>We know you masturbate. Stop talking about it.
>No posts with focal point on sexual objects or speech(This includes pictures)
>No birds
>Insult other waifu
>Pretend to be normal and discuss stuff
Most important: You're waifu a shit
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Shinoa claimed
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kagami (26).jpg
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kagami claimed
>i screwed up a good thing edition
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It's a bit WINdy out today.gif
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I like it!
>Something rather cryptic that leaves room for imagination
That's always a good thing, I imagine. Gotta make the player really get into it, yeah?

>Shiragami Youko claimed
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Syndra (94).jpg
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Night, Hand.
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>Shizuru get
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It is. But eh. I plan on serving the navy
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Goodnight then.
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kawaii whatever.png
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You can't silence me
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oh weird, i was thinking of joining too
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Internet sarcasm. I've felt thy sting before, haha.

I see. I don't think I could enjoy an anime like that, but I might give it a try one day.

Ooh, that sounds marvelous. Thank you!
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Is that an expression of your love for ships?
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Megumin claimed
>I don't even know what I'm doing edition
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kek and you said you were tsundere. Surprised it's not me.

I can see it in your eyes.

Sleep tight.

>Best idol claimed
What kind of videos? Right now it's a mess with my life. I'll make a plan soon, hopefully.
Give it a title!
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Thats one wide thigh gap on the right. And an impossible opening on the left. Are you sure that you have those angles on the inside right? The knees facing inward give the inpression of more thigh gap if you stand up and turn your knees. Rorys is more normal than Kurumis.

Rory claimed.

But I like magpies and cockatoos!
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Heavy Object - 07 - Large 04.jpg
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Milinda claim
>Im probably too drunk for this edition
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Akiko claimed

Some RP, some poetry, 4chin fucked up my image and replaced thumbnail with a grill sucking dick
pretty standard stuff

I'm a better storywriter then I am a poet, but cross-ligual poetry is always tricky. I hope I can pull some good poems off if this is the way it's gonna go. I'm not sure I should rhyme every sentence, or even rhyme at all. Rhyme usually adds a more playful nature to a poem


Through twisted trees and thorned vine
All try to manage, survive or dine
Yet there is one who chose to climb
To journey to the top and see the sun shine

Through shattered trunk and curtains of thorns
Every life tries to hold his own in darkness
Though one light like an ascending star
Rises to the peak to bask in the warmth of day
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forgive me megumin, please!! i don't want it to end...
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And no picture.....
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Why that upbeat go happy do anything girl?

>much sparkle
>so pleasing
Also hello, Nano.


If my life doesn't start moving, I'll be at basic right with ya.
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Hello there!
Bane? ..
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>Only when im sober... kek
I remember when we first started talking you were... kek
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Does this mean Megumin is available?
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bane? ...
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Hi. How are you?
Kebukai otoko to chūshoku no

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Koko 1.jpg
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Claiming, so do you guys have all the hot singles in your area too or is it just mine?
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is this how it works.jpg
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For Rory's to be smaller her legs must be really fucked up
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big guy.jpg
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Bane? .
I have some near my proxy if that counts
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Mine are Russian and Chinese
Shiro here...
Feeling really sad because talking to friend and can't feel like I can help her
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Pensive mugi.jpg
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over 35 eligible cougars in Anonymous Proxy. Sup Rum 'n Koko.
Bane? ..
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Hey Koko
Hot single moms in my area are always trying to date now NOW but man, I don't wanna put up with someone's kids

Can you tell me which writing style you like best? >>683384756
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Kazuki (85).jpg
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unsilenced by V
silenced ^

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Robot fucks desk violently.jpg
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let off work a bit early. Someone tell me something interesting.
Bane? ...
I'm alright. You?
Pic related.

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hey there. how are you today?

just random vlogs, nothing special
I should probably have made a plan a few years ago
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Whoops I Accidentally Won.jpg
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I'm enjoying this!
You don't have to rhyme necessarily, perhaps rhyme earlier on, and then later begin to drift away from that, only doing it occasionally. Would shift the tone subtly from casual to more serious, if that's the direction you're shooting for.
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Both sides are a-ok by me :).

>I remember when we first started talking you were

Yo Koko, yeah I just met up with this chick from Anonymous Proxy. Shit was so cash.
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Ayyyyyeeee got 2 years of NJORTC in high school!!!

I'm not really that popular. I just talk to people, have fun, tell them stories like how I cut my knuckle down to the bone doing dishes and how my friends got some dog high and I wasn't smoking. So don't worry lol

Not really. I actually wanted to join the navy some 10th grade

Can you?
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I said more normal, not nonexistant. If anything they would straighten out.
Bane? ....
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Koko 2.jpg
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What about the other 6?
Oooooo those are nice ones
I know that feel mang
35 cougars?! thats more coogs than I got. Hows it goin rum friend?
Thats threesome tho, and I know what you mean. Its always NOW...why can't they just wait?
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What do you mean?
Hey Kazuki, how's it going?
I was kidding :(
I have none, i was just in marching band and lacrosse all through highschool

eh, don't know if i want to join the navy for sure or not yet.
but not sure what else to do.
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Koko 3.jpg
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Kek Those shingles are got comarade, how are you doin?
An AP girl? what was she like? I have yet to get one
Enjoy silence time

Hello Megu
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19 within a 10 mile radius. What up boi?

Joining because of that beautiful NWU and I wanna be a corspman
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Bane? .
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ok. Do anything today?
I probably couldnt handle
Hello claw! What's up?
At least you're not in my shoes. Anything you're considering. Usually I watch any videos that interest me, until I go into the weird side of yt.
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YES! I remember that! hehe I got through the tsun. ;)
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breaking into laughter.gif
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That's, well. Amazing. I've never found it easy to talk about my life with strangers. Anyway, I need to get some shut-eye. It was great talking with you again. Have a good night.
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pick one, you get traditional MARPAT if you go corpsman because you deploy with marines
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the fuck even is this.jpg
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I sincerely don't think it can be done
Unless her legs are like a chickens
which would also be strange
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i feel like a dirty normie for watching vlogs though..
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Koko 4.jpg
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Oh shit waddup! Thats almost two babaroonies per mile! Nice one. Hows it goin boi?
Same here, Russians girls are pretty spooky sometimes
whats goin on here?
im too drunk for this anyway
ill just go sudoku or something
Shizuru's fun and all that, but just a tad too impulsive for my liking at least. I guess I'm just interested in the reasons which would lead one to chose Shizuru as a significant other. Or something along the lines, haven't met all that many people who played Rewrite...
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I'm alright. Drinking some fruit juice and drawing. You?
Drawing, didn't finish the drawing yet. Which is a bummer.
I never understood why people watch vlogs. It's strange to me.
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Rum's gone, Koko and so am I. It's been a long three days. I leave the wisdom of whiskey and drought in your hands, my friend.

Doing grand, thanks. I hope you're well, too. I'm not long for this thread so, I wish you a great night.

My body is ready for the tear gas.
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Well thanks Shira
I should honestly tell you all these ideas and suggerstions you're giving me are actually insanely useful

>Thats threesome tho
That's fucked up Koko, I approve
You didn't tell me which poem you liked best though but you shouldn't bother

It's a lot more relaxed and less vitriolic than most of /b/, but you should remember we're still on /b/
You get picked up easily in here

This is exactly what I think every time I see RP going on
Well meme'd anon but doesn't apply to the posts you reacted to
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Kitty has claws, and guns.jpg
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I'm trying to extend Rory's legs into her skirt by following the curve of her legs
Rory anon is criticizing it so I adjust it based on that
>TL;DR her legs are screwed up
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Night e-body. Mirai out.
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well i mean I dont speak Russian
2 days late isnt that bad
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Still waiting on that title of the anime.
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Goodnight Mirai! <3
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Slightly Flustered.jpg
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Of course, that one pixel gives it away.

Hottest chick you'll ever see, her skin was green though. Freaked me out.

Just this once.

Sleep tight.
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Night Mirai
Check in later for the new developments to "the waifu game"
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Night eureka! And ITT it is

Thought that not all corspman become a FMF tho

Good. About to finish up on some homework. You my man?

My body is somewhat ready for the fake sharks for PT test

Night Mirai!
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You can't say something like that then post Akane. She more or less destroyed the world multiple times. I guess. In a way.
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I guess we can agree on something then.
Anime has some weird ass thigh gaps.
I can see where you're coming from, and everything looks strange. At least we arent at each others throats about it. It could just be the pose and the way that thighs sit in that pose.
>all anime legs are screwed up
Night Mirai
Goodnight <3
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Koko 8.gif
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Nice! What are you drawing? and when can I see it? haha
>the rum is gone and so am i
Your like the spirit of rum. Goodnight rum spirit! Sleep well :)
You wrote poems? I didn't know that! Are they in this thread?
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Sleep great and take good care.
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Winners Love Themselves.png
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Ah, even so, I didn't want to overstep my boundaries. I'm wary of my own suggestions because I don't really know the first thing about game design.

>This is exactly what I think every time I see RP going on
Same, though. Actually my mental image was shockingly close to that.
>I'm looking at you Kagami
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ijust like hearing people talk to be honest

good night! i'll see you soon

corpsman always deploy with marines
(atleast thats my understanding)
since the marines depends on the navy for field medical personnel
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Kazuki (11).jpg
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Nothing much acualy
Starting my camping trip later today so thats something i guess
What about you?
You are implying it was worth saving, which is a debatable point at best.
Also, nice job dodging the question.
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Only for you ;)

Im out of here friends see you all tomorrow!
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I linked them to you earlier but you're a busy waifu
You can find both versions here >>683384756

Ah yes but that's also the beauty of it. The ultimate goal is to make you, the player, the one who doesn't know shit about what I do, to have a good time. So basically everything you can tell me will probably be useful in some way.

I refrain from RP, which isn't hard at all because of my emotional detachment issues
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Win v2.0.jpg
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your waifu is cute as shit and I don't think I've told you that, so do with that knowledge what you will.
Other particularly cute waifus include:
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I reside in /lit/. It's not /b/, but it's still 4chan. I can handle it.


Good night to you, Akiko, and thank you.
Is this just like, some 24/7 circlejerk or something? I never see a point where there's not one of these threads up.
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Koko 5.jpg
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I see, there has to be some pics of her without the skirt tho yeah?
Oh yeah, thats totally what I meant too. I aint scared of no girls!
Hey so was that chick from star trek, but kirk foiked her just the same right? haha
Nice nice, I'm starting to watch Canaan so my life is at a high point. How was your day?
>weird ass thigh gaps
I think you meant
>hot ass thigh gaps
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Kek that's true. They be our meatshield and I heard that you gotta do this 6 days, 60 mile walk too

Night milinda!

Thanks man have some more that seems to get everyone
Very long but it's mothers day you know

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yeah same
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still not as bad as BUDS
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Ayyy, I made it in

I hope to see you around. The ride never ends and I'm almost always here because I don't sleep and I use my pc constantly even at uni

We show off our waifu's and discuss random stuff, it's not that complicated. Some people are new, some are regulars that return every thread or cross over from the previous
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But I felt to lazy to do it. I tend to go slowly to get it right, which takes a long time.
It's for two anons here. E.T.A is now approximately 7 seven days.
I watch documentaries while I'm occupied with something. Hearing people talk is what I like to hear too and white noise.
It shall be fun! Here drinking some juice and fixing some mistakes on an illustration.
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Only when Kagami-anon has arrived,
>I never see....
That's the magic of it!

I fucking hate /b/, if I'm being honest.
But I really like it here, and everyone's kind. Not to the point where it's a shameless hugbox, like people will get called out, but it's still filled with lovely people.
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Koko 6.jpg
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Goodnight Milinda! Sleep well :)
Oh shit! I'm sorry, I'll read them right now :)
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Syndra (93).jpg
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Thats about right
It's right here, Sanae.
It means roughly "Of Hairy Men and Lunches"


Last post.
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Nice. Sounds fun. I'm going camping in a few weeks. Should be nice, but i'll miss my waifu hugbox.

I find her rather whimsical nature adorable.
I almost always had a grin during her and Kotarou's interactions earlier on.
I found her back story touching and her commitment to her friends commendable.

And i would say it was worth saving.
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I'm Fabulous.jpg
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it would help if Rory stood with her legs straight
but apparently she's knock-kneed

apparently none from the show
>tfw you actually want a beach episode
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i like streams too, mostly hearthstone.
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if it looks nice
Every sort of thing happens here, but primarily it's like a social square.
You get the assholes
the fags
the lewd perverts who are always horny
that one or two or three or five weirdos
the idiot
it's life in a thread, man. Party in public
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Jaja sorry for missing that post. Quite an interesting title, I approve! Later!
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Winners Work For Their Money.png
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>I watch documentaries while I'm occupied with something
I do too!
Particularly food documentaries, sometimes those ones about killers or whatever, and some about science, as well.

>Hearing people talk is what I like to hear too and white noise
I think hearing people talk is my favorite thing to take naps to, so I'll throw on some shitty science channel on YouTube and just crash to it.
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kek gotta fix that.

Goodnight princess!

True that. A hot chick is a hot chick lel. So whatcha up to?
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i can go to bed happy....good night everyone!!! sleep tight and sweet dreams
>especially you megumin~
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>mfw it pays to be a winner
>mfw the only easy day was yesterday
How it goin guys
>notice me
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I forgot about her
someone almost always keeps the thread alive at one point or another or makes a new one. I imagine there are other people in these threads that i haven't even seen because of that.

Goodnight Kagami!
>mfw it pays to be a winner
I believe I was mentioned.
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>ring the bell and you get warm coffee and donuts
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>I fucking hate /b/, if I'm being honest.
The thing about /b/ is that it's supposed to be random discussion about random thing, but every thread basically boils down to people competing to be the edgiest fuck around or trying to discredit the other as if it matters. Someone came in here the other day and asked why this thread has the least autistic people in it. We told him it was because in here people don't bitch about who's a faggot or who has the biggest dick but actually discuss stuff

also this >>683389306
My bad>>683389469
meant for>>683388718

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That would be a good help. We've had a hot springs ep, but not a beach one.
>probably next season
Id watch a food doco if the presenters werent all food snobs.
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Alright I'm sufficiently tired, goodnight everybody.
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This guy gets it.jpg
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though is seems some people figured it out
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Good night quads cow!
Holy shit my eyes are fucked.

Sorry m8 I meant >>683389551

Cthulu shall prey on your dreams and you will awaken a shriveled, hallowed husk of what once was you.
That's already happened, though, so you're probably okay.
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Koko 9.jpg
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Oh yeah, a long mothers day for me as well haha, did you like it?
Good, we're a couple of tuff guys then, hows it goin fellow tough guy?
Ooooo, I can't wait. But other than that how was your day?
>everyones kind
Whats wrong with beach episodes? they nice af bruh
I'm starting Clannad so just that, how was your day today?
I like it! I could see that sort of thing fitting well in the game your making :D
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winning in color.png
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Heya Pinky.

Ah, yeah.
>it's supposed to be random discussion about random thing
Always the same threads, though, usually. I suppose we contribute to that as well, but this is the only one that mildly interests me.
I spend my time on /an/, mostly.
Nobody's a dick when you're talking about your pets.
>'Cept for that one shitlord who posts pictures of dead animals constantly
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Join in. We're talking about BUD/s

>mfw being under the microscope
Don't get me wrong, I do think of greatly Shizuru, as you described, she has a personality which is more than just an embodiment of Trust and Virtue (Both conflicting due to Kotarou from time to time...)
But Akane just seems more level-headed to me.
I can appreciate the dream of an idealistic future, but it is not realistic, I'd rather have a more... ergonomic?... (I'm afraid my english fails me at this point, I do hope you get the point)
Solution than a (excuse my phrasing) pipe dream.
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Koko 11.jpg
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Sorry who are you? come again?
woah chek'd, that means peacefull sleaps moomer
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Winning Is My Favorite Sport.png
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no u

Ah, food snobs or not- I figure if anyone's going to lecture me on the culinary arts, it may as well be someone well-versed in them.

I do not know what that is.
Enlighten me?
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Nice leave holstaur

>confused face

Yeah. Went shopping and shit. Got her a $50 Godiva box
here's your (you)

(hey everyone)
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images (44).jpg
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Or they just figured that tightening everything makes things hot
>outfit is, what it does isnt
Thats still probably based of the knocked knees version.
It is possible to know about food and not sound as if your every word is chewed with disdain.
Best exit.
I don't watch streams as much. But usually it's a Pokémon or Dead Space one.
I try my best to get it to look nice. I'm terribly careful on my work.
Listen to documentaries to make me sleep. Which helps alot. Animal documentaries for me, rarely science ones. It quite something. jaja
Decent, didn't go out stayed home, ate pizza, then settled down to chill. Yours?
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fuck this Im out.gif
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gunna go to sleep because it's like 2:20 in the morning
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You're in for a treat man. Pretty good day, spent some time with my mom.

Meant to say get that one pixel fixed but I screwed everything up kek.

Sleep tight
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it goes. yourself?
then the wait will have worth
First one to notice me
You truly are a winner
Ill gladly talk about the navy
Until you finish clannad and after story continue to act like you dont know me
BUDS are special combat rates for the navy like seals and divers and high speed boat guys
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>not knowing BUD/s
ring the bell and leave your helmet by the other helmets that are lined up by the Bell please

Night walnut


Aw shit a real winner is here
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Thanks Koko, I do my best but cross-langual poetry isn't my strong suit

Which version did you think was best?

Well yeah, /b/ pretty much only exists out of self-repeating threads at the moment. But /waifu/ always has different stuff going on inside. I don't see amazing screencapped stuff coming from interracial porn threads and trap threads. That might actually happen but I don't hang around those threads but still I think it's unlikely. I don't remember how I first came here but I know I never left since and it's never been the same shit

> that one shitlord who posts pictures of dead animals constantly
I guess every board has at least one
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A New Winner Approaches.jpg
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Also a cute waifu who was absent, so I didn't mention in this post
(Don't think I didn't check tho)

Correct! Still, I don't mind. If I spent all of my time looking for a food doc without a food snob I'd be searching forever.

Animal docs are always nice, and you retain that information usually, weirdly enough. Or at least, I do. I know a bunch of unnecessary facts about animals, and I'll never use them ever.

>You truly are a winner
Of course.
Oh, thanks for the info on BUDS, too.
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Koko 12.jpg
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I triple dog dare you
Nice! Your a better son than I haha, I just wen't to my brother in law's moms house and slept on the couch
lmao fam
Sounds like my perfect day tbh haha
So far i'm liking it, on ep 2 now. and that sounds nice, pretty much did same, what are you up too now? besides posting?
same, how was your mothers day?
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I quite liked Akane if i'm honest, but her disregard for friendship and loyalty always put me off of her. I have a -slightly- hard time blaming her given circumstances, but i can't excuse it entirely.

As for the earth part, i think that they didn't have sufficient information to know it was the end or not. The only person who did was Kagari, and as i'm sure you know, she wasn't telling anybody.
Given that lack of info, I'd say -not- trying to end the world seems the better option.
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>no success like failure no failure like success
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Forgive me for being late to notice, I didn't sleep


I'll make that new bread guys

Why do you keep changing your filename?
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