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Waifu Claiming Thread >Insomniac edition The rules are simple:

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Thread replies: 179
Thread images: 151
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Waifu Claiming Thread
>Insomniac edition

The rules are simple:
>Claim your 2D waifu
>Discuss stuff

Spike Spiegel
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Kongou claimed!

How are we doing tonight??

>I think you have the wrong person in mind

Here I was thinking I'd have spooked you real good.
You didn't guess it was me at least u_u
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Spiciest claim in the world, bar none.
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I..I..I...stop..o..or else!

Blue is by far superior compared to Pinkerton and Blue is my personal favorite album of all well.

I win.
guy literally copy/pasted the link and failed
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What if we did opposite and posted our husbandos instead of waifus
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Syndra (91).jpg
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Yuno claim

That was a fast smoke
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Koko 1.jpg
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I know, I got a lot of cute cousins too :c
I think so, but im not really payin attention to the shirt :P what brand are your scales?
Thats true I didn't! haha, I was wondering who K was
2 spicy
Whatchya gunna do bout it?
>didn't post pic
u loose

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Oh shit oh shit I'm so sorry please don't cry.

Idk man, you should probably check them first.
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The master of disguise strikes again u_u I can be any one of these waifu anons at any time! You better watch yourself fufufu~
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Its never too late
My trips confirm for this thread now post husbandos (or waifu if you have a husbando)
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>master of disguise
>not on my level
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Koko 2.jpg
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Your acts of terrorism aint gonna spook me, ill never give in to your demands!
>Don't even know what they are
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>mfw it's not Jorge the taco man but actually Spike
Woah!! You're good...
Disguise as me then. Let's see if we can tell the difference.

But I don't have any
2 half American spirit light blue
It was also wet outside and internet was giving me trouble so i made it quick
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Koko 3.jpg
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Sheeeit, guess I gotta get a husbando. Lemme think
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Ah gotcha

Going to call it a night guys
Good night and remember, you have a heart of gold! Don't let them take it from you!
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I mean i dont really have a husbando but if i did it would be him
And im out of pictures so switching back to waifu
S..S..Sorry! Don't be mad, I only think nice things about you!

Tough, but smooth when I shed think darling knows more cause my skin needs care, not easy being snake XD
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My demands are quite simple...get my roommate to stop turning on the heater before bed so my room stops becoming a literal hotbox.

That's a good challenge... but I've I've stared down bigger things.
>Laughs evilly.
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I...I I will destroy you!

I am not crying you guys just caught me off guard!
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Here, sleep just hit me hard. I'm alright...
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Goodnight Yuno! Sleep well :)
Oooo luxurious! Are they Gucci?
What is she my grandma? 90 degrees and she could want the heater on, blanket, door closed. and still "theres a draft"
Id like to see it :)
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Don't sleep on me yet >~< I didn't even get to say hi...

To be honest that would be extremely hypocritical considering I used to have megumin as a waifu lol

Trust me I don't know why she does it but it kills me. Plus she always falls asleep after so if I get up to turn it off she wakes up and gets mad if I don't I die of heat stroke =~=
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Syndra (125).jpg
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sorry im late
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My ass is not fat!

I know you would but I guess it must wait until next time I must charge my power.

I am not mad Ms. Snek no worries here, I only think of you nicely. I think you are beautiful and powerful!
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Batman 1.jpg
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Sounds like you need batman, I could knock her out for you?

>Quick husbando claim of batman
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Koko 5.jpg
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>I know a senpai
Say what? How come?
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Croc. Little different but pretty when clean

Me too. Lets be good friend m'kay? Plus tiny yellow bow is adorable!
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Super tired. Cant wait to talk to you tomorrow guys.

Have a great nigh and sweet dreams waifu bros
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I mean.. whatever works o.o

Goodnight! sleep well n_n
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Koko 6.jpg
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Goodnight! Sleep well :)
Was that a pun? I hope you meant it to be :D
Are you okay? That coffee must be strong for you little girl, remember drink plenty of water and not too much caffeine.
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Kuma 06.jpg
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I use water to make coffee so its fine
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And then there were nine...
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Koko 9.jpg
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Batman does good work
night night

Maybe. Can't tell you all my secret puns.

B..But its no good!
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Made me laugh. Good one!

I've been meaning to ask, what are those accessories in your hair? n_n

I mean if history is any reference I suppose he does.
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Go to bed
>literally a nigger
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Syndra (107).jpg
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Koko 11.jpg
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Enjoy your cartoon wife kike
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My snake pins :D cute huh Got them from my mother, custom made.
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images (1).jpg
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Do you even sleep
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Koko 12.jpg
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>cartoon wife
>its a dude
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Chara claimed
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why not?
for you
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Adorable :) I couldn't help but notice is all.

Hey you!
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Syndra (67).jpg
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Should i?
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Sup Kongo? Not enough Chara in skype?
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You know that's not my name.. and hmmph.. maybe not.. keep the name thing up and I'll stop all together u_u
Look at your eyes!!! Drink more liquids okay?


He he he thank you. Love shrine outfit, can't wear 1 though :(
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You are here when I'm waking up
When I have a break at work
When I get off work
When I come back from shopping
And when I go to bed
Are you ever not here?
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Wew, that's rough. Not my style, but are you calling me your hero?
for you
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Hey you make your own style work n_n be proud of it! <3

>Nothing what's a motto with you?
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I-I'm sorry Kongou...
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Koko 30.jpg
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How ya gonna his at me?
I just realised...
Why the fuck does 4chins not have https?

Considering its rep, why would it not?
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That's better.. my burning love is burning bright again!
money issues
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Syndra (63).jpg
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Im always watching
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Can I even make your love burn more brightly?
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Am i missing something?
how do i force https?
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I already drink about 4 cups of coffee when i wake up though
nah i would never do that
>its a dude
Even worse, kys please
idk, what are you using?

im using chrome and 4chanx. Maybe that changes things?
Just teasing you. Why cover hair? You don't have to hide it.

I'll try, but snake body can cause tear and rips when not careful
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Hmm... If I can think of something you'll be the first to know!

That makes sense >~< Must be rough.. I hope it's not too much of a hinderance for you..
I can't allow such l-lewdness with coffee, take breaking or I'll take it!
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Kuma 17.jpg
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think of what?
what lewd?
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Koko 34.jpg
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Tis a cold one, but now I don't gotta :P
fixed it. Got https everywhere add-on.
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Look at that cold bitch Kongou just ignoring her beloved Chara >>681463443
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I misreplied to him >~< I'm sorry you two!

Was supposed to be for >>681463443
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Kongou Lurk.jpg
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>be on 4chan /b/'s /waifu/
>insults other waifu
>cant even get quads
Why live?
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kinda...I'll make it somehow, don't worry shrine maid senpai.

The way you drink, taste, eyes looking at it.. You can't do it anymore plzzzzz.
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Lurkmura (3).png
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Hello from the other side.
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fuck me two times off by one
alright, then let me know!
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Kuma 01.jpg
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Kuma 05.jpg
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I got so flustered I forgot to say Kuma, kuma.
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how else will i look this good?
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Oh I will!

n_n haha I know you will! I believe it.

Time to go and increase my folder size.. I will be right back!
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Y-Y-You mean thing..I care about your hair, I wish silver was on me too :<
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rip qbey.jpg
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Hey there Kuma.
I never meant to do that... but in some way it makes me happy that I did. Kuma.
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Kuma 10.jpg
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That's a whole new level of smug, kuma.
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>Time to go and increase my folder size.. I will be right back!
You won't be looking for lewds will you? q_q
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I wouldn't dare!
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Kuma 04.jpg
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Good grief. I thought you saw through my disguise and realized Kuma actually is someone else, kuma.
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QOTT: What is your greatest fear?
/waifu/ threads filled with newfags

holy shit this makes me crumble
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Homura (4).jpg
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Good, but in that case you don't need to abandon us... its lonely without your burning love.

We are both terrible at implying things, I did realize it. Up to anything?

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Syndra (59).jpg
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>goes to 4chan /b/'s /waifu/
>is a cringelord waifu claimer
>baws about newfags
Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
>but muh waifu
How can this be? I knew coffee was bad, but..well Mine are already decent size and never read of such things b-b-b-b-but it can't continue!

Okay. 'in thought'' Such cheerful smile
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Koko 36.jpg
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But red suits you so well! Its vibrant and alerts people :)
Disappointing people, I hate when I let people down, even if its not my fault
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Kuma 02.jpg
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Just posting some Kuma, kuma.
Got up way too early as you poi saw, kuma.
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Why you here cringe senpai?
>xD to enhance my non-existant argument
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SleepyHomu (8).jpg
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Some Kuma pics can be appreciated too.
This is not what I call early, its actually kinda late compared to what I have to wake up when im actually doing something. Kuma!
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im not gonna stop
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Abandonment. The people that I love and care for the most leaving me frightens me the most.
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Koko 7.jpg
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Thats one of mine too
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im the only one here is good enough to claim rikka chan. all you other weebs can fuck off, only i can abuse this little kawaii grill <3
I actually don't care what you said before, I just hate when people use that as a pseudo argument.
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Don't give up! People love you! I'm doc Mia and I say spent time with us! :)

Then I have no choice...
10/10 waifu's say you should kill yourself
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Homura (12).jpg
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Probably our entire race fears this, having love to give and not being able to do it or caring too much about someone and not knowing if they are alright are both incredibly painful things to go through.
lol stop taking urself so seriously haha xD
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Kuma 11.jpg
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Wha-, I got up at 2am or so... kuma.
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Koko 35.jpg
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Helloooooo nurse!
and i got le dank trips loool get rekt fags
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Where is left.jpg
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What the fuck you're still awake? I thought you had a nap or something... or you actually went to do something else instead of sleeping. You're not tired?
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>attempts to fix sleeping schedule
>ends up making it much much worse
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what are you going to do?
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Kuma 14.jpg
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I'm kinda tired, in fact kuma.
I meant to sleep until 4am at least, kuma.
But it can't be helped now kuma.

It will be fine if I can last till evening, kuma.
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Dont get so excited tomo
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k is for kite.jpg
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Haha everything okay? You seem preoccupied.. like somethings on your mind desu

I'm sorry I'm back now!
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Don't look at me with such Lewdness silver hairkun

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Koko 15.jpg
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this is like our song.png
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>It will be fine if I can last till evening, kuma.
Oh I see. You're at home so the 101 guide to staying awake should keep you up until evening.
>uplifting songs
>coffee if you're into it
>don't touch the flowers... the pollen will make you sleepy
>a quick shower is a great idea
>have me keeping you company
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well then write it
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Welcome back Kongou! I see you're starting to work on those filenames. K is for Knee took an arrow.
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Kuma 03.jpg
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Fufufu~ Kuma will be doing some of these, kuma.
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k is for kittens.jpg
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Woah you both need to calm down on these close gets.

Yep! Sure am n_n I think you'll be proud!
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I'm back for a little bit.
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I claim chitoge!
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comfy hugs.png
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Some... why not all of them? I forgot to say a hug whenever necessary. Thats one of the most important steps to staying awake.

>Woah you both need to calm down on these close gets.
No, the close gets need to calm down and let me enjoy my repeating integers.
>I think you'll be proud!
I get proud way too easily so that won't be a problem.
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Lurkmura (1).jpg
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Ohayo Kirino.
forgetting to click on ID's again...
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images (40).jpg
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No.Well..kinda I think my hair is okay, but this silver hair man has 'bisssss'

Wait! I'm not ready..please look other way Silverkun

Well.....................>.< I gonna wrap my body around you and squeeze r-really hard if you don't stop this instant!
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i fell asleep while i was typing my goodnight message last night kek
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But, that sounds very nice in actuality. Snuggling you wouldn't be so bad.
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k is for kink.jpg
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Hey you n_n how are you?

Haha well maybe beg for some more and you'll get them next time! and good u_u I like impressing people.

Your hair is very cute! Don't let koko get to you.. they're just teasing you.
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Kuma 07.jpg
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Kuma doesn't mind, kuma.
Maybe all of them, kuma.
I heard you ran away cause Raku has feeling for korsaki but you never heard what he said after with Suu.
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1 MB, 944x1137

I slept pretty well, but now it's raining really hard and I have to go to work...
File: Syndra (27).jpg (130 KB, 500x314) Image search: [Google]
Syndra (27).jpg
130 KB, 500x314

Get your ass to school
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256 KB, 1000x1391
my fingers hurt

File: Homura (10).jpg (55 KB, 545x800) Image search: [Google]
Homura (10).jpg
55 KB, 545x800
>k is for kink
You're good at doing what you like. Lemme see if I can think of something else.
K is for Karma is a bitch.
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2 MB, 480x270
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Koko 16.jpg
71 KB, 1280x720
>not gonna
Heya! How goes it?
File: Lurking(7).png (21 KB, 254x74) Image search: [Google]
21 KB, 254x74
>click all squares with street signs
>one sign takes up all squares
>click all squares
>click all squares with pizza
File: k is for kitchen.jpg (145 KB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
k is for kitchen.jpg
145 KB, 1920x1080
Work isn't fun... Stay here with me instead! :)

Haha I like to think I'm decent at it at this point but hey that's one I don't have :)
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361 KB, 500x217
So whats been happening
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Homura (5).jpg
24 KB, 480x480
You don't? Does that mean we can turn this thread into a hugbox?
>I guess you don't have Kuma heart pics, can't get my rush yet

Hello shrimp.

Internet still shitty, can't even upload pic.

Good to know you're still alive Tats.
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34 KB, 600x400
He he I guess so

Maybe. My hair isn't pretty like yours and Silverkun, I should dye it!

Go to sleep.
File: Kuma 08.jpg (1 MB, 1680x977) Image search: [Google]
Kuma 08.jpg
1 MB, 1680x977
Marriage Kuma not good enough, kuma~?

I wish I could...
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298 KB, 590x450
File: MarryMura.jpg (60 KB, 850x765) Image search: [Google]
60 KB, 850x765
Marriage Kuma is perfect for that, but you already used those pics :<
The more I get the more I want.
Hey! i am playing lots of osu, naturally wrist really hurts and my fingers are a little blue.
How about you ?
TATS, its the real you, i clicked on that really hoping its the real you, did not dissapoint.
What are ya doing here so early ?

onodera is best grill. chitogge is a fucking gorilla u sick animal lover
assisted sucide is a crime you know...
Thread replies: 179
Thread images: 151

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